9. The former Congregational Church, which Charles Ingalls and other townsfolk helped to build in De Smet in 1882, is now the De Smet Alliance Church.
10. U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2008–2012. Mansfield is number 55 on the list of 100 poorest towns. Figures on median income are included in this study.
11. The Laura Ingalls Wilder Home Association of Mansfield received $200,000 from Community Facilities Loans and Grants, Rural Housing Service, Wright County, Missouri, September 30, 2010, Department of Agriculture: https://projects.propublica.org/recovery/locale/missouri/wright/dept/1200.
12. See John C. Hudson, “Agriculture,” Encyclopedia of the Great Plains, http://plainshumanities.unl.edu/encyclopedia/doc/egp.ag.001.
13. As John Wesley Powell predicted, average farm size in the United States has grown, to around 440 acres in 2015, while the number of farms has dropped by half, from more than four million in 1880 to just over two million currently. “Farms and Land in Farms: 2015 Summary,” U.S. Department of Agriculture, February 2016, p. 4; http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/usda/current/FarmLandIn/FarmLandIn-02-18-2016.pdf. For the total number of farms in the U.S. in 1880, see “Statistics of Agriculture,” in Report on the Productions of Agriculture, Tenth Census, June 1, 1880, p. ix.
14. Betsy Blaney, “Parts of Some Plains States Drier Than Dust Bowl,” Santa Fe New Mexican (AP), May 11, 2014, p. C-5. Scientific studies predict “megadrought” due to climate change, which is expected to affect southern California, the American southwest, and the Plains states within the next few decades; see, for example, Benjamin I. Cook, Toby R. Ault, and Jason Smerdon, “Unprecedented 21st Century Drought Risk in American Southwest and Central Plains,” Science Advances, vol. 1, no. 1 (February 12, 2015).
15. USDA Economic Research Service, “Farm Household Income (Historical),” https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-economy/farm-household-well-being/farm-household-income-historical/.
16. Bren Smith, “Don’t Let Your Children Grow Up to Be Farmers,” New York Times, August 9, 2014.
17. RWL to Mrs. Davis, February 10, 1966. De Smet Collection.
18. LIW to G. E. Mallery, March 12, 1930. De Smet Collection.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Laura Ingalls Wilder: LIW
Rose Wilder Lane: RWL
Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer
Adams, Henry
African Americans
“Agrarian Justice” (Paine)
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Agriculture Department (USDA)
Albany Knickerbocker
Alden, Edwin H.
Alexander, Margaret
Alhambra, The (Irving)
“Ambition” (LIW)
America First
American Civil Liberties Union
American Electoral College, The (MacBride)
American Federation of Labor
American Food Journal
American Historical Association
American Home Missionary Society
American Library Association
American Relief Administration
American Telephone and Telegraph
Anderson, Sherwood
Anderson, William
Angus and the Ducks (Flack)
Anthony, Susan B.
Anti-Capitalist Mentality (von Mises)
Armenian genocide
Arngrim, Alison
“As a Farm Woman Thinks” (LIW)
Athenian Club
Atlantic Monthly
Austen, Jane
Austin, Nava
Bambi (Chambers and Wiese)
Bank of Mansfield
Bard, Josef
Barnaby Rudge (Dickens)
Barry, Anna
Barton, A.C.
Baum, L. Frank
Beatty, Elizabeth
“Behind the Headlight” (RWL)
Bell, Alexander Graham
Bell, Florence
Bender, Kate
Bernhardt, Sarah
Big Jerry (French-Indian man)
Big Woods. See also Pepin, Wisconsin
Birth of a Nation, The (film)
Black, Jack
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon (West)
Bloody Benders
“Blue Bead, The” (RWL)
Boast, Ella
Boast, Robert
Boelter, John
Boelter, Justina
bonanza farms
Boone, Daniel
Boone, John William “Blind”
Bouchie, Charles
Bouchie, Clarence
Bouchie, Louis
Bouchie, Martha
Bouchie, Oliv
Bouchie, Ruby
Bouchie, Tommy
“Bouquet of Wild Flowers, A” (LIW)
Boylston, Helen “Troub”
Brandt, Carl
Brastow, Virginia
Bride of Lammermoor, The (Scott)
Brody, Catherine
Brookings County Press
Brown, Rev. Edward
Brown, Helen Gurley
Brown, Ida
Brown, James Oliver
Brown County Historical Society
Browning, Norma Lee
Bryan, William Jennings
Bryant, William Cullen
Buce, Bertha
Buce, Caroline
Burns, Ken
Burr, Jane
Burr Oak, Iowa
Bye, Arlene
Bye, George T.
Byron, Lord
By the Shores of Silver Lake (LIW)
chronological gap and
Cakes and Ale (Maugham)
Caldwell, Erskine
Call of the Wild, The (London)
Camp Release
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
Capote, Truman
Capp, Al
Capper, Arthur
Carnegie, Andrew
Carpenter, Charles (uncle)
Carpenter, Joseph Quiner (cousin)
Carpenter, Julia Gage
Carpenter, Martha Quiner (aunt)
Carrier, Martha Ingalls Allen
Carrigan, Minnie Buce
Carter, Jimmy
Case, John
Cather, Charles
Cather, Jenny
Cather, Willa
Catlin, George
Catt, Carrie Chapman
Census Bureau
Century Farms
Chamberlain, Neville
Chaplin, Charlie
Charlie Chaplin’s Own Story (RWL)
Cherokee Indians
Cheyenne Indians
Great Fire
World’s Fair
Chicago & North Western Railway
Chicago Tribune
Child, Albert
Chipley, William D.
Choctaw Indians
Christian Science Monitor
Cindy (RWL)
Citizens for Goldwater
Civilian Conservation Corps
civil rights
Civil War
Civil Works Administration
Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914)
Clemens, Jane Lampton
Cleveland, Betsy
Cleveland, Grover
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Cocoanuts, The (film)
Coday, Blanche
Cody, Buffalo Bill
Confederate Army
Confidence-Man, The (Melville)
Conqueror, Th
e (songbook)
“Constantly Increasing Wonders, The” (RWL)
Cooley, Emma
Cooley, Frank
Cooley, George
Cooley, Paul
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, James Fenimore
Costain, Thomas
Country Gentleman
Country Life Commission
“Courage” (RWL). See Let the Hurricane Roar
Coxey, Jacob S.
Coxey, Legal Tender
Coxey’s Army
Cradle Will Rock, The (musical)
Craig, Ella
Craig, Jeff
Craig, Noah Jefferson
Crane, Jasper
Crazy Horse
“Credo” (RWL)
Creek Indians
Crook, George
Cushman, Dr.
Custer, George Armstrong
Cut Nose
Dakota Boom
“Dakota Cyclone, The” (Gage)
Dakota Farmer
Dakota Indians
Dakota Loan & Investment Company
Dakota Territory. See also De Smet; Silver Lake
Baum and
bonanza farms and
drought and
exodus of 1890–95
farming difficulties in
Homestead Act and
Indian protests of 1970s
Ingalls move to
LIW’s depiction of
LIW’s property in
LIW’s visits of 1930s
Ozark land vs.
RWL on
statehood and
winters and
women and
Dakota War of 1862
Dakota War Whoop (McConkey)
Dark Laughter (Anderson)
Darrow, Clarence
Davis, Adelle
Davis, John
Davis, Nannie
Davis, Oliver B.
Day, Clarence
Declaration of Independence
Delano, Margaret (great-grandmother)
Dell, Floyd
DeMille, Cecil B.
Democratic Party
depressions. See Great Depression; Panic of 1837; Panic of 1873; Panic of 1893–94
De Smet, Father Pierre-Jean
De Smet, South Dakota. See also Silver Lake
50th anniversary of
LIW’s visits of 1930s
LIW visits dying father in
Williams visits
winter of 1880–81
De Smet Cemetery
De Smet Leader
De Smet News
De Smet school
Detroit Book Fair (1937)
Detroit Library Commission
Dickens, Charles
Discovery of Freedom, The (RWL)
“Ditty on Poverty, A” (Samuel Ingalls)
“Diverging Roads” (RWL)
Dix, Dorothy
Dixon, Thomas
“Do It with All Your Might” (LIW)
“Don’t Let Your Children Grow Up to Be Farmers” (Smith)
Douglass, Frederick
Dow, Grace Ingalls (sister)
Dow, Nate
Dreiser, Theodore
Drought Relief Service
Dust Bowl
Eastern Star
Eastman, Max
Edmonds, Walter D.
“Ed Monroe, Man-Hunter” (RWL)
Education of Henry Adams, The
“Eldorado” (Poe)
of 1860
of 1887
of 1892
of 1896
of 1912
of 1916
of 1924
of 1925
of 1928
of 1932
of 1936
of 1972
of 1976
of 1980
El Niños
Emancipation Proclamation
Embargo Act (1809)
Embroidery Club
Enbridge pipeline
Endecott, John
Erd, Frank
Ernst, Morris L.
Evans, Ernestine
Facts About Florida
Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)
Fantastic City, The (Brastow)
Fargo Times
Farmer Boy (LIW)
Farmers Alliance
Farmers and Merchants Bank
“Farm Home, The” (LIW)
Farm Loan Association
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Communications Commission
federal deposit insurance
Federal Farm Loan Act (1916)
Federal Reserve Act (1913)
Federal Surplus Relief Corporation
Federal Theatre Project (FTP)
Federal Trade Commission Act (1914)
Fellman, Anita Clair
Fern, Fanny (Sara Willis)
Feuchtwanger, Lion
Fiery, Marion
“Fire-Worshippers, The” (Moore)
First Four Years, The (“First Three Years,” LIW)
Fite, Gilbert C.
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew (Sidney)
Flack, Marjorie
Floweret, The (poetry book)
Forbes, Docia Ingalls (aunt)
Forbes, Eugene (cousin)
Forbes, Hiram
Forbes, Lena (cousin)
Ford, Ford Madox
Ford, Gerald
Ford, Henry
“Forgotten Man” (RWL)
Foster, Stephen
Fountainhead, The (Rand)
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke
Frederick the Great
Freedom School
“Free Land” (RWL)
Freeman, George
Freemasons. See also Eastern Star
Free Soil movement
Friedman, Milton
Friendly, Ed
closing of
Frost, Robert
Fujin Asahi (Japanese journal)
Fuller, Charleton
Fuller, Gerald
Gable, Clark
Gage, Helen Leslie
“Garden of Proserpine, The” (Swinburne)
Garfield, James A.
Garland, Cap
Garland, Charlotte
Garland, Florence
Garland, Hamlin
Garland, Harriet
Garland, Margaret
Garland, Richard
Garrett, Garet
Geiger, Robert
Gentry, Helen
German immigrants
Ghost in the Little House, The (Holtz)
Gibson, Isaac
Gift Book Program (Japan)
Gilbert, Melissa
Gilbert, Stella
“Give Me Liberty” (RWL)
Godey’s Lady’s Book
God of the Machine, The (Paterson)
Goebbels, Joseph
Gold Rush
Goldsmith, Oliver
gold standard
Good Housekeeping
Gordon Party
Grafly, Charles
Grafton, Samuel
“Grandpa’s Fiddle” (RWL)
Grange Halls
Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck)
grasshoppers. See locusts and grasshoppers
Great Depression
Great Hinckley Fire (1894)
Great Plains. See prairie
Great Sioux Reservation
Greeley, Horace
Green Acres (TV show)
Green Grow the Lilacs (Riggs)
Green Mountain Boys, The (Thompson)
Griffith, D.W.
Griggs, Charlotte
Gustafson, Gustaf
hrie, Woody
Hader, Berta Hoerner
Hader, Elmer
Hansel and Gretel (Haders)
Harding, Warren G.
Hard Rope, Chief
Harper’s Magazine
Hartley, Jim
Hartwig, Dr. G.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hearst, William Randolph
Hearst’s International-Cosmopolitan
Heikes, Lena E.
Henry Ford’s Own Story (RWL)
Henry VIII (Shakespeare)
“Here’s the Farm Loan Plan” (LIW)
He Was a Man (RWL)
Hill-Billy (RWL)
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan
His Girl Friday (film)
History of the Conquest of Mexico (Prescott)
History of the Standard Oil Company (Tarbell)
Hitler, Adolf
Hoerner, Berta. See Hader, Berta
Holbrook, Charlotte “Lottie” (aunt)
Holbrook, Charlotte Quiner (grandmother)
Holbrook, Frederick (second husband of Charlotte Quiner)
Holiday House
Holtz, William
Homestead Act (1862)
Homestead Steel strike
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
Horn Book, The
Hospers, John
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Howard, Angelina (niece)
Howard, Laura Wilder (sister-in-law)
Hoyt, Dr. Robert
Hugo, Victor
Huleatt, Thomas
Hull, Cordell
Hussein, Saddam
“I, Rose Wilder Lane, Am the Only Truly HAPPY Person” (RWL)
“If I Could Live My Life Over Again” (RWL)
Illinois Staats-Zeitung
“Immoral Woman” (RWL)
In Cold Blood (Capote)
“Inconveniences of the Farm Home” (Flournoy)
Independence, Kansas
Independence Day
Independent Fifth Reader
Indian Removal Act (1830)
Indians. See also specific tribes
Indian Territory
Ingalls, Amanda (daughter of Jedediah)
Ingalls, Caroline Celestia (sister). See Swanzey, Caroline
Ingalls, Caroline Lake Quiner (mother)
births of children
births of LIW’s children and
books and
daughter Mary’s blindness and
death of
death of Charles and
family background of
health problems of
homesteading and
letters to LIW
Little House TV show and LIW’s depictions of
LIW’s move to Missouri and
marriage to Charles Ingalls
Martha Carpenter on
Masons and
religion and
RWL and
self-reliance and
Ingalls, Charles Frederick “Freddy” (brother)
Ingalls, Charles Phillip (father)
Almanzo and
birth and youth of
births of children and
Bloody Benders and
Prairie Fires Page 76