Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers

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Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers Page 5

by N. J. Walters

  and reporting got done.

  "Plausible, except both times someone else was involved. Someone with money and


  Sophia ignored the dip in her stomach and the shortness of her breath as Zane

  turned her hand over and stroked the sensitive pads of her palm. "Who?"

  "Lucian Dalakis."

  She froze, her blood running cold as she remembered the two words she'd found on

  the note with the body last night. "What did you say?" She could feel all the blood

  draining from her face.

  "Delight Deveraux is now Delight Dalakis. She married him soon after the


  "Maybe that's coincidence." As a reporter, she had to stay objective, but she knew

  that Zane was right. There was a connection and it wasn't a good one.

  Zane tilted his head to one side, studying her. "Maybe. But Sam Cassidy, the

  detective in charge of both cases, recently quit the police force. You want to guess who

  he works for now?"

  It was easy to connect the dots. "Lucian Dalakis." She'd have to find out everything

  there was to know about the man and his family. Maybe they were involved, or maybe,

  like her, they were being pulled into a deadly game against their will. If she hadn't

  taken the note last night, the police would already be questioning Mr. Dalakis.

  "That's right." Zane's grip on her hand tightened. His face looked grim. "And not

  just Lucian, but the Dalakis family. There are three brothers, but only two of them,

  Lucian and Stefan, live in the United States. The eldest, Cristofor, lives with his wife in


  "Transylvania!" She knew she sounded like a parrot, but she couldn't help it. That

  was just too unbelievable. Sophia shivered, but it had nothing to do with being cold.

  Her mind was conjuring up all kinds of connections. Janice Barton's blood had been

  drained from her body. She shook her head, unbelieving.

  Zane sighed, his expression tight. "Did I mention that they're all vampires?"

  "That's insane." She pulled her hand away from him. "Maybe they're involved in

  some way. Maybe some kind of cult or ritual killing." She knew her voice was getting

  louder and shriller, but she couldn't stop it. Vampires! She might not be from Louisiana

  originally, but she'd lived here since she was sixteen. She knew all about the local

  superstitions and beliefs, but she wasn't buying it.

  Not for one second.

  Chapter Four

  Zane watched the color drain from Sophia's face, which was a feat in and of itself

  considering that she'd already been pale. She jumped to her feet, jarring the table and

  tipping the bottle of soda that sat there. Only his quick reflexes allowed him to catch the

  bottle and right it before the sticky liquid spilled everywhere.

  Slowly Zane got to his feet and held his hand out to her. She ignored it and began to

  pace. "You're crazy, you know that?" There was only room for her to take about six

  paces. She turned when she got to the wall. "You're from New York, not New Orleans.

  Besides that, you're a cop. You know better than to believe in mythical monsters."

  "It's not myth, but fact." He hesitated, trying to figure out a way to prove it to her

  without scaring her. "I've seen things in my lifetime." Some of them he'd do anything

  to forget. He shook off the dark memory and focused on Sophia.

  "Like what?" She skidded to a stop and crossed her arms over her chest, tapping

  her slipper against the hardwood floor. The look in her eye told him he was on thin ice

  and about five seconds from being tossed out of her apartment and probably her life as

  well. His gut clenched at the mere thought. He wouldn't allow that to happen.

  Something was happening between them, some sort of connection he'd never felt before

  and he damn well wasn't going to lose it until he figured out exactly what it meant.

  He sauntered over to her. One of her feet slid backward, but she stopped herself

  from backing away and held her ground. He was ridiculously pleased with her show of

  courage even though he knew it had nothing to do with him. When he stopped, he was

  so close to her that the toes of his boots were brushing against the black noses of her

  puppy-dog slippers. He could feel the heat of her body, smell the sweet scent of woman

  and vanilla mixed with the mouthwatering aroma of tomato sauce and cheese.

  What man could resist?

  Leaning down, he watched as her lashes fluttered, brushing against her cheekbones.

  When he pressed his lips against hers, she gave a slight whimper of need that set his

  heart pounding. Her hands flattened against the hard planes of his stomach as if she

  might shove him away.

  He wasn't ready to be pushed away just yet. Flicking his tongue along the seam of

  her lips, he traced it back and forth until they parted on a gasp. Taking his time, he

  snaked his tongue inside for the briefest of tastes before retreating.

  Her fingers curled into his shirt.

  Over and over, he played the game of advance and retreat until Sophia had parted

  her lips wide for him and they were both gasping for air. Never had he tasted anything

  quite so fine in his life. Her particular flavor was marked by the spicy food she'd eaten,

  but was tinged with a sweetness that was all woman and uniquely Sophia.

  She moaned and plunged her tongue into his mouth. This time it was his turn to

  groan as he sucked her tongue deeper. It was just a kiss. That's what he kept telling

  himself as his body pulsed with a driving need. He was as affected as she was by the

  simple caress. Heat suffused his body, making his clothing feel way too constricting and


  Her nails dug into his chest. He wasn't sure if she was trying to hold him closer or

  push him away. The kiss might have moved to a whole other level if he hadn't felt the

  shift in his own body, the warning that things could get out of hand quickly if he didn't

  get control.

  Gripping her forearms in his hands, he eased her away from him, breaking the kiss.

  Their lips clung for the briefest of seconds as if neither of them wanted the kiss to end.

  Zane swore inwardly even as he continued to push her away. It was for her own safety.

  "Well," she began, running her fingers through her short hair. Her chest was rising

  and falling quickly as she sucked in much-needed air and attempted to calm herself. He

  could see the flutter of her pulse in her neck and it drew him. He wanted to run his

  tongue over the pulsing vein, feel the life coursing through her body. "That wasn't very

  professional." She narrowed her gaze. "For either of us."

  Her cheeks were tinged red, partly from embarrassment and partly from the scrape

  of the stubble on his jaw. Seems she had very sensitive skin. He'd have to remember

  that. "Not professional." Unable to resist, he leaned down and nuzzled her neck,

  stroking his tongue across the irresistible pulse at the base. "Necessary," he whispered

  as he forced himself to back away.

  She gave a small laugh. "Maybe from your perspective, but from mine, it's just a

  complication." Putting some distance between them, she started to scuff back to her


  That she could turn her back on him and just walk away from what had just

  occurred between them filled him with unreasonable anger. His body was vibrating

h a hunger that only she could assuage. The only thing that would stop the relentless

  need streaking through his blood would be to take her, claim her as his. His teeth ached,

  he wanted her so badly.

  He knew on one level that she was absolutely correct. They needed to keep this

  strictly professional. But as a man, he wanted her to acknowledge the connection

  between them. His baser animal instincts were screaming at him to claim her, to mark

  her as his so that any other man who even looked at her would know that she was

  taken, that she belonged to him. Somehow he knew that was true. It was there. He

  could feel it in the very marrow of his bones.

  This woman was his.

  He didn't think or he might never have done what he did. It changed everything

  and complicated an already tangled situation.

  Grabbing her arm, he spun her around to face him. She appeared more annoyed

  than frightened, which was good. "You want to know how I know vampires are real?"

  "Sure." She shrugged. He could tell she was humoring him. He'd been holding on

  to his temper and his patience by a thread and when she shrugged at him, that thin

  thread snapped.

  As if sensing the change in him, she tried to move away. But it was already too late

  for her, too late for him. He moved steadily forward, forcing her to move backward

  until her back hit the wall. There was nowhere for her to go.

  Sweat pooled beneath his shirt. His flesh felt as if it was on fire. He shook his head,

  trying to regain some sense of control, but it seemed to have vanished in an onslaught

  of need. His cock throbbed, and as he lowered his head toward her, he caught a whiff of

  arousal emanating from Sophia. She wasn't as unmoved as she wanted him to believe.

  She might be able to put on a brave face and pretend there was nothing between them,

  but her body didn't lie.

  "So tell me," she all but taunted. He could hear the slight quaver in her voice, see

  the bravado in her face. Immediately, he felt remorse. He didn't want to frighten her.

  What the hell was wrong with him? He took a deep breath and struggled for control.

  He almost had himself back on an even keel when she blew it all to hell again by

  adding, "Then you can get the hell out of my apartment."

  The beast within him surged to life. This was his mate and he could not deny it any

  longer. Could not let her deny it.

  "How do I know?" He placed his hands flat on the wall on either side of her head

  and his thighs on either side of hers, effectively caging her with his arms and his legs.

  He could feel his eyes changing and knew that they were beginning to glow.

  Sophia's heart was pounding against his chest. "Stop it." She pushed against him,

  but he wouldn't be moved.

  He ignored her struggles and lowered his gaze until he captured hers. She froze as

  he began to smile, exposing his sharp fangs. "I am one."

  Sophia wanted to scream, but couldn't make her throat work. There was no breath

  in her lungs. It was if Zane's words had sucked all the air from the room. She didn't

  believe it. Wouldn't believe it. Yet it was there before her very eyes.

  She might pass off the red glow in his eyes as a trick of the light, but those teeth...

  She shuddered. Those teeth could not be denied. They'd elongated, growing down past

  his lower lip.

  Her legs trembled and she felt lightheaded. Sweat trickled down her temple. Goose

  bumps raced down her arms. She shivered as a chill racked her body.

  She brought her knee upward and shoved at his shoulder at the same time. She

  didn't think about it. She just did it. Zane easily avoided her knee and pressed his body

  more firmly against hers. Bringing her right hand up, she swung at him. At the last

  possible second, he shifted, keeping his head out of the path of her fist. Grabbing both

  her hands with his, he held them over her head.

  The fight was over before it had really begun. Sophia knew she didn't have the skill

  or the strength to defeat a man like Zane. Closing her eyes, she shuddered. A picture of

  Janice Barton's body flashed in her brain. Was this what happened to the poor young

  girl? Had Zane overpowered her with his strength or had he seduced her and then

  drained her body?

  Even as she thought it, her instincts were screaming in denial. In spite of her terror,

  in spite of her disbelief, she knew somewhere deep inside her that Zane wasn't a

  murderer. Yes, she felt he was more than capable of killing someone without an ounce

  of remorse. But he would only kill to protect himself or someone weaker. How she

  knew this, she didn't know, but the knowledge was there all the same.

  Even now, she realized that he wasn't hurting her, and at no time had he hurt her.

  Yes, his large hands were wrapped around her wrists, but he held her loosely, his

  fingers stroking her skin. His massive body was pressed against hers. She could feel his

  arousal against her stomach, but he simply held himself there. This was a man who was

  keenly aware of his strength.

  "Shh," he soothed. "I won't hurt you. I would never hurt you."

  It was only when he spoke that she realized she'd let out a small whimper, part

  fear, part arousal. His words washed over her shivering body, warming her. She found

  herself believing him.

  What was wrong with her?

  She tugged gently and he released her right hand and then her left. He eased his

  body away and she found that she missed his heat. Okay, she could deal with this. She

  was a sensible woman and she'd get to the bottom of this.

  "So." She licked her dry lips. Big mistake. His gaze went straight to her mouth and

  his eyes began to glow again. Thankfully his fangs had receded. "You're a vampire?"

  Zane shivered and turned away, sucking in a deep breath before facing her again.


  Now what? She had a million questions, but why would she even ask them?

  Nobody would ever believe her. She still didn't really believe it herself. "So this is like

  Interview with a Vampire?" She shook her head, feeling as if she'd fallen into an Anne

  Rice novel.

  "No. This is very real."

  "Prove it." She needed more than just glowing eyes and fangs to convince her.

  Maybe he was one of those Goth guys who got off on pretending to be a vampire. Or

  maybe he was some kind of magician or illusionist.

  Suddenly, he took a step away from her. She hadn't realized he'd actually been

  holding up her body. The lack of sleep, hunger and shock had all taken their toll on her

  and she felt herself sliding down the wall.

  Zane swore, snatching her up into his arms as if she weighed nothing. The man was

  built. Shaking her head to clear it, she sensed him moving swiftly. "I'm all right. Just not

  enough sleep or food."

  "It's my fault. I shocked you unnecessarily, and for that I am sorry." He lowered

  her and she felt the cushions of the loveseat beneath her. Zane looked totally disgusted

  and she knew that it was himself he was upset with.

  "No big deal. It's not every day a girl gets to meet something straight out of legend

  and myth." For some reason that made the corners of his mouth twitch upward.

  "What's so funny?"

  He shook his head as he pulled off her slippers and tossed them aside before

  reaching out
and snagging the blanket from the back of the chair and carefully laying it

  over her. "I felt the same way when I first saw you."

  Her forehead wrinkled as she tried to understand. "I don't get it."

  He stood over her, watching her carefully. "You reminded me of a fairy is all. Your

  hair, your build." He shrugged.

  The big bad cop looked embarrassed. If she wasn't mistaken, he was blushing. It

  made him seem more human somehow, less like a threat.

  "I should go." Even as he said the words, he made no move to leave.

  The heat that had been overshadowed momentarily by the fear surged back,

  suffusing her body with a need so great she almost groaned. "What are you doing to

  me?" She had to know if this was some kind of vampire thrall. Couldn't they do that?

  But, then again, maybe he was a hypnotist. Her logical mind struggled to find

  reasonable answers to explain what she'd seen.

  "What do you mean?" His eyes narrowed as he studied her.

  "This--" She broke off, not sure exactly how to put it without embarrassing herself.

  She shifted uncomfortably against the cushions, trying to ignore the surge of heat

  between her thighs. "This sexual need. It's not normal for me." His eyes widened at her

  candor and a slow smile lit his face. The man really was incredibly handsome.

  "I thought it was something you did. Maybe some fairy magic." The humor left his

  face as he eased himself down onto the sofa beside her. "I feel it too. I've never felt this

  way about a woman before."

  "Really?" She knew she sounded skeptical, but really, he was absolutely gorgeous

  and exuded a raw sex appeal that would instantly attract women. And she

  was...well...ordinary at best, strange at worst. Not many men over the years had been

  attracted to a slender, flat-chested redhead. "It's not some kind of trick or illusion?"

  Would he even tell her the truth?

  He reached out and gently pushed a short lock of hair from her forehead. "Really.

  The power of it knocked me off guard and made me lose control. There's no excuse for

  the way I frightened you." His eyes looked so sad, she wanted to cry. "You're the last

  person in the world I want to fear me. I feel a connection to you." He picked up her

  hand and placed it flat on his chest before laying his hand over her heart. "I don't know


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