Three of a Kind

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Three of a Kind Page 2

by K. T. Red

  I place a hand on her stomach and I feel the throbs of her orgasm deep inside her core. I soften my licking and kissing to help her climb down. She places a hand on her chest as it rises and falls, her breathing slowly beginning to return to normal. Giving her pulsating sex one last soft kiss, I sit up and lasciviously lick my fingers.

  “Mmmm. Delicious, tasty girl juice.” I smile down at her, licking my lips as she lies there, gasping for breath.

  She has a very satisfied grin on her face as she stretches on the black leather. “You said you were going to warm me up - not set me on fire!” She gives a big sigh. “Oh my word, Sarah! That was absolutely fantastic.” Then she looks close to tears.

  “Don’t you dare cry on me!”

  “It’s’s our last time.” She takes a deep breath.

  “I know. Which is why we just have to make the most of the time we have left and go out with a bang - a fucking big bang in the MD’s sanctuary!” I lean forward and kiss her, pulling her up and leaning back so she ends up lying on top of me with her head resting on my breasts. “No regrets, Annie. Life’s too short.” I kiss the top of her head, stroking her hair. She’s right though. It is a shame. A great shame. “Here and now, Annie, here and now.”

  Chapter Four

  Her hands rest on my shoulders as she nuzzles my breasts, kissing and licking them. One hand joins her, stroking as her pink tongue licks and sucks my nipple into a firm bud. “I love your breasts, your white flesh and the way your nipples go as hard as bullets.” Her mouth covers as much of my nipple and aureole as she can manage, her tongue circling quite effectively.

  I lower my hands from her hair, tracing the bones of her spine as I weave my way through them to find that peach of an ass. I give it a friendly, encouraging squeeze as she licks and sucks my nipple. Mirroring my earlier action, she parts my thighs with a knee and presses my mound. I gaze around the room, smirking to myself as Annie kisses, strokes and fondles me.

  I reach down, raise my hips and pull my panties down - just as Annie takes full advantage and pushes two fingers inside me. For someone who looks as angelic as she does, she can be deceptively - and delightfully - dirty! I guess that makes us two of a kind. Her thumb presses my clit as she slowly thrusts two - no three! - fingers inside. “Mmmmm....nice...” I sigh as she continues to finger-fuck me with amazing dexterity.

  Her tongue continues to lick and flick in total synch with her finger movements. Sitting up, she removes her fingers, licking them briefly before pressing her hand over my entire pussy. Cupping me, the heel of her hand sits nicely on my engorged clit and she grinds it hard. The naughty girl knows exactly what this does to me and I squeal with delight as a quick orgasm hits me, juices flowing from me on to her hand.

  “Oh.....Annie! You beautiful bad, bad girl!” I groan as deep throbs burst within me.

  She leans forward and places her lips by my ear. “I’m not finished yet!” and she carries on pressing and grinding my clit, bringing me to another climax. She sits up, watching me intently as she keeps pushing me to orgasm. Annie likes to pace herself and have one big orgasm, satisfied with the one big release. I’m altogether a different creature. I like orgasm after orgasm after orgasm, as many as possible. One after another after another until my brain - and sex - feels like it can’t take any more.

  My thighs grip her hand as she keeps it where it does the most good - or rather bad! Every time she presses, I gasp as another orgasm approaches. Throwing my head back, I groan into the air as the constant stream of ecstasy becomes almost unbearable. I don’t know when one orgasm ebbs and another one starts. I’m almost in a state of unfathomable delirium. It’s too much. “Annie.....please.....too much....”

  She moves her hand away and takes it between her own legs. I place my hand on top of hers as she strokes herself. I gasp with joyful shock as she throws her head back and groans, quickly climaxing again, shuddering. She laughs and smiles at me. “It was just too much for me too - watching you repeatedly come and feeling your pussy throb under my hand. It turned me on so fucking much, knowing that it was me doing that to you. I almost had an orgasm just watching!”

  I’ve calmed down enough for rational thought. I grab her hand. “Come with me.” Untangling from each other, I almost run over to Emil’s large penis-extension of a desk and throw myself into his leather reclining chair. Leaning back into the luxurious - and no doubt very expensive - black leather, I dangle one leg over an arm and raise the other one, bending it to rest on his desk. “Well, Annie - what do you think?” I ask, raising my eyebrows and my tongue licking my lips.

  Annie roars with laughter and claps her hands together. “Oh my God, Sarah! You look absolutely disgusting - in the most wonderful way!” Good. That’s exactly the effect I want to achieve. I sit there, naked apart from my stilettos - my sex, dark red with arousal and my white flesh stark against the black leather. I recline in Emil’s chair, legs spread and ready for action.

  Playing my part to perfection, I smirk and gesture to my crotch. “Come on now, my angelic Annie, my sweetie pie. Slutty, dirty Sarah needs her hot pussy kissing better.”

  Needing no further encouragement, Annie gets to her knees between my outstretched legs. Looking up at me and licking her lips, she parts my folds with her thumbs before burying her face in my sex. Her tongue and mouth skilfully move around my wet flesh and she moans as she kisses me, sending the most spine tingling subtle vibrations along my folds.

  As her tongue takes me higher, I recline further and throw my head back, moaning in ecstasy. My eyes fall on the ornate light fitting which hangs directly over Emil’s desk. I groan as Annie’s fingers tweak my nipples in time with her kisses and licks. “Oh...Annie.....” I moan. “!” As I surrender to the joyful inevitable, I throw my hands over my head and scream my release into the room, my gaze still transfixed by the light.

  I moan in pure bliss in time with the throbs of yet another climax rippling through my body, a broad smile of sheer, unbridled delight erupts on my face. But my smile of sexual satisfaction soon transforms into a smirk of smugness as I stare into the light above me.

  It says in The Bible - not that I’m at all religious - “Let There Be Light.“ Light. Illumination. To illuminate. To enlighten. To make something clear. The text I sent to Emil earlier this afternoon was quite clear. “Turn your office camera on at 6.30.”

  Are you watching, Monsieur Emil MD, as my beautiful Annie has her face buried in my wet pussy? Have you watched all the way through? Did you zoom in for a close-up? How loud have you got the speakers on? How long did it take you to get hard? Is your cock in your hand this very second? How does it make you feel?

  I sigh deeply as Annie kisses my sex one last time before getting to her feet and sitting on the chair with me. Sitting side on between my legs, she dangles her legs over mine - the one which is still hanging over the side of the chair. I can feel her sadness as she kisses me, before resting her head on my chest, her arms around my neck.

  I kiss the top of her head then rest my chin on her and hold her close, staring with satisfaction into the light. Part of me hates myself for what I’ve just done. I’ve used her to spite Emil but she will never know - and what she doesn’t know can never be used to hurt her.

  You thought you were the one in control, didn’t you? Not by a long way, mon chere! You said you were right about me. Oh, Emil, you have no idea. You haven’t even scratched the surface.

  Hope you enjoyed the show.

  Chapter Five

  I love Saturdays. Lying in bed in the blissful state of being not asleep but not quite awake. Warm and safe with the early morning sun giving the room a golden glow as it creeps in through the gaps in the curtains. I burrow down further under the duvet, mumbling as sounds of life outside threaten to shatter my slumber.

  I start as I hear a louder noise but don’t wake fully, thinking that
I must be dreaming - until I hear another noise. I open my eyes as it dawns on me that I what I hear is someone moving around in my house. My stomach lurches as I hear slow and steady footsteps coming up the stairs. Shit! Fuck! Where’s my bloody phone? I look frantically around the room but I can’t see it. He - is it a he? - reaches the top of the stairs and pauses.

  I start to panic. I don’t know what to do! I know - I’ll pretend I’m still asleep. Oh God! I hope it’s only a burglar! No! No! Oh God, no! He’s right outside my door. My heart is in my mouth. Please God - let him just be a burglar! What if he’s armed? I fight back a scream as the door slowly opens. No! No! Oh God - please don’t hurt me! Don’t hurt me! Oh God! Help me! No, no!

  “Bonjour, chere.”

  I sit bolt upright, shouting, blood roaring in my ears. “What the fuck.......? Emil! You scared the living shit out of me! How the hell did you get in?” I rest a hand on my chest and am hardly surprised to feel my heart racing and thumping against my ribcage.

  Emil sits on the chair by the window, saying nothing further then places a tray on the end of my bed. Not asking how I take my coffee, he pours it from the cafetiere - my weekend treat, proper coffee - into a brightly coloured mug. Without looking at me, he casually asks “Sugar?”

  I swallow my anger, shaking. “One please. And just a little milk.” He hands me the mug, picks his up, puts the tray on my bedside table and then moves to sit in the small wicker chair near the window. I prop myself up on my elbows, drag the spare pillow behind me and then lie back. I don’t know why but I pull the duvet higher, suddenly feeling very vulnerable and all too conscious of my nakedness - it isn’t as if he hasn’t already seen every inch of me.

  Settling back, I slowly drink the coffee, my anger gradually fading into curiosity. As I drink, I look at him over the top of the mug. Still he sits there in silence, also drinking his coffee. Suddenly I notice that he’s in casual clothes and realise that I’ve never seen him in anything but a very expensive suit. I suppose they are very expensive, designer jeans. It seems to me that he looks younger but then it could be the soft light. I try to remain nonchalant but can’t prevent a small smile which I try (unsuccessfully) to hide.

  “You are smiling. You think something is funny, do you, Sarah?”

  “Ah. It speaks.” I raise my eyebrows, smiling. “Strangely enough, Emil, I do not find the act of breaking and entering remotely funny.”

  “I did not break or enter. I did not need to. I simply used my key.”

  A chill goes through me as what he’s just said registers. “What the fuck do you mean - you used your key?”

  “Well, chere. After your positively shameful show of disrespect in my office with one of the auditors last night, I thought that the situation needed to be swiftly addressed.” He speaks quietly and calmly, still sipping his coffee.

  “I did not break in!”

  “No? You entered my locked office with neither my consent nor my knowledge. You obtained - I can only imagine how! - confidential access codes and restricted information about my security systems. You then used it for immoral purposes and personal gain.”

  I grudgingly agree that he does have a point. I put my empty mug on the tray on the dressing table. “Are you going to tell me how you managed to acquire yourself a key?”

  He laughs. “Oh, it was really quite easy. You women - you leave your beloved, expensive trophy handbags under your desks all day long without a care in the world. When your security pass beeped as you left your office, I simply borrowed it, had a copy made quickly and then slipped it back later. A child could have done it.”

  “I see. “ I shake my head, angry again. “There is a world of difference between your office - your place of work! - and my home! This is my home, Emil! Did it occur to you that I might not have been alone? How dare you! How fucking dare you!”

  He shrugs that Gallic shrug of his again. “It needed to be done.” He gets to his feet and crosses the room quickly, taking me completely by surprise as he slaps me hard across the face. “Stop behaving like a fucking whore, Sarah!”

  Chapter Six

  Shocked, I place my hand on my burning cheek. If that was meant to subdue and belittle me, it had quite the opposite effect. I leap from the bed, swing my arm back and slap Emil back so hard that he staggers back - and my hand stings like fucking Hell!

  His mouth opens but he doesn’t say anything. Standing close to him, I point a finger inches away from his face. Naked and shaking with a white hot fury, I slowly say “You do not ever hit me. Not ever. Do you understand me, Emil? You do not ever hit me again. Do you hear me? No-one ever hits me! Ever!”

  I’m still trembling with rage as I get back into bed, pulling the duvet over my body. Emil is shaking as well. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, chere. I...I should never have struck you - no matter what.” He walks over to the chair and sits heavily, lowering his face into his hands.

  I take a deep breath. “This is my home, Emil. My private space, my sanctuary. You have no right to turn up as if you own me, as if you have been cuckolded.” Rolling onto my side, I prop myself up on an elbow. “Emil. Look at me.”

  He raises his head but doesn’t look at me.

  “Look at me!”

  He jumps to his feet and for a split second I think he’s going to strike me again. Instead, he sits at the bottom of the bed. His voice is calm and quiet now. “I did look at you, Sarah. Your face buried in the crotch of another woman; your legs spread as she brought you to multiple orgasm with her fingers and then her mouth. I looked as you taunted me - behaving like a whore in my chair, delighting in playing your role for my cameras. A worthy performance for your captive audience.” He sighs, still not able to look at me. “I thought we had at least the beginnings of an understanding but it seems I was sadly mistaken.”

  I throw the duvet back and move on all fours to sit behind him, my legs either side of his body. “Do you remember what you said in your office? No rules. That’s what you said, Emil.” I press my breasts into his back as he gently and tentatively strokes a leg. “But maybe what you actually meant was “only my rules” - isn’t that the case?”

  I finger the lobe of his ear as I nibble the back of his neck. “The thing is, Emil, I don’t like to play by the rules - especially when they are someone else’s rules.” I run my fingers through his thick hair, kissing and licking his ears to the tune of quiet sighs. I wrap my legs around him, my hands running up and down his arms. He lets out a long breath as he relaxes into me, still stroking my leg, turning slightly. I nuzzle his ear, placing my lips up close. “Rules, Emil, are meant to be broken.”

  I unfurl my legs and lie back, causing Emil to turn around. “Tell me, Emil. How did you feel - watching me fucking with someone else? Again?” That anger flashes in his eyes again as I slowly take my hands down my body and between my legs. “And with another woman!”

  I smirk and look him straight in the eye. “Did it turn you on or did it repulse you?” I start to touch myself, making myself moisten easily.

  “Stop it, Sarah.”

  I slide my fingers along my wet folds. “Which one did you want to be - me or her?” I slip a finger inside. “Or maybe you wanted both of us. A delicious sexy sandwich with you as the filling.”

  “Sarah, I said stop.”

  I spread my moisture around, highly aroused but at a level not yet approaching the build up to orgasm. “Did you zoom right in - up close and personal? Was the volume turned up so high that you could hear every delicious, wet lick?”

  “That is enough!” Emil jumps to his feet and paces, running his fingers through his hair.

  Spreading my legs wide, I circle my clit and writhe all over my bed. “Tell me, Emil. Did you get hard quickly? Was your cock hard in your hand?” I gasp between moans “Did you have to jerk off?” I twirl my fingers around quickly and close my eyes, my breath quicken
ing. “How many times have you watched it, Emil?”

  I open my eyes as I feel the bed moving just in time to see Emil bury his head between my legs. I gasp as I feel the first divine touch of his mouth upon me. His lips kiss mine as his tongue makes the most wonderful circular motion. “Oh.....Emil.....” I sigh as his warm, thick, expert tongue leisurely licks my soft folds. Thumbs press either side of my clit as I squirm with pleasure. He’s good. He’s very, very good. Round and round goes that athletic, muscular tongue, teasing me, taking me nearer.

  Giving one strong kiss, he pulls away but keeps his thumbs against my clit. My breathing is shallow and rapid. I’m so fucking close but not quite close enough. He leans over me, still pressing hard against my clit. That tongue and mouth work their magic on my breasts as he kisses and licks each one in turn. Then he rolls away.

  I open my eyes and see that he is standing beside the bed directly behind me. Leaning over, he takes my hands and gently pulls them over my head, kissing my fingers. “Tell me, chere. Why do you get so much pleasure from provoking a reaction from me? Help me understand why you are the way you are.”

  The ache between my legs needs to be attended to and I try to pull my hands free - but can’t. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me, torturing me. ”You absolute bastard!” I need to come but I can’t do anything about it. I press my legs together and clench my muscles but it isn’t enough. “Let me go!”

  “Tell me why, Sarah, and then I will let you have you release.” He keeps hold of my hands as he crouches down, his mouth by my ear. “Tell me. Why do you behave like this?” He nuzzles my neck. “Tell me, Sarah. Tell me why.”

  I struggle in vain. “Please, Emil...let me go!”

  “I will let you go when you tell me. Look at you, Sarah, so close to orgasm. So close it must be painful.”

  “You fucking bastard! Let me the fuck go!”


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