Becoming Batman

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Becoming Batman Page 29

by E. Paul Zehr

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  Seidler, RD, and Noll, DC. (2008). Neuroanatomical correlates of motor acquisition and motor transfer. Journal of Neurophysiology 99: 1836–45.

  Zehr, EP. (2005) Neural control of rhythmic human movement: The common core hypothesis. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 33: 54–60.

  Zehr, EP, Sale, DG, and Dowling, JJ. (1997) Ballistic movement performance in karate athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 29: 1366–1373.

  Chapter 8. Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting: But What Was Batman Doing?

  Amtmann, JA. (2004) Self-reported training methods of mixed martial artists at a regional reality fighting event. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research 18: 194–196.

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  Lowry, D. (2005) The Best of Dave Lowry: Karate Way columns 1995–2005. Black Belt Communications, Valencia, CA.

  Lowry, D. (2006) In the dojo. Weatherhill, Boston.

  McCarthy, P. (1995) When masters meet: The 1936 meeting of Okinawan karate masters. Furyu: The Budo Journal 4: 1–11.

  McCarthy, P. (1999a) Koryu uchinadi. Vol. 1 of Ancient Okinawan martial arts. Tuttle, Boston.

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  Sells, J. (1997) Chito-Ryu Karatedo: The legacy of Chitose Tsuyoshi. BuGeiSha: Traditional Martial Artist 1(2): 31–35.

  Chapter 9. The Caped Crusader in Combat: Can You Kayo without Killing?

  Draeger, DF, and Smith, RW. (1997) Comprehensive Asian fighting arts. Kodansha International, Tokyo.

  Driskell, JE, Salas, E, and Johnston, JH. (2006) Decision making and performance under stress. In TW Britt, CA Castro, and AB Adler (eds), Military life: The psychology of serving in peace and combat (vol. 1, pp. 128–154). Praeger Security, Westport, CT.

  Lavie, N. (2005) Distracted and confused? Selective attention under load. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9: 75–82.

  Lowry, D. (1995) Sword and brush: The spirit of the martial arts. Shambhala Publications Inc., Boston.

  Lowry, D. (2002) Traditions: Essays on the Japanese martial arts and ways. Tuttle Publishing, North Clarendon, VT.

  Lowry, D. (2005) The Best of Dave Lowry: Karate Way Columns 1995–2005. Black Belt Communications, Valencia, CA.

  Lowry, D. (2006) In the dojo. Weatherhill, Boston.

  Milton, J, Solodkin, A, Hlustik, P, and Small, SL. (2007) The mind of expert motor performance is cool and focused. NeuroImage 35: 804–813.

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  Westbrook, A, and Ratti, O. (1970) Aikido and the dynamic sphere: An illustrated introduction. Charles E. Tuttle, Rutland, VT.

  Chapter 10. Batman Bashes and Is Bashed by Bad Boys (and Girls): What Can He Break without Getting Broken?

  Adams, B. (1985) Deadly karate blows: The medical implications. Unique Publications, Burbank, CA.

  Adrian, MJ, and Cooper, JM. (1995) The biomechanics of human movement. Brown Benchmark, Madison, WI.

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  Wilk, SR, McNair, RE, and Feld, MS. (1982) The physics of karate. American Journal of Physics 51: 783–790.

  Zehr, EP, Sale, DG, and Dowling, JJ. (1997) Ballistic movement performance in karate athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 29: 1366–1373.

  Chapter 11. Hardening the Batbody: Can Sticks and Stones Break His Bones?

  Chow, D, and Spangler, R. (1977) Kung fu: History, philosophy, and technique. Unique Publications, Burbank, CA.

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  Toth, R. (2007) The stories of Meibukan Gojyu Ryu karate. Journal of Asian Martial Arts 16: 48–61.

  Webb, J. (2007) Analysis of the Wing Tsun punching methods. Journal of Asian Martial Arts 17: 62–81

  Chapter 12. Gotham by Twilight: Working the Knight Shift

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  Lagerquist, O, Zehr EP, Baldwin, E, Klakowicz, P, and Collins, D. (2006) Diurnal changes in the amplitude of the Hoffmann reflex in the human soleus but not in the flexor carpiradialis muscle. Experimental Brain Research 170: 1–6.

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  Chapter 13. Injury and Recovery: How Much Banging until the Batback Goes Bonk?

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  Chapter 14. Battle of the Bats: Could Batgirl Beat Batman?

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  Chapter 15. The Aging Avenger: Could the Caped Crusader Become the Caped Codger?

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  acceleration, 88

  arm motion, 166, 170

  head injury, 222, 224, 227, 253

  acclimatization, 196–97

  acrobatics, 58, 132

  actin, in muscle fibers, 50–51, 56

  Action Comics #1, ix

  Adams, Neal, xv, xvi, 88, 161

  adaptation(s): becoming Batman, 260–61

  body hardening, 181, 184

  bone to load, 66, 70–72

  endurance/power, 96–97

  exercise, 40–41, 192

  general syndrome, 33, 41, 46, 212, 215

  injury recovery, 233

  life stress, 24, 30–40

  mechanical stress, 41–42, 53, 57

  metabolic pathways, 95

  motor learning, 117–18

  “survival value,” xviii, 24, 213, 215

  training stress, 46, 52, 54–57, 60

  adenine, 79

  in DNA, 18–19

  adrenal gland, 33, 35, 39–40

  adrenaline/noradrenaline, 36, 213

  aerobic metabolism, 87–88, 91, 95

  age/aging, 247–59

  Batman’s, 247–52, 256–59, 261

  biological, 248


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