Thief Taker

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Thief Taker Page 20

by Camille Oster

  The End

  Other Books by Camille Oster

  An Absent Wife - The desertion of Lord Lysander Warburton's wife had come as a complete surprise, even though he readily admitted that he'd never excelled as a husband. The death of the wife he'd ignored for close to a decade was a downright nuisance, making him further fodder for the gossips, and now a target for every designing matron in London.

  In line with her consistent talent for being disagreeable, Lady Adele Warburton had run off with a lowly lieutenant, leaving safety and respectability behind, then died in a cholera epidemic in a far flung country.

  In a last show of husbandly duty, Lysander decides to recover her effects, and grudgingly those of her lover, retracing the steps of the wife he'd barely known across half the world. But arriving in the mayhem of India, he finds that all is not as it should be.

  Defying a Pirate - Icy dread gripped Gemma Montague's heart as she stared at the approaching pirates. Their captain was dead, the lieutenant useless, and there were pirates approaching.

  Having spent years indulging her father's passion for studying Naval battles, Gemma knew this pirate was either very competent or very stupid, taking on a much larger ship.

  Captain Jack Mallory wasn’t stupid; he knew how to spot wounded prey, and the British man-o-war was disadvantaged. But he hadn’t expected defiance, particularly in the form of a beautiful English rose.

  Truth and Sparta – Spartan do what they please when it comes to Helot girls and Chara curses the day that Nicias—effectively an enemy of her people—lays eyes on her and decides that he wants her for himself. His attention places her and her family in an awkward position, exasperated by her brother’s increasing appetite for rebellion. Soon she is placed in a position where she needs to take decision action to save her family—no matter the cost, and that includes the building attraction she feels for the Spartan soldier who is the cause of all her problems.

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