Marrying an Athlete

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Marrying an Athlete Page 15

by Anne-Marie Meyer

  “No,” she whispered. She only wished she sounded more confident.

  McKenna studied her and then sighed as she leaned back and draped the blanket on her lap. “Then let him go. It’s probably the best for the two of you. Besides, my brother is like a lovable teddy bear, but he isn’t that aware of the people around him.” She shrugged. “Maybe it’s for the best.”

  Anna nodded, trying to ignore her breaking heart. At least in the past, she’d never really had confirmation that he didn’t care about her. Then it was just Michael Jones, party boy.

  But now, sitting here with McKenna, she was having to reconcile that yes, Michael only played with her emotions. That she’d, once again, allowed herself to feel more for him then he’d ever feel for her.

  It was reliving every past relationship all over again. The heartache. The pain. All of it was coursing through her veins. A tear escaped her eye and rolled down her face.

  In this moment, she’d allow herself to cry. To cry over Michael and every other guy who’d ever broken her heart. Then, she’d finish this vacation.

  After all, she was done allowing men to have control over her like this. She was going to take her life back.

  Now, if only she could convince her heart that she was over Michael, then everything would be perfect.

  Chapter Twenty


  Michael sat next to Daisy on the beach. She was drinking a margarita and fanning herself with the latest People magazine. She’d just spent the last hour reading him the latest in celebrity gossip.

  He was trying to listen—he really was—but all he could think about was Anna. Where was she? Soon after Anna left, he and Daisy made small chat with Sefina and then went back to their hut where he found that Anna and her luggage were nowhere to be seen.

  He’d figured she’d gone to McKenna’s room, and he wanted to go see. But Daisy had dragged him all over the resort, never giving him a good reason to break away.

  Now with the sun setting in front of them, he was worried he’d waited too long, and Anna hated him. Why was he such an idiot sometimes?

  He could never make the right decision. It hadn’t really mattered in the past. But now? He just might lose the one girl he’d ever truly loved. The one who really mattered the most.

  “You’re so quiet. Is everything okay?” Daisy asked, breaking through his thoughts.

  “Daisy, I. . .” What was he supposed to say? That he loved someone else? That they should break off their engagement? His heart swelled at the thought of running after Anna. Declaring his love for her. That was all he wanted right now.

  “Ooo, did I tell you? I talked to Daddy yesterday. He said he was able to talk to the rep for Pepsi and they are interested in chatting with you about a sponsorship. Apparently, they have some new drink coming out, ice something.” She turned and shot him her million-dollar smile.

  His stomach lightened at the thought. A sponsorship with a huge company like that would do wonders for him. This was just what he was looking for.

  But if getting that sponsorship meant staying with Daisy, he couldn’t do it. He didn’t love her. He loved Anna. And no amount of money would persuade him to stay away.

  “Daisy, we need to talk.” He straightened and turned, so he had her full attention.

  Her eyes widened as she studied him.

  He parted his lips. This was it. He was going to tell her that they were done. That he loved someone else.

  “Mr. Jones?” Javier’s thick accent halted his words.

  Michael turned to see Javier walk up. “Yeah?” he asked. He really wasn’t in the mood to talk to him. Not when Michael was pretty sure he’d been flirting with Anna this whole time.

  “Good, I found you. I just wanted to let you know that there will be a bonfire for the guests this evening. I’ve already talked to Anna, but she said you two are no longer together?” He paused and glanced down at Daisy. “Good to see you again.”

  Daisy stretched out her hand as if she expected Javier to kiss it. He hesitated and then shook it. “Daisy Price. I’m Michael’s fiancée.”

  Javier raised his eyebrows as he glanced from Daisy and then over to Michael. “I know, you told me that earlier.” A smile played on his lips and Michael had half a mind to punch it off. “I’m happy to see you are still here.” He fell silent for a moment before he turned and waved down the beach. “As I was saying, the bonfire is this evening. There will be music and dancing. Please make sure you come. I will be bringing Anna with me.” He leaned forward and smiled.

  Michael stared him down. He wanted to ask what Javier had planned but couldn’t figure out the words to say it. So what if Javier liked Anna, and Anna felt the same way?

  Perhaps he’d been wrong about everything. Here he’d been, thinking that Anna really cared about him. But that didn’t seem true. Not when she’d already moved on to Javier. Just his luck, the minute he really truly cared about someone, and she didn’t feel the same.

  “Thanks, Javier. We’ll be there!” Daisy called after him as he made his way across the beach. She turned and studied Michael. “Well, that sounds fun, doesn’t it?”

  Michael sat back, folding his arms across his chest. Well, if Anna could move on that fast, so could he. Two could play at this game. He was going to push all the feelings he thought he had for her down and focus on Daisy.

  He just needed enough will power. That was all.

  Loud music could be heard as they walked across the sand toward the huge bonfire that rose up from the beach. Smoke billowed above it like a beacon.

  Daisy was next to him, grabbing onto his arm. She’d insisted on wearing stilettos on the beach, and every time she took a step, her heels sunk into the sand causing her to teeter.

  She was talking about how beautiful the beach was at night and Michael was trying to listen, but all he could focus on was where Anna was, and if she was here with Javier.

  When they got to the refreshment table that had been set up, he tried to nonchalantly check the faces around him. But none of them were Anna.

  Where had she gone? Why was she avoiding him? As much as he tried to ignore it, he missed her. He’d become so accustomed to talking to her that having her gone felt strange. Like a part of him was missing.

  “Hey, Michael.” McKenna’s voice broke through his thoughts. He turned to see her approaching him. His gaze slipped behind her to see if Anna was around. But only Sam followed her.

  “Kenna,” Michael said, bringing his sister into a half-hug. As he pulled her in close, he whispered, “Where’s Anna?”

  When he glanced down at her, he saw that she had a fake smile plastered on her face. “Who is this?” she asked, waving toward Daisy.

  “Daisy Price. I’m Michael’s real fiancée. And you are?” She studied McKenna.

  “McKenna, Michael’s sister.”

  “Oh, right. The one with marriage issues.” A forced look of concern passed across Daisy’s face. “How’s that going? Is this place helping?”

  McKenna raised her eyebrows and studied Michael. “Well, I just love the fact that complete strangers know my business. Thanks for that.” Then she glanced over at Daisy. “Things are good. Rekindle Resort is pretty amazing. It’s helping us rediscover why we fell in love.”

  Daisy clapped her hands. “That’s just great. I’m sure it’s needed, especially with the pregnancy.”

  McKenna’s face paled as her gaze shot over to Michael. “My what?”

  Michael’s stomach dropped. How could Daisy say that? She had no idea that they were struggling with infertility. That was not something he would have just blurted out. “Daisy, I—”

  “Oh, Michael didn’t say anything. I could tell from your complexion. I just have a sixth sense about this. The spirits told me. Besides, you’re in the Pacific Islands, but are paler then a Norwegian.”

  McKenna pinched her lips closed as she patted her face. Then she pressed on her stomach as her expression turned contemplative. “I have to go,” she sai

  Michael wasn’t going to let her leave without talking to her about Anna. “I’ll go with you.”

  McKenna whipped around, and then shook her head. “Fine. Just don’t slow me down.”

  “Sam, entertain Daisy,” Michael said as he followed McKenna. Before either could say anything, he was out of earshot. “Where’s Anna?” he asked.

  McKenna glared at him. “I think you’ve lost the right to ask where she is. What the heck, Michael? You’re engaged?”

  Michael swallowed. Hearing those words from his sister’s lips made him feel even more like a tool. When did he become this guy? “I didn’t mean for everything to go this far. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to fix this mess, but I can’t.”

  McKenna stopped and turned so she was staring directly at him. “Do you care about Anna?”

  Michael swallowed. More than he cared to let on. “Yes.”

  She eyed him. “Do you love her?”

  Heat rushed across his skin. He knew the answer to that question. The feelings he had for Anna were plaguing his thoughts. “Have you talked to her? What does she say?”

  McKenna raised the hem of her dress as she stepped onto the boardwalk. “Anna’s been with us in our room.” She glanced back at him. “With a broken heart.”

  His stomach twisted at her words. “Really?”

  “Yes, geez. I ask you to come here to help support my failing marriage and this is what you do? Michael, what’s the deal? You’re moving in on my best friend only to leave her with a broken heart?”

  Michael reached out and grabbed her elbow, halting her. She pulled her arm back and turned around.

  “I didn’t mean to,” he said. His heart was breaking. How had he screwed this up so badly?

  “Michael, you’re a great guy, but you have your head so far up in the clouds that you don’t see what’s going on around you. Or when you have a fabulous girl who would do just about anything for you.” McKenna sighed. “She’d kill me for saying this, but Anna loves you. She’s loved you for a long time. You broke her heart when you kissed her at my wedding and then left, and you’re breaking her heart now.”

  Michael scrubbed his face as he let McKenna’s words wash over him. How could he keep doing this? He loved Anna. With all his heart. What was the best plan?

  “But, Kenna, what am I going to do? I’m worried I’ll just hurt her.” The emotional lump that had formed in his throat caused his voice to come out deeper.

  “Michael, it’s all a mystery. You never know what you’re going to get or what life is going to throw at you. All you can do is pick someone to take the bumps with you. If that’s Anna, tell her. If that’s Daisy, commit. This wish-washy plan of yours isn’t working.” She sighed as she turned. “Now, I’ve gotta go take a test. I have a few stashed in my purse.”

  “Kenna,” he said, hoping she’d stop. She hesitated, but didn’t turn around. “Do you think she’ll forgive me?”

  McKenna waved him away. “You’ll never know until you ask.” Then the sound of her shoes on the boardwalk marked her retreat.

  Michael turned back to the bonfire. He took a deep breath as he studied the people milling around. McKenna’s words floated around in his mind.

  You’ll never know until you ask.

  Well, that was what he was going to do. First, break up with Daisy and then find Anna. She was all the mattered now. And if she didn’t want him now, he’d wait around until she did.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Anna sat at the bar, listening to the music that blared from the speakers. She sighed as she took a sip of Coke. She was trying to keep from watching the couples dancing or talking around her.

  It was hard to ignore the painful feeling in her gut that came from being abandoned by the person you care about when there were happy couples all around. Maybe there was a singles side to this resort. She snorted—probably not.

  An arm rested on her shoulder, causing her to jump. She turned to see Javier smiling down at her. An uneasy feeling rose in her stomach, but she pushed it away.

  “Hey,” she said, turning back to her drink.

  “How are you doing, mon amour?”

  Great. Now she’d upgraded to amour. This was not what she wanted. Sure, Javier was hot and exotic. But he wasn’t Michael. He never would be.

  “I’m good. Just sitting here, enjoying a drink and the music.” Keeping her conversation platonic seemed like the best idea.

  Javier sat down on the stool next to her and ordered a shot of whiskey. “I’m happy that you decided to come out here tonight. I was worried you wouldn’t.” The bartender poured the shot and Javier downed it.

  Anna shrugged. She was tired of feeling sorry for herself. It was time she started moving on with her life. “It beats sitting in McKenna’s hut doing nothing.”

  Javier smiled at her. “Why don’t you come dance with me? The best way to forget one lover is to find a new one.”

  Anna coughed. What did he say? Maybe she’d given the wrong impression. “Javier, I—”

  He nuzzled her ear. “Don’t make any decisions right now,” he whispered.

  Anna hesitated, but then shrugged. What harm would it do? If it helped her forget her breaking heart, then she’d give it a shot. “Okay,” she said.

  He grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor. A slow song started, and Javier snaked his hands around her waist and pulled her to him.

  Her heart picked up speed, but not for the same reasons it had with Michael. This one was more like a warning bell. Telling her this was not what she wanted. As her gaze fell to the inhabitants on the other side of the dance floor, her stomach sank.

  Daisy was standing there, glancing around as if she were looking for someone.


  She was here with Michael. Probably looking for him. Hoping to cover up her broken heart, Anna brought her hands up and rested them on Javier’s shoulders. He responded by bringing her hips closer to him.

  Anna took a deep breath. This was okay. She was making the right decision. After all, she couldn’t be the only one here at a resort for couples that didn’t have someone.

  Movement over by Daisy caught her attention. Daisy’s gaze landed on her and anger flashed in her eyes. Anna swallowed. Why was Daisy mad at her? She had Michael.

  Daisy began to push through the crowd and head in Anna’s direction. Anna shifted until her back was to Daisy and squeezed her eyes shut. Her heart hammered in her chest from the anticipation.

  But it never came.

  “Looks like she was sidetracked,” Javier said.

  Anna glanced behind her to see a guy approach Daisy. She hadn’t seen Michael all day, and she wasn’t sure that she wanted to see him this way. Dancing with his real fiancée.

  But the guy that approached her had dark hair and caramel colored skin. He was wearing a waiter’s uniform. Daisy was laughing and sauntering closer to him. Suddenly, she reached out and grazed his arm. The man leaned down and whispered something into her ear.

  If it hadn’t been for Javier’s enthusiastic leading, she would have stopped dancing all together to stare at the scene unfolding. What was happening? Was Daisy flirting? Cheating on Michael?

  “I’m cutting in.”

  Shivers raced down Anna’s back at Michael’s deep voice. She whipped around to see him standing there. When her gaze met his, his once confident expression turned worried.

  “I mean, if that’s okay.” He raised his eyebrows as he leaned closer to her.

  “We’re dancing,” Javier said. “Why don’t you go be with your fiancée?” He nodded in Daisy’s direction.

  “Because she’s not my fiancée anymore. I broke it off.”

  Anna’s heart pounded so hard she could hear it in her ears. “Why would you do that?” she breathed out. It was almost as if she were worried that she just might scare Michael off if she spoke too loudly.

  “Because I’m in love with someone else.” He steadied his gaze as
he studied her.

  “Michael, I. . .” She slowed as she moved to break away from Javier. She needed to stop moving so she could focus on what was going on. But Javier just tightened his grip.

  She glanced up at him only to see that he was smiling down at her. “Where are you going?” Javier asked.

  Anna pushed away. “I need a minute,” she said. From the corner of her eye she saw Michael step closer to them.

  “Don’t let him hurt you again.” Javier’s breath was hot on her ear as he pulled closer to her.

  Suddenly, he stumbled away from her. When she turned, she saw Michael standing there with his hand outstretched. He was staring Javier down. “When the lady asks you to let her go, you let her go.”

  “Michael!” What was he doing? He was with Daisy. Right?

  Javier righted himself and straightened his shirt. “I’m sorry. We were dancing.”

  Michael shook his head.

  Anna had had enough of being around Michael. She needed a break from it all. Turning, she pushed past the other couples on the dance floor. Once she was on the sand, she made her way across the beach until the thrumming of the bass was in the distance.

  Now alone, she folded her arms and studied the ocean as it lapped at the shore. The moon reflected against the water. Her mind began to clear as she took a few deep breaths.


  Her heart picked up at the sound of Michael’s voice. He’d followed her. Why? Why wouldn’t he just leave her alone?

  “Michael, what do you want from me?” She turned to see him standing a few feet off. He had an uneasy expression as his gaze raced over her.

  “I was just trying to protect you.” He glanced over at her.

  “I don’t need protection. I could have defended myself. Javier wasn’t getting anywhere with me.” She was over having men decide that they know better. She needed to start standing up for herself.


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