Lady in the Tower [Rapunzel]

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Lady in the Tower [Rapunzel] Page 8

by Elizabeth Rose

  “I don’t like her.” The little girl wrinkled her nose and stuck out her tongue. “My mother is going to punish her when she hears about this.”

  “If you tell your mother anything about this, I will stop visiting you,” said Marco, getting a nod of approval from Rapunzel.

  “Nay, don’t do that.” This seemed to shake up Medea.

  “Do you agree to our terms or not?” Rapunzel sounded tough, and she wasn’t backing down. Damn, that excited Marco. He liked an aggressive woman.

  “I do,” Medea finally agreed, wiping a tear from her eye.

  “Good,” said Marco. “Now, how about we get something to eat? I’m famished.”

  “Hecuba forgot to leave food,” said Rapunzel, wiping off her gown and going to the dressing table. “It looks like we’re going to be hungry until she returns.” She sat down and looked at her reflection in the mirror, dabbing the corners of her eyes with a soft cloth.

  “Sister?” said Medea, causing Rapunzel’s eyes to dart upward and meet with Marco’s eyes in the mirror.

  “What is it, Medea?” she asked in a steady voice, not bothering to look at the girl when she spoke.

  “I have food we can eat.”

  “You do?”

  Both Rapunzel and Marco turned to see Medea standing at the table. On it was a full array of meat, cheese, fruit, and even a big pitcher of what looked like ale.

  “I see,” said Rapunzel, putting down her cloth, collecting up her skirt and strolling over to the table. “I suppose I could go for a bite to eat.”

  Marco cleared his throat, hoping to step in and bring about peace between the sisters. “Thank you, Medea. Your magic is becoming stronger.”

  “Mother taught me.” Medea still didn’t smile.

  “Why don’t we all sit down?” Marco pulled out the chair for Rapunzel. She looked up and smiled as he helped her get seated. He noticed Medea was still scowling. So, he went over and pulled out her chair as well. The girl smiled and jumped on it, reaching out and grabbing a piece of bread and shoving it into her mouth.

  “Medea,” said Rapunzel. “Thank you for the food.”

  Marco nodded, pleased by her words, and took a seat at the table.

  “However,” she said, making Marco cringe. He didn’t want any more fighting while he was there. It was already a risk not knowing when Hecuba would return. “If you want to be a lady someday,” Rapunzel continued, “you need to start acting like one – even at the table. Your manners are atrocious.”

  “Huh?” asked the girl, chewing with her mouth open.

  “Rapunzel is right,” said Marco, helping himself to some food. “I think you are fortunate to have a big sister who is going to teach you how to be a lady.”

  “I didn’t say I was going to teach her anything.” Rapunzel shot him a sideways glance.

  “Perhaps if you taught Medea how to be a lady,” said Marco, picking up a cup and pouring some ale, “she could return the favor and help you understand your newfound powers.”

  “I don’t know.” Rapunzel’s eyes drifted from Marco over to Medea.

  “My mother wouldn’t like that,” said Medea, reaching out for a piece of cheese.

  “Then your mother doesn’t have to know,” said Rapunzel, sounding like she’d changed her mind. “I would like to know more about my new powers.”

  “Why don’t we all have something to eat? Later, after Medea has a nap, you two could sort things out,” suggested Marco.

  “I’m not tired,” Medea protested.

  “You are a child, and children need to take naps.” Rapunzel slid a cloth across the table. “Now wipe your mouth and take smaller bites of food.”

  Marco almost laughed aloud when Medea lowered her head and did what her sister told her to do. He wasn’t sure what just happened here, but he found it very interesting. He could only hope now that Medea would take a nap because he wanted time alone with Rapunzel so he could kiss her again.

  An hour later, Medea was sleeping and Rapunzel couldn’t be happier. She looked up to Marco feeling relieved.

  “I can’t believe that worked,” she whispered. “You should come around here and tell her your dragon bedtime stories more often.”

  “I would have told her the history of England for the last thousand years if I had to, just to get her to sleep so I could have time alone with you.”

  “Really?” His words softened Rapunzel’s demeanor. She wanted time alone with him as well.

  “Aye,” he said, pulling her into his arms. It felt nice, and she willingly let him do it.

  “Marco, I’ve missed you,” she said, looking up into his dark eyes.

  “Me, too,” he answered. “I could think of nothing else but your kisses the entire time I was gone.” His lips brushed against hers, and her eyes closed, anticipating what was to come.

  Marco’s kisses were intoxicating, making Rapunzel feel like a woman for the first time in the past few days. He trailed his fingers across her cheek and reached out and kissed her on the nose. With his arms around her, all thoughts of anger and curses left her. Her body warmed under his touch, making her feel alive. And when he slid his hands down her back and squeezed her bottom end, she found her knees going weak.

  “Marco, I think I need to sit down,” she said, suddenly becoming very dizzy. She wasn’t sure if it was from the excitement of being with him or because using her powers drained her of energy, but she felt weak. Then, before she could figure it out, her world grew dark and she collapsed against his chest.

  Chapter 11

  Marco scooped Rapunzel up into his arms as her body went limp. Her head fell back, and her long braid dragged on the floor as he carried her across the room and laid her on her bed. Medea slept in the opposite corner and didn’t stir.

  “Rapunzel,” he whispered, cupping her cheek gently in his palm. Her skin felt cold. Seeing the paleness of her face with her eyes closed, he couldn’t be sure she wasn’t dead. His heart jumped and fear coursed through him. “Rapunzel,” he said again. He shook her slightly but, still, she didn’t open her eyes.

  He leaned over and tried to listen for breathing, but couldn’t tell. So, he laid his ear against her chest to try to hear a heartbeat.

  “Mmmmm,” she mumbled. He glanced up to see her eyes flicker open. She smiled at him. “What are you doing?” she asked playfully.

  He suddenly realized they were in a very provocative position. He was looking down her cleavage, and she was breathing very heavily now. Every time her chest went up and down with a breath, it gave him a better view. The faint scent of rosewater drifted up from her skin. He breathed in her sweet, alluring scent and closed his eyes, trying to ignore the way his body reacted, growing hard below his belt.

  “Nothing,” he said, quickly sitting up. “I was just listening for a heartbeat to make sure you were still alive.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You swooned in my arms. Was that just from my kisses?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, trying to sit up. “Oh, I’m dizzy.” She decided to lay back down. “Marco, I think that whatever that magic was that I did, it must have drained me of my energy.”

  “I didn’t know you had any powers, Rapunzel.”

  “Neither did I. Mayhap, my anger at Medea’s trickery brought my dormant powers to the surface. After all, my father is a warlock, so it is possible that I have magic, too.”

  “Do any of your siblings have magical powers?”

  “Not that I know of. I’m the only one.”

  “Your hands are so cold.” He rubbed her hands in his to warm them. When he did, his ring started to glow.

  “What’s happening?” she asked, staring down at his ring.

  “It’s the ring of a Dragon Lord,” he told her. She laughed, and he didn’t like that. “You still don’t believe I’m a Dragon Lord?”

  “You are a bounty hunter who wishes he were a Dragon Lord,” she told him.

  “That’s not so.” He released her hands,
and the glow disappeared.

  “Marco, it doesn’t matter if you are nothing but a bounty hunter. I don’t mind.”

  “You think I’m pathetic and worthless, don’t you?”

  “Why would you say that?” She pushed up to one elbow.

  “Because you have expectations in your head that you will marry a rich, titled nobleman and that no one else will do.”

  She looked surprised that he knew that. “I don’t know what you mean.” She sat up straight now.

  “Don’t pretend, Rapunzel. I know you would never even consider marrying someone like me since I can’t give you what you deserve.”

  “Marco, what are you saying?”

  “Your father told me about your expectations. But I assure you, I am so much more than who you think I am.”

  “You saw my father?” she asked excitedly, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. “Why didn’t you tell me? Did you talk to my brothers, too? Are they here with you to rescue me?” She got up and ran over to the window and looked out. “Where are they?”

  “They’re not coming,” he said, making his way to the window.

  “What are you saying?” she asked, the color returning to her cheeks. “Of course, they’re going to rescue me. Don’t play games like this.” She scoped the area outside the window again.

  “I am the one that is going to rescue you, Rapunzel.”

  “Stop it,” she said, furrowing her brow. “The only ones who can rescue me from Hecuba’s curse are my father and brothers. Now, where are they?”

  “I told you, they are not coming.”

  “Well, why not?” Her eyes became dark and angry. “Why are they leaving me here living in this hell? Don’t they know how horrible it is? Nay, they would never abandon me. You are wrong.”

  “I asked your father to let me rescue you, and he agreed.”

  “Now I know you are jesting,” she told him. “They are playing a game with me, aren’t they? They want me to think my fate lies in your hands and they are going to show up any minute.” She continued to look for them out the window.

  “Rapunzel, I am the only one who is going to save you. I told your father I wanted to do it, and he is giving me two weeks. If I can’t do it by then, he will show up.”

  “Two weeks?” Her eyebrows tilted at an odd angle. “They are going to leave me trapped here as a prisoner for another fortnight? How could you convince them to agree to something like that?”

  “Your brothers know nothing about it. It was only your father with whom I made the deal. He is giving me a chance to prove myself and, I assure you, I am going to succeed.”

  “What is the matter with you?” she snapped. “I am not some trophy up for grabs. I don’t care if you have something to prove. You are out of your mind to think a mere bounty hunter has what it takes to be a hero. You’re not even any good at catching criminals. How do you think you are going to save me from the clutches of an evil witch and break this terrible curse with no skills? You are dreaming.”

  “Is that how you think of me?” His heart dropped in his chest to hear her cruel words. It brought back years of memories of his father belittling him. “I thought you liked me for who I am, but now I see what your father said is true. You want nothing to do with me because I don’t live up to your standards.”

  “Stop it, Marco. I didn’t mean it that way. Of course, I care for you. It’s just that you’re not . . . I mean you haven’t . . . it’s just not possible, and you need to accept it.”

  “You need to believe in me, and you don’t. I will prove to you that I will not only rescue you and break your curse, but I can more than surpass your ridiculous expectations. I am a Dragon Lord and just as powerful as you with your newfound skills. I can take on a witch, a warlock, or anything else that is thrown at me.” He put his leg over the sill and mounted the ladder.

  “Wait! Where are you going?” she asked.

  “I’m leaving.”

  “Please don’t leave, Marco. Stay.”

  He looked over to Medea sleeping at the other side of the room. She wouldn’t be happy if he left without saying goodbye, but he wasn’t about to stay here where he wasn’t appreciated. Plus, the witch could return at any minute. “I need to go, now. Tell Medea I said goodbye and that I didn’t want to wake her.”

  “When will you return?” she asked as he started to descend the ladder.

  “I don’t know. But when I do, I will have the means to rescue you and break your curse as well.”

  Rapunzel watched Marco climb to the ground and mount his horse. He looked up at her and their eyes interlocked. He looked sad and disappointed. She said things she shouldn’t have, and it was too late to take them back now.

  Rapunzel cared for Marco, but he was just a man. How could he rescue her or break a curse? To do so would be a miracle. For a minute, he had almost sounded as if he wanted to marry her. However, she must have been mistaken. Part of her longed for him, but he was nothing like the man she intended to marry. Then again, now that she’d kissed him and seen the way he treated her and even how he was kind to Medea, she started to wonder if there was more to him than met the eye.

  “Where is Marco going?” asked Medea, walking up, rubbing her eyes, watching him ride away.

  “He said to tell you goodbye.”

  “When is he coming back?”

  “I don’t know,” she answered, feeling a heaviness in her heart. Why had she laughed at him when he told her he was going to rescue her? And what was that ring on his hand that glowed? Perhaps she was wrong in her assumptions about him. Mayhap, Marco did have the qualities of a hero hidden deep inside somewhere, even if she didn’t see it.

  “Is he going to kiss you again?” asked Medea, surprising Rapunzel.

  “You weren’t sleeping, were you?”

  “I was for a while,” she said. “Then I saw him kiss you.”

  “Yes, he did,” she admitted, looking back out the window, feeling as if she had made a big mistake.

  “Did you scare him away?”

  “I hope not,” said Rapunzel, biting her lip so she wouldn’t cry. “But if he comes back, I will make sure he knows that we don’t want him to ever leave again.”

  Chapter 12

  With nowhere else to go, three days later, Marco headed back to the hovel to confront his father. He’d finally been able to track down and capture Roger the Rat. The man was injured, and it made it easier to track him. Now, with a bounty under his belt and his pouch full of coins, mayhap his father would see him in a different light.

  “Father, I’m home,” said Marco, bursting through the door with new ambition. Having brought in the criminal and collected the money, he was feeling like a new man.

  To his surprise, the house was in a shambles. It almost looked like a struggle had taken place. The table was overturned, broken dishes scattered the floor, and one of the shutters on the window was broken.

  “Father?” he asked, drawing his sword and slowly making his way toward the bedroom. The door was closed. With one foot, he kicked it open. He jumped to the side, holding his sword at an outward angle. His father was lying on the bed. Standing over him was a man in a black cape.

  The man turned and looked over his shoulder at Marco. It was none other than Lucio de Bar.

  “What have you done to my father?” Marco rushed into the room, still holding his sword at the ready.

  “Calm down, Marco. Your father is going to be fine,” stated Lucio.

  “Father, talk to me.” Marco ran to the bedside.

  “Marco,” came his father’s weak voice. His face was scratched, and one eye was swelled shut. His arm was in a sling, and his clothes were torn. It looked as if he’d been in a fight.

  “What happened?” Marco asked, ready to kill whoever it was that dared to touch his father.

  “He’s very weak,” said Lucio. “He can barely speak. I found him roaming around in the woods after he’d been attacked. He was halfway to Gillingham – on foot.”
/>   “Who did this to you?” Marco shouted. “Tell me so I can kill them.”

  “It was right after you left,” his father answered softly. “The bounty you were after. The man appeared at my door.”

  “Roger the Rat?” asked Marco, clenching his fists.

  “He must have followed you here. He knew I was your father. I tried to fight him and managed to stab him. After he ran, I came looking for you to warn you.”

  “That’s why he was injured,” said Marco under his breath. “I have captured Roger the Rat and turned him in. Here is the bounty money.” With one hand, he unhooked the pouch from his belt and threw it on the bed. The coins spilled out onto the pallet.

  His father closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.

  “I did it, Father. I brought in Roger, and now we have money to eat. Next, I am going to rescue Lord de Bar’s daughter from the old witch, Hecuba.”

  “Then, you’ve had no luck, yet?” asked Lucio.

  “It’s been less than a sennight,” Marco reminded him. “My time is not up yet.”

  “I’ve been talking to your father.” Lucio held his hand to his chin. “I think, perhaps, with my help, you will get your training after all.”

  “Training? What training?” asked Marco. “As a knight?”

  Lucio laughed. “All in good time, but no. Not a knight, but I think there is some training that you want more than that right now.”

  Marco’s eyes met his father’s. “Is he saying what I think he means?”

  “Aye, Son. Lucio has told me your plan to go up against a powerful witch to rescue his daughter and break her curse. If you are going to do that, you will need all the help you can get.”

  “I want to do it by myself. I want to prove to you and everyone that I have what it takes to be a good warrior.”

  “You are already a fine warrior,” his father told him. “But you have no experience in handling a dragon. I have been a fool,” he admitted. “Lucio helped me realize that I have been living in the past, doing all I could so you wouldn’t make the same mistake that I made. But that was wrong. Instead of keeping the knowledge of who we are from you, I should have embraced it. Just because I was foolish and weak, doesn’t mean you will follow in the same footsteps.”


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