Dragon's Heart

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Dragon's Heart Page 21

by Marly Mathews

“I’m not going to shape shift. Hopefully, Widow Mooney hasn’t been doing that too frequently. If she has…”

  “Do we have to worry about her going all mental on us?”

  “I don’t think she’s another O’Malley, although it is not safe to shift too many times in a short span of time. She is playing with fire, and not in the way that we usually do.”

  “Then, we keep a close eye on her. I’m not about to have us come this far only to get smashed by a black widow.”

  “She’s not black, she’s sapphire coloured.”

  “She looks black in the moonlight. I’m starting to get the creeps, you know that?”

  “Well, she isn’t.” While he was distracted, she reached for her bow and then grabbed for an arrow. Three harpies descended upon their position. Four others swarmed around the Widow, hissing and wailing.

  “Do you think we should help her?” William asked.

  Grania fired off an arrow. Fire lit up the sky as the Widow belched out a billow of flame. It engulfed two of the harpies.

  Screams rent the night sky.

  “Scratch that. She just answered my question. I’m starting to think that female dragon shifters are a hell of a lot more lethal than male ones…your father excluded.”

  He levitated himself into the air. “Where do you think you’re going?” she called.

  “I’m off to intercept those harpies before they reach you. I’m your husband, remember? I have to keep you safe.”

  “Wait a second!” With one arm, she grabbed a hold of him. “You are not getting out of my sight. I keep trying to tell you that I’m supposed to be guarding you and you keep trying to turn the tables on me.”

  She hung onto him with her bow in one hand. “Why don’t you just use your trusty sword? I’m certain it will work much better than that bloody thing does.” Distaste welled in his voice again. She was actually beginning to enjoy the way that the weapon set his nerves on fire.

  “On the contrary, the sword is sometimes cumbersome. Besides, I’ve always had a knack for using a bow and arrow the ability came naturally to me. I constantly had to work at becoming a skilled swordswoman. And even now, it never truly feels like it’s a part of me. Using a bow just feels right.”

  “You did? Pity that.” He gave the bow another disdainful glare. “If that thing hadn’t been forged by Lord Merdwyn’s magic I would have already blown in up.”

  “It is invulnerable to any force—magical or otherwise.”

  “I sort of figured as much. Are you going to hang off of me all day, or are you going to sprout your own set of wings?”

  “I thought I’d hang onto my big brawny husband.”

  “In that case, I can levitate the two of us.”

  He encased them in a see through bubble. “This is quite impressive, for a wizard like you.”

  “Like me? And what pray tell do you mean by that?” Irritation filled his voice.

  “Well, after you came into contact with Merdwyn I thought you felt a little less of a wizard.”

  “Why would I? His blood runs through my veins. And if you ask me, I’ll tell you that he might even be a greater wizard than his brother.”

  “You shouldn’t say those things so loudly. Lord Merlin might hear,” she whispered, darting a cautious gaze around.

  “He is a powerful wizard, but he’s not omniscient,” he snorted.

  Her attention was diverted by a melee on the ground. “Do you think you can lower me to the ground and take care of the rest of the harpies that are airborne?”

  “I am usually the one that’s grounded.”

  “Role reversal, start to embrace it,” she said smiling. His eyes flashed at her, as he activated his magic and lowered her to the ground. He did as she asked, and left her to take care of the rest of the shrieking harpies that were zooming through the air.

  A shadowy figure moved in the thicket of trees. Whatever was coming toward her wasn’t harpy or troll.

  Her stomach clenched again. She almost buckled over, almost.

  “Help me.”

  She heard the voice once more. At least it wasn’t a voice in her head, this voice was real, and the evidence was standing right in front of her.

  “Who goes there? Come into the moonlight, the shadows are hiding your image from me,” Grania called out.

  “You have to help us, Grania.”


  “Aye, it’s me. And Brianna is here too…she’s trying to keep Nicholas alive. I fear she is fighting a losing battle.”

  She moved through the brush toward them. Leaves crunched beneath her feet, and the gentle melody of the trees as the breeze brushed through them, relaxed her little. They still weren’t out of the woods yet…she wouldn’t calm down until she knew her family was safe.

  It looked as if Bronwyn had cleared a path around where Nicholas lay. She was almost startled to see how much the twins had matured. They were quickly reaching adulthood. The thought jarred her. She had allowed the years to slip by her without realizing that they were growing up.

  She sighed, swallowing the thick lump in her throat. Why could so many years pass by in a literal heartbeat, and the last few days felt as if they’d gone on forever? There was something different about Bronwyn and she didn’t like it at all.

  She dropped to her knees before Nicholas. He’d been burned, badly.

  She inhaled deeply, as sympathy rushed through her. He had to be in a good deal of pain and yet, he was holding up quite well. Newfound respect and admiration for him rushed through her.

  “How did this happen?” She looked at Bronwyn.

  “He was distracted. He’d touched Brianna and something went on between them in his moment of disorientation, his guard lapsed. One of Draco’s sentries came out of nowhere, and threw a fireball at them. I was off trying to open a portal to Earth, but it wouldn’t stay open.”

  “I know. You need to calm down, Bronwyn,” Grania whispered softly.

  “Calm down? I don’t think you understand! This happened to him because he threw himself on top of Brianna and everyone knows that any sort of flame can’t hurt Brianna. He let his emotions for her, weaken him!”

  “Nicholas didn’t know. There are those of us dragon shifters that can be harmed by enemy fire. Nicholas only wanted to protect her. It’s his job.”

  “I knew you’d see the logical side of the situation,” her voice turned downright snarky.

  “Bronwyn, I need you to keep a watch out for my husband.”



  “I can do that. Nicholas showed us a picture of him.”

  She walked over to Brianna and Nicholas. “You have to actually get your tears on the wounds, Brianna.” She spoke in a soft low voice. Brianna stared up at her. Her face was streaked with tears, her eyes were swollen and her hands were shaking and soaked in his blood.

  “I don’t know what to do…” She was shaking so hard and her chest was heaving with sobs.

  “Cry a little directly over his wound. That should heal him enough to bring him back from the brink of death. The wounds are severe, I’m sure he’ll still be hurting after you cry over him, but he’ll be well, and he’ll be in far less pain, which is a blessing.”

  “I’ll try.” Brianna’s voice shook with emotion. Gradually, her hands stopped trembling. “This happened to him because of me. I gave him an electric shock when he touched me, he never touched me before, but he grabbed for my hand to pull me back…and…”

  “Why did he pull you back?” Grania asked.

  “Bronwyn wanted to abandon him and rendezvous with the others loyal to the Crown. He wanted us to get to Earth where he thought he could keep us safe. I kept trying to tell both of them that no place was safe, but they just kept bickering!”

  “And now?” Grania prompted.

  “Now, they’ve come to a standstill. Bronwyn doesn’t know what to do with him, and I don’t know what to do either. Look!”

  She showed her palm to Gra
nia. It glowed with the mating mark.

  “Oh, no.” Grania shook her head feeling her stomach do another nosedive. “What are the Fates trying to do to this family?”

  “I’ve always felt weird around him, but I never dreamt this was going to happen. My mother told me something was coming for me. I don’t think this was what she meant.”

  “Or maybe it was. You’ve found your mate.”

  “And don’t tell me you’re too young. I’ve lost track of the years as well, but you won’t be too young in a few days.”

  “Bronwyn and I had our birthday last week.”

  “And how old are you now?”

  “I’m old enough to find my mate. I’ve been an adult for a few years, even though everyone keeps treating me like a bloody child! I’m not getting stuck with him for the rest of my life. He has one hell of a temper! You should see him all riled up. It’s enough to make me want to scream!”

  “Has he hurt you?”

  “No. He would never lay a violent hand on me. I don’t know how I know that, but I can sense it in the very fiber of my being. He looks at me in the strangest way, and my heart flutters, my pulse quickens, my breath grows short and my palms start to sweat when he does that. It is most disconcerting.”

  “Then, I shouldn’t worry.”

  “I won’t be a pawn in this destiny game of ours.” Her voice grew hoarse. “I never asked to have him as my mate. I never even asked to be given a mate. Why couldn’t the Fates have forsaken me when it came to finding love? This game is too cruel for words.”

  “It isn’t a game, Brianna.”

  “Isn’t it? This game has created this war. Even now, my mother is with him…” Pure loathing filled her voice. She heaved a shuddering breath. “We are all pawns. We are pawns of our parents’ deceit. It isn’t fair.”

  “I don’t follow…what are you talking about, Brianna?”

  “I’ve known…I’ve known for years. The visions I’ve had. When I first saw Nicholas I knew, even though I’ve been living in denial. I tried to stay away from him. The Fates help me, I knew, so did Bronwyn. That’s why she always made sure he never touched me. We had it all figured out until we both got stupid.

  We’re smart enough to know that our mother has been brainwashed. I mean, she wouldn’t intentionally kill our father with her actions of betrayal. She loved our father she had to, didn’t she? He was her mate. He was the other half of her dragon’s heart… and now, now, he’s dead. I will never hear his jovial laugh, I will never feel his arms wrapping around me, I will never be able to talk to him and tell him all of my deepest thoughts. He is gone. Never to return again, and the worst part of it was, his death could have been avoided. He was murdered in the vilest of ways.”

  “Brianna, you need to slow down. You are talking so fast.”

  “I can’t. My heart is beating so fast, I feel like I’m going to pass out!”

  “That’s why I’m getting a bloody headache!” Nicholas’s voice was groggy, he opened his eyes and locked them on Brianna. Warmth lit their brilliant depths. Grania could feel the love radiating from him.

  Brianna let out a weak sigh.

  “I’m so sorry, Nicholas. As soon as you’re on your feet, we’re going on our own separate paths. I won’t be a hindrance to you anymore, and I won’t be responsible for any more harm befalling you. I can’t see you in pain again, and I can’t fear that you’re going to die and leave me behind. My father’s love for my mother blinded him, and it made him weak. Perhaps, we should just defy fate.”

  “That’s fine with me. If what I just heard is right, you’ll be drawn back to me like a metal to a magnet.” Triumph edged into his voice. His tenacity was surprising considering his recent ordeal.

  William was right, Nicholas was one tough assed bastard. He was a tough assed bastard who was completely head over heels in love with Brianna.

  “I’m going to tell her, Nicholas,” Brianna whispered, darting a nervous gaze his way.

  “No, she doesn’t need to know until we have more proof,” Nicholas said gruffly, reaching for Brianna’s hand.

  She smiled as she felt William walking toward them. He looked a little grim. “I left Bronwyn keeping watch. Oh, Nicholas, you look rough mate!”

  “Thanks, William. Brianna, you don’t need to tell Grania. Just keep it to yourself, sweetheart,” Nicholas said.

  “No. I will not keep it to myself, Nicholas. She has to know! Grania, my mother is the one that allowed the barbarians to barge through the gates. My father and the Royal Guard were holding out against Draco. Mother told us to remain away from the fight. We were to hide out in the chapel. But I couldn’t. I had to stick my nose in it. You know me. I’m always looking for trouble, even when that trouble could very well get me killed. The nose knows.”

  “Oh, you stuck your nose in it all right.” Nicholas grunted.

  She scowled at him. “You just stay quiet. You are weak, remember?”

  “Weak? I’m getting used to feeling like shit warmed over.” He gave out a rueful laugh. “Grania, I think your hubby is coming back to us.” He smiled behind her.

  “Widow Mooney wants us to return with her to her hideout,” William’s voice turned gruff, a shiver went up and down her spine. She loved it when his voice lowered to that spine tingling octave.

  “Widow Mooney? Have the two of you both lost what is left of your questionable wits?” Brianna demanded. She sounded downright livid.

  Grania shook her head. It was Brianna speaking, but she sounded so much like Nicholas that gave her the goose pimples.

  “Don’t go back to her. Where is she now?” Brianna looked furtive. She inched back closer to Nicholas. “She’s another bloody betrayer. That’s all we need. She almost led you into a trap, Grania! How could you be so gullible? You’re better than that—or at least you used to be.”

  “She’s never given me any reason to doubt her. She was a staunch supporter of your father.”

  “She was also a staunch supporter of my mother. The line is so skewed right now that I can’t even see straight. Either, my mother has been seduced and bewitched by your father or she was always in cahoots with him.

  Whatever the case might be, I know one thing — you can’t place your faith in the Widow Mooney. She’s a widow because she turned against her husband and fed him to the wolves so to speak, so she could save her own skin! Oh, this isn’t a good situation. You have to get away from her!”

  “I just can’t believe it!”

  “Who do you believe your own blood, or a stranger?” Brianna demanded, locking her searing gaze on Brianna.

  Silence engulfed the clearing.

  “Well, that was a loaded question, Brianna,” Nicholas snorted. “Look, you should believe her, if you believe me. I saw it with my own eyes. The Widow is bad news in a big way. Thank God you weren’t lured into her trap. We got you here just in the nick of time,” he chuckled, groaning. “Note to self, don’t laugh when you’ve just been healed from a possibly life threatening wound. You could have just left me to die, that would have solved your problem, Brianna.”

  “Mates for our kind don’t exactly grow on trees. We mate for life,” Grania’s voice sounded weak, the revelation of the Widow’s duplicity was hitting her hard.

  “Tell that to the Widow Mooney.” Brianna’s face went even paler.

  “Not if the Widow was never married to her intended mate. Things are getting so confusing.” Grania sighed.

  “I think we should get out of here. It doesn’t look as if we’re going to get anywhere here. We don’t know who to trust,” William said.

  “You can trust us.” Nicholas grimaced. “I feel so stiff. Help me up, William.”

  “You don’t need William. I can help you just fine,” Brianna said, trying to hoist him to his feet.

  Grania turned away, she couldn’t watch them anymore, and it was almost painful. Soon, the dragon shifter blood would be completely mixed with magic kind blood.

  “Tread lightly, Gran
ia.” William’s voice turned even gruffer, he was getting mad.

  She looked over at William. He’d been listening in on her thoughts, and she didn’t like that, but she couldn’t exactly blame him since she did that to him from time to time.

  “We can’t leave Dragonia. I’ve tried to open a portal several times.” Bronwyn stood on the other side of William.

  “I know someone that has a one way ticket back to Earth.”

  “Stop trying to drop subtle clues, William. Okay, everyone, I can take us back to Earth in a heartbeat. I want Nicholas, Brianna and Bronwyn to go first,” Grania instructed.

  “I think big blue and leathery is coming back toward is. She’s probably realized that we’re onto her. She knows…and now she’s coming back to finish us off,” Nicholas coughed, “I know I look dishy but she takes it literally.

  “Okay, William, erect a shield.” She reached for her bow, searching for the runes on it. “Get ready, Nicholas, are you steady enough on your feet?”

  “I’m finding the ground,” Nicholas muttered.


  Her fingers caressed the wood, the same familiar electrical shock hit her, except this time, Merdwyn didn’t emerge. He opened the portal for them again without actually coming to Dragonia.

  “Go now, move fast, it won’t stay open for long,” Grania insisted. Fireballs rained down on them.

  “Good God, Great Balls of Fire!” William exclaimed, returning to his old cheeky self.

  “Now you start! If you ask me to kiss you I’m going to freak!” Grania muttered.

  Bronwyn was already through the portal. Nicholas lingered behind with Brianna.

  “Don’t think, just jump,” she ordered, giving Brianna an encouraging smile.

  “Okay, I’m fine.” Nicholas grimaced with pain. “I’m going with Brianna we’ll see you in a few seconds.”

  “Come on, William!” Grania shouted.

  “I’m coming! I have to shrink the shield just enough to cover the both of us.”

  She waited for him long enough until he was close to the portal.

  “I love you, William.” Pulling him close, she gave him a quick hard kiss on the lips.

  “I love you, too!” He reached for her hand. She drew away from him.


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