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Secret Reflection

Page 25

by Jennifer Brassel

  ‘But what if you could stay alive?’ Her mind lit on the idea. ‘… I could live here. I could be here for you, with you, until we can find another way out.’ She stood, splaying a shaky hand on the glass. ‘Maybe, with research, I could find someone with the knowledge of magic who could send me into the mirror if we cannot get you out? Or maybe we could find some kind of technology that would release you unharmed? We can’t just give up!’

  ‘I do not understand this “technology” of which you speak so I cannot say if it might be possible. Your world is very different from mine. As to magic – it is something I have never trusted.’ His eyes closed momentarily as if he was struggling against the hope she offered. ‘Should we not just enjoy the time that remains to us? ’

  A defeated sigh shuddered from her. ‘We don’t have to decide anything now. Let’s just take things a day at a time. I—’

  The bedroom door squeaked open and Kelly jumped back when she saw Richard standing there.

  The intense smile he wore presaged danger.

  ‘May I come in?’ he said then walked into the room without waiting for her answer. ‘I do apologise for not being home for our rendezvous. Inspector Mathieson wished an interview and it ran over time.’ Again the nasty smile. His eyes narrowed as they came upon the journal where it rested on her bed. ‘Ah. I see you have found a little bedtime reading.’

  ‘The door stood open when I got to the coach house so I went in looking for you and found it. I didn’t think you would mind since it was why I agreed to meet you.’

  Richard’s gaze went to the mirror, then back to her face. ‘It is interesting reading, isn’t it? I took a closer look last night. Though I am yet to read it all, I’m sure you’ll agree the beginning was quite tedious … all that soppy love talk. I skipped much of that part. It only got exciting when the woman died and my predecessor found a way to imprison her killer.

  ‘I particularly liked the part that says the ghost cannot ever reach beyond the mirror.’ He stepped closer and Kelly could see that the knowledge of John’s true situation had allowed Richard to feel a measure of bravado.

  ‘So – is he there now?’ He studied the glass as if he hoped to catch some kind of glimpse. ‘Are you there? John, isn’t it?’

  For long seconds Kelly had to suppress the urge to laugh at him. Richard was looking at the wrong side of the mirror as if trying to peer through a window.

  John glared at Richard. He looked so regal and magnificent she wished Richard could see him too. Perhaps then he wouldn’t be quite so cocky.

  ‘I am here, Ditchley.’

  Despite the confident display, Kelly saw Richard flinch slightly when John spoke. Backing up, Richard went to retrieve the journal from the bed, flipping the pages nonchalantly. ‘It seems you have no power, Ghost.’ Richard stated with obvious delight.

  ‘Perhaps not in your world, Ditchley, but the same is true for you in mine.’

  ‘Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong. I have plenty of power.’ He faced Kelly and raised both brows in question, ‘Didn’t you tell him?’

  ‘No – not yet,’ she answered, dreading what Richard was about to reveal.

  Richard’s face shone as he turned toward the mirror. ‘How wonderful! I even get the privilege of informing him. How absolutely delightful. After all these years, after all the times you frightened me as a child, I have your fate in my hands and you are completely powerless!’

  Moving close to Kelly he ran a finger down her cheek in a mock caress. ‘Shall I tell him or would you like the honours, m’dear?’

  Pulling away she shook her head; she didn’t want to anger him in any way. Perhaps, after he’d had his fun telling John the secret, he might leave them both in peace. God, she hoped so!

  ‘Thank you,’ he whispered, again trailing a finger down her cheek.

  She bit her inner lip as his finger moved slowly downward over her neck. Her skin crawled over her back but she refused to let him make her cower. When his hand came to a halt at the closed button of her blouse, she lifted one of hers, gripped his wrist and casually pushed it away.

  The edges of Richard’s lips quirked as John’s low growl echoed through the room. ‘Déjá vu, Ghost? Poor Anne, she had no idea, did she?’ Striding to the mirror he tilted his head. ‘Well, never mind, Kelly is not so innocent.’

  ‘Do not dare,’ John commanded, his tone deadly.

  ‘Ah, but what can you do? You have no way to prevent me. Besides, I haven’t yet told you about my secret, have I? I really should do that … it is so cruel to keep you dangling.’ He glanced back to Kelly, ‘I think, however, I should demand some kind of payment first … good will and all that.’ He beckoned her with an outstretched hand. ‘Come, I think I can claim a kiss, at the very least.’

  From the predatory look in his eyes, she knew he would take it from her if she failed to go to him.

  As she slowly moved forward, her gaze lifted to John’s face. She mouthed the words, ‘I’m sorry,’ and then shut her eyes tight as Richard pulled her hard against him. His arms surrounded her like a vice, his harsh fingers bruising the back of her neck where he held her. She let herself go limp, unwilling to fight him.

  Forcing her back against the bedpost, he drove his tongue straight into her unresponsive mouth. His lips tasted of stale scotch; she wanted to gag but couldn’t allow herself to do anything that would incense him further. She suddenly realised that John’s warning about Richard’s tainted blood was not just superstition.

  Richard ground his hips into hers, his erection, pressing hard against her belly, left no doubt what he really wanted in payment.

  In the back of her mind she could hear John’s angry cries but she tried to shut them out; hearing his anguish only hurt her more.

  Dragging her mouth away, she begged in a whisper, ‘Please, Richard, let’s go somewhere private. To the coach house … then we can do whatever you like.’ She didn’t want to torture John further by letting Richard rape her here, in front of him.

  Richard couldn’t possibly know that she and John had fallen in love. Likely he just assumed it was John’s sense of honour that made him protest. But if they stayed here long enough, she knew she wouldn’t be able to hide her feelings. If that happened she was certain that Richard would relish the idea of having sex with her right under John’s nose, just as his sick predecessor had all those years ago. ‘I’ve never done it … in front of an audience. Please.’

  Wagging a finger at her, he shook his head and then surprised her by letting her go. ‘Hmm, not yet.

  ‘Are you still there, Ghost?’

  ‘I am here.’ John’s reply was devoid of emotion, although Kelly could see the pain in his expression. She wanted to reach out to him, reassure him. But there was nothing she could do. Yet.

  ‘I wish to explain something,’ Richard stated. ‘My ancestor’s journal revealed some quite interesting facts. It seems the only way to release you from the mirror is with my blood.’ Reaching into his pocket he withdrew a small Swiss Army knife. Slowly and deliberately he drew out the blade and brandished it before the mirror. Then, with a theatrical flourish he slid the sharp edge against his palm. ‘Now it doesn’t say that breaking the spell will kill you, but I am willing to bet that is the case.’ His gaze captured Kelly’s. ‘Are you willing to take the chance?’

  ‘No!’ Kelly pleaded, her heart pounding in her breast. ‘Please don’t do it!’ She lunged for the knife but Richard held it aloft so she couldn’t reach it.

  ‘Kelly!’ John bellowed in fear. ‘Do not. He will harm you!’

  Backing away, her hands fisted impotently by her sides, the blood seemed to scream through her veins. She wasn’t sure exactly how it worked, but she could not afford to let him draw blood. She knew she had to stop him, by whatever means she had even if that meant agreeing to seduction.

  She looked to the door. Why hadn’t Tom heard the noise and come to investigate?

  ‘Kelly is innocent in this,’ John stated. ‘Let her go a
nd then do whatever you will to me.’

  Richard turned towards John voice and his face took on a sickly smile.

  ‘Now, now. Let’s all talk about this calmly,’ his voice sounded reasonable, almost generous. ‘There is a solution that might just suit everyone.’

  Struggling to control her panic, Kelly breathed deeply and watched as Richard pocketed the knife. Relief swept through her. While the threat was still very real, the immediate danger had at least passed.

  ‘I’ve struck a little problem,’ Richard announced almost conversationally. ‘It seems I owe a large sum of money to a man of dubious reputation—’

  ‘I have no riches that I can bestow upon you, Ditchley,’ John interrupted coldly.

  ‘—and I find I am in need of a wife of means,’ Richard continued as if John hadn’t said a word. Raking Kelly from head to foot, his expression took on one of triumph. ‘I have been doing a little research of my own and it seems our Ms Reid has a sizable trust fund. Is that not true, Kelly?’

  ‘My trust fund? You’re after my trust fund?’ Flabbergasted, she turned away. That money was something she never bothered thinking about. Her father administered it on her behalf, and since she earned a good living on her own she’d never had need to touch it. Frank had sued for a portion, but her father kept him tied up in court over it and as things currently stood, it could take Frank years before he could get his hands on any of it, if ever.

  ‘Not just the trust fund, I have decided I’d like to marry and perhaps relocate to the United States. So this is what I propose – you’ll forgive me if I don’t go down on bended knee,’ he smirked at her as if he’d made a hilarious joke. ‘We shall be married at Gretna Green tomorrow at 3 pm. I took the liberty of booking the service. I have a friend at the office there who has expedited the paperwork on our behalf. After the wedding we will honeymoon in New York. As a good-will gesture, you will transfer eighty thousand pounds into my bank account so I can remove the small debt I owe.’

  Stunned to silence, Kelly could only stare, wide-eyed, as he paced the room like a chairman of the board, issuing orders to his staff. He’d obviously had this planned for some time.

  ‘In return, I promise not to send your ghost to his death. Is that not an amicable agreement?’

  ‘Kelly,’ John’s voice flowed over her like a warm cocoon of love. ‘Do not do this. He will only hurt you and it will be for naught.’

  Burying her face in her hands she tried to think of some way she could give him what he wanted without her having to marry him. When she glanced up both men were watching her intently.

  ‘I can give you the money – however much you need. But we don’t need to get married.’

  Richard moved closer and gave her a condescending smile. ‘Yes, we do. Let’s just say it would be prudent for me to get out of England for a while.’

  Kelly began to shake as the blood in her veins turned to ice. Richard’s eyes pinned hers, daring her to deny him and in them she saw a violent anger, greed and a steely resolve that made her heart shudder. He again reached into his pocket. She could see him fingering the knife in warning. And not for the first time did she wonder if perhaps he had killed Deanna. While he scoffed at any mention of involvement with the girl, her vehemence that day at the bakery, and again that night in her room, had set Kelly to thinking. Why would he want to relocate if not to escape the police?

  But to marry him?

  Of course, she would have to do it if it meant saving John but once Richard had all he wanted, would he kill her too? Her whole body began to turn numb with fear. She looked into John’s face desperately wishing for another answer.

  ‘Run, my love,’ John whispered.

  Richard’s head spun towards the mirror. ‘What’s this?’

  Kelly cringed as the she saw understanding dawn on Richard’s face.

  ‘My love, is it?’ He began to laugh, a maddening sound that only increased her fear. ‘Oh that is so delicious! The ghost is in love with Kelly. How poignant … how truly romantic! The stuff of Hollywood. Perhaps,’ he reached out and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, ‘I shall write a novel about it. I’ve always fancied myself an author, you know. I can just see it … a contemporary version of The Ghost and Mrs Muir.’

  His arm tightened until the pain forced her to cease trying to squirm from his grasp.

  ‘Look, I’ll give you whatever you want – if you let me get my attaché case I can write you a cheque right now. However much you want. Just name it. But then, please, just leave us alone …’ her voice trailed away. One look at his eager expression told her that even if she gave him every cent she owned, it would not be enough.

  ‘Ah, but we haven’t finished yet, Kelly. While I will let you write that cheque, it will be after we seal the deal.’

  His other arm came around her and he crushed her into his arms. ‘Let us show your would-be lover what he will miss while he stands there and waits another twenty years, shall we? After all, if he is to have any hope of redemption, he must have someone of my blood to do it.’ He gazed into her eyes as if he was in love with her. ‘We might as well start on the begetting of progeny … it would be cruel to leave the man with no hope at all, wouldn’t it, my sweet?’

  Before she could begin to protest he manoeuvered both her arms behind her back until he held her wrists painfully with one of his large hands. She knew to struggle would be useless, he stood head and shoulders above her and all his equestrian skills made him very strong. Instead she stood rigid in his grip while he began to nuzzle her neck. She desperately wished she could shield John from what was surely about to happen, but there was no way she could fight Richard and win. With her wrists held tightly she couldn’t even attempt to wrest the knife from him.

  She shook her head vehemently as John began to bellow in anger. ‘It’s okay,’ she murmured. ‘It will only make it worse.’

  ‘Please, Kelly … I am happy to die if it will save you!’

  Richard lifted his head and barked a mock laugh in John’s direction. ‘Whether you live or die is of no consequence to me, Ghost. I will still have her, regardless. So just sit back and enjoy the show, you might learn something.’ His face contorted, and where Kelly had once thought Richard pretty, she now saw only ugliness.

  Numb, Kelly allowed her mind to step back, to almost leave her body as Richard began unbuttoning her blouse. She heard an agonised wail and only distantly realised the sound came from her own throat.

  John stood like a statue before her, his eyes fixed solely on hers as if he could shut out the rest. His love flooded over her. She felt the tangible warmth of his comfort, and so long as their eyes remained locked, she thought she could withstand anything.

  Richard thrust his groin against her, making her look down. She hadn’t seen him unzip his fly. His penis, red and swollen, ground into her belly and though she tried to remain dispassionate, a slow heat began rising up her spine. It wasn’t desire; there was nothing about this man that evoked the slightest feeling of lust. The sight of his penis against her now bared stomach made her feel nothing but disgust. No, the heat was rage. An internal rage. The same internal rage she had known when Frank had forced himself on her the night she threw him out of the apartment. Then, as now, her size and gender had been her downfall. That night she had vowed to herself that no man would ever put her in that position again.

  When Richard pushed his hand inside her pants and groped her like an animal, it reminded her so much of Frank that something in her snapped. Crying out at the injustice, she jerked her head up hard against Richard’s chin and felt a surge of triumph at the sickening snap of his teeth. While she didn’t think she had really hurt him, it was enough to make him loosen his grip on her hands. She didn’t wait for him to regain any control. The fire of anger surged through her and she drew back an arm, shoving her fist in his face so hard that she sent him reeling.

  It was almost as if it happened in slow motion … As Richard flung an arm out to brace himself for the
fall she saw John’s arm emerge from the mirror. Hope surged through her chest! John was breaking the spell! But just as he began to step out, Richard’s elbow swung back and smashed into the mirror.

  A slow tinkle became an avalanche that stopped Kelly’s heart.

  John vanished.

  ‘OH GOD NO!’ she screamed as the mirror disintegrated before her eyes, thousands of shards of glass showering over Richard as he fell to the floor.

  Richard screamed too. His arm, covered in cuts, bled profusely. ‘Help me!’ he yelled at her, but she ignored him completely.

  All the breath left her lungs and a high-pitched wailing began inside her head.


  Her mind sobbed as she crumpled before the empty frame.

  Tentatively she touched the plywood as if feeling for him. ‘John? Are you still there? … JOHN!’

  Tom burst into the room and took in the scene in the blink of an eye. He rushed to her, and as soon as he realised she was basically unharmed, he bent to aid Richard.

  Kelly scrambled upright and pushed past them both, nearly knocking Nancy over as she raced for the main stairs. When she reached the mirror she called his name over and over again.

  ‘Please, John. Please be there … answer me! … JOHN!’

  But the glass remained empty.

  In her desperation she thought maybe he’d sought refuge in one of the other mirrors. Running from room to room she madly pleaded in front of each of them, begging him to show himself.

  By the time she reached the library she knew in her heart that he was gone. The instant she acknowledged it her stomach clenched painfully and her heart seemed to stall. Heaving great gulps of air, her legs folded under her. She fell to the carpet and began to sob. She didn’t even notice when Tom arrived several minutes later to wrap a blanket around her and help her to her feet.

  ‘Shhhh,’ he whispered as he rocked her gently in his arms. He wiped the hair from her face and laid her on the settee. ‘If he can be found, we’ll find him, Kel,’ he reassured.


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