The Rise of the Fourth Reich

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The Rise of the Fourth Reich Page 44

by Jim Marrs

  Covert plan for continuation of Nazi research: Hydrick, p. xv

  Uranium and bombs courtesy of Nazi Party: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 158

  Something far more destructive: Ibid., p. 346

  Himmler’s letter: Speer, pp. 207–208

  Kammler as commissioner general: Ibid., p. 209

  Special projects office: Cook, p. 159

  Dr. Konrad Zuse and computers: Stevens, p. 18

  A whole new research and command structure: Ibid., pp. iii–vii

  Development facilities moved: Ford, p. 22

  Crucial that V-2s were spared: Mary Bennett and David S. Percy, Dark Moon: Apollo and the Whistleblowers (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001), p. 173

  A mounting body of evidence: Cook, p. 209

  Walter Gerlach forbidden to talk: Ibid., p. 194

  Rudolf Schuster: Ibid., p. 186

  Whole area in deep valley: Witkowski, p. 263

  Deeply secret: Cook, p. 196

  No acknowledgment of Kommando: Cook, p. 187

  A “fly trap”: Witkowski, p. 265

  Iodizing radiation and magnetic field of energy: Ibid., p. 234

  All samples destroyed: Cook, p. 192

  Scientists shot: Ibid., p. 184

  Zero point energy: Colonel John B. Alexander, Winning the War: Advanced Weapons, Strategies, and Concepts for the Post-9/11 World (New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2003), pp. 231–232

  T. Townsend Brown: Editors, Anti-Gravity & the Unified Field (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001), p. 93

  Tesla on mastery of physical creation: Ibid., pp. 44–45

  Interavia Aerospace Review: Cook, pp. 5–6

  Ceramic superconductor and magnet:

  L. D. Bell, George S. Trimble, and William Lear: Ibid., p. 4

  Bruce Cathie’s worldwide energy grid: Bruce L. Cathie and Peter N. Temm, “The Anti-gravity Equation,” The Anti-Gravity Handbook (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1993), p. 26

  Distance is an illusion: Ibid.

  Betty Cash, Vickie and Colby Landrum: Marrs, Alien Agenda, pp. 182–183

  Material weighed less than pan: Laurence Gardner, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark (London: Element, 2003), p. 164

  Philosopher’s stone rediscovered: Ibid., p. 171

  Dr. Hal Puthoff and exotic matter: Ibid., p. 168

  Perpetual motion: Ibid., p. 166

  Carl Sagan on time travel:

  Jenny Randles on time travel: Jenny Randles, Breaking the Time Barrier: The Race to Build the First Time Machine (New York: Paraview Pocket Books, 2005), p. 8

  General Knerr letter to Spaatz: Witkowski, p. 10

  Madcap dash to southern Germany and Prague: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 111–112

  Czech-Austrian documents still secret:

  Kammler had some of value to deal: Cook, p. 164

  Deal cut with Dulles or Patton: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 156

  Plausible motivation for Patton’s death: Ibid., p. 157

  Kammler to bargain with Allies: Jean Michel, Dora (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980), p. 290

  Other important developments: Speer, p. 243

  Kammler disappeared without a trace: Michel, pp. 296–297

  Kammler’s good fortune: Witkowski, p. 271

  Kammler’s “deaths”: Cook, pp. 180–181

  Dozens not called to account: Ibid., p. 189

  Collusion between United States and Nazi Germany: Hydrick, p. 144

  Nazi science came with a virus: Cook, p. 270

  4. A Treasure Trove

  Otto Skorzeny background: Mark M. Bostner III, Biographical Dictionary of World War II (Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1996), pp. 504–507

  Otto Rahn: Otto Rahn, translated by Christopher Jones, Crusade Against the Grail: The Struggle Between the Cathars, the Templars and the Church of Rome (Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 2006), p. x

  Much sorrow in my country: Rahn, p. xiii

  Rosenberg on Rahn’s death: Angebert, pp. 14–15

  Solomon’s treasure described: Colonel Howard Buechner, Emerald Cup—Ark of Gold: The Quest of SS Lieutenant Otto Rahn of the Third Reich (Metairie, LA: Thunderbird Press, 1991), pp. 39–42

  Treasures went with Alaric: Ibid., p. 58

  Casket part of treasure: Rahn, p. 95

  Cathars influenced by Druids: Ibid., p. 74

  Independent republics: Ibid., p. 54

  Immigration of peoples: Ibid., p. 27

  Abraham and the Table of Destiny: Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings (London: Bantam Press, 1999), pp. 100, 219–220

  A shadowy prehistory: Alan F. Alford, Gods of the New Millennium: Scientific Proof of Flesh & Blood Gods (Walsall, England: Eridu Books, 1996), p. i

  Payens as cousin to Count Champagne: Graham Hancock, The Sign and the Seal (New York: Touchstone, 1993), p. 93

  Royal Engineers find Templar artifacts: Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key (New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1998), p. 267

  Templars acquired scrolls of knowledge: Ibid., pp. 267–269

  French family and Templar connections: Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, Holy Blood, Holy Grail (New York: Dell Publishing, 1983), p. 73

  Catharism to Thule Society: Angebert, p. 53

  Asmodeus as builder of Solomon’s Temple: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 36

  Speculation on Sauniere’s discovery: Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, The Templar Revelation (New York: Touchstone, 1997), p. 182

  Rahn’s letter to Weisthor: David Wood and Ian Campbell, Geneset: Target Earth (Middlesex, England: Bellevue Books, 1994), p. 243

  1943 German expedition: Angebert, p. 48

  Commandos at Montségur: Buechner, p. 190

  Skorzeny finds treasure: Ibid., p. 192

  Messages to and from Berlin: Ibid.

  Skorzeny, pilgrims, and plane flight: Ibid., pp. 193–194

  A Fieseler Storch: Angebert, p. 47

  Pilgrims awestruck: Buechner, p. 194

  Treasure’s journey and intact for last time: Ibid., pp. 195, 203

  Description of treasure: Ibid., pp. 202–203

  Frau Bormann and gold coins: Ibid., p. 204

  5. The Writing on the Wall

  All the machinery of a well-organized Nazi state: Reiss, p. 2

  Transfer apparatus back to Nazi Party: Ibid., p. 3

  Himmler has private meeting with Bormann: Ibid., p. 4

  Industrialists to cut ties with Nazi Party: Ibid., p. 17

  Wish for world constantly on brink of war: Ibid., p. 18

  No reason to believe Schnitzler: Ibid., p. 21

  Thyssen proclaims his loyalty to Germany: Snyder, p. 348

  Thyssen’s neighbors on the Riviera: Reiss, p. 24

  Thyssen’s flight not genuine: Ibid., pp. 22–23

  Schlacht Plan: Ibid., p. 31

  Schlacht’s lack of punishment: Snyder, p. 308

  Hitler’s amphetamine use: Associated Press, “Drug Tied to Hitler Behavior,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, June 14, 1979

  Machiavelli of the office desk: Snyder, p. 36

  Hitler’s comment on Bormann: Ladislas Farago, Aftermath: Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1974), p. 105

  Economic resurgence of Germany: Manning, p. 24

  A profit-seeking track: Ibid.

  Less conspicuous Nazis in factories: Ibid., p. 27

  750 front corporations: Ibid., p. 136

  Historic file shipped to Bormann archives: Ibid., p. 144

  Bormann followed strategies by Schmitz: Ibid., p. 136

  Interhandel: Ibid., p. 159

  Demand deposits in U.S. banks: Ibid., p. 139

  American firms effective in protecting Nazi interests: Ibid., p. 25

  Orvis A. Schmidt: Ibid., p. 146

  I. G. Farben
breakthroughs: Ibid., p. 55

  Farben’s interest in seven hundred companies: Ibid., p. 153

  Farben as banking hub: Ibid., p. 58

  German combines as spearheads: Ibid., p. 148

  Bormann takes reins of finance: Ibid., p. 87

  Deutsche Bank leads Big Three: Ibid., p. 69

  Gold to Turkey:

  Description of European loot: Farago, p. 201

  Greatest bank robbery in history:

  German gold sold to Swiss: Manning, p. 136

  Swiss banks and “concept deficit”: Adam LeBor, Hitler’s Secret Bankers: The Myth of Swiss Neutrality During the Holocaust (Secaucus, NJ: Birch Lane Press, 1997), p. xiv

  “Max Heiliger”: Farago, p. 200

  Abs headed consortium: Manning, pp. 278–279

  John J. McCloy’s chairmanships:

  Abs exempts U.S. banks: Manning, p. 72

  Bush’s Nazi connections: John Buchanan, “Bush-Nazi Link Confirmed,” New Hampshire Gazette, October 10, 2003

  Thyssen transfers ownership: John Loftus, “How the Bush Family Made Its Fortune from the Nazis: The Dutch Connection,”

  Edward Boswell comment:

  Oil to Spain: Higham, p. 59

  Changed registry/close associates: Ibid., p. 35

  Swedish firm as front for Hamburg-Amerika shipping line: Manning, pp. 132–133

  Bush family complicity: John Loftus, “The Dutch Connection”; Robert Lederman,

  Home school curriculum: Reiss, p. 77

  Sheep-dipped SS: Ibid., p. 87

  Functionaries provided anti-Nazi cover: Ibid., p. 97

  Basis for card files: Ibid., p. 141

  Nazis want World War III: Reiss, p. 189

  Reiss’s warning: Reiss, p. 201



  6. The Ratlines

  Heinrich Mueller’s tombstone: Manning, p. 179

  Bishop Johannes Neuhausler: Ibid., p. 15

  Dr. Hugo Blaschke and Fritz Echtmann: Ibid., p. 16

  SS general Heinrich Mueller: Ibid., p. 17

  Simon Wiesenthal: Snyder, p. 37

  Walter Buch’s dying declaration: Manning, p. 45

  Bormann’s escape route: Ibid., pp. 198–200

  San Domingo records destroyed: Ibid., p. 202

  ODESSA as consortium of freelancers: Farago, p. 167

  ODESSA as vast clandestine Nazi travel organization: Snyder, p. 259

  Hans Rudel’s 2,530 combat missions:

  Refugee bureau of the Vatican: Farago, p. 167

  Almost a billion in gold paid to the Vatican: Ridley, p. 198

  Hitler studied at Catholic monastery: Snyder, p. 151

  Hitler in accordance with Creator:

  Hitler on positive Christianity: Shirer, p. 234

  “With Burning Sorrow”: Ibid., p. 235

  Spiritually, we are all Semites:

  Cardinal Eugene Tisserant: Ibid.

  Cardinal at wedding and secret staircase: Ridley, p. 289

  Colonel Rudel on church aid: Christopher Simpson, Blowback: America’s Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects on the Cold War (New York: Collier-Macmillan, 1988), p. 178

  Bishop Alois Hudal and Lanz von Liebensfels: Levenda, Unholy Alliance, pp. 253–254

  Wider indictment: John Cornwell, Hitler’s Pope (New York: Viking, 1999), p. viii

  Pius XII’s little scope of action:’s_Pope

  Ante Pavelic:

  Argentina as Nazi Gau: Reiss, p. 143

  Rudel brings Luftwaffe staff: Linda Hunt, Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991), pp. 147–148

  Kurt Tank and smuggled designs: Ibid., p. 149

  General Wilhelm von Faupel: Reiss, p. 150

  At least $100 million from Bormann: Manning, p. 203

  Evita’s deep resentments: Georg Hodel, “Evita, the Swiss and the Nazis,” iF Magazine, January/February 1999,

  Evita meets with Skorzeny and Alberto Dodero: Ibid.

  Evita coordinates Nazi networks: Ibid.

  Bormann’s banking files: Manning, p. 205

  Mueller still wields power: Manning, p. 204

  Death Squad operations: Hodel

  Barbie into drug trade: Levenda, Unholy Alliance, p. 293

  Barbie’s team and torture: Hodel

  Passau robbery and murders: Author’s interviews with William H. Spector, 1979–1980

  Jewish buyers entered the marketplace: Manning, p. 194

  Rothschilds create Israel: Marrs, Rule by Secrecy, pp. 82–83

  Rockefeller to monopolize raw materials: John Loftus and Mark Aarons, The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People (New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 1994), p. 165

  Everything Germans wanted they got: Ibid.

  John Foster Dulles a fellow conspirator: Ibid., p. 166

  Dossier blackmailed Nelson Rockefeller: Ibid., pp. 167–169

  Vengeance or a country: Ibid.

  John Pehle: Manning, p. 151

  Sixty thousand Nazis escaped: Ibid., p. 200

  Well-planned communications system: Ibid., p. 193

  Bormann’s FBI file: Ibid., p. 205–207

  Argentine police report: Farago, pp. 236–237

  New York Times story on Bormann: Ibid., p. 35

  Kammler’s records cleaned up: Cook, p. 180

  Secrecy even to families: Heinz Hoehne and Hermann Zolling, The General Was a Spy (New York: Coward, McCann & Ceoghegan, 1972), pp. 72–73

  Hitler calls Gehlen a fool: Ibid., p. 45

  Americans hold more objectivity: Reinhard Gehlen, translated by David Irving, The Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen (New York: Popular Library, 1972), pp. 70–73

  Approach American military forces: Ibid., pp. 108–109

  Gehlen as unrepentant Nazi: Gehlen, p. 73

  All part of the plan: Ibid., pp. 115–116

  Dulles’s idea: Hoehne and Zolling, p. 56

  Gentlemen’s agreement: Gehlen, p. 121

  Gentlemen’s agreement detailed: Ibid., p. 122

  Organization without authority from Washington: Ibid., p. 123

  Gehlen tight with Allen Dulles: Carl Oglesby, The Yankee and Cowboy War: Conspiracies from Dallas to Watergate and Beyond (New York: Berkley Medallion Books, 1977), p. 41

  Dulles provided aggregate of $200 million: Mae Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination,” The Rebel, November 22, 1983

  Questionable intelligence: Loftus, p. 59

  Gehlen promised immunity to Radislaw Ostrowsky: Loftus, p. 57

  CIA admits Gehlen connection: Maria Alvarez, “CIA Admits Long Relationship with WWII German General Reinhard Gehlen,” New York Post, September 24, 2000

  J. Edgar Hoover urges Interpol membership: Vaughn Young, “The Men from Interpol,” David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace, editors, The People’s Almanac (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1975), pp. 37–39

  Paul Dickopf: Ibid.

  Hoover acquires Interpol files: Spector

  Best-connected cults: Levenda, Unholy Alliance, p. 282

  Colonia Dignidad as torture center: Ibid., p. 305.

  7. Project Paperclip and the Space Race

  Truman assured: Linda Hunt, Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945–1990 (New York: St. Martin’s Press
, 1991), p. 40

  Paperclip documents missing: Ibid., p. x

  Project continued nonstop until 1973: Ibid., p. 1

  Dulles brothers as Republican replacements: Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (Washington, DC: Executive Intelligence Review, 1992), p. 76.

  Dulles brothers attorneys for Averell Harriman: Ibid., p. 73

  Dulles’ empire of information: LeBor, p. 97

  Henry Kissinger as translator for Allen Dulles:;

  Dulles as lifelong friend to Nixon: Peter Levenda, Sinister Forces (Walterville, OR: TrineDay, 2006), p. 39

  Colonel Robert Schow: Hunt, p. 115

  Ardent Nazi designation changed: Ibid., p. 119

  Dossiers rewritten: Ibid., p. 121

  Paperclip’s dark secrets safely hidden: Hunt, p. 249

  Von Braun no security threat: Ibid., p. 120

  Magnus von Braun: Ibid., p. 45

  Crimes never investigated: Ibid., p. 121

  Activity unknown to the public: Ibid., p. 112

  National Interest, prevailing myth and universities: Ibid., pp. 127–128

  Yale receives Paperclip Nazis: Ibid., p. 203

  Nazis obtain jobs in aircraft industry: Ibid., p. 176

  Project 63 and violent reaction envisioned by McCloy: Ibid., p. 182

  Ambassador James Conant: Ibid., p. 194

  Project accelerated and records shredded or pulled: Ibid., pp. 199–200

  Unspeakable evil transplanted to America: Ibid., p. 21

  William Henry Whalen question: Ibid., p. 205

  Whalen sold Americans down the river: Ibid., p. 216

  No surveillance of dependents: Ibid., p. 49

  Coded messages and expensive cars: Ibid., p. 50

  Germans working for French suspected of working for new Reich: Ibid., p. 52

  Von Braun caught sending/concealing information: Ibid.

  Soviets use German zone as cover: Ibid., p. 55

  GE manager complains to FBI: Ibid., pp. 53–54

  Americans ordered to leave rockets to Russians: Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) William E. Winterstein Sr., Gestapo USA: When Justice Was Blindfolded (San Francisco: Robert D. Reed Publishers, 2002), pp. 10–11

  James Webb complained: Hunt, p. 219

  Germans dominated the rocket program: Ibid., p. 218

  Arthur Rudolph: Winterstein, pp. 232–233

  OSI coordinated with KGB: Ibid., p. 236

  Two space programs: Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 317


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