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by Zac Funstein

  “I’m really sorry sis but I heard some kinda disturbance I didn’t intend to disrupt you- you have found an interesting online site by the sounds of it. I could hear it even in my room which I must be fair is unusual-you are usually very quiet.”

  Amos couldn't help coming over all guilty for causing his sister to relive the anxiety, for the clenching of her nearby disposable tissue-box became pronounced as if reexperiencing this terror. The cardboard container had almost bent completely so was indistinguishable from what had been bought in. Deep down lurked the sullen suspicion that this was a drama that they may be condemned to relive repeatedly-that it was pertinent to them-which was why the lesson resurfaced-forcing it to replay was unnecessary.

  “No nothing like that or your greatest athletic moments with Zambrano either Amos.”

  They had enjoyed watching wrestler Reynaldo V. Bates (stage name Zambrano the Great) in a famous bout-to which this was an allusion.

  “I wondered what it was going to be like to 'relive' that experience just prayed that everything stayed true to the events -avoided the Hollywood schmaltz that often sensationalizes historical matters. I needn’t have worried for I believe it did steer clear of these pitfalls.”

  With that before anymore penetrating grilling came Amos had departed. They waited until they heard him in his own room before starting again. Renee continued:

  “You must decide what you are into-something exciting like rafting, skydiving, zip-lining, and mountain climbing. This will help hone your requirements-otherwise it will take forever.”

  Renee had something of a sporting inclination her father having gone to uni on a sports scholarship-this had been passed onto Renee but her brother Zac even more who was a professional athlete.

  “Or the more educational sedentary,” added Kathleen still mid leaving herself-trying desperately to come up with whatever it was that would please. “If you like history, ancient places like Egypt, Mongolia or Greece might be correct for you. Son et lumiere’s ‘n all that. What is this anyway G? With world-weary grace we should nurse it- give it a name at least-I don’t understand this sudden need to get away.”

  G was her personal moniker for her chum what had been found was what seemed like an innocent questionnaire stapled together with a cover.

  In addition to the daily quizzes, student learning was evaluated by in-class examinations plus a final presentation by each student of an article to the entire class. Students were assessed through problem-solving quizzes multiple-choice examinations. ‘One of the things that my students get the most use from are the interactive quizzes that I have written to help them study for the tests,’ their tutor Mr. Theodore L. Butler had given them. One part of the exams used to be an oral test where pupils were quizzed by professors at the institution-but this was found lacking. Now the entire course consisted of several booklets that taught a skill, then quizzed the student on information recently learned. It had worked well in a Vancouver so was now being used here to see if the success could be repeated elsewhere. It might be possible but then again it might not-there was no harm in trying.

  “Just something they’re using in college at the moment everyone’s got to be tested-made to jump through hoops. Its like being in a terrible maze with no escape. Like a terrible product testing lab which causes pain for everyone in it. You take that exit or the next one it doesn’t matter you’re dead anyway-no one gets out alive.”

  On the cover of the easy to use revision guide the teacher has handed out worksheets describing weapons siege engines which could have been used, the illustrated schoolmarm is quizzing pupils about them giving a model cannon as per illustration.

  “I resisted not just, because I felt that career success/ happiness are just too deep complex to be captured in a short quiz but because I resented being assessed anyway. There’s been too many in my opinion-but that might not be everyones view.”

  “Sounds like you believe you are being tested now -a little anyway. Those on Mount Olympus watch us all to see how we react.”

  “Perhaps,” said the teenager who had never liked particularly being watched by Zeus or Minerva or anyone for that matter. “I was sure this choice of holiday destination was going to be easy but it is more fraught than I realised. It is often the instance that decisions we believe were going to be easy turn out to be much more difficult.”

  “Here take a once over of this G it might well be of assistance,” said Boles who had been fiddling with a smartphone. “This is online you can take it for yourself here/now see how you compare with Americans who took this by gender, religious belief plus education. I knew I’d seen this somewhere before-always knew it would come in useful.”

  There was a photo of some harassed individuals sitting on some luggage at an airport with a slow-mo of those around him. That apart, all flying and ground activities in the airfield have come to a stop. This had led to mass panic/ commercial activities had come to almost a halt. People beginning to find they have some time to spare are busy organizing themselves to a complete stasis.

  This took the one listening to an excursion with Douglas- traffic crawled to a near standstill as Mr. Schreiber Snrs hypertension mounted; sure the direct flight to Waialua, HI would leave without them.

  “Beach destinations are popular for relaxation-it sounds to us as if you need to unwind-what with your dad ‘n all. Get away completely.”

  “A master or mistress of understatement Boles as always.”

  The phone is swung in her direction-which shows the beginning of some interactive programme-where you had to use the keys to guide through the various locations.

  “Elements may be brought to obscurity/ indistinctness, but patient plus repeated revision of all that is included in the problem should bring the analytic process to fruition.”

  “Which is Renee cut the waffle if you would? Tell us what you are implying but the truth not some half baked version of it.”

  “I am sure the better destination for your good self is somewhere not so demanding on your education skills-but more of an unwinding surroundings.”

  “That’s interesting-I never considered being highly strung as a tangible malaise. What you’re implying is all this is a little top-heavy.”

  Boles began flicking through the programme.

  “I trust you find this easily navigable site running chronologically from pre-publication to response assisting. It’s been designed to be easily navigable-whether it is or not now that is another matter.”

  Innocuous in style, pleasant to view it did seem to aid. This was viewed more than perhaps had been anticipated.

  The tarmac gave way to a stony track negotiable by most pushchairs, assisted wheelchair users powerchairs.There was a mixture of natural with man-made shale although the ratio was not exactly determinable. Although heavily pitted as well as badly repaired, this was still traversable despite the flint. Someone had gone to great care to make this as smooth a ride as poss-no one could deny they had succeeded.

  Thanks to a defunct klondike quest, there were many such semi-navigable trails, open to those who had dared venture from the civilization to the timeless beauty of an unchanged world-now put to a more mundane purpose than originally intended. Fortunately the city's downtown plus its old, close-in neighborhoods like this were mostly within walking distance of each other. The crunching as steps were made to where Boris lived with his disabled grandmother was enjoyed. It was a sound reminiscent of childhood when these sensations were enjoyed. Demand in the city centre for good retail locations was extremely strong -there had been a marked scarcity of suitable properties-which was why so many stores had been set up. On the intercom next to the plaque, Schreiber pressed the button marked Alphonso Travel.

  Another school acquaintance -Boris G. Knudson-who knewthe ill-fated-one only marginally less than the rest who was set to become a doctor it was pointed out having invited her in. They were soon settled easy in each others company. They always seemed to get on with each other.

>   “What are these delightful cards Boris?” it was asked picking one up from the polished glass.

  “The marked cards for the system come from United States Playing Card Co. The original owner Orval K. Fernandez would never say where they’d come from, or wherever it was that was regularly visited but it was rumoured his marked playing cards plus his Smith/Wesson always went with him always.”

  “They were marked perhaps ineffably so nobody else could see-that seems a reasonable inference to draw. Doesn’t need much to draw that conclusion I wouldn’t believe.”

  “Very astute of you. All this is explainable in terms of the M-principle: to convey a message (in this case the value of the card), use a mark. M’s seem to feature heavily throughout. Upon this invariable theme structure the whole edifice using the well-established concept of markedness is based. The point is G we always aim to cure the malady-the not knowing of the value underneath- whilst causing the least harm to the patient-in this instance the surface of the rectangular items we see before us.”

  The aforementioned laminate was gently rubbed as if touching the square surface could impart something. It didn’t seem particularly thrilling just a piece of plastic that might be found anywhere.

  This made her flinch since this word was not a favourite because this had terrible connotations to her, being occasionally darkened by a gloom that was termed ‘her malady’, or ‘the sickness’ when especially virulent. This wasn’t a conventional-ill but more a distaste of being of existence itself-something that went deep. A profound disgust at everything we took for granted’

  A tone of deep touching piety raised G’s melancholy into a cheerful solemnity.

  “Where did you get this from-it just seems like a conventional deck? You could get these anywhere easily no problem.”

  “My mentor Lawrence T. Harmer. I asked myself when I knew you were coming what would help you that Harmer encouraged-what was deceptive that might act as a hindrance.Whatever it was I was going to remove it.”

  Boris who invariably poured out his proposals rebukes on society with inexhaustible fancy, wit, eloquence, freedom, who was sometimes attacked with an almost violence muttered.

  “But that is an aside my dear guest-you are here about a proposed vacation-I have given it much consideration.”

  “Any advice gratefully received Boris even if it might seem dull or without importance. I’m not sure where I am going so anything as per descriptive-power that will make somewhere stand out as unique. ”

  “When I heard you were coming-one thing in my own experience rung true. People traveling within Visa Waiver Program countries aren't required to apply for tourist visas in advance-wherever you go you must check if this is necessary that is important. This seems to be something people neglect. Had you considered going abroad if so had you checked the visa requirements?”

  Knudson who wore a sharp shirt of coarse fibre, like this was someone who scourged himself regularly. Boris had before leaving university found his hereditary eczema had broken forth in a singularly cruel form. On a journey to Baghdad attacked by an internal ailment, which debilitated him nearly for good this reached a crisis, from which Knudson emerged a helpless wreck, with faculties paralysed rather than destroyed; for a while it had been touch/go. They had had to air-lift him home on a life-support.

  “No I hadn’t got as far as choosing an actual destination. Your kind advice is much appreciated Boris-presumably a visa is issued upon port of entry as a passport stamp.”

  Boris was skilled whatever his talents were turned to. Whether translating from or into a foreign language, solving a mathematical problem, criticizing a passage from a literary work, or diagnosing the malady of a patient, even analysing a chemical mixture or compound his upmost was given.

  “You know more than most. For going to or from other countries, you may have to apply well in advance to obtain your visa before travel, so consider this when choosing your destination very very carefully.”

  As the ill-fated made her path home the neglect plus harshness that had marked her in infancy; (there had been nothing at any time to tell against the effect of them) seemed to build up. In all of the past there had been more than enough stored up as a matter for savage resentment. Something told her that a major blow was in the offing-that seemed a guarantee no question.

  That evening after another tirade from her father (not the full squall fortunately) had passed into this vacuum-in marched not new enemies even fiercer and more deranged than the last ones but G’s chum Veronica M. Harvey. Veronica often came out with bizarre conspiracy theories told by people who often were completely out-of-it themselves, but on this occasion was not so inclined.

  After the meeting with Boris was run through it was observed by Veronica:

  “I agree totally with Knudson G you must check the visa before you go! I’m surprised that you didn’t cotton onto this already.”

  “But I don’t know where I want to go yet-that’s the trouble!”

  Then it was seen her pal had brought something with her.

  “Read this if you would when I heard what you were searching for I knew this had to be brought for your edification. Gloriously overwritten, utterly deranged, this is legendary stuff, without a doubt the most truly bizarre in the history of travel brochures. I have never encountered anything like it before or probably since as indications of where to go.”

  A travel-guide was produced from a carrier -bag. It was the same carrier bag that Douglas used, G always knew what to expect from its contents as it rested on his well-ordered desk some small gift for keeping quiet.

  This was flicked through-it did seem highly ‘esoteric’ but it did not gel none-the-less. This would be found by her dad upon her return no question probably make him even worse-send him into one of his tantrums. Douglas could get down to some very nasty revenge that was so deranged they haven't found expression for it yet-something that could tip him over the precipice taking his daughter with him.

  “It is very considerate of you Veronica-you were always so at school-I see nothing has changed.”

  “Don’t just throw it in the trash I’m certain this could be the key to where you are searching for.”

  The youngster had just been to see her grandmother Helena (dependent on a ventilator, bloated too weak to even move off the hospital bed) when her sister-in law Dora called. It was an effort for her to talk, her voice so low that her family could not always catch what said, sometimes Helena would collapse on to the bed trying to hide such exasperation. Grandma had fallen then caught the corner of the hearth just as Eloy J. Schreiber (grandfather) who fell on the edge of the bay dock leveller did earlier-history seemed to be repeating itself.

  Her grandmother asked: ‘How is Herimone’s addition going?’

  A few days ago Dora asked Hermione (her daughter) to concentrate on perfecting her knowledge of the multiplication tables. On the bullet-riddled plaster behind them, the Russian alphabet glared down beside the times-tables. Hermione’s father-now departed for pastures new- but not before instilling an affection for mensuration in his children.

  ‘Fine as far as I know,’ had been her reply. ‘They use traditional methods including ‘interactive’ whole class teaching, repeating facts rote-learning multiplication tables now-it’s a great success I believe-despite the extra effort necessary. Everyone seems to want it to be a success!’

  The recent-majority could never hear of multiplication without considering how it was particularly important for fast-growing towns like where Knudson lived to allow retail variety stores to expand as fast as the growing population can support new companies.Yeh they were multiplying okay.

  “Tables are not what is concerning you at the moment I sense.”

  “How true-Dora-understatement was always your forte. I am trying to decide where to go on vacation-as dull as this might seem-just asking around. The past is tough, frugal it might be pristine; the present however, luxurious yet bloated-demands expression in a future trip.”r />
  “It sounds positively daring-a trip eh!”

  There was a metallic alarm sound from a nearby building which they couldn’t pinpoint but then realised they had both heard before on the news -In New York's Chrysler Building, a code variance was required from the fire department to locate the command panel. They were outstanding examples of a less-familiar, nearly-obsolete, sound recording these had not been a success.

  “Am I the first or have there been precursors?”

  “Loads-I’m working on the proviso-the more the merrier. I want a wide selection before actually making the ultimate choice.”

  “That’s how most would go about it. I’m not really up on the destination, but search your travel destination to see what medications/ vaccinations are recommended.”

  “The voice of experience by the serious intonation.”

  Their landlord Jeremy T. Hollis who took a protective but also frankly spectatorial interest in the lives of his tenants, following their dramas with the fascination of a soap opera addict often spoke ‘of the voice of experience.’ It was not sure if this was what Dora meant however.

  “We went to Japan not realising the vaccination for Japanese Encephalitis, required doses spaced out over a protracted period. We were fortunate but had we gone again then we might had been seriously ill.”

  In some debates, crucial distinctions are too often blurred but this was not one of them. Indeed as Dora reiterated.

  “The dissimilitude between voluntary/ compulsory is a distinction without a difference for some but not in this instance. There are some nasty ailments out there just itching for some new subjects to infect those like you if you don’t take the correct precautions-that seems like common-sense.”

  “It does seem rather unpleasant. I’m not sure if I’m going to go overseas yet. I’m fed up all these jabs n visas you’ve got to have.”

  Other families, had unwieldy names yet achieve happiness/merit-why couldn’t the Schreibers be the same?

  Where did Dora reckon that was planned to visit- some mournfully small cottage of no architectural distinction-that harboured disease? No doubt her intention was a good one-as they often were though they did not always hit their target.


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