Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 7

by Jessie Rose Case

  “Spoon baby?” He asked her, his eyes never leaving the lead Cyborg.

  He felt her nodding although he couldn’t see her. “Well yes,” then her tone hardened and his grin widened. He knew her too well, he was gonna love what came next. “You promised me blood, pain and a heart, it was going to be slow. What better than a spoon to do it with?”

  Kim had had enough of the posturing. They’d been standing like that for a while and it was getting them nowhere.

  “I’m bored. Can I kill him now?” She asked tapping her foot.

  “Now sweetness we haven’t heard what he has to say.” Kim pouted and put an edge in her voice.

  “Really don’t fucking care Rage.” He laughed. Play time was over.

  “My wife’s not happy. She’d not nice when she’s not happy and her friend got hurt, a lot. You see we have a problem?” He told them. The leader glanced towards Kim. Rage knew C was with her, but he didn’t like this Cyborg looking at her. His gaze came back to Rage.

  “Wife? We are Cyborg.”

  Kim felt all dreamy. He’d called her his wife. Then she focused, tutted and started to tap her foot impatiently. “Can see where the dumb gene went.” Kim told him bitingly. The leader flicked back to her. He looked annoyed for a fleeting moment. Good. Mr Sparky needed some action. He looked back at Rage. “We should talk.”

  “So talk.” Rage held his ground, he wasn’t giving these guys another inch. “We did not know she was Cyborg property.” Fucker. Kim wanted to kill him herself and took a step forward reaching for her gun.

  “I’m shooting him now Rage.” She told him. Rage moved to block her view of the leader.

  “I have already said she is my wife therefore my equal. She is not property.” She was his equal. Kim liked that.

  “Love you too baby.” She called out. The Cyborg leader looked confused at her and appeared to give up trying to look anything else.

  He shook his head. “It was a job. They want the engineer. Information stated she rode with the human. Neglected to mention any connection to Cyborg. Half a million credits. She had to be in one piece unharmed. They didn’t care about the male.” The leader turned to one of his men. “Give them the information.” He looked back at Rage. “My men, I’d like them back.”

  Brak checked his data pad and nodded. “Go get his men.” Rage told him. Kim didn’t like where this was going.

  “I’m not hearing screaming baby and you know how I get, when I don’t like something or not get what I want.”

  “Now sweetness, you know his Cyborg, if I stab him and play a bit, he will just turn off his receptors.”

  He could hear her foot tapping louder and smiled.

  “Let me fry him then Mr Sparky is itchy.” She told him loosing patience.

  “Blood thirsty, isn’t she?” The leader asked. Rage smiled.

  “She’s fucking perfect and you will make amends. Half a million credits to the pilot you messed with and the same to my wife for annoying her and putting her to a lot of trouble.”

  Kim stopped tapping her foot. Had Rage just demanded payment for injuries to Mack and herself? “Done.” Kim raised her eyebrows. Ok. Not too shabby. She knew

  Mack could do a lot with that and so could she. The two guys from her ship came in with Rages men. They walked towards their leader. He gave Rage a nod.

  “Your name?” Rage asked.

  “Kane.” Interesting, thought Kim. An old-Earth world bible name?

  “Rage. You can do better than this if you choose.” Rage turned to Brak.

  “Send him the information.” Kane turned along with his men and started to walk back out.

  “I’ll let them know that to come after the female would be a mistake.”

  Rage’s men followed them out. He turned and headed straight for Kim. “I asked you to stay put.” Kim shrugged watching him walk towards her.

  “You promised me pain. Guess we’re both disappointed.” She told him, not a peeved as she was before, the half a million credits. He picked her up, encouraged her legs around his waist and nipped at her ear.

  “Mack will prefer the credits.” He told her. Kim huffed.

  “No doubt he will and I thank you for mine but I was looking forward to a little payback.” Rage started walking back the way she’d came. He rubbed her core along his cock as he walked, “ I have some payback for you sweetness.”

  Kim’s body exploded in desire. “You do? really?” Rage walked through the door way to the corridor. “You’d better show me.” She told him. Rage slammed his hand on the doorway locking panel and rubbed her hard up against the wall. Kim knew that no one would come in that way, it left the other end open and only added to the temptation.

  Rage bit at her neck. “Not going to make it back to my room baby. Got to have you now.” The words guttural and desperate, were barely out of his mouth when Kim felt him rip out her bottoms and rip open her shirt shredding her bra in the process.

  Rage put her shoulders against the wall and with her legs wrapped around him, it freed him up to use his hands on her. Ripping open his own pants, he freed his cock and placed it at her entrance. One thrust and he was inside all that delicious heat. Pinning her to him. Rage used both hands to cup her breasts and bring them together for him to feast on. Kim was moaning under him. “So good Rage.”

  He bit and suckled her nipples. Used his teeth to draw the nipple points into his mouth and tongued them savagely, then nipped and sucked them. Kim cried out again. “Can’t stop.” He told her and started to fuck her hard. He was out of control. She had dared to leave him. He needed to dominate. The other leader Kane, had looked at her. He’d sensed his desire for her. Rage’s emotions would not let that stand. He needed to cover her in his cum and scent. No other male would question who she belonged to, ever again.

  Kim was unsure why Rage was so desperate to fuck her and she didn’t care. He was all over her. In her. Her own body responding to his. His cock was hammering into her. Slamming against her clit sending wave after wave of sensual fire across her body. She wanted Rage to make her come with a desperateness she hardly recognised. Her juices were flowing she was so dam close. He circled her clit with his thumb and flicked it, it searched into her, her climax peaking and with one hard rub of this thumb, sent her fell over the edge, crying out to him.

  Rage withdrew his cock placing Kim’s feet on the floor. It had been a good reminder of who her man was. She was boneless in his arms, still riding the wave of pleasure he’d given her. He knelt, with one leg over his shoulder. Face planted into her juices and lapped them up sucking on her clit. Kim exploded again around this tongue. Rage sucked and licked every drop. Kim tried batting him away crying out “too much.”

  Rage growled and pulled her to him. She would not stop him taking what was his. She became uncontrollable. He pulled away, turned her, putting her hands on the wall and spread her legs. Wrapping one arm around her torso, he grasped her shoulder. Positioning his cock at her entrance he slammed back in. Taking the pressure off her hands as he did so. Kim cried out “Fuck.” Rage grinned. Pulled out and slamming back in.

  “The first of many baby.”


  They’d made it back to his room, eventually. Then spent the rest of the day in bed. Kim woke starving. She stretched and reached for Rage. Her first thought of him. The bed was empty. Confused, Kim sat up a little. Clothes were set out for her. Kim frowned. He’d left her again. Kim was torn. She wanted nothing more than to lie in the bed and wait for him to come back, but that screamed needy and she wasn’t that girl. She wasn’t the type to wait on a guy either. But for Rage, she was tempted. Kim headed for the shower. Maybe he’d had a good time and was moving on? Doubts that had assaulted her all her life, hit her now. Her heart crumbed a little at that. Kim slapped herself on the head. Get a fucking grip. He had a job and so did she.

  Kim roughly dried herself and dressed in quick time. She didn’t want to be in his room when or if he came back. She got it. Time was up. She ne
eded to get has ass moving. Stepping through the door, she headed in the direction of the cargo hold. She needed to eat and see Mack.

  “Going somewhere?” Kim turned to the voice. C was standing by the exit. She was glad to see him looking so well.

  “Hay C. Yeah, need some food and see Mack.”

  “Want some company?” He asked. Kim stopped and looked again at him.

  “Sure come on.” They crossed the cargo bay and existed the ramp. Kim wanted spicy. They were going to Golarm’s place.

  “C with her?” Rage turned to Pain. “Yeah.” Rage nodded. “Make sure he brings her back.”

  Rage was worried. He’d left her this morning with the knowledge that Pain had found. There was now a retrieval contract out on Kim. Whoever wanted her, wanted her bad. He would never allow that to happen. Kane’s group wouldn’t be the last ones after her. They knew how this worked. Unless they tracked the source, and took care of them. She’d never be safe.

  “Keep at it. I want to know who placed the contract.”


  Kim placed her order and did the same for C. It was clear he’d never been to any place like this before. She took pity on him but by the stares of the female’s present, she guessed it won’t be the last time he did. Kim smiled. C desired some joy. They all did. She thought looking at him. She’d gone for the spicy pocket and some fried veg with the hot and sweet sauce. Some of the elders said it tasted like spicy chicken. She wouldn’t know. Chicken out here was priceless. You had to be a credit god to be able to afford it. Kim wondered at anyone breeding chickens out here but they had eggs, so they had to come from somewhere. Whatever the pocket was, it tasted dam good.

  The waitress put the food down and after asking if there was anything else, beelined it back to the bar. They both tucked in. Kim looked around as she ate and thought the place looked particularly packed tonight. Several groups had come in after them, the place filling up. She shoved the last of her packet into her mouth wondering if she could manage another. She noticed the place was getting rowdy.

  The explosion came from behind them. Kim hit the deck, drinks flying and C moved to cover her. People were firing weapons. Running for the exits, and screaming blue murder. Kim looked over at C. He was bleeding. What. The. Hell. C had his gun out covering her.

  “We need to move.” He told her grabbing her arm. C pushed her forward towards an exit. Kim kept low. She went to grab Mr Sparky and realised she didn’t have it. It was still in the engine room. Fuck! There was fighting all around her. What the hell was going on here? She ducked several times to avoid incoming crockery and bottles. The place bloody chaos.

  She moved around a table and saw the exit. Making a run for it, she indicated to C where she was going. She saw him move in behind her. Kim reached the doorway when a gun fired and someone grabbed her arm. “I’ll take it from here.” A voice told her.

  Kim turned and saw C go down. Kim screamed and lunged towards him but the arm held her back. He’d been shot by the arsehole holding her arm. He pulled her back towards him. Kim stumbled, digging in. C rolled over and got up again going for her assailant. The arsehole shot him again and sent him flying this time. Kim cried out again, grabbed her knife and slammed it into his leg.

  “That hurt bitch.” He cried out. She turned to grab his balls as something sharp caught her neck. “Time to go.” She heard him say as Kim blacked out.

  Chapter Four

  “Where is he?” Rage roared pushing through the crowd. When the explosion had gone off, C had contacted via their shared neuro net to Dark and the incident had come up on the station computer link. Rage and his men had headed out in search of Kim and C. It had taken them less than 5 minutes to get there.

  “Here.” Dark called. Edging someone out of the way Rage caught sight of C. He was down and been shot several times.

  “What the fuck happened?” He bent down beside him. C’s body was already pushing out the metal, his nano med bots, doing their job and fixing the laser and ballistic damage.

  “Explosion, diversion, waiting for us to make it out, then shot me and took Kim. I saw them knock her out, carry her towards the loading docks.”

  Rage called over his neuro net. Pain hack into the vid feeds and find Kim. She’s been taken from this location.

  Rage grabbed C and lifted him. Burn took the other side and they walked him outside. Dark and his men doing look out. A medical team arrived shortly after they did. A nurse checked C out. The bleeding had already stopped.

  His neuro net pinged. Rage, loading doc 2, she’s being carried. 6 men. Unidentified. Rage looked at his men around him. They’d all heard the message.

  “Let’s go.” He told them and ran towards loading dock 2.

  Acknowledged Pain, hack into the Port computers and tell them unidentified kidnappers trying to leave loading dock 2 to be shut down.


  Kim woke feeling groggy. What the hell happened? Strange sounds and smells assaulted her. She realised she was in a room, on a bed. Kim stilled. Her head and body felt funny. Fear suddenly hit her as she remembered what happened.

  “C?” Kim strained to see around her more clearly. There was no sign of C. She was on her own. Rubbing her face with her hands, she then sat up. She was on board a ship. There was no mistaking the cabin décor. Great. Now what? There appeared to be a small bathroom. Kim gingerly walked over to it and used the toilet. It was clean. Then washed up, splashing water over her face to clear some of the fog.

  She dried off and turning back to the main room. She looked around. Checked for camera’s and couldn’t see any. “Not exactly luxurious.” Kim murmured. Unitarian. No frills. This was a trader or Merc ship. Kim realised she needed off there and fast.


  What little bit of calm Rage had curtesy of Kim, evaporated the moment he’d found her missing. He was all deadly instinct now. They crossed the dock and approached the vessel Pain had identified. Rage wanted to charge in and kill everyone. He didn’t want to wait. Didn’t want to look at strategy. Didn’t want to talk. He needed to act.

  Pain do we have ships scans? He asked over his net.

  Yes, I count 12 in various areas of the ship and 1 in a cabin, deck 3. It’s a smaller trace could indicate a smaller person.

  Open those fucking doors. We’re going in.


  Kim placed her ear to the door. There was noise the other side but she couldn’t distinguish what it was exactly. Seemed to be some shouting. There were several bangs and the ship rocked. OK, that she recognised. Something was defiantly going on, her abductors would be busy. That was good. They would be distracted while she got out. Kim looked at the door panel. She needed something to pry it open. Turning around she looked at her meagre options. The bed was welded to the wall and floor, standard for cabin space. The chair wasn’t locked down, a couple of cabinets welded to the wall, and a table that was. Some shelving also welded into the wall. Not much to go on. She started to tear the place apart.


  As soon as they were in, the killing started. These were Mercs. Rage never doubted that the message had got out. Kim was off limits. But they still came for her anyway. Looking for a payday. They knew the risks. Rages men lobbed in several stun grenades before boarding. They were always good for chaos. And Rage needed chaos, to keep them away from Kim till he found her.


  The small cabinet door came off at last. It had taken bashing it with the chair, then several forceful yanks. Kim ran over to the door pad and smashed it dead centre buckling the covering. It cracked and gave a gap along one edge. Kim wedged in the door in the gap and bashed it in further with her shoe. She didn’t want to take the chance that she hit it too hard but as it was, it wasn’t enough. Kim looked frantically around. The chair was metal. Dropping her shoe, she ran over and grabbed it, bringing it back to the door. Kim hoped if she swung it at the right angle it would hit the wedged cabinet door and force the panel off. She positioned herself wi
th the chair in mid-air. Here goes nothing, she thought as she swung the chair towards the panel.

  Kim smashed the chair against the edge of the wedged door. It fractured the panel cover, sending it flying. Kim put down the chair and sat on it heaving a grateful breath. Now to get the door open. It looked a standard locking mechanism, and if she’d had her data pad she could have just hacked it, but she didn’t. So that meant she needed to rewire it from the closed position to the open. Kim looked at her options for tools. Seeing a shard from the panel cover on the floor, Kim bent to pick it up. She smiled. Yep, that will do nicely.


  Rage had his combat knives in his hands as he hacked his way across the cargo bay floor. He’d rushed in with little concern for his own safety, after the charges had gone off. He sliced and diced. His men behind him using knives and guns. He needed to get up close and personal with these fuckers. Needed to spill blood. Smell it. Taste it. They would pay. Pain find her.


  The door disengaged it’s locks on a quiet hiss. Kim stood still holding onto the shard. She waited to see if anyone on the other side came rushing to the door. It was the best weapon she had, unless she took the chair and that wasn’t practical. Nothing moved. Kim put the shard down. Then ripped the bottom off her shirt and picking it back up, covered the end of the shard. It gave her some protection against it cutting her. She looked at it not impressed. It would have to do till she found something that fired. The noises were louder now, fighting, screams and gun fire. Kim forced the door open enough to look out either way. The corridor was empty. She considered which way to go. If the kidnappers were fighting off an attack, the enemy of my enemy ….. she headed that way.


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