Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 12

by Jessie Rose Case

  “I’m sure you can access this and verify its content.” He told him in disgust.

  Rage checked the electronic data. It appeared legit. He searched for the sale source. Remix. He passed the data pad to Kim. Kim looked down and read the information.

  “That fucker.”


  Rage handed the data pad to Dark, then addressed the contractor. “You’re coming with us. You are charged with kidnapping and not honouring two contracts with the Cyborg Empire and the illegal purchase of two Cyborgs.” Rage nodded to Dark to take him away.

  The contractor struggled in Darks arms and looked like Rage was mad. “Two contracts? I only made one with you.”

  Rage grinned. “You made another with our affiliate here. They belong to the Cyborg Empire, that’s two. A lot of people are dead because of this stunt and there will be a day of reckoning. That engine belongs to Kim of the Cyborg Empire. It is registered with all official departments. No one has options to sell it other than its creator and she declines to do so. Depending on how deeply you are involved, will determine your punishment.”

  The contractor was shouting now as Dark led him away. “How the hell was I meant to know it was illegally obtained. I didn’t know it belonged to someone else.”

  Rage stared at him coldly. “Remix. Not exactly on the up and up he’s he? Such an experimental advanced engine, worth billions of credits should it work? And you just thought he had it how?” Rage shook his head and took a step in. “You knew it wasn’t legit, you took your chances. You lost.” He turned to Dark. “Move out.”

  Rage connected his neuro net to his ship.

  All Captains to my conference room in one hour. A series of ‘affirmatives’ clicked in. It was time.


  Rage turned to Pain. “I want communications black out on that Port until we dock. Full infiltration. All transactions to stop. No one leaves. I want full access to Remix’s accounts, I want them drained. That should keep him busy for a while. Display new insignias and signatures on all craft. Pay all new docking fees. I want us to arrive unknown and unseen. Then we go pay a visit to Remix.”

  There were plenty of nods around the conference table. Mack sat beside Brent. It looked like they were becoming friends. Kim was pleased to see it, she worried for Mack. He had been her friend, her only companion for a very long time.

  “And Garrett the contractor?” Burn asked.

  “Stays in lock up until we find Remix then he comes with us.” Rage told him.

  “One other piece of business.” Kim wasn’t sure what Rage was going to say but he looked, pensive. Unsure. “The Empire is declared.” He told them. “We continue to source a base for ourselves, that will not stop. There will be a great many decisions to be made. I will need your knowledge and experience. I wish to create an Empire Council. All fleet decision’s to be made in those meetings, unless we are at war. Each of the Cyborgs present here, have earnt their place in actions and blood. I vote, that each of you hold a seat on it. Those that agree, raise their hand.”

  Kim watched as each of the Cyborgs raised their hand. It seemed like a momentous moment in their history. “So agreed.” Rage stated. “I will schedule meetings. If you are out too far, a report will be required. Thank you.” Kim watched him look at each member in turn. “Dismissed. We head to the Port.”


  Kim found herself heading towards medical mulling over what she’d been witness to. It was the foundation of a race. A good move. Her mind turned to all the injustices they had suffered and the two new Cyborgs. She wondered again why Rage didn’t have a medical expert on the ship. She knew that Cyborgs could deal with most injuries but it was something they should talk about. She walked in the med bay, both new Cyborgs were there. Kim stepped in followed by C. He appeared to be her constant shadow now.

  She walked over to both men. “Hi, I’m Kim. Rages mate. How are you both doing?” They both looked at her strangely with that glazed expression.

  “She is not Cyborg and does not have a neuro implant. You will have to focalise for her.” C told them. Kim looked up at him, smiled her thanks and turned back to the new guys.

  “Our data is corrupted. We were hacked, many times and on the last purchase. The new information provided by our people at the exchange, over rode a lot of it, but sections are still not working optimally. I’ve lost a lot of data so has C309.” Kim wondered how you ever got used to hearing this shit. It was just so wrong. It saddened her so much. She had a strong urge to punch someone. But that wouldn’t help these guys now.

  “What’s your name?” Kim asked.


  “Nice to meet you. I might be able to help. I’m going to do a scan of your brain matrix first. Look at the pathways and hopefully, repair or remove damage and get you guys working as near to 100% as possible. It will be invasive, and I am sorry for that. There’s no other way. But, you have a choice. You can decline if you wish. I will not be offended. It’s your choice.” She told them meaning every word.

  They both looked at her strangely. “We have a choice?” C486 asked.

  Kim really wanted to punch those fucking designers. “Yes, you do.” They turned to each other and were clearly communicating. C486 appeared to be the spokesman. He turned back and studied her.

  “We would appreciate you trying to fix us.” Kim smiled and grabbed her data pad.

  “Ok then. First the scan, then we can discuss what it finds, and decide what action you want to take.”


  Mack was hovering outside of med bay when Kim came back out. It had been several hours since Kim started working on the new Cyborgs. She was exhausted but the work and gone well.

  “Hay Mack, you ok?” Kim hadn’t realised he’d made the trip from his ship to theirs. He stood there looking uncertain. She stepped forward and hugged him. His hands were shoved in his pockets and he was clearly worried. She stepped back giving him time.

  “I err heard you had two new Cyborgs C486 and C309.” Kim nodded, “that’s right, I’ve been working on them for a while, both were messed up. I’ve done a re-wire and clean up. They are getting a new information dump as we speak. They lost a lot of data Mack.”

  Kim could see that troubled him. “They were my guys once Kim. From the war years. I’ll stick around if that’s ok.” Kim gave him another squeeze.

  “Go in and say hi. You never know what might trigger a memory.”


  It had taken a while to get back. They’d had to wait for the slowest ship to arrive. Kim had already discussed with Rage the need to upgrade all the ships. He agreed with her. The Portus had only just arrived, that would be the first. She took her seat on the Bridge next to Rage. They’d made one for her. Kim loved it.

  She watched as they approached the Space Station and the ship go through the docking procedure. 12 Other ships had docked with them. Several of the Cyborgs on the Bridge raised concerns over the lack of protocol on approach. It appeared to be on auto of some kind during the docking procedure. No challenge given. Kim knew that not to be right. She’d been here often enough.

  “There’s something wrong here.” She told them.

  Rage didn’t like it either. The Port was eerily quiet for a busy trading post. As Rage had wanted, they’d gone in silent and quick. Taking over an open dock and sliding in. His other ships doing the same. Others were being hidden by stealth in the black. Awaiting orders.

  Given the nod. The crew left the Bridge and headed for the cargo bay. Kim went with them. The place just felt ……. weird. Rage joined her with the contractor Garrett in tow. Kim held back her instinct to kick him in the balls.

  “The stations on shutdown. It was on shutdown before we got here.” Pain told him. “They’ve had a problem with their tech curtesy of yours truly.” Pain grinned. Rage nodded in his direction.

  “Any idea why the stations on shutdown. I’ve never heard of that happening before.” She asked.

  Pain shook his hea
d. “At this moment no. I’d need time to filter through everything.”

  She nodded. “And Remix?”

  Torc answered, “he tried to access his accounts, but they no longer give him access and he can’t leave.” Kim smiled. Retribution arsehole.

  “Rage, something feels very wrong with this place.” She whispered.

  It didn’t take them long to disembark and head in Remix’s direction. The place was way too quiet. No one milling around. It was quiet. Too quiet for a Space Station. It looked ……… empty and for a docking Port on a Space Station, that was near impossible.

  “It’s too quiet,” she mumbled looking around at what should have been a bustling thoroughfare. There was no buying or selling going on, no one hanging around. No one running to catch a docking or make their shift. No hawkers, no working women or men, no kids looking to score. The bars and shops looked closed. It was clearly wrong on several levels and there were piles of stuff, in collected groups all around.

  “I don’t like it, something is seriously wrong here. Have you checked air content?” She turned to Rage as she spoke. He gave her a nod and noticed that his men had spread out.

  Ok then. It wasn’t just her.

  Rage herded Kim and Garrett to the side of a shop. “I smell blood and gun fire.” Kim frowned and looked around them.

  “They were attacked?” Rage gave her a single nod, his gaze continued to sweep the concourse in front of them. Now he’d mentioned it, Kim could see several blood spatters on the floor and walls and the air didn’t smell like it normally did.

  “How bad?” She asked. Kim didn’t know these people, not really, but she’d met a few over the years, stopping regularly. They were hard working, decent people in the main.

  “Enough to have taken out security.” Pain told her.

  Kim went cold. “Did we let this happen by shutting the electronics down?”

  “No.” He told her. “We stopped transactions and shut down anyone wanting to leave. The station was already off line. Whatever this is, it was already here.” Kim took in a sharp breath and grabbed her gun.

  “In that case, there still here.” She told him.


  Rage turned to Dark. I want all ships converged on this station. No one leaves without my permission. I want troops on the ground now. All soldiers to me.


  “What are we going to do?” Kim pulled him from his conversation.

  “More of my men are coming. We hole up here till they arrive.” Torc broke into the shop quietly and ushered her in. Rage followed with his men dragging an unwilling Garrett.

  Kim looked around the shop. Dark and Pain moved over to the consoles. They seemed to interface and several schematics came up. It was clear that whoever had this shop had left in a hurry. Spilled goods were on the floor. A drink left half in a mug. Kim touched it. It was cold. Whoever it was had left a while ago. Food on a plate had gone stale. Kim looked around and bent down to pick one or two things up. Vrillion. They were expensive and someone just left them? Kim put the goods down.

  “Where is everyone.” She asked straightening and coming to Rage.

  “Heat signatures are saying they are mostly crowded in two locations. On floor two and the top. There is a smaller group on the third.”

  As far as Kim could remember the top floor was the social area of the station, along with specialised services. Like medical. The security offices and station administration. It had bars, restaurants, an open area. It was the Gallerea, where Rage had taken her to eat. She knew it was used for meetings, gatherings and celebrations. Or just meeting up to enjoy something. It was a social space. The third level held a couple of bars and restaurants and mainly living quarters. The second, she hadn’t been on but thought it held much of the same.

  “Can we tap into vid feeds?” Kim asked. Pain looked over at her.

  “Working on it.”

  “Do they know we’re here?” He gave her a human shrug.

  “It’s possible they don’t. All tech was down, so no one was going to launch or park. If no one was down there, then they wouldn’t have known we’d docked. If the surveillance isn’t working, then they cannot track us.”

  Kim took a deep breath. That would be a lot of good luck. In her experience, that didn’t happen. She took out her laser gun and checked it.

  “Looking for trouble Cher?” Rage asked her.

  She gave him a cocky expression. “Nope lover boy, but it tends to find me and Sparky like’s to be prepared.” She gave him a knowing slow nod. Then she remembered something she’d been meaning to ask.

  “How come you use Old Earth French words now and then?”

  Rage gave her a huge smile and kissed her forehead. “My first job was in a colony from Old Earth France. I learnt the language and found I liked the words. They are ….. expressive. Mon amour.”

  “Someone is trying to access the security software. I’m adding more encryption to keep them out.” Pain told them.

  “Do we know if it’s the invaders?” Pain nodded at her. “It’s coming from the security offices and isn’t a recognised signature on file.”

  Rage turned to Dare his neuro connection flared with information.

  …….In coming, five minutes to intercept.

  Rage grabbed Kim and moved her silently to the side of the room. His men moved into unobservable positions from the concourse, taking Garrett down with them, holding a gun on him. Rage looked back at Kim, leant forward and whispered.

  “Company coming sweetness.” He touched her forehead and turned back to Dare. He couldn’t be seen directly, and his men were behind the screening to the shop. The door had been put back in place. They waited.

  Rage heard footsteps long before seeing anyone. It was a patrol of around ten men. They were walking heavily. Rage guessed they were armed. Their words reaching him …

  “….. not interested in what that greezer says. We have as much right to those women as they do. They’re trying to keep them for themselves, wear um out and then dump them on us. I’m not gonna take it. I’m fed up of their leavings …….”

  They moved on past. Rage felt Kim stiffen in his arms. He looked down at her and mouthed, ‘pirates’.

  His men watched the group until they were out of ear shot. Then fell back around into the room. Rage moved to join them.

  “So, we know who they are. Now we just have to deal with it. Where are our forces?”

  Pain looked off into the distance then turned back to Rage. The 12 have unloaded on various levels. “2 Minutes out.”

  “Good, I want half here ASAP. Tell the others to sweep the other side of this floor and take out all hostiles and meet us at the barrier. Have half the rest of the fleet dock. We will need them to re-take this Station. “We sweep from this side. Bind Garrett, he stays here. Quietly people.”

  Rage turned back to Kim. “I would ask you stay here, but I’d be wasting my time, right?” Kim nodded.

  “I’m so proud of you right now.” She told him cheekily, placing a hand over her heart tapping it. Rage took in a deep breath. She was going to kill him.

  The rest of Rage’s men arrived. They met outside the shop and made their way to the barrier. They’d ran into two other pirate groups holding the exit to the next floor and the lift system. They were easily taken out. Kim noted they’d also been distracted and complaining. It seemed that all was not well in pirate world.

  Piles of goods stood in stacks throughout the area. Kim guessed they were looting too. Rage moved into the shadows with his men. Kim by his side. Dark turned to Rage. “Ours.” Rage gave a nod and several large platoons of Cyborgs came towards them from different directions. Their leaders coming forward and clasping Rages arm.

  “Councilman Vict, Jeux, Angr, Kane, Able, any trouble?” He asked. Kim recognised them from the conference meeting.

  “No.” Vict answered. “Took out a small group of ten, coming from your direction. Then four more the other side of here. They w
ere collecting shit. There are no new heat signatures on this floor.”

  “Did they have radio check in’s?” Pain asked.

  Vict shook his head and sneered. “No. Stupid, over confident.”

  Pain turned to Rage. “Our other forces are disembarking.”

  “Secure this floor. Take up defensive positions on both sides. The rest of us, sweep floor by floor. At the same time we hit floor three. There are two exits on each floor. I want both covered. Two platoons on floor’s one and two, sweep and clear then join us on floor three. Kill, detain and free the residents. The rest of us, will go straight to floor three and start clearing out the trash. There are people to rescue. Keep it quiet.” He told them.

  Kim watched as several of the Cyborgs stared off into the distance clearly passing on instructions to others. Brent and his team came running down towards them in full battle gear towards them.

  “Hear we nearly missed all the action.” He called out smiling at Rage reaching them. Rage offered him his arm and Brent took it.

  “I’m not even going to ask how you’re here.” He told him.

  “Good, cos Mack would be upset and I wasn’t going to tell.” Brent told him grinning.

  Rage gave a pained expression then turned back to Pain. “Remain linked to our forces. Brent you and your men stay with me. Vict I need two men on each lift and the stairs, until relieved by the platoon coming in to secure this floor, then the next as we move up. Pain, cut the power to the lifts when we take floor three. Vict move your men and head back around to the second exit and wait on floor three for the signal. The rest of you with us.”


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