Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 15

by Jessie Rose Case

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Galactic Cyborg Heat Series. Book 2. DARK.


  “Ladies and gentleman, our escort has arrived. We will be leaving Old Earth system within the next hour. We will be attaching new drive technology curtesy of our escorts, that will enable us to arrive at our destination in approximately four months. All cruise facilities will be available during this time. If anyone has decided to leave the ship at this point, please make it known to one of our staff who can direct you accordingly. This will be your last chance to do so. Our next stop is the Olorian System Port, Space Station Delta. I would remind you, that this Port is now part of the Cyborg Empire and under its protection. Dr Mac Navarelli please make yourself known to one of the stewards. Your liaison has arrived and would like to speak with you. Safe journey to us all.”

  At hearing her name, Mac looked up at the speaker and frowned. No one mentioned anything about expecting an liaison to meet her on the ship. She’d expected someone to meet her at the Port, that would be necessary, but now? Seemed a bit OTT to her. It wasn’t like she could go anywhere. Mac sighed.

  She’d hoped to have a few months to relax and chill. Get her head straight. Ignore that shit-head who was dead to her. It had been months and he couldn’t or wouldn’t get the message. She’d hoped the distance would help and make that easier. Any feelings she’d had were long gone. Why the hell was he still sending her pings? Like she was gonna pick um up! Fucker. Her mind screamed. Mac took several deep breaths. Calm, she needed calm. Her job didn’t start until she’d set foot on the Station. So why the liaison now. Did they think she’d do a runner? She shook her head and hit the intercom.

  “Mac Navarelli requesting assistance to meet with the liaison.” She told the comms.

  “Affirmative. Stand by.”

  Mac got up from her cabin chair and walked over to the drinks dispenser. She asked for green tea. She wasn’t one for coffee. Her system ran fast enough without the caffeine. Not that she could ever forget that. Her ‘thing’ would zing out of control and she’d be dealing with one intense headache. She’d picked up the habit at the monastery some years ago when she’d needed time there. Her emotions and empathy were out of control at the time. The tea had worked for her. She kept her caffeine intake low now. That was important, if she was to get any sleep. Mac walked back to one of the chairs and sat down. Lifted the cup, closing her eyes, she breathed in the tea. It brought back soothing memories.

  Her time with the monks, had helped her deal with what life had thrown at her back then. Given her the tools to help others as well as herself. Mac smiled. She missed the simplicity of the place. But hiding away from the world, had not been right for her then or now. She took a sip of the tea and looked around the cabin. It was a fair size. A queen bed, a small sitting area and bathroom. It would be adequate for the four months she’d be on board. She sipped her tea enjoying the rejuvenating feeling. A knock at her door drew her attention away from the hot beverage. Taking it with her, she walked to her door and engaged the panel to open.

  Mac looked up to where she expected to see a face and kept going. The male in front of her was huge. He filled the entire doorway and getting to his face put a crick in her neck. She took a step back to ease the kink.

  “Holy shit your big.” Slipped out as she took that pace back. Highly embarrassed, her eyes flared, and she apologised quickly. “Sorry, can I help you?” She asked, taking him all in. One massive hot block of male was standing in front of her. Did they come in that size? Her mind asked frozen on the image.

  Dark looked around the female who had opened the door, into the small cabin behind her. The female was all light and sunshine. Not, who he was expecting at all. He sent an enquiry via his neuro net for confirmation of the cabin number. Maybe he’d taken a wrong turn? He queried his net and pulled up the schematics again. Nope, right room. The female had spoken and was staring at him. Her drink was starting to spill from its cup. Dark leaned forward, reached out and righted it. Her scent, infiltrated his filters, raced down his nose and across his tongue, his senses tingled. His blood raced. Fuck no!

  Mac surprised at the ultra-fast movement, nearly dropped the cup altogether. She’d lost all her wits, until she gained some composure and took control. Ok enough with the damsel shit, she berated herself. She was acting like some dizzy school girl. That, had never been her. Pulling the cup back from his hands, she spilt it, but regained possession. Just being there was starting to irritate her. Mac frowned. It registered he hadn’t bothered to answer her.

  “Well? I asked if I could help you. Who are you and what, are you doing here?” She demanded.

  Dark gazed at the sunshine beauty, registering the moment she took control of the situation. Desire, shot straight to his groin. He took an involuntary step forward and stopped. He needed to get a grip. Mate. His processors told him. Not until that exact moment, would he have believed that the Universe held a mate for him. Did it? He questioned. He didn’t believe he was a male destined for such a wonder. He’d done too much. Seen, too much. Killed, more than any of his brothers. He had taken his name for a reason. He was an honourable soldier. But to his shame, he’d been ordered to do some unspeakable things in the line of duty. Things, he’d rather forget. What the hell was he thinking? He gave himself a mental slap. He was on a job! He forced the unwanted emotions away.

  “Hay Bluto,” the female waved her hand in front of his face, interrupting his thoughts. “Do. You. Speak?” She asked him clearly annoyed. By the look of her, confused too, thought Dark. He could sympathise. Her spark, her challenge, called to him. He could feel his blood race. In desperation, he gripped his thigh hard. The pain filtering into his systems, locking down his blood.

  “I’m Dark, I came for you.” He blurted. Fuck, had he said that? Was his mind on bi-pass?

  Mac took several steps back, taking a large pull of her drink. This male lived up to his name, she decided. He was certainly intense and carried dark skin and hair. He’s eyes were a cool grey. She couldn’t miss the interest there or his size. He was so dam big. All over. Mac tried not to look, not to drool, not to look at him from head to toe slowly, drinking it all in, she really did. The temptation clawed at her. She shook her head. He wasn’t a piece of meat! She told herself closing her eyes trying to gain some control. Off men, Mac. No forgetting!

  She blew out a breath and opened her eyes. He was still just standing there. Ok this was getting weird. She narrowed her eyes, thinking about what he’d said. He came for her? He must be her liaison? Business then. Good. She needed business.

  “Great, take a seat.” She told him turning around and re-taking the seat she’d been in before he’d knocked. “What did you want to see me about?”

  Dark’s cock had swelled with blood the minute she’d turned and shown him that fine ass. He’d swallowed back a groan. He wasn’t here for a mate. His logic cried out. The female’s movements, drew back his focus. She had reacted strangely to him. First concern, that was expected, then determination. That, he did not understand. Logic, would dictate concern followed by submission. Fright, flight, anything but that. Dark looked at the only other seat in the room. It was too small for him. He walked in and the door closed behind him. He hovered near the doorway. Standing. Breathing in her scent. Light, sweet essences filling the space.

  He tried to ignore it. “There has been an error. I came looking for a specialist. Someone who has been hired by the Cyborg Empire, to assist humans at Space Station Delta. That Doctor is not here.” He told her coldly tampering down his desires.

  Mac raised her eyebrows and stared at the male. What the hell was he talking about? He’d just said he was here for her, hadn’t he? Mac set her jaw. “Look, you said you were here for me. Are you, or aren’t you?” She asked. He was pissing her off big time. At that moment, any sense of politeness flew out the window, and for once, she didn’t give a shit. Was he deliberately insulting her? She frowned.

sp; “I am.” He told her. “But I must also find the Doctor.” He looked around the cabin.

  What? Mac rolled her eyes exasperated. “I’m the bloody Doctor you idiot. Doctor Mackenzie Navarelli and the Cyborg Empire hired ME.” She told him barely holding back from screaming at him.

  “Your female.” He told her. Had he just said he was here for her? Dark realised he seemed to be in the middle of two very different conversations and getting nowhere. Failing to control his emotions, his face would show his confusion. Did the female pick up on that? He wondered, as he checked again to make sure she was alone. He couldn’t remember why that was suddenly so important. His logic failing him. This was not going well….

  Mac steamed as she watched him ignore her and take in every inch of the room. As if anyone else could hide in this closet! She wanted to scream at him. The male was an idiot! She stood. Polite was over. “Hay Bluto, I’m right here. What the hell are you looking for? There’s no one else here but me.” Dark brought his attention back to her. Mac suddenly wasn’t sure that was a good thing. He’d stepped forward all intense male, his focus solely on her.

  Dark suddenly understood. “You’re …….. the Doctor we requested?” Things becoming clear to him. They were not expecting a female. He’d been clearly briefed. Expect a male. Mack was the name. Like Mack the pilot. But pissed off sunshine stared back at him.

  “Yes,” she bit out. “Want to see my credentials?” She put her hands on her hips and had an edge to her voice, that sang to him. Heat soured through him. He’d very much like to see her credentials, but he doubted, she meant what he hoped. His eyes flared, a smile creeping across his face. She noticed, hers narrowed. She swallowed and licked her lips. He caught her scent of desire in the air. It mixed with her natural scent and pulled him in.

  “Then, I am a lucky male.” He told her. Shit. His mouth was running away again. Dark frowned, he had not engaged his processors for that answer. He needed to stuff something in his mouth before he blew this mission.

  Mac wasn’t sure what was going on, but her body reacted to this male. Her nipples hardened, her muscles clenched. The air had a scent she didn’t recognise. It was warm, spicy. This was getting out of control. “And why is that exactly?” She demanded, her patience all gone. She kept one hand on her hip, trying to regain some composure. Stay professional. Her foot tapping. She was so on edge, her gift started to come alive. Mac desperately tried for calm again. She didn’t need to feel this male’s emotions. She had enough of her own.

  “I came looking for our Doctor and found a mate.” He blurted. Fuck. He’d said it. His circuits had fried, it was the only explanation.

  O hell no. Thought Mac. “I don’t think so buddy. Get the fuck out. Now.” She stood and pointed to the exit.

  Dark held his ground. The female was upset. He’d upset her. He didn’t like that. Didn’t like her telling him what to do either. He was in charge, not her. He understood she didn’t like the idea of being his mate, any more than he wanted one. That was good. He could work with that. But, doubts crept in. What she’d said, bothered him. Had she found him unworthy? Him, a leader in the Empire. His place had been earnt in battle and blood. Suddenly is need burst forth. His hunger exploded. No male was worthier than him!

  He moved with Cyborg speed, grabbed the back of her neck pulling her towards him and kissed her. Hard. She would take what he gave her and like it. His logic told him. The Cyborg way. Possess and dominate. She was like stone in his arms for several seconds. He plundered her mouth with his tongue. Then she melted into him. Dark smiled. Fuck and leave. That, he was good at. He explored her mouth as she opened to him.

  He was delicious! Holy shit. She was being devoured by the man. Mac couldn’t remember why she’d been angry. She couldn’t get enough. Her body on fire. She’d virtually climbed him to gain better leverage on that kiss. This was so wrong. Her resistance giving a last battle cry. Then she attacked. Her arms snaked around his neck pulling him into her.

  She kissed him back and Dark moaned, wrapping his arms around her tightly. She was so slight to his build and against every visual impression, he was careful with her. Almost gentle, in his dominance. Her mind was telling her ‘you don’t even know this guy, stop, back up’. Her body, ‘fuck it, take him’.

  Dark revelled at the feel of her in his arms. He could smell her desire for him coming off her in waves. Mixed with her natural essence. It was heavenly, beautiful, just like her, his mind told him. So potent. Heady. He breathed it in while he explored her mouth and body. His body hungered for it. His tongue fought with hers for dominance. His cock so hard it was in danger of breaking through his trousers, spilling his seed all over her. He wanted that. Fuck. He wanted her covered in his seed, his scent. He pulled back breaking the kiss, easily holding her up with one arm.

  “Decide now.” He told her roughly, breathing hard to keep control while looking in her eyes. They were glazed from her own desires stirred by him. The instinct to pull her neck to one side and give her his bite, overwhelming. He held back. He knew she wasn’t ready for that. He watched as emotions flitted across her face. He could read them all. And then she focused. Looked at him and a slight smile creased her lips.

  “Fuck, yeah.” She whispered.

  Dark’s heart sored. Lifting her higher he kissed her with every desire he had. She would be in no doubt he wanted her. His blood ran hot. He was in danger of loosing control. Dark took several deep breaths after breaking the kiss. Her scent hitting him filtering into all his systems. Like a drowning man heading for his own destruction, he wallowed in it until it wasn’t enough. He placed her back on the floor and turned her around. Grasping her hands, he placed them on the table in front of her. Reaching for the hem of her tight skirt, he ripped it apart up to the waistband, revelling her panties and perfect ass. Mac cried out and tried to turn.

  Dark placed a hand on her back holding her still.

  “No. You had your chance. This is mine now.” He told her ripping away her panties and pulling her legs wider. “You find me unworthy. I will show you how worthy I am.” He gritted out. She needed to be ready for him. Dark ran his hand through her folds and rammed two fingers into her heat. The female cried out under him arching back towards him. He started pumping her, circling her clit with his thumb. Her breathing coming faster, she moaned. Dark breathed in her need, her desire. Her heat welcome on his fingers, her muscles sucking him in deeper.

  Mac slapped a hand on the wall to hold herself up under the onslaught. She’d never imagined this could happen to her. Sex had been safe, a little boring. Her body moved under the penetration of Darks fingers in and out of her. It was primal. Nothing delicate. Forceful. Demanding. So dam good. Her mind screamed under the wash of pleasure crashing over her. Mac tried to push back and meet his thrusts, but his hand held her fast. She could feel his heat all down her back and legs.

  “No. I have little control.” His gravelly voice told her. “I will give you what you need female, but now, you must be still.” His lips grazing her ear. “Feel that female?” He thrust his fingers up into her. His thumb rubbed at her clit. He did it again and again. “Do you female? Do you feel that?” He asked again as he pumped her. He nipped her ear and she jumped under him. “Do you like that? Like my fingers in you? Fucking you? Do you like that Mac?” He added a third finger and slammed it into her. The female called out and clung to the table. He moved his lips to her neck, his fingers continued to move in and out of her.

  Mac had to move. Fuck want he wanted! She needed more. His words in her ear, so erotic, his body enveloping her. Her body started to scream out its need. She clawed at the desk. His fingers hammering into her. She wanted it all.

  Dark was close to shooting his load with just his fingers inside her. She looked so beautiful under him. His fingers loving the feel of her hot body around them. He moved the hand from her back and undid his trousers, his cock swollen with his need of her. Larger than he could ever remember. It sprang free. The relief was immens
e. He pumped his cock a few times with his hand as he penetrated her with the other, pre-cum surfaced and he rubbed it around the head. His other hand was already coated in her juices. She was dripping for him.

  “You ready for me female?” He asked straining to give her every choice.

  The female nodded. Dark removed his fingers from her. She cried out at their loss. Dark used that hand to coat his cock more and placed it at her entrance.

  “Then take it.” He shouted, reaching out for her shoulder, ramming home in one powerful stroke. The deliciousness of her searing heat engulfing him, nearly ending him. He needed a minute. In all his years, he had never experienced this …… this immense pleasure, in joining with a female. It was different from the others. He felt the connection. Just as Rage had explained. Her body welcomed him into her. He felt her hand grab his thigh and squeeze. Dark nuzzled into the back of her neck. “Want more?”

  “Fuck, yeah.” She told him. Dark held her hips, pulled her open and started to pound.

  Mac held on best she could, bracing herself against each powerful stroke into her body. With each thrust, each impact of his body against hers, it ricocheted, up her body. Her breasts thrown forward uncontrollably. Mac grunted at the intrusion of each thrust. It was large, hard, aggressive and dominating. The pain and shock of his size and deep penetration, fleeting. She was so full. Then empty, then full again. The conflicting pull on her internal walls, causing the most delicious friction. As he pounded, his hands let go of her hips and found his way under her top to cup her breasts. Her nipples beyond hard. His roughened hands grazing over them adding to her heightened awareness. She reared up into those hands. “O yeah.” She murmured. “Just like that…..”


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