Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 38

by Jessie Rose Case

  Connect to the Admiral Angr spoke over his neuro net via the main frame computer on his ship to the Space Station. His net was active, he was always connected.

  Angr, status. The Admiral asked.

  Admiral all ships are disabled, we have four that can we refitted, the rest are spare parts. We are clearing them now. We have hostage survivors on most of those ships. Mainly female and in bad shape. Medical will be needed. I am having them all transported to my ship. We will dock in approximately one hour.

  Any prisoners?


  Good job. Welcome home.


  Angr walked down the docking slipway towards his Admiral. Rage. Who was flanked by Dark and Pain and several other Cyborg brothers. He took in the Station level. It looked a great deal different from the last time he’d been on board. A testament to hard work and Cyborgs. He hadn’t been on board, since the rescue of the people that lived on the station from the Pirate attack. That had decimated the Station and the people. Where it had been torn apart, it was now mended.

  People had worked hard to put things right again. Cyborgs and humans were running in various directions supporting his men in unloading Cyborgs and humans in various stages of injury. Angr registered the medical team taking the lead as he approached Rage and clasped his arm in welcome. Then did the same with Dark and Pain.

  “Casualties?” Dark asked aloud.

  “We have some injuries nothing fatal, nano’s cleared up most of our peoples damage. Two of our ships were heavily bombarded, they’ll need repairs.”

  “Get those ships in as soon as possible.” Rage told him. Angr nodded. Several medical personnel rushed forward and passed him. A lovely looking female pushed in on their conversation pulling on sterile gloves.

  “What you got for us Admiral?” Angr hid his surprise.

  Young. He spoke over his neuro net.

  MINE. Angr turned to Dark.

  A statement brother, not a challenge. Dark gave a slight nod. The communication between them over in seconds.

  “Abused men and women prisoners and some Cyborg injuries Mac, docking med team are already on it.” Rage told her.

  Angr watched the emotions on the female’s face. Anger and determination. He guessed she was the new head of medical. He’d not met her before but, had heard she was ‘mated’ to Dark. Angr looked on curiously. He did not understand the connection to Cyborgs these females seemed to have. It was illogical. She turned away from them, he sensed no fear or anxiety in their presence, only confidence, she marched towards the ship, “two groups, one working the humans, one the Cyborgs, triage first, initial stabilisation and move them to medical on my ok.” She called out to her team. They were all moving. Angr could appreciate how they worked as a unit. They all appeared to know what they were doing. It was good to know.

  “Debrief in 20. We have something to discuss. Your men are on 72 hours leave on rotation. I want the rest of the fleet rotated after that.” Angr took one last look ensuring his men were being treated and followed Rage.

  The lift doors opened automatically and they stepped in. “The Station is in better shape.” He stated the fact.

  “It is. We have made a lot of progress.” Pain told him. The lift stopped and the doors opened onto the Gallerea. Angr looked around. It was in far better shape than he remembered. There was a freshness to the air that he appreciated and the area looked like the social venue, it was made to be. A theatre, a gym now stood where the killing zone had been during the raid, a park area, shops and restaurants re-opened, a medical area and security. Cyborgs liked to eat well and needed good nourishment, so he knew the food would be good.

  They entered the security offices and walked through to the room that Angr remembered as Rage’s. Rage walked around the desk and sat down. Pain leaned against the wall and Dark took the sofa. It left a space for Angr. He sat down.

  Rage clicked on the screen on the wall. It showed a still of the firefight. He moved the curser to the edge of the screen. Angr frowned. Dark space.

  “Pain found this on his scans. There was also some piggy backing on our vids of the engagement. It was concealed and good but not good enough to go completely unnoticed by us. It did get by the computer systems.”

  Angr leaned forward. “A ship?” Rage nodded.

  “We think so. It held position for a while, then moved out and took up a distance position and stopped. It’s not accessing anything just dead. We think it arrived shortly after the Pirate’s did. Saw what was going on and waited it out. Thought better of approaching right now and has stood off.”

  “No ID?” He asked.

  “Not as yet.” Pain answered.

  “It didn’t show on your systems?” Rage asked him.

  Angr sieved through the on-line logs from his ship over his neuro net of before the engagement with the Pirates and during. There was a patch on the Space Station link and again, as he’d boarded the main Pirate ship. He closed the net down and shared the information.

  “So, whoever it is, is cleaver and good at covering their tracks.” Rage addressed them all. “I want all data checked and double checked. Close any access. I want to know if they are accessing our systems and if so, for what reason. Give them the 72 hours your men are on leave for, if they have not declared or moved by then, go get them, I don’t like being spied on.”

  Angr nodded. It would be his pleasure.

  “Now, your mission, how goes it?” Rage asked.

  “We found thirteen other Cyborgs in various places, some in better conditions than others and several new leads, but we had to cut that short to get here on time.”

  “Excellent, give me the details.”


  Blake was bored. She’d been through all the information on the Station twice. The Pirate attack, the Cyborg take over, Earth Corp making demands for its return, asses, all of it. It didn’t get her any nearer to her objective. Although some of the chatter they’d picked up, had told her the engineer was female and attached to one of the Cyborgs. That would be interesting. She didn’t know they ‘mated’. In all her work, she’d never come across a Cyborg capable of an emotional bond. Was that married? She didn’t know they worked with emotion, she thought it was all logic. That, could complicate things, she didn’t want to have to take on the Cyborg Empire, just to fulfil her contract. This was going to take some more thought, Blake reasoned and sighed. Failure wasn’t an option. She had her reputation for a reason.

  “Maggie get me everything we can find on Cyborg mating.”



  It had been just over 36 hours and he’d been re-called to Rage’s office.

  Pain and Dark were already present. He took his seat.

  “Once we knew what to look for, we picked up several data infiltrations. Some on the Station dynamics, some on personnel, the raid and our take over. Some information on Earth Corp and lastly, Cyborg mating rituals.” Pain told them aloud amused.

  The four Cyborgs looked at each other. They all had neuro net connections.

  What is the purpose of that? Dark queried to them all.

  It makes no logic. Pain answered.

  Not to us but clearly it does to them. Angr replied with disgust.

  Few of us are mated. Our men and women are not to be used. Rage fumed.

  Agreed. They all replied.

  Keep an eye on things. I want answers. Rage dismissed them.

  “Maybe it’s a lonely singleton in desperate need of some Cyborg attention.” Pain rolled his eyes with some amusement, as they walked out of security.

  “Fuck that. If their looking for some Cyborg attention, I’ll give them all they need and then some.” Angr replied. Dark slapped him on the back.

  “I have no doubt.” They went their separate ways. Angr headed to the gym. He needed to pound on something. Why were they interested in Cyborg mating? It was new to Cyborgs. They barely understood it themselves. Were they looking for a weakness? A sick feel
ing crossed his stomach. He would not let it burn him. That time was over.


  “Blake, I am communicating our ID and firing up engines requesting docking confirmation in 5,4,3,2,1. Information sent.”

  “Thank you Maggie.” Blake put down her data pad and headed to the shower. “I will be on the Bridge shortly.”


  “Sir, you asked for information on any ship from this quadrant, requesting docking and signalling ID.” Rage looked up from his data pad finding Cage in his doorway.

  Rage waved him in. Cage handed him is data pad. “Ship ID, The Barracuda. It is the lead ship for The Golden Hind Corporation. Information on the company is loaded and they are requesting docking for re-stock and fuel and a 72 hour pass.”

  Rage looked at the information. Treasure Hunters? The Golden Hind Corporation. Contract reclamations, retrievals and acquisitions. They had an impressive history. Several generations in the business. Known for getting what they were after at any cost. Big money. Had a reputation for being ruthless. Always completed their contracts. The Barracuda was the flag ship. Captained by a B Baccana.

  “Send this to General Angr. Ask him to intercept at the dock. He is to be their liaison. Find out what they want. They don’t go anywhere unescorted.” Cage nodded and walked out.

  Rage sat back in his seat and wondered.. What were they looking for?


  Angr looked at the data pad. The information sent from security was interesting. It was a Company ship on a hunt. He was to be their liaison. Baby sitting duty? He sneered. Not what he wanted or needed, but orders were orders. He sent a neuro net request for an alert, when docking was imminent and location. He’d do his job and find out all there was to know about this ship and Captain. Someone who preferred to watch a fight, rather than support an honourable side.


  “Maggie what do we have?” Blake walked into her bridge and took a seat at comms. It was the largest ship in their company and should have a crew of eight, everything else was automated, but she liked to work alone and Maggie, her AI, could do all the ships systems. She was a one off and worth the credits. Blake always had a sense of pride being in this room. She’d earnt this ship. It was Company but it was hers and hers alone.

  “They have assigned a liaison.” Maggie told her. “He will be waiting for you at docking. We have our permissions to land. They are insisting on a ship wide check and our papers.” Blake snorted.

  “I bet they are. Well, I have no intension of meeting this liaison. Did they say no access unless escorted?”

  “No.” Blake smiled. She couldn’t go about her job with someone hanging onto her heels.

  “Ok then. When you open dock locking hatches, give me access. Do all paperwork electronically. Leave nothing out. Allow access. Lock down all safe rooms and remove from all specs. Any news on scans for our ‘magical engineer?”

  “Affirmative. There is one engineering private company listed on the Station and registered with all Bonds. There is an office and storage room. Sending specs. Vids and audio suggest that this is a female. Name Kim. There are several associates she mixes with. Appears to be in a relationship with Admiral Rage. There are communications that indicate they consider her to be his wife. She frequents a bar called Shots on the Gallerea. Sending all data.”

  “Shit. That’s going to complicate matters.” She blew out a breath. Running over the information on her data pad again. No simple snatch and grab then. Blake peeved. She liked it simple. In and out. “Maggie, arrange all re-stocking and fuel, set me up with an appointment. Arrange all deliveries ASAP. Request accommodations for 3 days. Any other ships due to dock?”

  “There are three other ships coming in behind us.”

  “Excellent, piggy back and request accommodations as a crew member for each ship. Pass me the information and secure the accommodations.”

  “Are you hopscotching Blake?”

  Blake smiled. “Yes Maggie, stay sharp. When I give you the order, requisition our contract.”



  Blake stood by the dock locking mechanism. They’d made alterations to the area years before. Not only would the under carriage open to allow docking clamps to exit the ship, it would also open below the clamp, allowing access to an unseen walkway attached to it. It was one of several ways to leave or enter the ship unseen. Blake moved into position, as the clamp moved it carried her safely to the Station. Blake smiled as she touched down. Game on.

  Angr stood at the docking ramp. The ship looked sharp. It also looked fast. He liked the design. He looked for where the emblem should be. It hadn’t passed his notice that this ship was blacked out. He held back his distaste. No one who acted faithfully hid who they were. That meant they could change their ID as they saw fit. He frowned, it was a Pirate move. And yet, this company was legit. A sour taste hit his mouth. He didn’t like it. Something didn’t add up. The ships doorway opened and lowered its entry ramp. The Station security waited with him to search the ship and interview the Captain.

  No one came out. Angr waited his patience thinning by the second. This order was starting to piss him off, he had other more important duties. His data pad pinged. Irritated, he distractedly initiated it. Where the hell was this Captain or his crew?

  “Good morning General Angr. You will find all paperwork correct and the ship ready for inspection.”

  He lifted his data pad. “Designation?” he asked the voice.

  “On board AI code name, Maggie.”

  Angr gritted his teeth. “Where is your human?”

  The AI laughed. It was a very human thing to do. Angr frowned, clenching his fists. “I am sorry General, nothing stated that we could not access the Station alone. I have no idea where my Captain is now.”

  Angr’s eyes flared. He’d been outwitted. Giving the order to secure the ship, he turned away informing security to check the ship.

  We have a problem. He sent out over his neuro net.

  Pain answered. What?

  The captain of this ship is not waiting on me and appears to be at large on the Station.

  On board is an AI system. There appears to be another exit which the Captain has taken. Apparently, we did not stipulate that they could not have access alone.

  Fuck. Do we know who we are looking for? Pain asked.

  I have no information on that.

  A security alert came over his net. Unauthorised Station access. Stop and detain all unknown persons. Angr strode off. Too dam late..


  Blake moved silently out of the docking area. She looked like any other male docking worker. Her image generator worked well. Only if the feed was interrupted, would anyone see anything other than what she projected. It automatically took body scans of other people, giving her a multitude of images to choose from.

  Ironicly, it was an assassins tool and outlawed in many systems. After an attempt on her life following an illness, where, for the first and only time she could really remember, her father had nursed her back to health, her uncle had given it to her and insisted she use it from then on full time. She’d been 13 and done as she was told. She’d never been a target again and never looked back. Over the years she’d up graded it several times, and it had never let her down. Out here, the laws were different and actually, she didn’t care on way or the other. It kept her safe. No one, not even her close family, knew what she looked like anymore. In a business where it made you a target, anonymity, was a warm strong blanket.

  She moved to the lift systems and joined a group waiting. Entering she knew the minute the Station security system scanned her. No alarm sounded. The image generator, IG to her, was working as it should. Blake smiled. Maybe this would be easier than she’d expected after all.


  Cyborgs had stopped all none essential work and joined the search party. All areas of the docking level were being checked. Angr turned in frustration. A scent tickled his nose. Angr moved around i
n a circle picking up the gentle notes of it going in two directions. The smell alluring. Angr’s curiosity tingled. One stream led back towards the new ship, Angr followed it. He was a tracker. And he was dam good at it.

  Angr took in a deep breath and looked around him. The scent was leading him to the docking clamp. That made no sense but logic would insist that was where it was coming from. Bending down there was no doubt the scent was stronger here. Angr lowered to the ground, bent and inhaled. It was on the clamp and the Station floor where it met. That didn’t make sense. He laid flat and checked underneath the clamp and was assaulted by the scent rolling over him. Strong and clear. Female.

  Angr’s mouth watered. His body reacting, his cock hardened. He shook his head to clear it as the fog of lust assaulted it. What the fuck was going on? Was he being targeted? He slammed his fist on the floor. The pain barely registering, then he noticed the hidden walkway beneath the clamp. Angr stilled and took in the technology to have achieved this. Ingenious. Angr grinned. His female was smart.

  His female? Where the hell had that come from?

  Angr jumped up and turned around. He needed to find her and fast. He connected his neuro net. He gazed off as he sent the message. I have found a second exit from the ship. It’s a smugglers route. Posting guards. Securing this exit, following the scent trail.


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