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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 40

by Jessie Rose Case


  “Why the hell not. You’re a tracker so fucking track.”

  “I had to shut off my senses it was clouding my judgement.” Rage stared at him wide eyed, like he was an idiot.

  “Explain to me, how the hell are you to find her if you turned your senses off? Turn them the fuck back on. Here.” Rage angrily spat out and handed him a description.

  “What’s this?”

  “Not what, who. That’s your mystery woman. Now fucking find her.”

  “How’d you get this?” Angr looked over the description. He hadn’t seen her.

  “She’s got a contract for Kim. Went to see her as plain as day and not one fucking Cyborg stopped her. On my fucking Station, she got access to my wife and not one person stopped her. She has a contract on Kim. Gave her 48 hours then she’s collecting. And you and I both know Kim isn’t going anywhere. So, you do your fucking job Cyborg, and find her. NOW.” Rage slammed down on the desk and a crack could be heard.

  Angr stood. “I’ll find her sir.”


  Blake checked the tracker again and looked at her target. She was moving and was with some friends in the Gallerea. Looked like they were going for drinks. The tracker gave Blake, Kims exact position and moved with her. It would work for up to 72 hours then dissipate in the blood steam and leave the body. It was untraceable, well unless you have the diagnostic tag she was looking at and it was harmless. The perfect tool. Slipping it into Kim’s drink had been simple. She’d passed her the data pad and dropped it into her drink. It had given her the perfect opportunity.

  She recognised several of the people with Kim from the Station information. The Director of medical services was with her, so were several of their personnel and a couple of other females she did not know. Blake moved towards the bar they had walked into. Ducking into a dark doorway she changed image and headed into the bar, taking a stool at the bar. It was busy for tea time. Blake guessed people were coming off shift. Some out for early dinner. She glanced over. Kim’s party appeared to be in full swing. Shots were being called for. Blake knew it was a risk her being here. She sipped her drink and casually looked around.

  Kims group had been slinging shots for a while. Things were starting to get messy with the group, when several Cyborgs arrived that Blake recognised. Looked like the lead team had arrived. Admiral Rage made a bee line for his wife, followed by two of his men. One seemed attached to the head of medical. That was interesting news. Her observation was suddenly blocked by a wall. Blake looked up and came face to face with Muscles. Wow just …… wow. His face was as good as his body.

  She couldn’t think of any words to described anything else her brain had frozen.

  “You smell like someone I’m looking for.” He told her with a distasteful look on his face, like he was sucking bitter lemons and had his head in sewage. Smooth, real smooth. Cyborgs were not known for their tact but that was dam rude. She shook her shoulders.

  “Sorry can’t help you.” She turned away annoyed. The male was such a fucking disappointment.

  “You could be her. You smell like her.” It sounded like he was repeating data but not really seeing it.

  Blake guessed Kim had given them a description. She wasn’t surprised. She knew about the camera’s outside of Kim’s work area, she’d checked, there was a blind spot around her doorway. Blake realised ignoring him wasn’t going to cut it. Plan B then. She turned back to the hunk still standing in her way. He hadn’t moved, not an inch. Blake looked the statue up and down, he was a big mother, she’d give him that. So tall she had to bend back a little to see his face. His gaze skipped to her breasts, somehow that pissed her off. The top left nothing to the imagination, they were out and proud. The girls never letting her down.

  She lifted her hand and pawed him. “Sooo. I like a man with goals and ….. determination.” She looked him up, through her eye lashes, and licked her lips leaning forward conspiratorially. “I like them stacked and packed,” she purred running her fingers around his nipple. “Who can fuck all night and leave me for dead.” She ran her fingers down to his trouser waist. Giving him her best, slut at large. She licked her lips again, her gaze on his bulge. Then ran her fingers down his zipper and up again. She tried hard not to squirm. He was so dam hard. Her body ignited on fire. She really wanted to hold on to that. He was so hot she was practically panting. Her panties soaked. Focusing on the job was becoming more and more difficult.

  “A bit of casual fun between ….. friends,” she told him, her voice huskier than she’d expected. Her body was screaming, take him. Then she went for broke. “I have a couple of friends….,” she told him, “we like to party, they’ll be here soon and don’t mind sharing or mind bending,” she jiggled in her seat pushing out her chest again, “maybe you have some friends too, who like to fuck and share the fun. We could have a little party?” She cooed.

  One look at his face and she knew she had him. He slapped her hand away and took a step back. He looked pissed and disgusted. Bingo. “My mistake.” He told her. Blake forced a pout to her face and fought to keep it there, as he turned from her and walked to his companions. Blake got off her stool and walked into the ladies. She felt sick. Turning on the tap she ran cold water over her face. It was an amazing luxury and she was grateful for it. She’d acted like a whore and he’d been disgusted with her. Blake looked up in the mirror. She couldn’t blame him. She felt disgusted with herself.

  “You ok?” Pain asked as he walked up to their group.

  Angr shook his head. “No. Whoring females.” He shuddered and jerked his head in the direction he’d come from. “Thought it was my target. I was seriously wrong.” Pain looked around him.

  “There are no whoring females or males allowed on this Station Angr. There’s no female at the bar.” Angr turned quickly. Fuck. She’d played him. It had been her. She must have known their history. Knew what abhorred them and used it against him. She was a very cleaver female. It was a low move. He wasn’t sure he liked her using such tactics. It didn’t seem worthy of her.

  Blake grabbed a stall and closed the door. She slumped down on the seat. That had been hard work. She changed her image. Took in several deep breaths. Trouble was, some of what she’d been saying had been true. She did like them stacked and packed and that, always led to trouble.

  She hadn’t dated that much, her job made it difficult and she kept it well away from the Company. But she was no shrinking violet and knew what she liked. Fuck, she needed this job over. That male was way too distracting. All green eyes and black silky hair, she’d bet this contract, it felt like silk. Blake shook her head. It had been way too long since she’d had a man between her thighs. She needed to get laid and soon.

  Blake waited until several females had been in and out, picked one who’d entered a stall, while she washed up and walked out. She caught sight of her watch dog checking out several females and headed for the bar exit. She changed her image in several places after that and headed to one of her bunks. She’d seen enough for one night and that had been a little too close.


  It had taken most of the night but he was sure he had her. He’d tracked her through his senses until his filters burned. He was on edge. Didn’t know if he wanted to fuck her or kill her. It was a close call. He clenched his fists, checking the information again. These rooms were not allotted to the Captain of the Buccaneer but to a passenger, from one of the freighters. He was still unsure if it was really her or just another wild goose chase. Her scent led to this door. It was strong and didn’t go any further. It gave him hope. He sent the signal over his neuro net and the door opened silently.

  Angr walked in and the door closed behind him. The room completely dark and full of his female scent. He didn’t need the light to see. His optic vision gave him everything he needed. The gun powering up the only sound in the room. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The female voice told him, “guess you wanted to fuck after all.”

; No one had ever got the drop on him. “How’d you know?” He asked her keeping completely still.

  “Camera’s in the corridor to an alarm system. You waited longer at the door than I expected General.”

  He gave her a nod. “Wasn’t sure it was you and didn’t want to upset a female unnecessarily. They’ve had it bad here.” He told her begrudgingly. Blake could appreciate and understand that. She knew about the raid.

  “Honourable. Ok, you got my interest. I want my present.”

  Angr stood for a moment and then slowly lifted up his T and pulled it over his head. “Pointing a gun at someone and making them strip is not honourable.” He told her in his gravelly voice. Blake’s stomach clenched as he threw the top towards where a table was. Dam she wanted this male.

  “I didn’t tell you to strip. You did that yourself. Let’s have a time out. I’ll agree not to kill you or make you do anything you don’t want to do, and you do the same for me. Everything off the table until sunrise. All business, left outside that door. That gives us five hours. I can do a lot in five hours Cyborg. Whatdaya say?”

  Angr could smell her desire for him. It permeated the room and wound around him. “I could say yes and then take you down.” He told her.

  Her laugh was light and infectious. His cock hardened. “O I don’t think so Cyborg. Honour is everything. Agree or not, your choice.”

  “And if its no?”

  “I will incapacitate you and take off. You’ll be out for an hour or so but unharmed.”

  He turned towards the voice. “The gun.” He held out his hand.

  “Do you agree our terms. We are free of obligation till sunrise?”

  She waited on his answer. He didn’t know what made him say it and couldn’t have been more shocked when it slipped passed his lips. “Yes.” But he knew it to be right.

  Blake handed him the gun and reached up to take a hand full of hair. She barely managed it, him being so tall. “So silky. I hope you’re as good as you look,” she whispered and dragged his face down to hers and kissed him thrusting her tongue in his mouth and exploring it’s depths. It took him seconds, to click in and take over.

  Sweeping his tongue across hers and duelling for dominance, while his hands were mapping out her body, pulling clothing off to get to her skin. “Not going to be gentle.” He told her breaking contact.

  “Don’t want gentle warrior. Want to fuck and fuck hard.”

  They were both naked in seconds and he had her up against the wall her legs spread and his cock at her entrance. Angr thrust in. The female cried out at his invasion of her body. He stilled. His breath leaving his body at the intensity of it. Fuck that felt good. He started to pound. Couldn’t stop. Didn’t want to. She wanted to fuck, well now she’d get what she wanted and so would he. He would deal with this female and do his job, he told himself, and if that meant fucking her into oblivion, then so be it.

  Blake held on. The male was out of control. She could sense it. There was a rawness to him, heightened emotion, a lot of it negative, being hammered out on her body. It was punishing, brutal even, but it was also the best dam fuck she’d ever had. She grabbed his head and kissed him wildly. She’d told him right. She didn’t want gentle, she wanted it raw, undisciplined and over powering. And he was giving it to her.

  Angr knew he was being hard on the female but couldn’t stop. She’d pushed him earlier and he’d come close to fucking her in the bar, no matter what she’d said and done, until she’d pushed him away and disgusted him and then he’d still wanted her. He understood that was her intension, to throw him off but part of him had remembered why it disgusted him so much and he hated that she’d used that to draw him out. It was low. Not honourable. And he hated it. His female would be honourable not this …….. kind of female, he told himself as he rammed into her harder. And the chase she’d led him on…, his own failure piled on his frustrations. His emotions on the edge, now exploded.

  Angr grabbed her hair and yanked it to the side as he dominated her body over and over again. He snarled into her neck. “You played with the wrong fucking Cyborg female.”

  Blake knew that if he really wanted to hurt her, she’d already be dead. He was marking his territory, dominating her body and telling her who was in charge. Right now, that was ok with her. She reached down and grabbed his balls and squeezed. “You’re here to fuck me. Get on with it.”

  Angr roared. Ricked her neck down harder and bit into her connecting shoulder drawing blood, while increasing his pace into overdrive. She dared to suggest he was here for her convenience? Not fucking happening. No way, no how. Never again. She wanted to know what it was to fuck a Cyborg. He’d show her. She was his.

  Blake could feel the sting on her neck and didn’t care. The feel of his cock inside her was driving her crazy. Her muscles responded to his thrusts. Every part of him inside her was alive, causing her body to respond. She could feel her climax coming, rolling up and through her body. She was close.

  “Need ….. more.” She cried out grabbing a handful of his luscious hair and hanging on. She felt his hand thrust down between their bodies, his fingers on her clit. He rubbed at her hard. Blake threw her head back and ripped her neck from his mouth screaming out as her orgasm hit her, tipping her over the edge.

  Angr felt the pride in his female burst forth. Pride in his female coming because he’d given her want she needed. And still, he ploughed on, her body welcomed him. He needed to be closer. Needed to be deeper. Needed to remind her who was fucking her. That no other male ……. He growled loudly and threw his head back, thrusting hard, “no other fucking male but me female,” he told her. He didn’t understand the need but couldn’t hold it back. He needed her covered in his scent.

  He stopped. Lifted her off him and her protests told him she was still with him. He turned her to face away from him and positioned her arms to brace against the wall and bent her over. He held her hips not sure she would continue to hold up her own body for long and trust back in. O yeah. That was better. Deeper. He slapped her hard across the ass. “Don’t fucking move, I own this.” She cried out. He picked up the pace. “Want me to stop?” He was still an honourable male.

  “Don’t” he thrust in ….. “fucking” he thrust in again….. “dare.” She told him.

  Blake held on for as long as she could. He was brutal. She’d come again several times. He’d sprayed his come all over her back, then rubbed it in and started to fuck her again. Then he’d emptied inside her again and took her to bed. He’d gone down on her and eaten her out until she’d begged him to stop. She barely had the energy to keep breathing and still he was rocking into her while spooning.

  Her leg pulled over his giving him better access. His hand caressing her body keeping it on the edge. It was the most delicious torture. She knew their time was running out. Her body clock reminding her, she probably had less than an hour till sunrise. She needed to stay awake. She’d get one chance to get away and couldn’t mess it up. She felt her climax rolling into her and went with it, enjoying the wave of pleasure rolling through her body. Then shut down. Giving the impression that she had fallen into sleep. She rolled into him and slipped one hand under the mattress then brought it back to under her pillow. She was in position and needed to stay awake.

  Angr was pleased with his female. She’d kept pace with him all night. Had encouraged him to fuck her over and over. Only now, giving in to sleep. She was perfect for him. For the first time in a long time, Angr reached for his anger and it was ….. gone. His emotions balanced. Free. He checked they were turned on. They were. He ran a diagnostic. Nothing out of balance. No pent-up energy. He didn’t want to pound on anyone or anything ………. It was simply ……. Gone.

  He turned to look at the sleeping female next to him. Had she done this for him? He moved her hair and looked at the bite on her neck. He felt shame. He’d done that. His need to mark, more than his need to protect. It didn’t sit well with him. He didn’t understand that either, it was more animal
than human and a reminder of his creation. He couldn’t take it back and wondered at the sense of peace he now had, that had been missing for so long. His eyes drifted and his lids closed. Maybe he could sleep ….. just a little ….

  Blake realised she’d fallen asleep and tried not to jerk awake. It was after sunrise. She looked around her. She’d expected to be in handcuffs with the General hanging over her. He was still here and ….. sleep? She looked at him in wonder. He’d rocked her world last night. She’d had the best sex ever and wanted more. He looked so cute and peaceful, that she was tempted to stay. Then reality kicked in. Staying, meant lock up and she wasn’t going to lock up. She had a contract to fulfil.

  Very slowly Blake moved her arm from beneath the pillow and saw the injector. She looked at him. He was gonna hate her for this. She hesitated. He was beautiful, looked so different from the ranting version. So dam perfect, she signed. But he had a duty to do and so did she. She knew he wouldn’t fail in that duty, he was a Cyborg.

  Pain centred in her chest. It would never be different. Her life was never going to be easy. She lifted the injector to his skin and engaged it. A small hiss told her it had deployed. She gave it a few seconds and saw him relax. Quickly, she moved off the bed and dressed. Without a back-ward glance, she opened the door of the cabin and left. She would never be going back to this room. As the door closed behind her, a sob caught in her throat.


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