Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 42

by Jessie Rose Case

  Blake decided she liked Kim and grinned. Rage seemed to temper down some of that anger. He looked grumpy. Very grumpy. “I can’t protect you if you’re not here.” He told Kim dejectedly. “Take three warriors.” Kim went to object. Rage put his hand up. “You have to have some protection don’t push me on this.” Kim turned to look at her.

  Blake shrugged. “No problem.” Kim turned back to the screen.


  “Lower main docking bay ramp. I assume you have plenty of provisions?” Blake nodded. The ship always carried enough food for three months for up to eight crew and she had put in her order for all fresh goods on arrival via Maggie. She would have seen to it in her absence. It was how she got the engine delivered without having to actually, be there herself. You never knew, right? “You will be leaving in 1 hour. Enough time for a proper goodbye and crew to pack and get on board.”

  Blake nodded resigned and rolled her eyes. This contract was getting more and more complicated by the minute. “Maggie terminate departure and lower docking bay ramp. New departure time in approx., one hour. Confirm digital signature.”


  Blake turned back to Kim. “If you need to get anything, now would be the time.” Kim frowned.

  “You promise not to leave?”

  Blake nodded. “I’ll wait for you. There’s a bonus for getting you there.” She told her with a wink.

  Kim smiled back. “That, I understand.”


  Rage was already walking across the docking area as the docking ramp started to engage, Angr jogged ahead of him. As the ramp clicked into place, Kim came down the ramp towards him. “Hay Angr, I’m going with Blake. Just going to catch up with Rage before we leave.” She pointed in Rages direction.

  “He’s not happy.” He told her as he looked up at the now open ship. Angr was torn between ensuring Kim’s safety and getting on that ship. What he wanted was on that ship. He didn’t hear Rage come up behind him, just Kim’s squeal as she jumped into his arms and started kissing Rage, murmuring how much she loved him. Angr noticed Rage didn’t seem to mind being whipped. He wondered what it would feel like to have a female like that. Be all that for him? He looked instinctively over at the ship again.

  “Angr, new assignment.” Rage told him, having curtailed Kim’s advances. “You’re going with Kim and Blake on this engine delivery. You’ll be gone around 3 weeks. Reve and Dare are going with you. Get what you need and be back here in 50.” Angr nodded and jogged off towards the lift systems, his step suddenly a lot lighter. He was going with her, it felt so good to say it. His gear was onboard his ship. His second would have to take lead, while he was gone. Angr knew he was a good Cyborg and would get the job done. Angr had other fish to fry now. Other priorities. He increased his pace with more determination. Three weeks on board the same ship? He would catch her, break her and put her back together and she would love every minute of it.


  Blake received the information regarding Kim’s escort. She wasn’t happy. Although her heart did a little leap and dance in her chest at seeing General Angr’s name, she decided it was a bad idea. Both of them in close proximity for three weeks? That was asking for trouble. Trouble with a juicy thick cock and a wicked mouth, a cock and mouth, she would have a very hard time, pun intended, of saying no too.

  Blake’s resolve crumbled, as images of Angr ramming into her up against the wall surfaced. Her mouth watered, a smug grin split her face before she could stop it. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Her gut clenched and her nipples pebbled. Hell no. “Maggie, secure the access to this floor and lock down. Access granted to the Bridge section, to Kim alone. If Kim is not alone no access. Open bunks on deck 2. Four rooms, turn on facilities and the mess. Inform Station security of the arrangements. Have all necessary provisions delivered by bot ASAP and install a cleaning routine immediately. Air purification to come on line and purge.”


  If she could keep him out, she stood a chance of getting through this.


  “What do you mean security doesn’t have access to the Bridge?” Angr was confused. How could they do their job without access to all of the ship? He stopped throwing his personal items into his pack and looked over at Pain. “Those are the conditions laid out.” Pain told him.

  “What if there’s an emergency and something goes wrong and we need access?”

  “Kim has it. Just not with her security in toe.” Angr frowned. What was the point of that? Then it dawned on him. It wasn’t to keep security out. It was to keep him out.

  He looked over at Pain. “She annoys the shit out of me and is trying my patience. Get me access.”

  Pain shook his head. “Can’t’, she has an independent AI.” Angr guessed he looked as surprised as he felt because Pain gave me a sad nod. “Seriously? I thought all of those were gone?”

  “Nope, this one’s alive and kicking our ass. You’ll have to do it manually. Find a back door.” Angr gave an exasperated sigh and slammed down on the table. Bloody female. Was nothing easy with her?


  “Blake, we have a formal complaint from the Station. It informs that we are taking their personnel and are required to allow them access to all areas of the ship in case of emergency. Failure to comply, would place their lives at risk and prevent them leaving the Station.” Blake looked up at the speaker above her head on the Bridge. She’d been running a series of diagnostic tests on all systems.

  It was a large open space that could take the eight crew easily to run the ships systems, but that would have meant exposure and she couldn’t have that, so Maggie was her best friend. Her quarters and Bridge mess, were just along the corridor from it and the whole area could be sealed off at the end of the corridor from the rest of the ship. It was perfect for her use. No need to waste resources on a hulk not being used for anything other than storage. Maggie did everything the ship and she needed and had, for a very long time.

  “Provide emergency protocols via your systems and computer back up in case of your failure, or in the event of my possible danger, death or disablement. Provide emergency protocols to the Station.”



  Blake had watched Kim come on board. She was surprised by the vid feed from the docking ramp. There had been a great deal of petting, some quite amorous, before Rage had finally let her go to walk on board. Her security including General Angr, kept vigil throughout and only followed her in, once she disengaged from the General giving him a sharp nod. The other two Cyborgs followed him. Blake wondered if her night with Angr wasn’t an isolated event. Cyborgs were not known for their emotional bonds. They had strong connections to their brothers, but humans? Other than to protect and serve, she hadn’t heard of much before the ‘mating’ thing with Rage. Blake realised these Cyborgs had deep emotional ties and considered how that was possible. What had changed? It was not in their programming. “Maggie raise docking ramp, direct our passengers and answer all questions, that are not of a personal or ship system nature, and prepare to leave.”


  Blake had kept an eye on her guests while the ship went through its departure sequence. They each followed the directions given to them. Maggie had directed them to the second floor. Highlighted the mess as they walked passed and then took them to the bunks and lastly, the recreational room and gym. Her ship had the lot, she just never needed them. It could house a battalion.

  She watched as Angr looked at each system node, checked service hatches and asked for ships schematics. “Maggie, give General Angr a map of the main corridors and rooms off them. Nothing on the inner workings or safe rooms.”


  She watched as he checked his data pad then scowled up at the vid. Blake smiled. Not that stupid General.


  Blake ran through system files as the ship made its way away from the Space Station. Everything looked good. “Bl
ake, Kim is requesting access to the Bridge.” She put down her coffee.

  “She alone?”

  “General Angr is some 20 paces behind her.”

  Blake sighed. He was beginning to be a pain in the ass and they’d only been gone just over an hour. “Give me visual and ship wide communications Maggie.”


  “General Angr, was our agreement not clear? Vacate this floor or I am unable to give access to Kim.” Blake watched the vid. He was scowling and his colour was rising. “We both know you could make that distance and get in here before the doors closed again. Don’t piss me off. Leave this level.”

  “I could just blast them open.” He snarled.

  Blake smiled he couldn’t see it but she hoped it came through in her voice. “Yes, you could, but I’d hate to have to explain to the Admiral, why his wife was floating in space and not on my ship.” She left the threat hanging and saw Kim grin.

  Angr turned and walked back away from the doorway, towards the internal corridor. “Maggie how much distance do you think a Cyborg would need, to not be able to gain access to this area once the door started opening if running at full speed?”

  “Calculating…… Based on top speed recorded from stand still and how long it would take Kim to walk through, approx. 15.3 metres.” Wow, thought Blake that was some distance. She didn’t know how fast Angr was, but she was betting he was fast. “Maggie open the door at 15.5 metres.”

  Let’s see what he’s got, thought Blake. “Affirmative.”

  “Kim, when the door opens please walk in immediately. Any deviation, will be seen as not in either of our interests and our visits will stop.”

  Blake watched as Kim gave her a thumbs up with a grin. Blake cracked a smile of her own and looked on with interest, as Angr stopped for a moment, having heard her speak, then carried on. Her guess was right, Angr was going to try and get in. This should be interesting.

  Angr was pissed. He continued his walk away from the doorway, he wanted very much to be through. This little beautiful, bloody cleaver female, was giving him no room to manoeuvre. She shut him down at every opportunity. Well he was ready for that. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but he didn’t get to his position by being weak or without conviction. He set his auditory setting on high.

  “15.5 metres in 3,2,1. Doors opening.”

  Blake watched Angr spin on a coin and charge back for the door. Kim was walking through no delay in her movements. Blake guessed she wasn’t taking sides and that was good. Blakes eyes raised at the speed Angr was generating. It was going to be close. If he got a hand in the door even partially, when open, he could get purchase and rip it open. The doors started to close and Angr put on a spurt of speed. Blake held her breath. Fuck, he might just make it! Part of her warmed. Did he want her that much? Her eyes narrowed. Or just to prove he could do it?

  Blake checked the door as Kim came in. “Taking a chance Blake?” Kim asked her amused.

  Blake shrugged. “Hay, don’t want to be boring.” Kim grinned wider and looked back at the door and then the vid.

  “It’s gonna be close.” Kim told her.

  Blake grinned at her. “Yep.”

  “20 Credit’s he makes it.” Kim told her. Blake raised an eyebrow at her as Kim rubbed her hands together. “He’s one of my men.” Kim shrugged. Fair enough, thought Blake.


  Angr used every synapse, every processor he had. He was gonna make it. He was determined. The door was closing but he could make it. He pushed on. It was nearly closed. All he needed was a finger in the gap before it closed. Angr pushed more energy into his limbs.

  “Move ya arse General, or you’re not gonna make it and it will be, the easiest 20 I’ve ever made.” Blakes voice rang out over the audio. He faltered slightly, confusion hitting him. Did she want him to make it? Why? Then he registered the bet and anger soared through him, in that split-second, he realised his hesitation was going to cost him. He wasn’t going to make it. The door sealed shut as his fingers touched it and slid along its closed surface. It took everything in him not to slam into the door. Hard. He would have damaged it and possibly prevented it from opening again. That fucking woman! He would get that door open, if it killed him.

  Angr was breathing hard, as he held onto the wall, taking several deep breaths. He’d never moved so fast. But it hadn’t been enough. She’d known. She always bloody knows! Angr smiled and chuckled. Cleaver female. A sense of pride hit him then he slammed his hand on the wall. It buckled. He turned and headed back. The one thing Cyborgs were good at, was learning by their mistakes. Next time her ass was his.


  “You like to live dangerously.” Kim told her retaking a seat with her own coffee.

  Blake laughed. “How else is there to live?”

  Kim grinned back at her. “I owe you 20 credits.”

  “Save it. He’ll try again and we’ll bet again. Could make the journey interesting don’t you think?” This time Kim laughed too.

  “O he’ll keep trying alright. I hope you’re ready for that.” Blake wondered if she was ready. The echo in her mind told her no, that she was nowhere near ready for that. Suddenly, it didn’t seem so funny at all.


  “Access denied.” Angr roared in frustration. He’d been trying to access systems for nearly a week without success. He’d tried everything. He looked for detailed plans of the ship. Denied. Information on Blake. Denied. The ships engines. Denied. The emergency systems. Denied. Back up systems. Denied. Emergency protocols. Denied, Denied, Denied. He was sick of this dam ship! He had nothing more to show for his efforts, other than what Maggie had been already sent him. Air circulation systems. Denied. Medical applications. Denied. Every bloody thing was denied!

  Well. If the ship wouldn’t give him anything. Like Pain said, he’d have to do it manually. Picking his tools carefully he headed out. Angr decided he’d map and remove all access nodes and see where they went himself. He didn’t need the help of the ship. He was a bloody computer. A Cyborg. He could do anything! He charged down the bunks corridor into the open mess area. Dare was in there with Kim. Angr gave him a nod and started his search. If he had to feel every inch of this dam ship to get to her, he would.

  “Blake, General Angr has given up on trying to gain access through my systems he is now searching the ship manually.” Blake shook her head. She had to give it to him. He didn’t give up. “Maggie can you manage without the back up on board computer?”

  “Affirmative it is back up after all.” Maggie told her.

  Blake nodded. “Back up all information and secure it. Shut down the on-board computer.”


  Ok General, thought Blake, let’s see what you got.


  Angr slumped into a chair in the mess. Kim and his team were already eating. “Food General?” Kim asked him sweetly. This was not the Kim he knew. She was playing him. She knew exactly what was going on and enjoying it.

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “No.”

  For 24 hours, he’d searched for every access point. And in each case, they were dead. Some had been warm from the current they ran, so they’d only just gone off line as he got to them. He had a feeling they were being shut off deliberately as he came to them. He looked about him and spotted the vid. Blood ship was alive alright. That AI never slept, never stopped. A thought crossed his mind, he wasn’t going to be able to beat it. Angr’s resolve flared. No. That wasn’t acceptable. He was Cyborg.

  He looked over at his Cyborg compatriots. They were busy eating. Eating! His system burned for answers. Angr glanced at Kim and swallowed. “What’s she like Kim?” He whispered.

  Kim looked up from her food and studied him for a moment. “Not just a job is it?” She queried back equally as quietly, all humour gone. Not that her soft voice would make any difference; Cyborg hearing was just too good. He shook his head.

  “I like her. She’s fire and ice an
d dam good at what she does. Clearly intelligent and brave. A female working the universe on her own? That takes guts. We both know how that can end.” Kim narrowed her eyes at him. Angr stilled. That was never a good sign where Kim was concerned.

  “Don’t fuck it up.”

  Angr closed his eyes and breathed in deep. Maybe he needed to shut down for a while, give his systems a chance to re-boot. Re-evaluate the situation and come up with new solutions. Yes. He needed to do that. Angr got up and walked back to this bunk. His head felt heavy and something settled heavily in his stomach and lodged in his chest. He didn’t like it. Nothing about this was in his control.


  Something shook Blake awake. For a moment she thought Angr had got in. Opening her eyes, she realised she was alone. The ship rocked again.

  “Report.” She called out grabbing her clothes and slipping them on.

  “A ship has fired on us. Shields holding. They are no match for us.” Maggie told her.


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