Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 46

by Jessie Rose Case

  Her uncle spoke up. “Your father’s not well. It’s time he retired. The boys are useless, he knows it, I know it, and god knows, the Board knows it and so do you. You just stopped there being any chance of a hostile takeover. No one’s gonna want to take on the Cyborg Empire to take the job.” He sat back rather smugly. “I trained you well girl.”

  Now she got it. It would have been a fight, bloody and nasty if he had nominated her on her own. She would have had to prove herself and possibly get killed in the process, time and time again and one of the Board members would have taken over her father’s business. Her father would never willingly let that happen and she’d played right into his hands turning up with Cyborgs and Angr’s announcement. The strength of power she’d just displayed with Angr and Dare, had tipped the balance.

  “Fuck.” She turned to Angr. “I did not plan this, or use you to get this.” She told him honestly. He gave her a shrug.

  “The outcome would have been the same.” He leaned in and kissed her. Blake looked at the male that could have judged her by her families intentions, and manipulative assumptions and he’d just let it go, as unimportant. It reminded her he was not like other men. He was a good male. She turned back to her father, he smiled at her, then looked to Angr.

  “General, we have business to discuss. I’d like to contract Cyborgs on every ship in my fleet, ensuring my daughters position throughout the Company and give it added protection. For which, I am happy to pay a fee. I’m sure you’d agree, safety first.”

  “That is not happening.” She splattered. Her father had finally lost it. They did not use Cyborgs. For generations her families’ stance was never to abuse. “Our family does not abuse or take what doesn’t belong to us.” She sat up straighter. “Our Charter specifically forbids the use of Cyborgs.”

  “Agreed.” Angr’s voice rang out. She turned to him.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  Angr coldly smiled at her. “Protecting what’s mine. Just as your father is.”

  OMG. She’d married her father. Her life officially sucked.

  Blake stood. “Uncle I need a drink, let’s go.” She walked out the room and into the corridor. Dare with her. She didn’t know why Angr stayed behind or what her father wanted to talk to him about and frankly, she didn’t care. She’d had enough for one day. Or so she thought until Cliff came out of the lift walking towards her. The minute he saw her he started shouting.

  He was bigger, louder than ever and still a bully. He was a nasty piece of work and she suspected, he’d tried to kill her a time or two. He never tired of trying to dominate people, of throwing his weight around or the families credentials to get by. His trophy wife stepped out behind him covered in jewellery. It was typical and sad. Her day was now perfect.

  Before he got a chance to start, she told him flat walking towards him. “I’m not doing this Cliff, you have an issue, take it up with Dad.” She tried to move around him and he caught her arm and yanked it pulling her to a stop. She flinched at the pain he caused. Dare pulled his weapon as a roar sounded behind her. Angr came charging down the corridor towards her, he’d also drawn his weapon.

  “Remove your hand or lose it.”

  Cliff stared at Dare then Angr and dropped her arm. “Still using your image generator Blake?” He sneered. “No one gives a crap about what you look like.”

  He looked at both Angr and Dare again. “You bought Cyborgs? What were you thinking? Can’t you get laid any other way?” Blake saw Nanci his wife, snigger. She always did like taking pot shots at Blake. “I know their cheap fodder and dumb as shit, Jesus I’ve bought enough to know.” The temperature in the corridor dropped. Both Dare and Angr stepped forward. They would kill him.

  She had no love for her brother but moved in between them. “Bought Cyborgs since when? They’re not on our books and our Charter expressly states we do not use them in anyway.” He looked at her as if she was mad. “For years, you dumb shit. Do you know how much they go for? They’re not on the books because good old grandad had fought in the war with them and had some stupid sense of honour.” He told her agitated. “And Father wouldn’t have it.” He puffed himself up. “A pay day is a pay day.”

  Blake shook her head. “Cliff, you’re a fucking idiot. I knew you were stupid but this, is fucking insane. And that is my husband, not a toy.” She thumbed at Angr relishing the look on her brothers face.

  “And that’s why you will never be CEO of this company,” Her uncle butted in. “Your stupid and vengeful and would ruin us.”

  Blake realised she had to be the person she now was. “Cliff Baccana under the laws of the Cyborg Empire you are under arrest. I suggest you spill the beans before they pull the information out of you. Personally, I hope you resist. I believe it to be most unpleasant. Clarisa,” She called the company AI for the building, “inform Golden Hind security that all accounts for Cliff Baccana are to be frozen. All personal property seized, all his business accounts to be investigated, all transactions to be re-visited and accommodation during the investigation is to be provided for his wife in a guest room of the local hotel until further notice.”

  “Affirmative.” The AI for their building answered.

  Cliff moved towards her aggressively clenching his fists. “You can’t do that bitch. You always did think you were better than us. Lording it around like some slut on heat. Getting favours and contracts by fucking anyone who’d be interested. Well now you really, have scrapped the barrel.” He told her mockingly.

  Angr moved forward and Blake put her hand out to stop him. She’d be dammed she’d let Cliff see how much that hurt her. She stared at her brother coldly. What had she ever done to make him hate her so much? He’d made her life a misery growing up. She couldn’t remember him once being kind to her. Her resolve hardened. “Yes, I can do that. I am the new CEO the Board just voted me in. Your fired.” Several security officers poured onto the floor. “Arrest him, take him to lock up.” They moved in and dragged Cliff off. Nanci screaming and crying clinging to one of the men. Ironically telling them how innocent she was.

  Angr wanted to kill the male badly. With his bare hands slowly. He’d insulted Blake and it was clear from her body language, the male had hurt her. It also told him, what the male had said was a lie. Her shock at his words ricochet throughout her body and she’d had the strength to remain in control. Pride flooded his senses. If needed, he would kill this male for her. He had no honour.

  Blake turned to Angr who was watching Cliff being dragged away. “I never used my body to get what I wanted. Cliff was never a nice person. We maybe blood, but he was never a brother. Find out what he knows, find your people and shut it down.” She told him. Angr turned to Dare and after a couple of seconds, Dare moved off after security.

  “Think we can have that drink now?” Her uncle asked her.

  Blake tried not to let her body shake, Cliffs words hurt, and she wondered if Angr believed them. She put on a fake smile and linked her arm through his. He was her favourite person in all the world, well maybe second now, but the verdict was still out on that one. As she turned she caught a glimpse of her father standing by the conference doors. He gave her one sharp nod and went on his way back to running the company. Guess things turned out as he’d expected. Blake headed for that drink. It was way past due.



  Blake downed her third shot. They’d been there a while. She felt her body start to loosen up. She hadn’t realised just how tense she was after that show down with Cliff. If she were honest, she was worried what Angr and his men now thought of her. What Cliff had said was lies, but she knew only too well how that could tarnish a relationship. Cliff had done it many times with her father. Setting him against her. Blake ground her teeth. Fucker. It was one of the reasons they barely spoke. Her father never believed her.

  She knew things might have been easier if her mother had been the boys mother too. The fact that theirs had left them and her father had r
e-married to her mother, left a bitter memory for Cliff, the others didn’t seem to mind so much. She got it and while the other boys took little interest in her, Cliff was a lot older and saw something he didn’t like, and made her life hell whenever he could. It just wasn’t right.

  “Penny for them?” Her uncle asked.

  Blake gave him a waning smile. “Our family is so fucked up.”

  Her uncle laughed out loud and patted her. “You know, your fathers first wife was a business deal. She hated him on sight. But a contract is a contract, and she gave him four children as per their agreement and brought a company with her to expand our corporation. For the company it was a good deal, for your father, not so much.”

  Her uncle sighed. “Your father tried to make the best of it. It was arranged for him as well, but Beth, she was hard as nails and instilled her hatred for him in Cliff. He was an only child for a long time. She refused to have anything more to do with your father after Cliff was born you see. She threatened to leave him time and time again. Throwing tantrums. Undermining him. Telling him to let her go. Trouble was, if the contract was not fulfilled. The company that came with her, left with her and that wasn’t a possibility. Your father had to reminder her of that fact, in one of her violent outbursts in front of Cliff, that unless she fulfilled her contract she was here for life.”

  “So she gave him three more children in quick succession and demanded to be allowed to leave and take what property she had with her. Right up to the moment she stepped onto that ship, Cliff thought he was going with her. Your father didn’t step in. That was a mistake. He knows it now. He allowed her to manipulate that child up until she stepped foot on the docking ramp, then turned to Cliff and asked him where he thought he was going. When he told her with her. Beth burst out laughing and told him she wanted nothing to do with the spawn of your father, and walked away. Security had to secure a distraught child, broken by a bitch of a mother while he watched his mother leave. It was heart breaking.”

  “Your father tried to make up for it. But the damage was done. I believe Cliff later sort her out as soon as he could, and she refused to see him. I think that cracked him. Once she was gone, your father employed your mother as a nanny. He loved her very much Blake. You know this, I’ve told you many times. She was a love he never expected to have and when you were born, he was so doting, a changed man. For those months I didn’t recognise him as the hardened man he’d become. Good times. When your mother died, he never really recovered.”

  Blake knew a lot of what her uncle had just told her. But it was certainly clearer now on why Cliff hated her so much. Loosing his mother like that, finding out she didn’t love him and then her father paying her attention, he never paid the boys. It was no wonder he hated her. But that didn’t make his behaviour right. He could have turned it around at any time and didn’t.

  Angr watched from a distance while she slammed back another drink. Whatever her uncle was telling her had the desired affect of taking some of the sting out of what had just happened. A young male approached nervously and Angr moved in slightly. Blake greeted him affectionately so did her uncle. This was Jos. He stayed for a drink then moved off. Angr decided it was time to move in. Blake needed food and some rest or she was going to pass out with any more alcohol.

  “Blake we have lunch arrangements. You are welcome to join us if you wish.” He told her uncle.

  “No you too go on. I’ll see you later Blake. You’ll be expected for dinner.” Blake cringed. After today her father would still expect that? Course he would. He’d want all the nasty details. She shook her head.

  “We’ll be there.”


  Blake had dragged her feet through lunch. She had half a mind to go back to the ship but that wouldn’t look good and her father would have her hide. Taking Angr to the family home seemed wrong. It was tainted with so many memories that she didn’t want it changing what they had. Then she realised, she didn’t really know what they had did she? She run away and hid from him throughout her stay on the Station. And if she was being honest, she’d enjoyed the chase. She didn’t feel married, didn’t feel any different at all actually. Well apart from the fact that her body did a little welcome dance, perking everything up, the minute she saw Angr.

  Blake knew that to be real. No matter what, she wanted to be with this male. There was no denying that now. Exiting the restaurant, she made a decision. She couldn’t hide from this. He was her man and she now had a Corporation to run. Blake linked arms with Angr and turned them both, towards her home. Hiding was over.


  Blake wasn’t sure what the time was. She’d been happy to see the house staff and introduced Angr then headed to her rooms. It was a large house. Her father being a prominent member of this society. She had three rooms on the top floor. Away from her brother’s rooms and her father and uncle’s.

  Warmth told her that she wasn’t alone and the pull on her body into warmth, a reminder she wasn’t alone. “What’s the time?”

  “We have a couple of hours before dinner.” He told her kissing her shoulder.

  “How’s the interrogation going?” She asked.

  “Later.” He told her pulling her leg over his thigh.

  “We should talk about what my brother called me.” Blake told him trying to ignore the hand that had skimmed down her belly to her clit.

  “No. The male lies.” Angr would not talk about him. Not now. Not when his female needed him. There would be enough time later to go over what had happened and what they had learnt.

  He plunged a finger into her and rubbed her clit. Then moved it in and out loving the feel of her internal muscles squeezing his finger. His cock grew and hardened in anticipation of filling that hole. He moved his other hand under the T shirt she’d worn to bed, she had no panties on. That was perfect. He filled his hand with her breast and played with her sensitive nipples. Blake moaned his name and leaned into him, her lower body starting to rock. She was eager, trying to take control. He couldn’t have that. Not yet.

  Removing his fingers from her body he lifted her ass and positioned his cock at her entrance. He teased it at the opening. Letting it slip in by the tip and out again. The anticipation was hypnotic. He racked his nails over her breast as he did it again and again. Blake gripped his arm. Her nails digging in. “That’s not fair.” She panted.

  Angr was flooded with the emotion to please his female. There was no doubt she enjoyed having his body as much as he did hers. He slipped it in again. “Do you want this wife?” He pulled it out and hovered at her entrance.

  “Am I your wife?” Angr didn’t like the uncertainty in her voice. He let his cock slip in and thrust home. He gave her a moment, then started to move. She was soon back focused on them. “You are my mate, the one female who is perfect for me. I your terms, you are my wife. That is a fact. Nothing will ever change that.”

  Blake fought back the tears. He’d heard all her secrets. Knew all about her now and he didn’t care. Blake’s heart swelled. She’d never believed this was possible. That she would find someone, who was strong enough to take her and her family on, and not condemn her for it. She held back a sob.

  Angr stopped and held her. Blake needed his warmth and comfort now. He stayed buried deep within her and let her cry. His tough, no nonsense female dealing with more than he would ever understand. But he knew she needed him right now to comfort and hold her. And after, he would show her he loved her. He didn’t understand the concept really, but he felt a connection to Blake like no other, and just the thought of not being with her, even for a second, gave him physical pain. That was real and so was this.

  Words filtered through her emotional outpouring. Soft, kind, reassuring. Angr. She felt his cock move within her body. It felt so right. Her emotions slowly came under control, her body recognising the caresses Angr was giving her. She wanted his touch, more than the sadness. Reaching over she caressed his hand. Then lifted it and brought it to her mouth and kissed it. He gras
ped her own hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed it back. “We are in this together Blake. No matter what the universe has in store for us. Together.”

  Angr held onto her body and increased his pace. It was time the sadness was over. Now they needed to move on.

  Blake focused on the pleasure Angr was giving her. He rode her body drawing every bit of pleasure out of her. Taking away her sadness and replacing it with ….. love. He hadn’t said it but he did love her. She knew it to be true. The last of her sadness ebbed away. She reached up and grabbed his neck running her thumb gently across his face.

  It was all the encouragement he needed. He took his time to reawaken her body and get it ready for him. As her body relaxed more and her responses showed him how close she was to coming, Angr used those emotions. Her body was crying out for him, to give her release. Angr ploughed into her, reaching every erogenous zone on her body. Drawing on every ounce of emotion, every ounce of feeling. Blake’s body rippled with her building orgasm. He could feel it cresting. Reaching out he covered her clit and her nipple with his fingers. As Blake reached for what would send her over the edge, he squeezed both and soothed them quickly.

  Blake splintered apart as Angr thrust up hitting her G spot, crying out his own release calling her name. Blake collapsed back against him. Numb. Perfect. She hardly felt him lifting her from the bed. Or taking her to the shower. He’d supported her while he washed her body and made gentle love to her again. They’d stayed in the spray and deliciously explored each other’s bodies. Angr’s mouth had been relentless on her body giving her two more orgasm’s until she’d begged him to stop. Then fell to her knees and worshipped his cock with her own mouth, until he had cried out her name in pure wonder.


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