Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 49

by Jessie Rose Case

  Tah engaged his PID at the appointed hour. “Computer location of Sid’s Wine Bar, up loaded to PID, drop and secure ship”.

  “Compiling, uploaded information to PID, drop in 3,2,1 drop, ship secured”.


  Alex dropped into the bar chair. Was it really Friday night already? she thought. Haaaa. There was a god after all, but it felt like it had taken an age in getting here. Alex took a quick look round the bar that had become important to those in social care. Near enough to the office, that it wasn’t a huge walk and in the business sector, so no client housing. It was perfect. A mixture of departments was present. Some from different services too. Alex recognised most of them. The bar wasn’t much, not posh or spic and span, a bit rough round the edges, a place to let off steam, and devoid of clients. It was relaxed and clean, with good bar staff and company.

  More importantly the food was good, and for those that wanted it, the drinks not overpriced or watered down. Alex noticed about half her team letting off steam. She would leave them be. She liked the bar and they deserved it. If they wanted her to join, them they would ask. No insult given, none taken. Who wanted their manager round them all the time? God knows, I don’t, she reminded herself.

  “There you go Alex, one spritzer heavy on the lemonade”. Alex looked up into the smiling face of Ryan. An ex-employee who now worked for one of the organisations.

  “Thanks Ryan I could do with it, haven’t seen you for a while, how’s the family and how are you doing”.

  Tah found the ‘bar’ just fine. It was in a nicer part of the city. Lots of what were described as business tower blocks. As he walked in he was assaulted by a multitude of smells. Sifting them, he found one intoxicating fleeting scent, that was wholly surprising. He tried to narrow in on it and failed. Too many other scents mixing in. It looked busy for early evening but guessed that most had come from ‘work’.

  Walking discretely, silently due to his camo, Tah walked into the bar and moved from one group to another unseen. As he studied them, it was clear that there were several groups within these groups of people. Most surprising to him was that most of the people were female. Unescorted and no males to speak of. It was clear to him that some were just like his warriors in many ways. Some appeared to be old timers. Some being nurtured. Some were here to drink away the week, some appeared angry, some sad, but generally, they were there to socialise and bond, to have ‘fun’ and catch up with friends and unwind.

  Tah was heartened to see that when groups come together with a common thread. Whether Bataari or Human, the atmosphere the same. There was plenty of rowdy complaining and storytelling, although all were obviously careful not to talk about people from work. Generalisations where the order of the day and clearly no names but meaningful looks. It was clear that these people were protective of their clients and the chatter quickly moved away to other issues. One name came up often, as they spoke of many things. Said with a mixture of awe, sometimes gratitude and thankfulness, or some slight annoyance. This person had the answers to many things it seemed. Tah needed to check this person out. They were clearly wise and enlightened on Earth cultures, and had mentored many of these people present. Clearly they had many years of insight to offer these people when working with males and females of this world. This person would be of use to him.

  Alex came back from the ladies and a Cappuccino was waiting for her at the bar.

  “That’s your one for the road Alex”. Alex smiled at Ryan. She wasn’t much of a drinker. She liked a glass of wine now and then or a spritzer but that was about it and when driving, one was her limit.

  “Thanks hun, you know me, one drink wonder, got a long drive so the caffeine is perfect”. Alex took a sip and visibly relaxed. “Umm it is perfect”. Ryan laughed at her expression.

  “I see you’re still a caffeine nut”. Alex nodded. “Sooo, you still doing 12 hour days 5/6 days a week, or are you doing reasonable hours now?” He asked her. Alex laughed, it always came back to work issues.

  “You know the job Ryan, it is what it is”.

  “Its gonna kill you is what it is.” Ryan choked back emotionally. Alex smiled and squeezed his arm. Ryan had given up mainstream social work finding it too demanding and emotionally wearing, Alex could sympathize. All those that came out of university thinking they were going to make change and save lives, were often disillusioned when reality kicked in. Unable to cope with the demands of the job, they left finding something easier to work with.

  “No need to worry Ryan, the jobs the job”. Resigned, Ryan nodded.

  “Yeah, sure”. They both knew Alex gave too much.


  Tah had followed the conversations round the room and moved to the couple at what was called the ‘bar’. The female had recently returned from what was called the ‘rest rooms’. Tah did not understand this phase. Having checked the place out initially on arrival for any possible threats. The ‘rest room’ was not a place anyone would want to rest. Mostly, they were not nice places. They were places where your bodily needs were disposed of. The males rest room far from pleasant, far worse than the females. The smell with his heightened senses made him gag. That kind of mess was uncalled for.

  Tah moved to get a better view of the female. As he glimpsed her. Tah had to shake the shock of surprise off himself. This can’t be the right person that the others had talked about? But the name was correct. This Alex was not old and wizened at all. Clearly no elder. He wondered again if he had the right person. Tah touched his PID and looked at the records for this organisation. She had been called a Team Manager.

  Tah checked again, his concentration distracted by that heavenly scent. His nose tickled and twitched. Tah breathed deeply. It was …….. amazing, he felt he could breathe it in forever, never ending. It was nothing like the artificial and created smells of this world. He’d had plenty of that to deal with over the past week. This was natural. Sweet, warming, but not sickly. Clean, like a new sun rise. Tah felt himself becoming compromised. He had a sudden moment of being out of control. Being led. He leaned forward towards this Alex as if being pulled magnetically to her.

  Tah shook his head and refocused. What the hell was going on? He looked around sharply. Had he been infected with something? Everyone was where he’d seen them before. No one had come near him. The other smells the same as before. Tah checked his PID. The air was tainted with bi products of this Earth, but not any known drugs to influence him were present in any of the scans. Suddenly, Tah’s body went on warrior alert. His chest expanding and his limbs loose. Strength streamed into him from his core. Battle blood. Where was that smell coming from? Tah moved around the space checking for possible attack and moved into a protective stance and found none.

  It took all his will power to bring his Battle Blood under control. Tah turned his attention back to the couple at the bar, Tah observed the female. Her name was Alex. She was small for a Human, barely came up to his chest. She had what was called ‘blond hair’ pulled back at the nape of her neck. It looked thick. Shinny. Some strands had come loose and were haloed around her face. Tah wanted to brush them back from her face. He had an intense need to touch her.

  Woooah. Tah stepped back. What did that mean? Tah shook his head again to clear it. This time he really looked at the female. Her clothing seemed masculine known as a ‘suit’. She had a clear complexion and her eyes were a deep blue. Tah liked those eyes, they were unique to him and drew him in. This Alex was nothing remarkable by Earth standards from what they considered ‘beautiful’. It meant little to him. His race did not judge by anyone’s standard of ‘beauty’. She looked nice, he thought but no goddess as Earth literature spoke of, and she looked like no elder he knew either.

  Tah observed the interaction between Alex and the male, he noticed she was offering moral support both verbally and physically as she reached out to touch this Ryan’s arm. As the female made contact, a growl burst out of Tah. Guttural and harsh and loud. Tah shocked, quickly backed away. What
the hell had just happened? He never lost control. And, what in the depths of hell was that? That sound coming from him. A memory surfaced but he could not pin it down. Surprise hit him as he had to bite back further outbursts. His gums ached looking for blood. Something was wrong.

  The thought of this Alex touching the male angered him? His reason told him they were not involved as a pairing, but he felt he was struggling for control. He felt the blood rage start to surface. He swallowed hard. Taking calming breaths. Placing his focus elsewhere. He needed to speak to her. To understand what was happening here. Tah did not understand this reaction to the female. There was no mention of it in the Earth information. Did Earth women entice males with their scent?

  This was a threat to this people. Something unknown. Not recorded. He was a strong male and if he could react in such a manner to a female of Earth, then others would fall easily. Tah realised standing there, that this was not going to give him the answers he needed. Walking to the back of the bar, Tah entered the rest room for males. Seeing it empty, Tah materialised, placed his PID in camo and turned back towards the bar. He needed answers and he would get them.


  Ann had just seen the guy walk out of the rest rooms. OMG, he was gorgeous with a capital G, she thought. She hadn’t seen him go in but hay, it’s a free world right. She told herself grinning. Simply drop dead gorgeous. Amazingly tall and muscular and big, real big, riding that bad boy biker look. He must be a model, she reasoned, worked out a lot but those features, defined and bordered on beautiful in a manly way and that hair, wow, any women would die for it. He carried himself confidently. This guy knew how to live. Maybe he was a model part time and a soldier of some kind with lots of yummy skills, she mused. Ann’s mind was going into overdrive.

  “Clare, check this out”. Ann elbowed Clare and nodded in the new guy’s direction. Clare’s mouth dropped open.

  “Halloooo” Ann whispered licking her lips. The new guy appeared distracted, he’s attention over at the bar. Ann nudged Clare with a wicked smile.

  “Dibs. Let’s go”.

  “Hello, can I help you, I’d like to be of help to you” A female had walked right into his path. Tah stopped abruptly and looked around at the voice. He’d only taken a few steps into the bar when halted by two females.

  “I’d really like to help myself to you too”. Smiled the second one. Clearly both had been partaking of the alcohol, thought Tah. His attention taken, Tah lost sight of Alex at the bar and addressed the two females before him. With a tight smile he told them honestly,

  “I am sorry, I do not know you and it would not be proper to have you help me in any way”. Tah tried to side step them. They moved with him. Both females turned and stared at each other for several moments with their mouths open, then both burst out laughing at him.

  Tah felt very confused and his face must have looked it. They laughed again at him.

  “O yeah, your coming with us big boy, the parties over here”. A female took an arm each and led a very confused Tah, past Alex who was smiling madly at them, with her thumb in the air. Tah wasn’t sure what that meant but he felt it wasn’t good. He was led over to the group that had been talking about Alex previously.

  Ok Tah thought, I’m integrating and could learn much from this, how bad can this be?


  O it was very bad. Tah lost sight of Alex early on, she had somehow slipped past him and left the building. His warrior instincts taking a hit. He was with several of her staff on what turned out to be a ‘night out on the town’. That consisted of lots of alcohol, very little to eat and lots of males trying to prise the females away with them. Tah was at a loss. The males annoyed him. They were not honourable. They would not take the hint. He was trying very hard not to draw a weapon, but it was getting harder by the hour.

  He was practically running back and forth, running interference trying to save the females honour, but they did not seem to understand the danger. They ordered drink after drink. He refused to drink himself and had tried to tell them that they were becoming intoxicated and that it was unsafe. It was clear to Tah the females in the group thought everything he said was amusing, in Earth English ‘funny’, ‘hilarious’, he had had to look them up. That had them falling over themselves in what seemed ‘hysterics’ leading to them exhibiting tears, leaving him very confused for most of the night.

  At seeing their tears, he had asked if they were hurt and who should he kill? They only laughed harder. Tah felt he suffered for many hours until they let him go at 3am. They thanked him for being a ‘good sport’. This made no sense to him. They were not playing a ‘sport’ and nothing had been good about the evening. At that point he had been dragged down to their level by his top and received a kiss on the cheek in turn from all the females. That made him even more confused, they bodily touched him and were not related or mated. As they walked away from him, the one called Ann called over her shoulder.

  “I’ll tell Alex you were asking after her big guy” and they simply left him. Tah did not know if he should be relieved they were gone or worried. It had been a most confusing night. On his return to his ship Tah realised that not once, did he feel drawn to any of the females, as he had in the bar. This was indeed strange, if Earth women attracted males in this way.

  Why did he only feel this earlier on? ……


  Continued in…… - A Bataari New World Series Book 1. The Awaking.

  On sale now…... in 2 parts or one full novel or a two-book deal!




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