The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure
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77 is the Air Force room number in the Pentagon. EUW means Electronic Warfare we believe.
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Tester used, see link: However, it was government issued to Rick Doty by NSA:
Chapter 2
In early 1943, J. Robert Oppenheimer, the newly named director of the as-yet-un-built nuclear weapons design laboratory at Los Alamos, had to recruit a scientific staff for a purpose he could not disclose, at a place he could not specify, for a period he could not predict. Adding to these ambiguities was the status of the staff; Brig. Gen. Leslie Groves who wanted a military laboratory where scientists served in uniform, a stipulation to which Oppenheimer originally agreed.
Most of the scientists who had been recruited to work on defense projects, however, worked for universities under contract to the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) and they were reluctant to don uniforms.
As the troops signed up, Hans Bethe, nuclear physicist (1) at Cornell University, whose summary of nuclear physics in the Review of Modern Physics, had become known as the “Bethe Bible,” was one such person. He had worked with army officers at MIT on radar projects, and believed that a military regime would be too inflexible for the work at hand.
The challenge of recruiting these senior scientists prepared Oppenheimer for the task of staffing the Laboratory.
So, Oppenheimer armed with the Groves-Conant letter (1) crisscrossed the country adding to his team.
Despite his successes, of the 33 physicists Oppenheimer set out to recruit, only 15 came to Los Alamos. None of these recruits would put on a uniform, and although soldiers would play a role in its work, the laboratory was never militarized.
Groves never again raised the issue of converting the laboratory to a military-style organization. Instead, it was to become an outpost of academia culminating in the explosion of the first atomic bomb at Trinity in 1945.
The transition from war to peace is never easy and that was as true in the case of World War II’s “Manhattan Project” as it was for any other aspect of the war. There in New Mexico, the question was how to turn a war-driven, short-term bomb design effort into a stable peacetime operation in charge of producing and maintaining a nuclear stockpile for the nation.
Part of J. Robert Oppenheimer’s answer to this question was to create Z Division at Los Alamos in July 1945. The “Z Division” was later moved to Sandia base just outside Kirtland AFB and renamed Sandia Laboratory on November 1, 1949, and then became Sandia National Laboratories in 1979 (1) (2). However, recent source information and documents seen in Chapter 3 indicate that there appears to be a Z-Division or Division-Z at LANL that is very much alive and well.
Starting in 1947, Los Alamos figured prominently in the recovery and exploitation of recovered UFOs with a Z-type Division undoubtedly involved in the primary effort since most of the UFO programs were hidden under nuclear weapons programs. The nuclear weapons “cover” was suspected to have been initiated by the National Security Act of 1947, and then supplemented by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (See Section 2, Chapter 2, Figure 4). Los Alamos even offered “UFO Crash Recovery” courses in 1954, according to Ed Doty, the uncle of Rick Doty.
It is of interest that according to certain MJ-12 documents, both Robert Oppenheimer, former Director of Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project, and Albert Einstein an adviser to the Los Alamos during that time, were contributing members to MAJIC (Military Assessment of the Joint Intelligence Committee) and Majestic-12 or MJ-12 (see Section 1 Chapter 2). Parallel efforts were later reported at Groom Lake and S4 see Section 3, Chapter 4. Black funds were used to support reverse engineering which more than likely came from a number of different agencies like NSA, DIA and CIA.
In the LANL area map (Figure 1), the reader will note areas marked as A, B, and C:
These are the areas reported to be the three (3) major underground facilities devoted to study of recovered UFO-alien artifacts. The facility marked as “A” is said to be one of the original underground facilities devoted to the study of “alien artifacts” and dates all way back to the early ‘50s. It was dubbed the “Dulce Complex.”
If one drives by the front gate of TA 49, you will see that it has a simple fence with a lock on it, nothing unusual (1, 2, and 3). Facility “A” was built originally to hold nuclear weapons, but in 1954 it was converted into a complex to study alien artifacts and later used as a “safe-house” for EBE-2.
Nothing is known about Facility “B” but Facility “C” (if these facilities exist at all) is new and reported to be the largest underground facility of its kind in the world with construction starting in 1995 and finishing in 1999. Cost estimates for this “C” facility were said to be over $80 million. It’s considered to be “state of the art” in underground construction. The funds for it are suspected to be “black” and stages II and III were finished in the fall of 1999.
Going back to TA 49 or “A” in Figure 1, Building 113 (Figure 2) was reportedly used as one entry way into the TA 49 underground complex, but sources say this entry point was removed a few years ago, or, 2002. Other entries to TA 49 are said to be through TA 33, 36 & 40 where a “side ways” elevator system is/was used to get from these tech areas to TA 49.
Figure 1
TA 49’s public function is known as high explosives (HE) testing area and was used to do the conventional (HE) lens testing for both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.
In 1960 and 1961, a series of experiments involving high explosives and radioactive materials was conducted at the site. These experiments were primarily designed to improve the understanding of certain safety aspects of operational nuclear weapons. Testing continued using low, non-critical amounts of plutonium until the late ‘60s when it was stopped because of contamination, but conventional HE testing continued.
Figure 2 next showing building 113. That Dulce entry was sealed in 2002 because of security leaks.
We have also learned that part of the TA 49 operations could have been moved over to the NTS (Nevada Test Site) underground facility called ENDO-4 instead of moving to facilities “B” or “C” as seen on the LANL tech area map reference Figure1, but this is pure speculation on the part of the sources and could be wrong. As of this writing, we don’t know if there is a connection between ENDO-4 and S-4 (see Chapter 4 for S4).
Interview with EBE-2 on March 5th, 1983 at Los Alamos National Labs
“The following is an account of the interview I, Rick Doty, was involved in with EBE-2.
On March 5, 1983, I was at Los Alamos National Laboratories conducting business on a counterintelligence project. During my visit, a source I’ll call ‘LANL-1’, asked me to sit in on a very special interview. Not knowing what he was talking about, I questioned him. However, he wouldn’t say exactly what the project involved or who was being interviewed. I accompanied LANL-1 to an underground facility west of the Los Alamos complex.
The area was called Site 30. Access to this facility was gained by entering Area 49. Access to the underground facility was through building number 49-2091 which is marked as building 113 (entry now closed off) in Figure 2.
An elevator took us down about 60 feet I estimated. Once we arrived, access was gained through a large vault opening outside the elevator. We walked down a hallway to another vault door. We entered and turned right. We walked about 200 feet turned left and entered another vault door to a large room. This room contained two tables, several chairs and recording equipment. I sat near the door. About 10 minutes later, three people, whom I did not know, entered the room. One, an Air Force colonel, asked me to sign a security document, which gave me an upgraded clearance or a TS/SCI/Group-MJ-B-3 clearance. I never heard of this but I signed. The colonel told me I was to listen only and not ma
ke any sounds during the interview.
I asked the Colonel who was being interviewed and he told me it was a guest from another planet! The colonel left. The other two people set up a table with a microphone and recording equipment, including a camera. About five minutes later, in walks a 4' 9" nonhuman looking-creature. It was dressed in a tight fitting cream colored suit. It had no hair and was identified to me as EBE-2. EBE-2 sat in a chair across the table from two civilians and the AF colonel.
I did not know the identity of the three. LANL-1 came into the room and sat next to me. I listened while the three asked EBE-2 a series of questions pertaining to its home planet. First question was about the temperature, climate and weather. EBE-2 responded in perfect English, but sounded like a machine-generated voice. Very hard to explain but it was either coming from a device that EBE-2 had in front of him or from something in its body (implanted device?). EBE-2 explained the weather of its planet, which was dry, varying temperature between 65-90 degrees.
There were 35 hours of constant sunshine and three hours of darkness, the orbital axis is tilted 54 degrees from the vertical to the orbital plane. Their solar system has 11 planets. Their home planet is the third from the first star or Zeta 1 (this is third party information). The second sun or Zeta 2 lies outside the orbit of the 11th planet. The Jupiter-size planet is the sixth planet. It is 1½ times the size our own Jupiter. For a report on Zeta Reticuli please see:
.....Rainfall occurred only during one of its months each year. As mentioned before, a day lasted 38 of our hours. They did not have months but did have years which consisted of approximately 600 of our days (which could mean the planet’s orbit is ~1.39 time’s further out than the earth’s or, just inside the orbit of our Mars).
They used a “society cycle,” which I understood to be similar to our months. During this society cycle, each Eben worked a certain time and conducted business. There was also a rest cycle, which consisted of a regulated period of sleep. I don’t recall the exact number of hours for the sleep/rest periods. EBE-2 discussed weather patterns and how they were formed; I don’t recall the exact words. However, EBE-2 seemed very intelligent and fully explained each weather pattern in precise detail. He used Earth’s equivalents for meteorology terms. The interesting part of this interview was that I didn’t hear any questions being asked by the three humans sitting across from EBE-2. Either the questions were already given to EBE-2 or the three humans were “thinking the questions” and EBE-2 would respond in English.
EBE-2 did state his planet’s name, but that was in Eben, not English. He never mentioned SERPO (see Section III, Chapter 4, page 189). He also liked the cool climate of Earth around LANL and northern New Mexico and that he was a scientist who was providing assistance to Earth’s scientists in the area of space travel.
This interview lasted about one hour. I didn’t check my watch, but I estimated from the time I entered the room to the end of the interview was about one hour and 15 minutes. Considering I was in the room about 15 minutes before EBE-2 arrived, I can estimate the interview to have been one hour. When the interview was completed, EBE-2 stood up and walked to the door.
[Rick mentioned that there was also a robot named KOD, which was built based on EBE-2’s design. They called it Entity III.]
Just before exiting EBE-2 looked at me, I felt a little strange but I immediately felt happiness! I can’t explain it but I just felt really at ease, peaceful. EBE-2 didn’t smile but he did make a strange facial expression that I can only assume to be a smile. He then left the room. The colonel then told me I would be escorted out of the facility by LANL-1.”
Richard C. Doty
Author comment, EBE-2 had arrived in 1964 and left in 1984 or, approximately two years after this interview.
In the next pages are three CIA “leaked” documents (Figures 3, 4, and 5) mentioning EBE-2. These documents are not properly classified instruments. The format is flimsy and they lack certain required classification warning labels and declassification instructions, etc. But as sources tell us these memos were to be read then destroyed. They were not meant to have a long lifetime in the security system.
Ernie Kellerstrass and others have stated that the content of the memos are extremely accurate. Richard Doty would say:
“I saw these EBE-2 MJ-12 documents in a codeword document published by the Air Force Office of Scientific Intelligence dated in 1985.”
Dr. Christopher “Kit” Green, Chapter1, would say:
“In the years I was there (CIA), they corresponded to the dates on the purported memos.” I not only saw often and used the rather odd stationary for my own internal memos, but for the same “kind of” internal memo-routing. The form of type-font–a little eclectic to say the least–I had also seen from the CIA/DDO.
And, it is true also–that I never saw those memos or any others on the (UFO) subject. I also noted however, that references to “IDENT” were correct, in they referred to a U.S. subject DCD-type sourcing.”
Partial list of “Terms” used in the three (3) MJ-12 EBE-2 memos
• TREAD: Transmitted Encrypted Analysis Data;
• IDENT info: CIA term to mean identification of information accomplished;
• KEND-3: CIA term for special secure communication phone;
• OP-KIWI: CIA operation involving EBE-2;
• Song-Dance: Disinformation program to hide truth about EBE-2;
• Class YY-II: Has been identified as an EBE holding facility;
• Sources can’t identify EO 01156;
• D-Site, KERW-302 (but could be a coded message system used by CIA), PETE-23;
• SID (might mean Scientific Intelligence Division), SI-3-TR-WE-EO or 24 Class;
• R2 is Bush 1 according to Bill Moore.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
We have focused on facilities in this chapter versus the personalities because of an almost complete lack of knowledge of how the players might have interacted on a day-to-day basis in the MJ-12 arena.
Secrecy was the order of the day. As we saw with TA 49 (HE Testing), facilities were used as covers to support covert UFO operations. Dulce was said to have over a hundred rooms covering five (5) levels (ground level is Level 1) with each level being over a football field in length. We can only imagine the enormous amount of black funds used to build facilities like Dulce even in 1954 dollars.
Reverse engineering is at the heart of what this book is about, so if a UFO did crash at Roswell and other places what did they do with all that hardware besides what we already know? Why hasn’t reverse-engineering moved more quickly? Why are there so many problems, yet so few solutions? We will attempt to answer those and many other questions in the coming chapters.
(1) History of LANL: How did the Laboratory come to be located in Los Alamos? Who were the movers and shakers who created it? And, how did a small group of people transplanted to a tiny, isolated community in the mountains of northern New Mexico conceive of a weapon that would forever change history?
(2) End of a War: Beginning of a Laboratory, Z DIVISION 1945-1949:
Chapter 3
Did some of the correspondence or documents on the following pages reportedly come from a “non-existent” LANL Z-Division? (1)
Is it the same Z-Division that Robert Oppenheimer (referenced in last chapter) established in July 1945 and which was an operation that was in charge of producing and maintaining a nuclear stockpile for the nation? Named after Jerrold Zacharia, ...
This was the same Z-Division that was moved to the Sandia base outside
of Albuquerque and later officially renamed Sandia Laboratory on November 1, 1949, and Sandia National Laboratories in 1979, as mentioned in last Chapter (2).
But, in the classified world, Z-Division perhaps never really left LANL and is still very much alive and well. This is from source information and declassified UFO documents with the word “Restricted” stamped on them. We know that many of the more “sensitive” UFO secrets were kept buried under nuclear weapons programs as mentioned in the previous chapters (See Section 2, Chapter 2, Figure 4 where the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 is mentioned in connection with UFOs).
By extension, we can surmise from both the MJ-12 and recent DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency, Figures 2 and 3) leaked documents that a non-existent LANL Z-Division had played a highly significant role on the subject of UFOs since 1947. This effort was named Project Jehovah in the 60s, Section I, Chapter 2 reference 4.