Gash (The Skulls #13)

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Gash (The Skulls #13) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Growing up in foster homes there had been rumors about Andrew. When they had found a place where a family wanted them both, Andrew had pretended to be the perfect son, but Gash had seen the way he commanded people. Women were scared of Andrew, and men flocked to him given how good he was at taking what he wanted.

  Pulling out of the memory, Gash pulled up against the side of the road.

  “What is it?”

  “I was looking for my brother seven years ago,” Gash said.


  “Yes. Did I talk about him to you at all?”

  “Not really. Whenever I asked you what you were searching for you always said a rumor.”

  Gash tapped the steering wheel repeating the same word. “Rumor. Rumor. Rumor.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Andrew fought for a place within The Skulls. When we were growing up, he always believed he could do something better. He made everyone believe he was perfect, but he wasn’t strong like the club needed. He couldn’t hold his own in a fight, nor could he understand the meaning of the word loyalty.” Gash laughed. “There had been rumors seven years ago of a guy who was plotting to end The Skulls, because of it, Tiny sent me out looking for my brother in case he’d give up any kind of information.” Grabbing his cell phone, he climbed out of the car. “I’ve got to call Tiny.”


  Standing up, he pressed Tiny’s number, and waited.

  “Hello,” a little girl said.


  “Yeah, you’re not Simon.”

  Gash smiled. Tabitha and Simon, Devil’s son, shared some kind of connection that drove both Devil and Tiny crazy. They were always trying to find ways to talk to each other. When Simon visited, he saw both of them holding hands, talking. It was sweet.

  “No, honey, I’m not Simon. Is Daddy there?”

  “If I go search for him, he’ll know I took his phone. I’ll get in trouble.”

  “Tell him he dropped it or left it in your room, or wherever you are. You shouldn’t be taking his phone.”

  “He promised Simon would call him, and he’d give me the phone. Daddy lies sometimes. I know he doesn’t like Simon.” Tabitha sighed.

  “He worries about you. You’re what, five? You shouldn’t be worried about shit like that.”

  “I’m nearly six, and you’re not allowed to swear.”

  “Whatever, honey, you and I both know your dad says worse.”

  Tabitha chuckled. “Okey-doke.”

  He heard some noise in the background.

  “Tab, I’ve told you not to take my phone,” Tiny said.

  “I didn’t. You dropped it.”

  “Hello,” Tiny said.

  “She’s so adorable.”

  “Yeah, adorable and sneaky.” Tiny sighed. “What can I help you with?”

  “Seven years ago. What were the true rumors going on at the club?” Gash asked.

  “Shit. This is a long time ago. I had intel back then that someone was giving information about The Skulls. Secret shit about our drug runs, and our dealings with Ned Walker. The only person that I knew who could have that kind of information was your brother. Andrew, he wasn’t exactly happy that he didn’t make the cut. He left, and at the time we didn’t have Whizz to keep an eye on him.”

  “You think Andrew was the one selling those rumors.”

  “I would, yeah, but then you got picked up for rape and murder, and after that shit, we were trying to keep you alive and safe, and shit returned to normal. There was nothing going on after you were sent down. We didn’t have the means of finding out who was selling shit either.”

  “Yeah, and after I was sent down, the club had to deal with every kind of shit.”

  “You don’t think that’s a coincidence?” Tiny asked.

  “No, not on your life. Something doesn’t add up. Tell Whizz to look for Andrew. You know all the details.”

  Hanging up, he flicked his phone shut, and climbed into the car. “Did Jeff and Rebecca say anything to you?”

  “Like what?”

  “Anything at all. Simple shit.”

  “She told me she was seeing some rich guy who wanted her to do things for her. Sleep with certain guys. I never took all that much notice of her, or what she had to say. Jeff, he told me not to take offense. He was just doing his job. What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know, but something doesn’t add up, and I don’t like it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He didn’t know, and that was the problem. Gash only knew something was up.

  Chapter Nine

  Lacey was so nervous. Lash had driven out to their home to pick her, Whizz, and Sally up so that they could go and see Daisy. They were traveling toward Lash’s house to see Daisy. The lawyer was already there, waiting for them.

  Before they signed the papers, Lacey wanted to talk with Daisy to make sure the young girl was happy with it.

  “Are you all right?” Whizz asked.

  “I am.” Lacey smiled, releasing a sigh. “Just nervous.”

  Sally leaned forward, gripping her shoulder. “She’s going to love you.”

  Taking hold of Sally’s hand, Lacey smiled at her. “Are you sure you’re okay with this? I don’t want you to think we’re pushing you aside.”

  “You’re not sending me back, and I’m not going to be selfish demanding that you can’t help another person like me. Daisy’s young, but she need us. I can’t wait to be a big sister.”

  “We’re going to be one wicked family,” Whizz said.

  “You’ll have to read to her, and we’re so going to have to go shopping,” Sally said.

  “What the fuck? You just want an excuse to spend my money.” Whizz cursed, shaking his head.

  Sally giggled. “You love us for it, and honestly, what else are you going to spend your money on? Laptops, tablets, phones?”

  “I run a business.”

  “You’re a nerd. A total nerd.”

  Lacey laughed, listening to Whizz and Sally bicker. They cared about each other a lot. She knew that Whizz saw Sally as his daughter. At first, Lacey didn’t think it was going to work between them as a family, but Whizz was different with Sally.

  “A total nerd who can buy you exactly what you want.”


  They pulled into Lash’s house and drove the car up the long drive. Climbing out of the car, Lacey linked her arms with Sally, and took Whizz’s hand as they made their way to the door.

  Angel opened the door. Her bright smile greeted them.

  “It’s so good to see you again,” Angel said.

  Out of all of the women in the club, Angel was the sweetest. Lacey couldn’t even find the effort to find fault with the loving woman. When Lash had first taken over for the club, Lacey had had her doubts about Angel, but even with being the sweetest woman on earth, there was strength inside her.

  Angel hugged all three of them, and glancing over her shoulder, she saw Lash there.

  “What have I told you about hugging?” Lash asked, moving to his woman and pulling her against his side.

  “They’re a couple. Whizz doesn’t mind,” Angel said.

  “Stop hugging everyone.”

  “He’s possessive,” Lacey said. Lash had always been particularly possessive of his woman, even from the start.

  Angel rolled her eyes. “Come on. Daisy’s eating breakfast with Anthony. They both slept in. I don’t have a spare bed, so Daisy slept in Anthony’s bed, topping and tailing. They’re still young so I didn’t think it would be too wrong.”

  Entering the house, Lacey couldn’t help but smile. The whole house was charming, and feminine, exactly how she imagined Angel.

  They made their way into the kitchen, which was a cook’s dream. Angel was known for her ability to cook. Lacey hadn’t been gifted with any kitchen skill at all. She even destroyed sandwiches.

  Anthony and Daisy were sitting together, eating. Daisy wore Anthony’s clothes,
and Lacey’s heart went out to her.

  “The lawyer is waiting in the sitting room. Lash is just going to get him,” Angel said. “Hey, Daisy, Lacey’s here to see you.”

  The young girl looked up. Her brown hair was so long, and it fell around her. There was no care taken for it, and she didn’t look loved at all. Lacey knew, deep in her heart, that she could love this young girl.

  Anthony touched Daisy’s shoulder, squeezing her.

  Taking a seat beside the young girl, Lacey touched her hand. “Do you remember me?”

  “Yes. You’re Whizz’s old lady, which is weird. You’re not old.”

  Chuckling, she tucked some of that long hair behind her ear. “So, I’ve been talking with Angel and Lash, and we were thinking if you would like, you could come live with me and Whizz. What do you think about that?”

  “Live with you?”


  Lacey’s heart was pounding. She didn’t know what to do. What if Daisy didn’t want to live with her and Whizz?

  “In a real house?”


  “You’ll pick me up on time?”

  “Yes. I wouldn’t miss you.”

  “Come to school for events, and I can still be friends with Tabitha?”

  “And me,” Anthony said, glaring at Lacey.

  “And Anthony?”

  “Yes. You’ll be a Skull child. Whizz and I, we’ll take good care of you.” Lacey squeezed her hand a little tighter, trying to gain comfort from her. She wanted to give this young girl a home. No one knew that she cared about Daisy and that it had grieved her each time she went back to her parents, who didn’t care about her.

  “Yes, I want that, please.” Daisy climbed off her chair, and threw her arms around Lacey. “Please don’t make me go back to the trailer and to Mom and Dad. They don’t love me. They tell me every day.”

  Lacey’s eyes filled with tears. No child should be told they were not loved.

  Anthony climbed out of his chair and moved up behind Daisy, hugging her tightly.

  “We’ll love you,” he said.

  “I’ll get everything resolved for you to come and stay with us, okay?”



  Sally made her way out toward the back of Angel and Lash’s house. She was the oldest of all of the kids, and even though she wasn’t blood to the club, they treated her like she was. This was the first time she’d ever been part of a family, and with both Lacey and Whizz, Sally was able to heal.

  There had been so many homes, so much abuse, some physical, some sexual, and a lot of mental.

  Running fingers through her hair, she took a deep breath. She loved being outside. There were times she would be locked in her room, and at some of the foster homes, they had bars on the windows.

  She loved the outdoors.

  Closing her eyes, she lifted her face to the sky and inhaled. There was no greater feeling than being outside, inhaling deep, and being relaxed.

  “Penny for your thoughts.”

  She turned around, opening her eyes to find Steven leaning against the door, his arms folded as he stared at her. Sally hadn’t even heard him leave the house.

  “I didn’t know you were here.”

  “I’m here to watch over you guys while Lash and Angel deal with Daisy.”

  “You’re not a prospect.”

  She folded her own arms, fighting off the cold.

  Steven sighed. “You’re going to kill yourself if you don’t cover up.” He removed his leather jacket and moved toward her. He placed the jacket over her shoulders. “I don’t want you getting cold.”

  “Thank you.”

  She pushed her arms through his, and the scent of him surrounded her. Her cheeks started to heat, and she turned away from him. The last thing she wanted him to know was that she liked him. Steven was really sweet to her. She’d seen him with other women, and he was never sweet to them.

  “I could have taken care of everyone,” she said.

  “You could, and you’ll be making lunch for us all. You belong to the club, Sally, and I protect what belongs to The Skulls.”

  Nodding, she wouldn’t look at him. In all of her life she’d never once had a crush on anyone. Steven was the first man that she’d ever felt anything for. He was older than she was by fifteen years, and she wouldn’t ever act on her feelings. He probably only saw her as a stupid kid.

  “Are you okay, Sally?” he asked.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You’re quiet.”

  “I’m just enjoying the fresh air.”

  “Do you have any homework to do?”

  “No.”Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled at him. “I’m good.”

  He nodded, and turned to go inside to the kitchen. The moment he left, her heart felt heavy. She didn’t understand it.

  Steven was just a guy, and she wasn’t going to let her feelings for him get in the way.


  Closing the door, Steven hesitated. Sally was different. When she first was adopted by Lacey and Whizz, she’d been closed off, but once he proved to her that he wouldn’t hurt her, she’d opened up. Now once again, she was closed off.

  “Why do you look like someone has taken your favorite toy?” Lash asked.

  “I thought you were going?”

  “Heading out now.” Lash looked behind him. “She’s wearing your jacket. She’s fifteen years old.”

  “Ew, what the fuck? She was cold.”

  “You do know she’s got a huge crush on you, right?”

  Steven froze. “What?”

  “Yep. Lacey and Whizz know it as well.”

  “I would never do anything like that. She’s not old enough—”

  “We know that. Just be careful with her. I don’t want to have Whizz trying to fucking kill you. I’d miss you. Maybe when she’s older.”

  Steven shook his head. “No. She’s not my type. She’s not a club whore, and I’m not good enough.” Looking back toward Sally through the window, he saw she had taken a seat on the steps. He noticed she did that a lot, spent hours sitting outside staring at the stars, or the sky.

  “I never thought I’d be the kind to settle down and have kids. I didn’t even see past fucking the next available pussy. Seeing Angel, and getting to know her, I wouldn’t change a single thing about the way my life has gone with her. She’s the love of my life, the very reason I wake up in the morning.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “One day, Sally will leave the club and go away to college. She’ll grow up, and when she returns, she’ll no longer be just some girl, and you may not even be the same guy. Don’t throw away a chance because it scares you.”

  “She’s fifteen.”

  “She won’t always be fifteen.” Lash shrugged. “Keep your hands away from her.”

  Steven watched as Lash made his way out of his own home. The kids were set up in the front room, and there was a gate keeping them there, not that it worked. The kids could wander around whenever they wanted as they knew how to open the gate. They were good though, and would come to him if they needed anything.

  Entering the kitchen once again, he saw that Sally was standing near the counter by the stove. She’d left his jacket on a chair and was reading a book.

  Just be yourself.

  “I don’t have a crush on you,” Sally said, glancing up at him.


  “You didn’t shut the door properly. I heard everything. Don’t worry, I’m not going to try and jump your bones or anything.”

  “You don’t have a crush.”

  Sally looked over the edge of her book. She shook her head. “No.”

  Steven would never understand why he was a little bit gutted at that information. There was seriously something wrong with him. Sally was too damn young, and he only fucked women who knew there wasn’t going to be anything between them.

  He and Sally didn’t stand a chance.

  Chapter Tenr />
  Later that day

  After driving all day, and only stopping to use the toilet or to get some food, Gash was tired. He left Charlotte at the hotel while he drove to the nearest Chinese takeout for food. They had spent the whole day talking, and he’d remembered everything that he once used to know about Charlotte. He remembered that her favorite color was blue; she hated tofu, and loved listening to pop music.

  Gash smiled remembering one day when he entered their apartment, Rebecca hadn’t been there, but he’d stood and watched Charlotte. The music had been so loud that no one would have been able to think. Charlotte had been dancing around the whole apartment, singing at the top of her voice. It was one of the rare moments when he caught her without Rebecca waiting around. Charlotte was usually open and relaxed, but he’d noticed she was a little colder when Rebecca was around.

  He’d watched her, unable to look away. She stirred his cock and twisted his gut with how sexy she had looked. Her tits had been bouncing, and the clothes she’d worn hadn’t covered up those curves, and he’d wanted her.

  When she turned toward him, the smile that she greeted him with had had feelings awakening within him. She had danced toward him, grabbing his hands, and tugging him into a dance. The temptation to kiss her had been so strong that he’d started leaning in toward her when the door opened, interrupting them. Rebecca had come back to the apartment, and Gash had wanted her to disappear so that he could spend more time with Charlotte. That was part of how he remembered his time with her, always wanting more, and never getting it.

  There had been moments through prison that not only his desire for revenge had kept him going, nor the memories of the mystery woman, which he now knew to be Charlotte. It was the memory of the fleeting times he’d spent with her outside of a bedroom. He’d not known she was the woman he’d spent one amazing night with.

  Closing the car and locking it, he made his way toward their room. Stepping inside after he unlocked the door, he secured them in for the night, and glanced out the window to make sure no one had followed them.


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