Gash (The Skulls #13)

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Gash (The Skulls #13) Page 14

by Sam Crescent

  Gash didn’t give her the chance to get over her orgasm before he was sliding inside her. He’d quickly placed a condom over his dick, even as his hands were shaking. This was different. The demons from their past were gone, and they only had each other.

  Slamming the last few inches inside her, he stared into her eyes, filling her body with his dick. “Do you feel me?”


  “This is how it’s always going to be between us. You belong to me, and you were always supposed to be mine.”

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “Don’t cry.”

  “You’re saying the most beautiful things when you’re supposed to be fucking me,” she said.

  “I’m making up for lost time.” He turned them suddenly, and had her straddling him. Capturing her hips, he showed her exactly what he wanted. Charlotte gripped his shoulders and slowly started to ease up and down his dick.

  Moving his hands up her body, he cupped her tits, running his thumbs across the hardened tips. “Look at you, baby, you look so fucking perfect.”

  He slammed up inside her as she thrust down onto his cock.

  “Yes, fuck, yes,” he said. “Ride me, beautiful, take what you want.”

  She rode up and down his cock, and he watched her, loving every single second of having his woman in his arms.

  He turned her over, and started to thrust his cock deep into her, going harder still.

  “Gash,” she said, screaming his name.

  “I know, baby, this is how it’s always going to be.” He rode her harder than before, wanting to brand her pussy so that it would only ever want his cock. It was sick and insane considering how many other women he’d been with, but Charlotte was all his, and he wasn’t going to give her up, not ever. Charlotte belonged to him and no one else.

  Pulling out of her, he started to thrust inside her. She gripped him tightly, and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. Gripping her ass, he claimed her lips, slowing his pace so that he was making love to her, stretching her pussy wider with his cock.

  She cried out, moaned his name, and thrust her hips up to meet him.

  “Do you feel that, Char?” he asked. “I’m deep inside you, and your pussy knows what it wants, what it needs.”

  “I need you, Gash.”

  “Yes, baby, fuck. I love you.” He didn’t need to hear the words from her lips. He knew what her body was trying to say, and what she wouldn’t let it say.

  Gash would love her for the rest of his life. She consumed his thoughts, tore him apart, and made him whole again. This was the woman he’d really been in love with the whole time. Seeing her again, being around her had made him see what he wanted out of life. He wanted a change to be with her, to love her, to show her what being his woman really meant. She helped him to breathe again.

  Reaching between them, he stroked her clit as he fucked her pussy, riding her hard and deep.

  With a few strokes she came apart in his arms, and her pussy clamped around him. Gash gave himself over to the pleasure, finding his peak, and hurtling over it as he filled the condom with his cum.

  This was his world now, Charlotte was his everything, and he intended to keep it that way.


  Charlotte rubbed at her eyes to see sunlight streaming through the bedroom window. Gash held her tightly to him with one arm beneath her head, and the other cupping her breast. Glancing up, she saw he was indeed still asleep. She had kept him busy into the early hours of the morning, both of them making up for lost time. When she had finally fallen asleep, she’d dreamt of Rebecca and Jeff. Those two had died in a way that terrified her. Someone was after Gash, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that it was going to come and bite them all in the ass.

  Staring into his face, she slowly traced the curve of his cheek.

  “I love you,” she said. It was easier to say the words when he couldn’t actually hear them. She had loved him from the first moment she saw him. Was she wrong to love him? Why shouldn’t she just give into her feelings? They both wanted each other, and when he told her that he loved her, she believed him.

  Sliding out from beneath him, she stared down at her nakedness, and quickly grabbed his shirt and shorts. Pushing her feet into socks, she tucked some hair behind her ear, and went in search of a bathroom.

  “Who are you?”

  She turned to see a brown haired woman coming out of a room, carrying a small baby in her arms.

  “Erm, I’m Charlotte.”

  “Oh, okay, that’s fine. I’m Tate, Murphy’s old lady, and Tiny’s daughter.”

  She gave a little wave. “I was looking for a toilet. I wasn’t sneaking.”

  “No problem at all. I can show you where a bathroom is. Come on.”

  She followed Tate down a long hall toward a bathroom.

  “There’s one. I’ll stand here. If you look in the little basket underneath the sink you’ll find some wrapped toothbrushes. There’s always a supply. They’re like condoms.”

  “Okay,” she said, speaking up loud enough so the woman could hear.

  Charlotte washed her hands after using the toilet, before hunting for a toothbrush. Once she had brushed her teeth, she opened the door to find that Tate was still there.

  Before she could speak, her stomach started to growl, letting anyone who was close know that she was in fact hungry.

  “Come on, Angel’s probably already up. She’s got a weird internal clock that makes it easy for her to wake really early. I’ve even known her to bake bread in the morning.”

  Smiling, Charlotte waited for her to lead the way.

  “You’re not very talkative, are you?” Tate asked.

  “Erm, I don’t really know what to say.” She pushed her hair off her shoulder, walking side by side with the woman.

  “You don’t need to find something to talk about. Just be yourself, and we’ll be good. I’m really easy to get along with.”

  “She’s lying,” another woman said, coming out of a room carrying a large packet of breakfast sausage.

  “Fuck off, Prue.”

  “You’re Charlotte?” Prue asked.

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “Has Tate tried to kill you yet?”

  Charlotte looked at the woman with the young baby. Tate could kill someone?


  “Don’t worry. Tate won’t actually kill you. She just has an attitude,” Prue said.

  “Don’t listen to her. She’s just in a mood because she ended up with Zero.” Tate stuck her tongue out and made gagging sounds.

  Prue rolled her eyes, and all the time they kept on moving toward the kitchen. Angel stood in the kitchen, and the scent of bread filled the large room.

  “I got the sausage,” Prue said. “I found Tate and Charlotte on the way back.”

  Angel turned, smiling at both of them, before rushing toward them, hugging them.

  “I’m going to feed my kid,” Tate said, taking a seat at the table.

  Charlotte turned away as Tate started to nurse her child.

  Another feminine sigh made her look toward the door. Eva, Tiny’s old lady, came into the kitchen with Tabitha and Miles walking behind her. Charlotte did remember some of the women’s and kids’ names as Gash had shown her several pictures he owned.

  “Angel, how do you do it?” Eva said, collapsing down at the table.

  “It’s not my fault. This time, this little person decided to wake me up.” Angel was heavily pregnant, and from the beautiful smile on her face, she was already in love. Charlotte looked away, knowing what it was like to have those feelings of love, and wishing it was the start of something more.

  One day maybe she would know that feeling again, but not right now.

  “You’re all lovey-dovey,” Tate said.

  “Does anyone know what happened with Lacey, Whizz, and Daisy?” Eva asked.

  “Lash made sure the parents signed over on the adoption. Everything is going through,” Angel said.

/>   Lacey chose that moment to walk into the kitchen. Her hair was bound on top of her head, and she wore a white tank and shorts. Ink showed down her arms, as she was heavily tattooed. “What’s going on?” Lacey asked. “Are we having a women’s meeting?”

  “Nah, talking about you and your new kid,” Tate said.

  A squeal released from Lacey. “We have already gone shopping. Sally and I are going to decorate her room all pink, and I’ve already got Whizz ordering furniture. Once all this crap blows over, I’ve got plans.” Lacey clapped her hands, and Charlotte chuckled. The woman’s excitement was rubbing off on her.

  “I’m glad,” Angel said.

  “Tell me about it, those fuckers weren’t fit to be parents,” Tate said.

  “Did you know they left her at school?” Eva asked.

  “Yeah, Angel told me, fucking bad news.”

  “You get used to it,” a dark skinned woman said, walking into the kitchen. “I’m Sunshine. I belong to Alex. He’s the least popular of all The Skulls.” Sunshine shrugged.

  “We all love Uncle Alex,” Tate said.

  “Anyway, I just wanted you to know that you get used to the whole chaos that is the club. The women, they’re all over, and it just jumps from one to the other.” Sunshine chuckled.

  “I hope so.” Right now Charlotte didn’t have a clue how she was going to get along with all of these women. They had their own little spots, their own little roles to play. She sat at the table and simply observed them. More women and then men entered. The kids ran in as well, and the whole scene before her was that of a family.

  “Hey, baby,” Lash said, moving behind Angel, and touching her stomach. Charlotte watched as he kissed her neck, and Angel went a dark shade of red. “Missed you this morning.”

  “Our baby wanted me to bake bread.”

  “Remember, relax, and don’t exhaust yourself.”

  “I won’t.”

  The scene touched her heart. This was a family, one big happy family.

  “Charlotte!” Her name being hollered had everyone turning to her. Frowning, she got to her feet, and left the kitchen in time to see Gash running downstairs. He wore a pair of jeans that were unbuttoned, no shirt, and his boots weren’t even tied up.

  “What?” she asked, gently.

  He walked toward her, taking hold of her face, and pushing her against the nearest wall. When it came to her, he seemed to have a thing about walls and pushing her up against them.

  “I thought you had left.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “She needed the toilet,” Tate said.

  Charlotte’s cheeks heated.

  “I woke up and you were gone.”

  “Together forever, right? We’re in this together.”

  He nodded, and before she could say anything else, he slammed his lips down on hers, claiming a kiss she hadn’t been ready for. His lips were hard and demanding. She had no choice but to open up, and take the kiss that he gave. He slid his tongue into her mouth, and she met his strokes, remembering how good he felt licking her pussy.

  Pressing her thighs together, she moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck, holding him again.

  “Ew, Uncle Gash is being so gross,” Tabitha said, rushing past them.

  Gash pulled away, and she saw a large, older looking man chuckle. “She thinks she wants to marry Simon.”

  “I guess you’ve got nothing to worry about with her then, eh, Tiny?” Gash said.

  Tiny burst out laughing. “If I could, I’d stop all of my kids from growing up. I don’t want them to.”

  The large man she now knew as Tiny walked into the kitchen.

  “Simon?” Charlotte asked.

  Gash pointed into the room at a young girl with brown hair. “See that little girl?” She nodded. “Well, she’s got a thing going with the son of another gang. You see why Tiny was laughing? She can’t handle us kissing, so she’s not going to want to kiss Simon, Devil’s son.”

  Once again she was frowning. “That girl doesn’t look a day older than six. Tiny does realize she’s going to grow up, her body is going to develop, and she’s going to want to do more than kiss?”

  Gash laughed. “Do me a favor, if you want to live long in this club, don’t tell Tiny that. We’re all keeping that knowledge from him.”

  Charlotte chuckled. “Really?”


  “I think I’ll enjoy being part of this club?”

  “Only think? Babe, this is more than a club.”

  “I know. You’re a family, and I’m starting to see that now.”

  Gash kissed her deeply, and she moaned. His rock hard cock dug against her hip. Her stomach started to growl, letting everyone close to her know that she was indeed hungry.

  “Damn, you’re hungry.”

  “That’s why I came downstairs in the first place.”

  “We better get some food inside you.” He took hold of her hand, pushing the way into the kitchen, which was now crowded. She saw a couple of tables were set up in the bar area of the club with men eating.

  “Angel, woman, I want food for my old lady, and she needs it now.”

  “Gash, stop it,” Charlotte said.

  “I’m cooking as fast as I can. Do you like biscuits, Charlotte?” Angel asked.


  Within minutes she was sitting on Gash’s lap at the table with a plate of sausages, biscuits, and gravy. She didn’t know how she was going to eat it all, but she was going to give it a go.

  Gash reached around her with a fork, and started to help her eat the food. She liked the intimacy of their eating, and knew it was something she was looking forward to for many years to come.


  Sandy stared across the clubhouse as Stink fixed up his bike. The club was all on lockdown once again, and she was strangely happy about that. She shared his room, and throughout the night Stink would hold her tightly against him. The best part of her night was being in Stink’s arms. He made her feel safe and happy.

  “What are you staring at or do I already know?” Rose asked.


  “You can’t fool me. You’ve got your eye on that hunky man there with no ability to smell. He’s a hot choice, and everyone knows he’s crazy about you.”

  “Stop it?” Sandy asked, hating how guilty she felt.

  “Why? Can’t stand to see what is in front of you? He loves you, Sandy.”

  “I was a club whore.”

  “So? Are you saying women who fuck any man can’t find love or be happy? That seems a bit … mean.”

  Sandy sighed. “No, I’m not saying that.”

  “Stink’s not married.”

  “I know that.”

  “Then what is stopping you?”

  “He deserves someone better than me. He’s a good guy, and I’m not that girl.”

  “Good, because he’s not looking for a girl. He’s looking for a woman, and he’s looking at you. You’re the one he wants. Stop being an insecure bitch, and go and get him. He loves you, and life is just so damn hard, don’t make it harder.”

  Rose tapped her shoulder, and Sandy sighed.

  What would be wrong with actually giving in, and finding out what this attraction was like? Stink wasn’t a bad guy.

  Making up her mind, she made her way toward him. Even though it was cold outside, Stink was still working on his bike. He loved his bike.

  “What’s going on, Sandy?” he asked before she even spoke.

  “How did you know it was me?”

  “I know you, babe.” He stood, wiping his hand on an already streaked dirty cloth.

  “It’s not exactly attractive calling someone predictable.”

  “Didn’t call you predictable. I wouldn’t dream of labeling you with that kind of shit.”

  He stared at her, and like so many times before, her heart started to pound. What was it about this man that had her melting from the inside out? They hadn’t done anything but share a few fl
eeting kisses. Yes, she shared his bed, but it hadn’t actually led to anything.

  “What have you come to talk to me about?” Stink asked.

  “I want to give us a try.”

  She ran fingers through her hair, suddenly nervous.

  He dropped the cloth to the floor and stepped up toward her. The scent of leather and oil surrounded him. “It’s about time you came to your senses.” He sank his fingers into her hair, and slammed his lips down on hers. There was no more fight within her, especially as she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “What about Millie?” Baker asked.

  He looked at Lash, Nash, Alex, and Tiny. They were looking through some paperwork that Whizz had left with them before going back up to his room.

  “What about her?” Lash asked.

  “I want to bring her to the club for protection.” Baker twisted his hands, hating the nerves that were rushing through his body. He’d never been this fucking nervous before in his life, and it was pissing him the fuck off. Millie was just another woman, but he couldn’t bring himself to think of her as just another woman. She was a sweet woman, so sweet that she didn’t even think about her own damn safety, and it was driving him crazy. The club was on lockdown, and he wanted his woman, not that Millie knew she belonged to him. It was a technicality that he intended to rectify at some point. Only, he’d not done it yet.

  “Seriously, dude, you claimed her as your woman, go and get her,” Nash said.

  Heat filled his cheeks. “She, erm, she doesn’t know.”

  All of the men turned to look at him.

  “Okay, let me get this straight. You’ve been dating a woman, and she doesn’t have a clue that you’re actually dating. We’ve been keeping an eye on her shop.”

  “It hasn’t ever come up,” Baker said.

  “For fuck’s sake, Baker, man up and grow some fucking balls,” Lash said.

  Anger hit Baker hard. The men turned to Lash in surprise.

  “What? You want me to pussyfoot around him? He’s got a woman out there, and it’s not up to us to make him make a decision. He either wants Millie or he doesn’t. She’s a nice woman, and Angel likes her, okay? If Baker hurts her, it’s going to hurt Angel, and if you hurt Angel because you hurt her friend, I’ll fucking hurt you, do you get me?”


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