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Owned Page 19

by M. Never

  “Dream on. Speaking of Ellie―”

  “Already covered.” Jett raises his hand to halt my sentence. “Your jaw is going to drop.”

  “Oh really?” I cock an eyebrow.

  “Yup. It’s your last night together. Thought I’d make it special.”

  “Well aren’t you just my fairy fucking godfather in heinously ugly skinny jeans.”

  “You’re just jealous you can’t pull them off.”

  “Insanely.” I roll my eyes. “Go see to my kitten. Make sure she’s happy.” I dismiss him.

  “I think the only time she’s happy is when she’s with you,” he says over his shoulder as he walks out the door.

  I really fucking hope that’s true.

  JETT HAS SPENT THE LAST two hours primping me. I have never been dolled-up this much in my life. He has straightened my hair and pinned half of it back. Smoked my eyes out with purple shadow and black eye liner. Put on false eyelashes and stained my lips a bright pink. Presently he is slipping me into some sheer intricate lingerie number that’s nude-colored, floor length, and has a plunging neckline. There’s a butterfly pattern on the front made out of white lace that barely covers my breasts and wraps around my ribcage. With a skimpy thong to match, I think it’s the most clothing I’ve worn since I’ve been here.

  Jett crosses his arms and stares at me, admiring his handy work.

  “Bellemiso.” He makes that gesture where he kisses the tips of his fingers.

  I eye him entertained. “You are a very odd individual.”

  “I know. One of a kind.”

  “How did you come to be this way? If you were gay, I’d understand.”

  Jett smiles his oh-so-pretty smile while running a hand through his blond hair. “One day I’ll tell you the whole story. But the cliff notes version? I grew up around a lot of women.”

  “Sisters?” I ask.

  He laughs like it’s some kind of private joke. “No, not exactly, but my mom did take in a lot of strays. Me and a house full of females, I learned a few things.”

  “Like how they think and what they like?”

  “Yes, that, among other things.” He emphasizes the word things.

  “What things?” I probe.

  He clams up.

  As close as I feel to Jett, I know very little about him. Besides his favorite color being blue, his favorite ice cream mint chocolate chip, and his weapon of choice, wax.

  “Jett, since I’ve been here, you have bathed me, dressed me, and groomed me. Made me laugh and consoled me. It’s sort of unfair. You know more than most about me, and I know nothing about you.”

  “You know that I care about you,” he counters.

  “Jett.” I put my hands on my hips and glare playfully at him.

  “Those eyes are killer.” He sighs as his resolve crumbles. “My mother was a Madame, Ellie.”

  “What?” I respond bemused.

  “Yup. I grew up in a very affluent whore house. While other boys were playing football in high school, I was learning the family trade.”

  I’m rendered speechless.

  “It’s how Mansion came to be,” he informs me.

  “Mansion?” I question.

  “Yes, that is what we call the business. I train all the women who work for us.”

  “Train? Like how Kayne trained me?”

  “Yes. Very much like that.”

  “And they just let you?” The concept is foreign to me.

  “Yes, Ellie. Some women crave to be controlled. It’s a lifestyle that isn’t always understood. But in this house it’s done in a safe environment with likeminded people. Happy you asked now?”

  “I guess,” I reply blankly, trying to digest this new information.

  “Not what you were expecting to hear?” he asks casually, as he fiddles with my hair.

  “No,” I divulge truthfully.

  “It never is.” He laughs. “I’ll tell you more about my upbringing and Mansion one day. But for now,” he claps his hands like it’s back to business, “we need to get going. Kayne is going to flip. Like lose his shit completely when he sees you.”

  “You think?” I bite my lip, glancing down at my … outfit? No, ensemble.

  “I know,” he says confidently. “I’ve known Kayne a long time. And I know what he likes.”

  I frown, now knowing what I do about Jett, Mansion, and Kayne, I suddenly feel a little inadequate. “Has he been with many women?”

  Jett’s mouth falls open. “Umm?”

  “That many, huh?” I respond insecurely.

  “No, not exactly. It’s just this lifestyle allows for an open tap of unadulterated pleasure. He’s never hurt for company.”

  “Then why did he take me?” That is the question I feel I will never find out the answer to. Jett rests his hands on my arms. “You’re going to know soon enough, sweet thing. And it’s something Kayne has to explain.”

  “I don’t like the way that sounds, Jett.”

  “And you shouldn’t.”

  I swallow hard, a sudden upshot of fear grabbing me. “He keeps telling me things are going to change. Is he going to sell me?”

  Jett’s pretty aqua eyes bulge. “Where did you get a ridiculous idea like that?”

  I shrug. “I’m a slave. Slaves get sold.”

  Jett shakes his blond head. “No more erotic suspense novels for you. And I can say with absolute certainty he would never sell you. But he is afraid he won’t be able to keep you.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You don’t have to. All will be revealed in time. “Jett walks over to my bed and picks up my collar. “Final accessories.” He fastens it around my neck then goes to the armoire and opens one side of the double doors. He returns with rhinestone wrist cuffs attached to several strings of thick crystals. One string he fastens to the D-ring on the front of my collar, then he clamps each of my wrists. I’m a dolled-up pet. A kitten on an ultra-extravagant leash.

  “Perfect. It’s time, sweet thing.”

  “Time for what?”

  “You’re unveiling. This party is important. Be on your best behavior. Listen to Kayne. Stay by his side no matter what.”

  “He has me on a leash, where do you think I’m going to go?”

  Jett snickers. “I’ve become quite fond of you, little one. And that snarky mouth.”

  “It’s all I have left. My snark.”

  Jett looks at me with a melancholy expression. His acute eyes sad. They remind me of a puppy in the pound. I wish I understood what he was feeling. I want to ask, but I think I’ve exhausted my allotment of questions for the day. I’m meant to live in the dark. And Jett and Kayne are experts at keeping me there.

  Jett leads me toward the door by my shiny new jewelry.

  “Where are we going?” I ask curiously. Kayne is the only one who takes me for walks.

  “Kayne’s room.”


  “Because you’re his birthday surprise.”

  “It’s his birthday? Is that what the party is for?”

  “Not really. He’ll probably decapitate me for telling you. But I don’t give a fuck.” He looks back and winks at me. I follow Jett through the dark hallway with the deep purple carpet and hand-blown chandeliers toward the sweeping staircase. I can hear music playing faintly from the first floor as we walk down one flight of stairs to the second level.

  “Wait till you see this party. It’s my best yet. Going to be a real bang.”

  Something in my gut jolts from way he says bang. I don’t like it one bit.

  We stop at a huge wooden door where two very large men are exiting.

  “Everything set up?” Jett asks them.

  “Done,” the tall blond responds. He reminds me of Thor with his brawn and long wavy hair.


  Jett ushers me inside Kayne’s room and it strikes me as strange being here. The only environment I know him in is my room and our walks around the mansion. I observe my surroundings,
noting it’s very much a man’s space. Understated, with dark cherry furniture and glossy wood floors. Against the back wall is an impressive canopy bed with maroon bedding. Very majestic, very commanding, very magisterial. Just like my owner. What I find most peculiar is the giant birdcage in the middle of the room.

  “We have to hurry. Kayne takes a long shower, but I don’t want to run the risk of him walking out and ruining the surprise.”

  “What surprise?”

  “Why you, of course.” Jett leads me inside the enormous cage with shackles hanging in the center. He removes one pair of cuffs from my wrists and replaces them with another. My heart races as I dangle dead center in the middle of the cage.

  I feel like a virgin sacrifice.

  “These cages are decorations for the party. I thought it would be a fun birthday present for Kayne to have his own captive angel. That’s the theme.” He smiles. The irony of his statement is not lost on me.

  “I’m already his captive,” I remind him dryly.

  “True. But I think deep down, you like it. You like serving him. And obeying him. And being dominated by him.”

  I don’t respond. Partly because I don’t want to admit he’s right, and partly because I think my affections go way deeper than like.

  “You look entrancing, sweet thing.” He pulls a red ribbon out of his pocket and ties it in a bow around my chest. He then pulls a thin chain out of his other pocket. He’s like a walking vending machine tonight. He takes the delicate cord and weaves it through my fingers suspended above my head.

  “What’s that?” I look up.

  “Kayne will know.” He smirks devilishly, and right then I know I’m in trouble.

  “My work here is done. I’ll see you at the party, gorgeous girl. Behave.” He taps my nose playfully with his index finger.

  “I don’t know how much trouble I can get in just hanging around.” I pull on the restraints. If it wasn’t for my heels, I’d be stretched and struggling on my toes.

  “Well, just in case you get any ideas.” He winks, closing the cage door. Then leaves the room. All I can do is wait. Now that it’s just me, I can hear the hushed sound of the shower running. I jingle the chain around my fingers trying to figure out what it is. But all I see is silver metal. The wait for Kayne becomes suspenseful. I wonder what he’ll think of Jett’s present? What he’ll think when he finds me in his room. He’s never brought me here. Never even suggested it. So I wonder idly if he’ll feel like I’m encroaching on his personal space. I’d rather like to avoid him taking out his displeasure with Jett on my behind. I tell myself he won’t do that. Please don’t. Please don’t. I hear the shower turn off, and I tense in my chains. I drop my head submissively as I wait for Kayne to find me.

  “Well, what do we have here?” I hear his voice and look up through my eyelashes. He’s walking toward me slowly. The hunter stalking his prey. His eyes are wide and there’s a mischievous grin on his face. “A sexy little kitten in a cage, just for me?”

  “Jett said I was your birthday surprise.”

  “My birthday? He spilled the beans?”

  “Yes, Kayne.”

  “Look at me, kitten.”

  I raise my head. He’s standing in front of me in just a towel and tempting smile.

  “This may be the best birthday present I ever received.”

  My cheeks heat. He looks like a hungry cat about to devour a helpless canary.

  “Watch me get dressed.” My eyes follow him as he moves through his room, pulling out clothes from his dresser and closet. He lays everything on the bed, and then discards his towel. He’s standing in front of me stark naked, moving gradually so I get a good look at every inch of his hard sculpted body and the tattoos on his chest, arm, and side. He’s freakin’ drool worthy. I’ll never deny it.

  “Like what you see, kitten?” Kayne asks flirtatiously.

  “Yes, Kayne,” I reply with a raspy voice. Just looking at him has my mouth dry and body responding.

  “Good.” He smiles, then proceeds to get dressed. This feels so intimate. Watching him in the privacy of his room. Seeing him in a completely different light than I’ve ever seen him before. Once he’s dressed in a plain white dress shirt and white pants, he joins me in the cage; his shirt partially unbuttoned.

  I stare up silently, while he stares down.

  “I guess I should unwrap you now.” Kayne tugs lightly on the ribbon and the bow falls apart.

  He drinks me in from head to toe, scanning his luminous eyes over my face, my chest, my torso, my legs, licking his lips as he goes. It’s all at once nerve-racking, stimulating, and sexy as hell.

  “I need to give Jett a raise,” he tells me as he leans in and kisses me. There’s no warning or asking of permission as his tongue invades my mouth. Jabbing and rolling, he asserts his dominance. His control. Reminding me I’m his. Like I could ever forget.

  When we break apart I can barely breathe, my lungs working double time to suck in oxygen.

  He runs his hands over my body, taking advantage of my powerless state.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he moans as he squeezes my breasts, fondling both of them at the same time. Kayne rests his head against mine, inhaling deeply like he’s memorizing my scent. “Everything is going to change tonight, kitten.” I look up into his majestic eyes. The brown lightning bolt more pronounced, ominous almost.

  “You keep saying that, but what do you mean?”

  “It means all will be revealed,” he sighs forlornly.

  “What will be revealed?” I urge.

  “You’ll see. Then it will all make sense.”

  “Is something going to happen to us?” I ask warily.


  “What?” I press, needing to know.

  “I’m not sure. Possibly everything.”

  “I’m scared,” I admit abruptly.

  “Of what?”

  “The unknown.”

  Kayne runs his thumb across my cheek. It’s such a consoling caress.

  “Do you trust me, Ellie?”

  I pause, drinking in the earnest expression on his handsome face. Do I?

  “Yes. I trust you,” I tell him truthfully. When did everything between us shift? I don’t really know. What I do know, and what I can say with certainty is, when I look at Kayne, there’s more than just lust or need or want in his eyes. There’s devotion and admiration.

  “Good. Because I’ll never let anything bad happen to you. I’ll never let anyone hurt you again,” he says pained. “I don’t want to lose you, Ellie. Ever.”

  “I don’t want to lose you either,” I reply, unable to stop the words even if I wanted to. I am truly owned by him.

  “You won’t. Even if you push me away,” he assures me resolutely. He then kisses me, causing my body to sway in the restraints. I tighten my fists and stiffen my limbs in an attempt to not lose my footing. The little chain Jett wrapped around my fingers clinks, spurring Kayne to glance up. He reaches for it, unraveling it from my hand.

  “Fucking, Jett.” He plays with the shiny string.

  “What is it? Another present for you?”

  “It’s more a present for us.” His blue eyes flash with venturesome lust as he dangles the strand in front of my face. It’s long with a tiny clamp on the end.

  “What’s that for?” I ask cautiously.

  “I can’t wait to show you. Open your legs.”

  I do as I’m told. Kayne threads one end of the chain through the loop on my collar, the other end he slips into my dainty panties, then, using his fingers, spreads my folds wide. There’s a sudden bite of pain as he pinches my clit with the clamp. “Oh God!” I gasp. Then he pulls on the chain and my knees go weak as a bolt of stinging ecstasy spirals through me.

  “So you behave.” He kisses my cheek lightly.

  A ravenous urge builds within me as he repeatedly yanks on the chain commanding the clamp.

  “Kayne, please.”

  “Please what, baby? Stop or go
on?” he taunts me.

  “I don’t know.” I drop my head back as my body depletes of energy. The sensations are much too much.

  “You have no idea how sexy you look,” Kayne breathes against my neck. “You have no idea what your body does to me.” He grabs my ass and grinds his erection against my aching clit. I groan as the clamp pokes and prods at me, making me dizzy with desire. “You have no idea what I would do to keep you.” He nips at my skin.

  “Fuck, Ellie,” he says tortured, grabbing my face in his hands. “I ... I ...” He searches my eyes, desperate and afraid.

  Afraid of what, I can’t begin to imagine. “... I want to watch you come.” He cops out.

  Reaching down, he slides my thong over to the side, and then inserts one finger into my throbbing core.

  I moan uncontrollably as he strikes the right spot over and over.

  “Shit, you’re wet baby.”

  “You’re going to make me come.” I pull on the restraints as my body seizes, the clamp working the sensations double time. I buck in the shackles with my climax just out of reach.

  “Kayne, please!” My voice is hoarse and my body is trembling.

  “Not yet, kitten.” He slows his rhythm, and I nearly combust into tears.

  “Why?” I plead.

  “Because I want you to remember who controls your pleasure. No matter where you go or who you’re with. You’ll always be mine.” He leans into my neck, and I realize too late that he has the chain to the clit clamp between his teeth. Before I know what’s happening, he slips another finger inside me and jerks his head. The dual sensations cause me to spark, splintering my existence into a thousand tiny pieces as Kayne commands my pleasure. His words echo like the threat they are. And the promise. My body gives way as every muscle strains, leaving me demolished in the restraints. My arms feel like they are going to dislocate, but I can’t bring myself to stand. I’m destroyed once again. My mind, my body, my soul, my heart. They all feel like they’re bleeding.

  “Remember my words, Ellie.” He hoists me up.

  “Yes, Kayne,” I reply, like I’m doped up on something. Like I’m doped up on him.

  “My kitten.” He smoothes his hand over my hair. “Recuperate and I’ll clean you up.”

  He leaves me hanging, literally, and disappears into the bathroom. Kayne returns with two folded hand towels and a small bowl of water. He drops to his knees in front of me and removes my lacy thong. With the first towel, he wipes between my legs. With the second, he dips it into the bowl and proceeds to wash me. The water is warm and fragrant with something I can’t place. It feels incredible as he moves up the inside of one thigh and down the other. His touch is so skilled and wonderfully tender. When he’s through, he pats me dry; remaining on his knees he gazes up at me with an idolizing expression. The moment is surreal and also oppressive. The weight of his stare is almost too much to endure, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t bring myself to turn away.


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