Rise of the Fallen

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Rise of the Fallen Page 8

by Ivory Autumn

  Andrew breathed deeply, basking in the beauty of the gem fields. Delicate, transparent butterflies and bees fluttered and buzzed over the field, gathering sparkling pollen, and spreading it like fairy dust over the flowers. Andrew could hear the insects’ wings as they fluttered against the flowers, chiming like a spoon hitting a crystal glass.

  The smells that permeated the air were intoxicating. The ruby-colored flowers smelled like cinnamon, and the emerald- colored gem flowers smelled of mint. Some flowers smelled of watermelon, others of fresh rain. Some smelled of honey, taffy, or popcorn.

  There were even flowers that smelled like freshly baked bread. Andrew leaned over a flower that was shaped like a clamshell. Inside it was a beautiful pearl. The flower smelled of sea salt and fish. He couldn’t resist the urge, so without thinking, he touched one of the delicate, sparkling flowers. It felt soft, yet hard---cold, yet warm.

  “You see,” Orion said, “flowers won't always die when you touch them.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Well, you just touched one, didn’t you? And it is perfectly alright. Besides, I know many things. I know of your life, of your captivity, and of your future.”

  Andrew stared blankly ahead. “What about my future? Tell me, will I ever make it back home? And if I did, will I be despised for the rest of my life?”

  Orion’s eyes sparkled and his face glowed and shimmered as he spoke. “This I cannot say. But this I do know, that you are much more than who you think you are.”

  “And who do you I think I am?”

  “You think you are worthless.”

  “So. It’s true.”

  “Haven't you been listening to me?” Orion thundered, grabbing Andrew's hands and forcing the boy's clenched palms open. “In your hand you bear the mark of a half star. For that is what you are, half star half elf. No one has your abilities. No one else has your calling. No one else can do what you were born to do. No one but you remains.”

  Andrew pulled away from Orion, angrily. “What you’re saying is that I’m half star, and half elf? That’s the strangest thing I’ve ever heard of. If I’m any sort of star, I’m a flickering one.”

  “Andrew, every star flickers. What matters is that you do not forget that you were made to shine. Remember, that through strange means and ways, many wondrous things are brought to pass. A butterfly’s cocoon may look strange from the outside, but with time, that once perceivable, strange thing will become magnificent. Never underestimate the strange, son.”

  Andrew threw up his hands in exasperation. “You don’t understand. I’m not who you think I am. My mother and father are farmers and they could tell you that I'm not an elf, or a star. I’m just awkward Andrew who always gets into trouble and makes things worse than they already are.”

  Orion shook his head. “Are you sure that’s what your parents would tell you?”

  “I’m not sure of anything anymore! Okay?”

  Orion drew a diamond symbol in the sand, before Andrew’s feet. “Regardless of what your parents have told you, or haven’t, they know that your true elf parents---elf queen Tanzanite, and elf lord Gemini brought you to Hollyhock Hollow when you were very small, as a way of preserving your life.”

  “Lies!” Andrew cried, covering his ears. “I don't want to hear anymore!”

  “You will hear!” Orion thundered. “You will hear of the great sacrifice of your people, and of your parents in preserving your life. Levwood, your first home, came under attack by the Fallen, shortly after you were born. Rumors of an elf, star child, matching the description in the prophecy, disturbed the Fallen so much, that he sent his armies of Barnacles---things that can drain the life out of most elves, in a matter of minutes---into Levwood. You and your parents escaped. But all the rest of the small children your age, in Levwood, were killed. The elves haven't been able to venture out from their city ever since. The Barnacles are now continually guarding Levwood’s borders. Your parents traveled to the farthest place they could think of---Hollyhock Hollow. Once there, they trusted you into the care of a good family by the name of Griggs, to be raised up in secrecy. After your parents left Hollyhock Hollow, they were killed by the Barnacles.”

  Andrew looked stunned. Never had he been told this. It pierced his heart and confused him. “The Griggs are my real parents. They would have told me if I wasn't really their child.”

  “Perhaps,” Orion said, in a gentle voice, “they didn’t think it was the time to tell you.” Orion stared at Andrew sternly. “You must know that you were born an elf lord, star of Levwood, child of light, and no belief in the matter can change it. Neither can you change the fact that while you live you are an enemy to Vargas, Morack, the Shade, and most of all, the Agrona Lord or The Fallen, as you earthlings call him. The Fallen and his Shade are the ones you must now seek out and destroy. Furthermore, you must know that all those who died on account of you, are now watching, waiting, and wondering if what they died for will now live on in you.”

  Andrew’s face became downcast, and his frame drooped. “If this is true, then I’m sorry to disappoint them, because I’m not a Lord or a star, or anything. I’m just Andrew. A boring ex- gardener that can’t garden anymore because anything green I touch turns brown. There’s nothing extraordinary about me. I’m a menace to society---a terrible curse to all who know me.”

  Orion laughed. “Andrew, Andrew, my boy, if you only knew how valuable you are. You sell yourself much too cheaply. You are no curse. All elves are blessed with gifts. Some elves can talk to trees, some have gifts of healing, and others can see far distances. Some can talk to the wind, and hear things others cannot hear---speaking to the animals and rocks. Elves, like you have much power over plants, and some can even talk to the stars and hear their secrets and see things far into the future. Some have strength in their hands and fire in their breath. Some can do all that and more. Because of your celestial heritage of being part elf, part star, you have been given particular gifts in a more concentrated magnitude, for a very good reason. What you see as a curse is actually great power. Power that can be used for great good or great ill. Because of your great power, you are a great threat to many who wish to have all the power for themselves. The Dark Lord of the North has taken all firstborn children in their early teens into slavery, trying to weed you out, trying to find and destroy you. You really don’t realise what a high price is on your head, right now, Andrew.”

  Andrew looked shocked. “All those children are slaves because some dark lord is trying to kill me?”

  “Yes, in addition it suited The Fallen because he needs many slaves to dig coal for his countless fires.”

  “So I should turn myself in so we can free the children?”

  “No. That wouldn’t be a very good idea. He would just kill you. He wouldn’t release them. His only compassion is for himself. He cares for no one. You see, Andrew, because of your relation to the heavens and the stars, you are the only soul on earth who has the power and ability to destroy the blackened star, Agrona, who fell to the earth when he erred.”

  Andrew's face filled with confusion. “Destroy him? But how?”

  Orion glanced around him cautiously as if to make sure no one else was listening. “With a weapon I am going to bestow upon you. But I must warn you, as soon as I give you this great treasure that it will cause something very powerful to be set in motion. It will cause the heartbeat of the earth to skip a beat, and the forces of darkness will immediately know that you have it. Your enemies will follow you, hunt you, watch you. One wrong move and they will crush you! You, without the weapon, are only a small threat. But you and it together, will cause The Fallen to do anything he can to kill you. It was through his dark power that he was able to steal my belt---and the three stars of Orion.”

  “The Fallen stole your belt?”

  “Yes,” Orion hissed, through clenched teeth. “The loathsome, deceitful thief! Agrona was once a great star lord, but I believe his heart was black, even at birth. He wanted t
o be bigger and brighter. Even with all that he had, it was never enough. He wanted my power---the guardianship of the heavens. Soon, his black core consumed what outward light he once had, and he fell---taking with him, not only my belt, but the bow of Sagittarius, Scorpio’s Stinger, and Hercules’s Strength. So if I came to retrieve my belt, the Agrona Lord would kill. So thus, Agrona fell to earth, taking with him much of the light of the heavens. Still with all that, it is not enough. His darkness is too great, and he still seeks more light for his endless hunger. Earth is now his home. Here, he uses alternate light sources to fuel his life, leaching light from the greatest thing on earth---the spark of human life, and even the smallest thing as a candle. He fell from the heavens because he refused to give any light of his own. He donned my belt of protection about his waist, borrowing the strength of Hercules. With the weapon of Sagittarius, and the stinger of Scorpios, we are all powerless against him.”

  “But you seem so strong,” Andrew said, “Why don't you just go take your belt back from him, and destroy him yourself? I hate to break it to you, but you look much stronger than myself.”

  “If it were only that simple,” Orion cried. His kind eyes looked sad, and his voice shook with emotion.“As it is, I have no power to destroy him, lest I die. His very presence would consume what light I have left. Against such a dark void, all heavenly guardians are powerless. With the Agrona Lord's borrowed power, his blackness will soon cover the earth and reach far out into the heavens. All the constellations will soon cease to give light. The sun will go dark, the moon will not shine. In this blackness, The Fallen will reign. War, death, and limitless power are his aim---his wicked heart is a magnet to it. So now, here we, celestial beings stand, totally powerless against him, lest he smite us with the weapons meant for his own blackened heart. Without you, Andrew, we would be without hope. You are now our greatest weapon we wield. It is you who will shine the way for those who still have a small bit of light left in their hearts---in the battle against this darkness. The Fallen seeks to subject all the earth and the heavens to his will. And sadly, there are many here who work after his manner of darkness, so he is more powerful on earth than we ever could have supposed. Although he wears our light and claims it as his own, all the light he gives is really darkness. And what great darkness it is.”

  Doubt showed in Andrew's eyes. “I'm your greatest weapon?”

  “Don't you see? You are the clear voice that will awaken thousands.” Orion pointed to the night's sky. “Look how dark the sky is. Few stars are brave enough to shine their light anymore. And, sadly, most will fall captive to the Agrona Lord, if he is not stopped. As of late, most stars hide their faces in shame and fear. The Fallen’s darkening mist grows stronger by the minute, blotting out light. Andrew, you must not hide your face. You must shine brightly so that others will be able to see.”

  “But how? What am I to do?”

  Orion drew a beautiful sword from his cloak. “You must take this.”

  “A sword?”

  Orion held the sword up high, his shining face gleaming in its hilt. “Do you Andrew, Elf lord of Levwood, take this sword, Cosmo---forged by the Seven Sisters and cast in the first era of the beginning of the Danspieronian reign, made from Cancer's old stars, woven with the might and strength of the Milky Way, and cast by the good of the forefathers of Danspire. Do you promise to take it in sickness and in health, in good times, as well as in times of trouble, when it is weightless, or heavy---in darkness, or light, when standing alone---or with many, do you promise to wield it only for good?”

  “Will...I...what?” Andrew wondered in confusion, Orion's words made it sound like he was getting married to the sword.

  “It is a type of marriage,” Orion said, reading Andrew's thoughts. “The second you hold the sword in your hands, the quest is conferred upon you and you cannot let it go---even when things get tough. Once you have it, it is yours, forever, along with all the responsibility of the great power it holds. You must never let it go.”

  “What am I to do with it?” Andrew wondered.

  “With the mighty sword, Cosmo, you must break the darkness of The Fallen and bring his power to naught.” Orion held the sword high, so its light could be fully seen by Andrew.

  Andrew gasped. The sword was beautiful. It glimmered and sparkled like water. It looked like it had been made of stardust. Its hilt was made of a magical golden metal, and embedded with seven, large diamonds, each one representing the Seven Sisters.

  Mesmerized by its beauty, Andrew reached out to touch it.

  “Not yet!” Orion cried, pulling the sword back. “Once you take the sword, you take the quest that goes with it, and you must be sure not to let any one else take it from you. The sword enhances its bearer’s weaknesses and strengths. The sword's strength is powered for good, or for ill, according to the number of people who are standing behind its bearer, and those who are united to one cause. There are many causes in this world, but there are very few good causes in these dark days. It is precisely for those few good causes that you must persuade the world to fight for. Because of your birthright, you should not allow yourself to do any evil with the sword. Even if you are tempted to use it wrongly, the sword will smite you to remembrance of your duty. But others can and will try to use it for ill, even if they have good desires at first. Their unchecked thoughts could easily summon a dark power to them that would destroy themselves and the people they love.

  Because of the dark influence of The Fallen, the earth is under a curse of great bondage. Few peoples are now free. Few people refuse to fight for their right to choose. Most have given into the illusion of freedom, under the guise of safety, thus denying their very right to choose. A deep sleep is on all the land, and it is up to you, and your friends to awaken them! With the sword, you must go throughout the land and raise your voice in a loud, awakening cry for freedom. This cry must be heard throughout the land and your message must sink deeply into men’s’ hearts so that they will be compelled to follow you into battle. You must spark the flame of freedom in all lands, therefore bringing a great power to the sword for good that will enable you to bring The Fallen to his knees. But if no one answers the call for freedom, and no one desires good men to rule over them, the sword will be useless against The Fallen. For the power and light the sword holds, is only possible through the power of the hearts of those who are united, willing to sacrifice everything, including their lives, for the light of truth, and all that is good. For truth is the most poignant and powerful light that has or will ever exist. For that reason, The Fallen will never be able to shine his brightest, for he seeks light, and dilutes it, and when truth becomes diluted, it soon disappears. Andrew, you must be sure to have the strength of at least, 500,000 fighting for the cause of freedom, when you go before The Fallen with your sword. If you do not have such strength, the sword will be powerless against his darkness, and all will be lost. But that is not all. Foremost in your journey, you must find the lost prince of Danspire, and make your way to his kingdom to rescue those who still believe in him. Then you must scour the land and find the dark trees that The Fallen has planted in the earth---his first dark act when he fell from the heavens. The trees’ black roots sink deeply in the earth and darken the ground around them. You must use your great gift over plants to uproot the trees, before they become anchored in the earth forever. If they are not destroyed, The Fallen’s dark power will still remain after he is gone. But beware of the Shade, the three tree’s keeper, for he is in The Fallen Lord’s own likeness, and he will try to dilute you, as he has so many others. And after you have destroyed the dark trees, you must plant good seeds in their places. Remember that, always.” He held up a small velvet purse. “Inside this small purse are the seeds you must plant in the dark trees’ places. If you decide to take on this quest, take care that the seeds are well tended to, for if nothing is planted in dark trees places, nothing good will fill them.”

  “You really think I can do all that?” Andrew asked. “
What you ask is more than any one can do.”

  Orion stared at Andrew with fervent eyes. “Andrew, you are not meant to do this alone. The message of the sword is that one is many, when united with many ones. For that is the power of the sword. You see, Andrew, this task is not just for you alone. Your friends will also play a great part in the work ahead. Hope will be reawakened by many. For everything is connected, and one is not without another. The smallest thing as weightless as a whisker can influence the outcome of all. ”

  Andrew still looked unconvinced. “Orion, you don’t get it, do you? I’m not the guy for this. I was expelled from school. How can I be expected to handle a sword, when I can’t even handle an exam. I am no swordsman. I can’t even keep myself from being beaten up. I caused my entire village to be burned to the ground. Most people I meet hate me. I even hate myself.” He paused, turned away from Orion’s gaze, and sighed. “I don’t think I can motivate the entire world to believe me, if I can’t even believe in myself.”

  The wind suddenly caught Orion’s robe and tousled his black hair. “Andrew, reflect the light that was given to you at birth, then can’t help but be drawn to it. Andrew you must search inside yourself and find the good that you have, and are, and believe in that. Don’t believe the lies others have told you about yourself. For that only gives power to darkness. If you find the truth inside yourself, if you believe that you are the one, then it won’t matter if others do or don’t, and your power for good will increase. So believe. Your path is before you. If you choose to follow it or not is your choice. But there is a voice stronger than mine that will follow you wherever you go, a voice like the voice of thunder, and yet as soft as melting snow, a voice that will echo in your heart---the voice of truth which calls each man to his duty, no matter the cost.”


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