Wicked Telepaths

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Wicked Telepaths Page 14

by Enid Titan

  «What happens if they go out?» Poppy asked.

  «No more telepathy,» Castor answered.

  «Are you in?» Ajax’s voice entered their minds despite his distance as if he stood right there.

  Poppy had never heard such clear telepathic communication from such a distance. Mating had done this, she knew instinctively, although there was no reason for this information to enter her mind.

  Poppy eased past Castor and walked across the white floors towards the flames. She didn’t need the boys to lead her anymore. The ring sat on a pedestal next to the flames, heavy and enticing. Trying to steal the 200lb hunk of metal was impossible, so it sat unguarded, linked telepathically to the very fires that held Devoran civilization together.

  «Look into the flames, jazad.»

  «I shouldn't. I should turn back.»

  «Do not be afraid,» Castor reassured her, «You can do it. You can move it.»

  Poppy’s hands trembled. She thrust them into her coat pockets and stared into the flames before her eyes fluttered shut. She seemed to step outside of herself into a shadow body. The shadow version of herself approached the rings and lifted the ring off the pedestal. She gasped as she realized how easy it was.

  Penelope raised the ring and as she stepped forward to move its weight into the fire, the temple lights illuminated one at a time until the round room was bright. A silver cord attached at Poppy’s navel sucked her shadow-self back into her real body.

  The rings clattered down onto the pedestal and Achilles' booming voice echoed around the room.


  His voice echoed in her head and around the room. Poppy screamed. Her head was heavy and then light again. Two teachers flanked the headmaster and approached her at either side, grabbing onto her arms and yanking Penelope away from the fires.

  Castor jumped in front of the headmaster and the other professors.

  “Headmaster! It was our fault for bringing her here.”

  “She’s an outsider!” Jason insisted, “She doesn’t understand the gravity of what she’s done.”

  Ajax was still outside. Poppy couldn’t sense his presence. Perhaps he’d hid. Perhaps he’d already been taken back to campus. He certainly hadn’t warned them that anyone was coming.

  “You have broken school rules, human child. I will see you in my office at once. Apollo, Artemis, return her to campus.”

  Before Poppy could protest, she was teleported into the headmaster’s office by the two senior professors. The boys were probably going to have to walk back alone. Apollo and Artemis did not smile but they didn’t look particularly angry either.

  The headmaster appeared in his office a few moments later.

  “Sit down, Penelope. Apollo, Artemis, thank you. Take your leave.”

  The two nodded and disappeared. Penelope sank into the chair across from the headmaster’s desk.

  “Are you aware of the severity of what you’ve done, child?”

  “No. Not really. I’m sorry. I knew it was wrong but…”

  “Yes,” Achilles interrupted, “I am aware those troublemakers likely influenced you. I know your intentions and as such will apply leniency... to you.”

  He tapped his temples, indicating that she kept no secrets from him in her mind.

  “I understand the urgency you must feel given the crisis on your homeworld, but your actions must be punished.”

  “I understand.”


  “You’re going to send me home, aren’t you?”

  “I will take actions that permit you to comprehend the depths of what you’ve done and why breaking the rules of the Academy puts our traditions and principles in jeopardy.”

  “I’m sorry,” Poppy whispered again.

  “You are distressed, child. That is a start. However, I must be sure that you do not break these school rules again. As such, you might find your punishment difficult…”



  Poppy moved out of her dormitory that night. She would no longer receive the privileges of living amongst her classmates. Her new dorm was a room off of the sickbay where she’d live until after summer. Isolation from her classmates wasn’t sufficient punishment according to Achilles, she had a strict curfew too.

  He’d assigned her a fifteen-page essay on the historical significance of the temple fires which meant spending most of her free time outside of class poring over Devoran texts in the library and then hiking back to her room after study hours. Restriction sucked. Writing the essay sucked worse.

  Even with the planet’s universal translator — a feature of their strong telepathy — the texts were dense and Devoran historians made James Joyce look like a children’s book author.

  Poppy had restriction after classes — essentially, she was grounded. She hadn’t seen the boys afterward to find out how they’d been punished. It had been a couple of days and outside of P.E. class, Poppy hadn’t seen them. She had to get permission to invite anyone over to her room and her guests could only stay an hour at a time.

  Poppy spent most of her time with Jocasta, who had become a much better skater since the beginning of the school year.

  Poppy was eight pages into her paper and ready to scrap the entire thing. Writing papers about this planet's history was impossible! And boring, Poppy couldn't forget boring. Poppy hated writing anyway. She much preferred math. Or just… vibing.

  She slammed her pad down on her desk and crawled into bed.


  Castor’s whispers crawled into her head.


  «Calm down, we’re outside. Let us in?»

  «I’m on restriction,» Poppy huffed, «I can't let anyone in without talking to the nurse.»


  «Haven’t you gotten me in enough trouble?»

  «Jazad, hurry up and open the window.»

  «You idiots are all outside my window?»

  «Open up or we’ll start singing,» Ajax threatened.

  Poppy put a pillow over her head hoping to drown them out. Let them sing all they wanted to. They wouldn’t get to her.

  Then Ajax started to bellow…



  Poppy flung the window open and stared down at the three grinning idiots standing beneath it.

  “How do you assholes plan to get two stories up?”

  “Climb, obviously. Let down your blanket.”

  “No way! If I get caught, I’ll be toast.”

  “It’s after study hours, sickbay is empty and the nurse is all the way on the first floor. No one’s going to come to the restricted room unless you’re too loud.”

  These idiots could be persuasive when they wanted to be.

  Poppy threw her blanket out the window and tied one end to her bed.

  “I don’t think this is going to work!”

  To her surprise, Jason shimmied up first. He was the lightest one, so it was easy for him, even if he dragged her bed all the way across the room.

  “Come on, help me pull the others up.”

  “I want no part in this!”

  “Come on… be a good sport.”

  “I think I hate you guys,” Poppy grumbled.

  She untied her blanket and stood in front of Jason as he anchored himself to the ground and they dragged Ajax up. Ajax fell flat on his stomach and Poppy jerked backward, falling straight into Jason’s chest.

  He held her there for a moment and whispered into her ear, “Careful…”

  His warm breath and the gentle tone of his voice made her worry that he had something else in mind other than an innocent visit. With three of them, pulling Castor up wasn’t hard at all.

  “We should be quiet. Can’t the nurse tell if you’re here?”

  “Nope. Restricted dormitories don’t let telepathic thoughts escape.”

  “You heard me

  “We’re mated,” Castor explained, “It’s different.”

  Poppy’s cheeks flushed. Between Jason’s whispering and Castor mentioning the fact that they’d mated, she had little reason to believe they’d come here for any other reason. Poppy backed away from the three of them, trying to stop herself from staring at the three sweaty idiots who had just climbed into her window.

  “Why on earth are you sweating? It’s freezing out there.”

  “We were just playing hockey on the outdoor rink and we missed you.”

  “I’m busy. I need to write a paper,” Poppy answered stiffly.

  “Could have told us before I climbed through a window,” Ajax grumbled, his hair a tangled mess behind him.

  “Don’t listen to her. If you have an essay, we’ll help you write it.”

  “I’m halfway done and I don’t think I need to add cheating to my list of crimes.”

  “Come on, Penelope. Let me at least see it.”

  Poppy pressed her hand over the pad on her desk.


  “Let me have it,” Castor lunged. Poppy swiped the pad off her desk onto the floor.

  “Really, jazad. Tad dramatic don’t you think?”

  “What do you three want?”

  “We missed you, that’s all,” Castor whispered, pushing her hair out of her face.

  They could be so annoying yet so gentle at the same time. Poppy rolled her eyes.

  “Yeah. Whatever.”

  “We haven’t seen you in days outside of class. We had to come.”

  Poppy wanted to deny what she felt, but she was happy to see them. Even if they were huge, sweaty brutes and they could piss her off way too easily, having them here and having them actually care about her meant a lot.

  Hecate had tried to visit too, but she was entangled in another break-up and aside from that, she’d promised Poppy to keep an eye on Daphne to see if she’d done anything shady.

  “Fine. I guess you guys can stay.”

  “Did you think we were asking permission?” Ajax grumbled.

  The three boys formed a wall around her. Poppy looked up into Castor’s eyes. They glowed yellow. She bit her lower lip and pressed her butt to her desk.

  “Well… What did you three have in mind?”

  «I think you know, Penelope.»

  Castor leaned in and kissed her. Yes, of course, she knew, she just wanted them to say it so she could pretend to be better than wanting all three of them, so she could pretend that it wasn’t so terribly easy for her to succumb to the charms of three strapping blue aliens.


  Study Break

  Poppy found herself in that same sticky place again — trapped between the rock-solid blue-bodies of three of the most attractive alien males at the Academy. At first, she’d assumed their obsession with her was the fleeting interest of conquest. After the first night Jason’s tongue split her thighs opened and she climaxed at his hands, Poppy told herself this would be it.

  The night after her attack, what had happened could be explained away by the heat of the moment. She’d been under duress when the three had come onto her. Those orgasms and the lightness that followed had been the result of her shock — plain and simple.

  Even after that, they hadn’t let up. They claimed to feel her emotions. Poppy wondered why she hadn’t felt theirs. Devorans were typically stoic — male or female they were reserved, appearing cold to most. Even Pallas who loved her Uncle Monty appeared so…reserved.

  There was nothing reserved about the way Castor kissed her now. His kisses were desperate and hungry. Jason’s hands roamed over the curve of her hips, which had gotten bonier as she adjusted to the new foods on the ice planet. Ajax enjoyed pressing his tongue to her shoulder through her clothes as Castor kissed her eager lips.

  Poppy knew she should stay focused. University wasn’t supposed to be about boys, let alone three boys at once. Especially here. She'd come to Devor to save Earth, not to let three stupid boys fall in love with her.

  Ajax pulled her face away from Castor’s and planted a soul kiss on Poppy’s lips. Damn. He kissed roughly, prying her lips apart and slipping both his tongues past her lips, so deep into Poppy’s mouth that she had no choice but to moan.

  They pressed their bodies closer to hers so every inch of her flesh met with the weight of the Devoran males who had broken into her restricted room. This probably wasn’t the punishment the headmaster had in mind…

  Poppy leaned in to kiss Ajax back, unable to resist running her hands through his curly silver hair. His chest heaved through the fabric of his clothes which fell just away from his shoulder, exposing the scars across his chest. Poppy ran her hands over the ridged scars and felt the arousal traveling through Ajax, through her and then through Castor and Jason.

  There was no going back now. Only her touch had started it. All six alien cocks stood at full attention, ready to please the human female they’d ensnared. Penelope’s thighs parted slightly, the gooey love honey between her legs smashing against her underwear. Castor slipped his hand between her thighs, clutching his mound in his large blue palms.

  “Mmm,” he murmured, “It looks like you wouldn’t mind a study break.”

  “Hurry,” Poppy breathed, “I don’t want us to get caught.”

  “We’ll be taking our time with you, jazad,” Jason murmured, his tongues splitting apart and sliding down the length of her neck, forcing another moan from her puffy parted lips.

  Ajax began the work of stripping Poppy’s clothes off. When they touched her, her sensitivity to the cold diminished easily. She could feel the room the way they could and remained unaffected by the typically intolerable Devoran temperatures.

  Ajax removed the first tight sweater from her shoulders as Castor worked the buckle that cinched her wooly pants around her waist. He lingered as he slipped the pants over her bum and touched her mound again through her long underwear. By then, Ajax had her first sweater off and the thermal corset that cinched her waist into a version of an hourglass begged for release.

  Jason enjoyed fiddling with the strings that clasped the corset to Poppy’s abdomen and he worked them off slowly before allowing the garment to drop to the ground. Poppy shivered but wasn’t cold for long before Jason slipped between her legs, taking Castor’s place and hoisting her up onto her desk.

  “My essay,” Poppy complained, “You’ll knock over my pad.”

  Ajax tossed her work pad onto her bed and swiped the books Poppy borrowed for research onto the floor. She flinched as they hit the ground with a thud.

  «No one’s going to hear us, jazad,» Jason whispered.

  It was rare for him to be so eager for her that he'd push Castor out of the way. The tent in his pants grew. Jason was intelligent, sometimes sullen and carried the mannerisms of good breeding in his posture and language. He was rarely rough and took his pleasure from giving pleasure to Penelope herself. He pressed his forehead to hers and she reached out to touch the rides of his nose.

  She’d never allowed herself to indulge that curiosity before and when her fingers rubbed against the ridges, Jason closed his eyes and did something strange for a Devoran — he moaned. A deep, masculine expression of his pleasure escaped his lips involuntarily.

  “What made you do that, jazad?” He whispered.

  “I don’t know. I just… wanted to touch them.”

  “Do it again,” Jason breathed.

  Poppy ran her fingers over the ridges again. His eyes glowed with lunar luminescence, a shocking contrast to his blue skin. Jason bit down on his lower lip.

  “Goodness, you make it so hard to resist you… and everything I was taught.”

  He hurried the rest of her clothes off and pulled his pants down just enough to release the two throbbing swords between his legs.

  “Shouldn’t you be turning me over?” Poppy whispered.

  The last time, she’d felt so good with that big blue cock buried up her ass. Tonight, Jason shook hi
s head.

  “No. I’ve done my research and I want to do it with you… the human way… the alien way.”

  He stared into her eyes as he lined his bigger cock up with her entrance. Poppy didn’t dare look away from her gaze and break the euphoric pleasure that mounted as he inched closer to her, brushing up against her milky entrance with the tip of his hardness.

  The slightly smaller member still grazed her backdoor and Jason’s fingers gripped her ass as he pulled her holes onto his members. This wasn’t exactly the human way, but it was as close as he could ever hope to come.

  Poppy closed her eyes and moaned, grabbing onto his muscled back…

  “Fuck me, Jason,” she whimpered and he drove his cocks home.


  Strong Ajax

  Poppy first assumed their obsession with her was the fleeting interest of conquest. After the first night Jason’s tongue split her thighs opened and she climaxed at his hands, Poppy told herself this would be it.

  The night after her attack, what had happened could be explained away by the heat of the moment. She’d been under duress when the three had come onto her. Those orgasms and the lightness that followed had been the result of her shock — plain and simple.

  Even after that, they hadn’t let up. They claimed to feel her emotions. Poppy wondered why she hadn’t felt theirs. Devorans were typically stoic — male or female they were reserved, appearing cold to most. Even Pallas who loved her Uncle Monty appeared so…reserved.

  There was nothing reserved about the way Castor kissed her now. His kisses were desperate and hungry. Jason’s hands roamed over the curve of her hips, which had gotten bonier as she adjusted to the new foods on the ice planet. Ajax enjoyed pressing his tongue to her shoulder through her clothes as Castor kissed her eager lips.

  Poppy knew she should stay focused. University wasn’t supposed to be about boys, let alone three boys at once. Especially here. She'd come to Devor to save Earth, not to let three stupid boys fall in love with her.


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