Secret Hunger (The Harper Sisters)

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Secret Hunger (The Harper Sisters) Page 31

by Satin Russell

  Carefully, she cracked an eye open, and waited for the ensuing pain to abate before taking stock of her surroundings. The view of a white popcorn ceiling rewarded her for her efforts. Without moving her head, she rotated her eyes to the right.

  The room had wood paneling, and there was a musty odor in the air she hadn’t noticed before. The only light came from a small bedside lamp emitting a dingy yellow light from the far corner of the room.

  Gingerly, she tested her feet, and was discouraged to find they were also bound again. Even more disconcerting was the fact that her arms and legs were bare. Cool air caused her skin to break out in goose bumps. Well, that and fear.

  She could feel some kind of silky fabric slide across her torso, so she knew she wasn’t completely nude, but it definitely wasn’t the comforting feel of cotton from the jeans and t-shirt she had been wearing.

  That meant someone had undressed her and changed her clothes while she was unconscious.

  The thought had her breath catching all over again, her heart beating an unsteady staccato. Each pulse caused her head to hurt. Her mind fiercely shied away from all of the possible things that may have happened while she’d been unaware.

  Don’t think about that! Her inner voice admonished.

  Once again, she found herself mentally berating herself for falling into the trap. She may as well have served herself up on a silver platter.

  Stop it!

  That line of thinking wasn’t going to help either. With another deep breath, she brought herself back to the situation at hand. She only hoped there would be enough time for self-recriminations later.

  With her eyes closed, she started to listen for any clues to where she was. There was someone moving around in what sounded like the kitchen. Water was running in the sink. She thought she could hear the faint, tinny sounds of a radio coming from the other room.

  She shivered as a light breeze came from the slightly cracked window to the left and above her. Outside, all she could hear was the rustle of wind in trees, and what sounded like water lapping.

  Desperately, she strained to hear any other sounds of civilization. A car door slamming, voices, television…but there was nothing. So, not in a town or city. Her heart dropped. It felt like there wasn’t anybody but her and the person in the kitchen around for miles. Probably why he’d felt safe enough to leave the window cracked slightly open.

  What was she going to do, even if she did manage to get away?

  Her heart sunk as she reached that realization just as the floorboards creaked. She could hear footsteps, treading down what she assumed was a hallway.

  Quickly, Olivia shut her eyes. She struggled to remain still and breathe slowly and deeply, hoping he would think she was still passed out.

  The door creaked slightly as it was opened and she could sense his presence as he loomed over her.

  Calm, deep breaths…nice and slow…she forced herself to concentrate on the words, ruthlessly reigning in her need to panic.

  Hot breath brushed across her cheek as he leaned down close to her, and inhaled deeply. Was he smelling her? Every hair on her neck stood up as he lingered there. It was all she could do not to flinch away or turn her head.

  Keep breathing, nice and slow…

  After another minute that felt like eternity, he stood upright. He hadn’t said anything. Hadn’t touched her, or hurt her. Yet, as she heard him sigh and walk out the door, Olivia had never felt so terrified.

  She knew pretending she was passed out wasn’t going to be an option for much longer. Cautiously, she opened her eyes, more frantic than ever to get out of her bonds.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Robert regretted not being able to play with his acquisition just yet, but he’d left the car in front of the cabin and needed to park it in the back and get it covered.

  Besides, having her unconscious took all the fun out of the experience.

  He put his coat and boots on and stepped out into the crisp, frigid air. Pausing on the front porch, he inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent of pine and snow. Night had fallen fully now, and he could see the diamond point stars from the clearing his cabin sat in. The lake had begun to freeze around the edges, but he could still hear the water gently lapping off in the distance.

  It brought back memories of staying with his grandfather after his mom had died from her whore’s disease. He remembered the nightly lectures about how his mom had been a sinner, destined to end the way she had.

  All women were transgressors, he’d learned. They couldn’t help it, being the vessels of original sin. It was man’s obligation to show a woman the error of her ways and help her find a righteous path. If she refused, then it was his duty to discipline and guide her.

  It had been a relief to Robert to discover his role in life.

  The years spent with the older man had been austere and strict, but in the end, better than anything he’d ever known previously. If only his grandfather could see him now, and appreciate the level he had taken his teachings to.

  Shaking off his musings, he trudged out to the car and pulled it around to the back. He laughed when he glimpsed the broken taillight again. That had been quite a surprise when he’d first arrived at the cabin.

  He’d even hesitated for a moment before opening the trunk, not knowing what to expect. It had been amusing to find she’d managed to knock herself out with the very same weapon she’d undoubtedly been planning to use on him.

  He was going to have to really watch this one. Breaking her spirit and getting her trained was going to be a real accomplishment. His heart beat faster in anticipation.

  Clever, tricky girl.

  With the car taken care of, Robert had a bounce in his step as he walked towards the front of the house. Before letting himself in, he took a moment to listen for anything unusual. Satisfied with the familiar night sounds around him, he passed through the doorway and headed back towards the bedroom.

  Time for sleeping beauty to wake up.

  Now that he had his wayward angel safely secured, he didn’t feel the need to rush. In fact, he wanted to savor the moment and fully enjoy this first night with her. He felt confident that nobody would be able to find them there at the cabin.

  Quietly, he made his way back to the bedroom and cracked the door again. Peering in, he admired the way her figure looked, stretched out and welcoming him. His eyes traced where the silk and lace curved around her body, revealing as much as it concealed.

  Frustrated, he noticed her eyes were still closed. He let his gaze linger on her face, and with a sudden flick of his wrist, slammed the bedroom door shut. Satisfied, he watched as she jolted with the shock of sound. Aha, so she was playing possum. He’d thought as much.

  Robert approached the bed and traced his hand down the center line between her breasts, enjoying the way she quivered under his touch. Fascinated, his eyes soaked in the swath of creamy flesh revealed as his hand slid aside the silky teddy he’d dressed her in.

  He’d always known she’d be beautiful in emerald green. It really was the right choice. He’d have to make sure she wore more jewel tones. No more of those ugly, shapeless chef coats. Of course, nobody but him would be allowed to see her like this.

  Looking back to her face, it didn’t surprise him to find her staring. He’d like to think it was passion he saw there, but wasn’t that delusional. He had seen the way she’d looked at that detective. Robert promised himself that she would learn to look at him that way and forget all about the other guy.

  With bottom lip trembling, she opened her lush lips. “Robert, please…please, don’t hurt me.”

  His eyes widened slightly when she mentioned his name, and then took on a satisfied gleam. “I see you already know my name. That’s good. That means you probably already know what I can do, as well.” He leaned in, forcing her to meet his eyes. “You’re mine. The sooner you learn that, the better off you’ll be.”

  He looked down her body distastefully and grimaced. “I can smell the stink
of that pig on you. How could you have let him defile you like that?”

  Her voice caught on a sob. “Let me go…”

  Hot, fierce rage filled him instantly. Didn’t she know how lucky she was? He was going to make her one of his chosen few. His eyes narrowed into cruel slits as his fingers squeezed her breast until she gasped in shock and pain. Desperately, she twisted her hips away from him, trying to dislodge his hand from her chest.

  Robert grabbed her hair and pulled it back, causing her to keen in agony. Silver tears streaked down her cheeks and dripped from her chin.

  He twisted her hair just a little bit more, reveling in his dominance over her. “Look at me. You’re MINE now. I will not allow you to be contaminated like that ever again.”

  The whole world narrowed down to the place on her scalp where he gripped her hair. Olivia’s already throbbing head began to clatter and wail. Black spots floated across her vision and for a moment she was afraid she might pass out again. Every sensation, every nerve ending, blared in protest.

  The feeling overwhelmed her as her mind grasped for a solution. She was afraid to say the wrong thing and get him even angrier. On the other hand, she hesitated to be too welcoming, either.

  Robert let go of her hair in disgust. Breathing heavily, he stood with his back to her and made an obvious attempt to calm himself.

  Olivia thought back to the conversation she’d had with Mason during dinner all those weeks ago. He’d said that most obsession stalkers grew irate when the person they’d been harboring fantasies for didn’t act in the way they were supposed to.

  Revulsion rose in her. She was acutely cognizant of her vulnerable position, splayed across the bed, her limbs spread-eagled. The thought of playing along sickened and terrified her.

  Just then, he turned to her and raked his eyes across her body. Gulping back another sob and resisting her natural instinct to fight, she gave a shy, tentative smile, instead. “I- I’m sorry that you’re not pleased. If you unbind me, I can go freshen up for you, if you’d like.”

  Suspicion and lust warred in his gaze as he looked at her shrewdly. Trying not to let her disgust show in her eyes, she held still under his scrutiny. Olivia barely curbed the urge to flinch as he raised his hand and gently stroked her hair, following the strands down to the side of her breast.

  All the while, his eyes never left hers—testing her. “I like that idea.”

  Robert moved to undo the bindings at her feet, pausing to wrap his hand around her ankle and stroke her calf. Adopting a light, conversational tone, he continued, “I really hope this isn’t a game you’re playing. I think you’ll learn very quickly that I don’t suffer games.”

  Unsure of how to respond to that, she opted for the prudent path and stayed quiet. As it was, she could barely keep alert with the all-consuming pain in her head. No doubt she was suffering from a concussion by this point and wondered how much more her poor abused skull could handle.

  After a moment, he resumed untying the knots around her ankle. He gripped her foot firmly in his hands once it was released. She lay there, uncomfortably aware of the fact that the slip he’d dressed her in was slowly inching up her thigh as he held her leg at an angle.

  She could tell that he’d noticed it too by the way his glance strayed to the betraying fabric. He ran his fingers up her leg, along the inside of her knee, and began to slowly trail it up her thigh.

  No, no, no, no….chanted in Olivia’s head. Her other foot was still bound, her arms still tied above her head. There would be nothing she could do if he decided to go forward with the intent showing in his eyes.

  Desperate to stop his questing hand, she cleared her throat. “N-n-no game, R-Robert. I promise. You said you could still smell Mason on me. I just want to make sure I’m pleasing to you.”

  At her reference to the other man, he got a dark scowl on his face. Angrily, he reached up and twisted her nipple. She yelped in pain and surprise, stunned by the casual viciousness constantly lurking just below his surface.

  “NEVER say his name again. Don’t even refer to him, do you understand me? As far as you’re concerned he no longer exists!”

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” her voice rose higher and higher in pitch as he dug his nails into her tender skin. He seemed to take pleasure in watching her beg and plead. With one final wrench, he released her.

  Sobbing, she turned her face away as he lifted his hand to her cheek. Entranced by her reaction, he caught a tear tenuously dangling from one of her lashes and delicately licked it off his finger tip. Olivia closed her eyes. She couldn’t stand to see the dark joy in his expression as he tasted her tears.

  He caught her chin between his forefinger and thumb and forced her to look directly at him. The fear he found in her eyes must have pleased him, because one moment he was twisting his mouth cruelly and the next he was smiling gently at her.

  “Let’s finish getting you unwrapped so you can go tidy yourself up for me, shall we?”

  Afraid of setting him off again, Olivia slowly nodded her head. Satisfied, he began working on her other foot. Thankfully, much to her relief, he seemed distracted from his earlier foray up her leg.

  Once her limbs were free, he gently eased her up. He let her get her bearings for a moment, even helped to rub sensation back into her hands. She sat docilely on the bed and stared down at the top of his head as he squatted before her, rubbing one of her feet. She briefly considered trying to kick him in the nose and make a run for it.

  He must have sensed her thoughts, because suddenly he was looking up and pinned her with a stare. “Are you going to be a good girl?”

  It became readily apparent this wasn’t a good opportunity for her to attempt escape. Not only was she slightly dizzy from having her head knocked about so hard, but he was much stronger and had a fifty pound advantage on her physically. One wrong move and she’d find herself trussed up like a turkey again. Or worse.

  No, she’d do better to work up his trust in her, first. Maybe she could get him to relax his guard a little. She smiled tremulously at him. “Yes, Robert, I’ll be a good girl. It’s just that I’ve been laying in that trunk for hours, and my arms and legs can barely move.”

  He seemed pleased with her answer. She began to realize that he liked hearing her say his name, and mentally filed the information away.

  Olivia kept her hands clenched down by her sides and struggled not to flinch when he leaned forward and kissed her directly on the mouth. She desperately hoped he wouldn’t try to take things any further.

  Thankfully, after a moment he leaned back and stood up from where he was crouched before her. For a split second, she hesitated before taking his proffered hand and allowing him to help her up from the bed. Her first instinct had been to bat it away and run.

  Instead, she graciously smiled and accepted his assistance, reminding herself that she needed him to lower his guard. She cautiously moved to walk around him and towards the door. Logically, she knew he could force himself on her anywhere, but being in a bedroom with him felt too dangerous.

  Just as she thought he’d let her move past him, he yanked her up against his body, running his hands down her back, and ground his pelvis against hers.

  Reflexively, she closed her eyes, bit her lip, and cringed. She could feel he was already aroused, stabbing her intimately. The thin barrier of cloth separating their bodies was woefully insufficient, and yet Olivia found herself intensely grateful for its presence.

  She tried to refrain from shrinking away further as he leaned close and smelled her hair. Every cell in her body screamed to knee him in the groin and dash out the door.

  “You don’t know how I’ve longed to hold you like this, my angel. Do you feel how right it is between us? You were meant for me.” He pulled back to look at her, but whatever he saw in her eyes made his face darken.

  Sensing the change in his mood, she rushed to say, “Forgive me, Robert. My head is still pounding painfully. I really think I’ll feel bett
er after I’ve had a chance to freshen up.”

  Holding her breath, she watched the tumult of emotions cross his face and let out a relieved exhale when his brow finally cleared.

  Tenderly, he pressed another kiss to her mouth. “Oh, my poor dear. Of course, you’re right. How inconsiderate of me.” He led her down the hallway to a little bathroom on the right. When she reached for the door, hoping to close it, he stopped her. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea. You’ve just suffered a concussion, my angel. What if you fell in the shower?”

  Her heart plummeted. There was no way she was going to be able to do anything with the door open. She stammered. “B-but, Robert, I can’t use the facilities with the door open.”

  “Why not?” he asked suspiciously. She put her best flirtatious smile on and tried to remember what it meant to be coquettish. She had never been much of a flirt at the best of times, and this situation was hardly conducive to that behavior.

  “A woman has to have a little mystery, don’t you think?” Forcing herself to take a step closer to him, she ran her fingers along the buttons of his shirt. “How can there be any allure if you see me do my business? Let me get myself ready for you.”

  Reluctantly, he agreed to let her use the bathroom, cautioning her not to lock the door, or he’d ‘take the whole thing off its hinges, mystery be damned.’

  Demurring, she stepped into the bathroom and gently shut the door in his face. She pressed her back against it and stuffed her knuckles in her mouth, struggling to muffle the sobs that attempted to climb up her throat. Tears raced down her cheeks, silent banners of the overwhelming dread that threatened to crush her.

  Robert pounded on the door, causing her to jump. “Don’t take too long, Olivia. I will come in and get you.”

  “I won’t!” Hastily, she swiped the tears from her eyes and squared her shoulders. There wasn’t enough time to indulge in wallowing. She needed to take this opportunity to find a way to escape.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Mason raked his fingers through his hair for the hundredth time in an hour. What was happening to Olivia right now? His imagination was going crazy with all the possibilities, none of them good.


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