Clutching it in her hand, Kayla took off down the hall, squealing when she realized I was hot on her heels. Once we got to my room, I tackled her and we both went down on the bed, the paper crushed between our heaving chests.
The room was dark, but there was enough light spilling in from the hallway for me to see the mischievous grin on her face.
“Honesty,” she reminded me in a sing-song voice.
I let out a growl, but she wasn’t wrong. I was starting to question my suggestion that we be open with each other, but it was too late to take it back now.
Fuck it. If we were going to be honest, might as well let her see it all.
“Fine.” Rolling onto my back, I flung an arm over my eyes because I didn’t want to watch her face when she realized how pathetic I was.
Seconds ticked by.
“Well, I’m a little upset about number one,” Kayla finally deadpanned. “I refuse to be the only psycho in this relationship. Fun fact: I was searching Amazon for binoculars so I can creep on you from my dorm.”
Surprised, I lifted my arm to see humor in her eyes.
“Are you being serious?” I asked.
“Sadly, yes.”
“You don’t have to spend money on that. I’ll give you a key and you can creep on me anytime. In person.”
Her amused expression turned serious. “You’d give me a key to your place?”
“Sure.” I shrugged. “You’re welcome to hang out here even when I’m not home. It’s gotta be better than being in that prison cell across the street, and I bet Pierre would like the company.”
“Okay.” Hugging the paper to her chest, she softly said, “I like the number four the best.”
Gently taking it from her, I put it on the nightstand and rolled her until she was lying on her back. I needed to follow through with the last item.
“You’re my favorite.” I kissed her lips. “You’re my favorite.” Dragging my mouth down her jaw, I sucked at a spot on her neck. “You’re my—”
I got cut off when Kayla moaned, her hips jerking forward. Her thigh pressed against my hard-on and I groaned. Definitely ready for round two.
“I want you so bad,” she whispered shakily, bunching my T-shirt in her hands.
Bracing myself on my elbows, I lifted my head to look at her heavy-lidded eyes. Parted lips. Flushed cheeks.
“How do you feel about taking things slow?” I asked, then laid all my cards out on the table. “I want everything with you right fucking now. I want you naked. Under me. Over me. I want it all. But we can wait for as long as you want.”
She gave me an incredulous look. “I think waiting is the most ridiculous idea ever. If it was up to me, we would’ve been doing this a long time ago.”
Moving this fast was crazy, but I didn’t care. She was right—we’d held back long enough.
“I love you.” I pressed my forehead to hers. “I’m so fucking deep in love with you. That won’t ever change.”
Her eyes shimmered as she smiled. “I love you, too.”
Sitting up, I scooted to the edge of the bed and guided Kayla over to straddle me.
With our faces just inches apart, so much passed between us as I surrendered my heart to her. Friendship. Love. Trust. Something even deeper—soul mates.
This was it.
The moment I’d been dreaming about.
Kayla was more than willing, and I was ready…
But suddenly, I didn’t know where to go from here. No amount of internet searches could teach someone how to make love. All my old insecurities rose to the surface to form one question: What if I wasn’t good enough?
Kayla must have been able to read the fear on my face because she spoke up first.
“Tell me what to do,” she whispered, rubbing a finger over my bottom lip. “Just talk to me, and don’t hold back. We’re both starting from scratch here. We can learn together.”
Nodding, I licked my dry lips. I liked the sound of that.
Holding onto her thighs, I slid her off my lap. Now that she was standing in front of me, my face level with her tits, and I knew what I wanted first.
“Take off your shirt,” I told her, my voice husky and deep.
Her fingers went to the gray hem, pulling upward. Slowly, inch by inch of her smooth skin was revealed. I was mesmerized by her shape. Flat stomach. Flared hips. I could see those faint tan lines peeking out over the top of her bra.
The soft fabric silently hit the floor.
“Your bra.” I cleared my throat. “Then your pants.”
Reaching around her back, she quickly unhooked the purple contraption that surely would’ve taken me minutes to undo. The loose straps slid down her arms.
And I lost the ability to breathe.
I couldn’t take my eyes off her perky bare tits. They weren’t more than a handful, but they were round and firm-looking. And I got my answer about her nipples—they were darker than her skin. A beautiful brownish-pink.
Some of the glitter from the how-to list had transferred to her chest, and the green specks sparkled as brightly as her eyes.
Fidgeting under my stare, she asked, “Should we put on some music or something?”
“No. I wanna be able to hear it when you moan for me.”
“Oh,” she breathed out, taken off-guard by the raw need in my voice.
Captivated, I studied the hitch of Kayla’s breath and the way her nipples hardened. My words were turning her on, and that made me feel something so foreign, it took me a second to recognize what it was.
The ability to affect her body and her emotions was mine. She was giving me her trust. Her heart.
A surge of adrenaline rushed through me as my dick got impossibly harder.
I wasn’t used to people bending to my will; I’d never demanded it before, never been given that kind of power.
But Kayla was giving it to me. She was letting me call the shots.
It was invigorating. Like something inside of me was awakening. Being in charge wasn’t something I’d experienced much, but I liked it.
A lot.
Her fingers went to the button on her jeans. With a flick, the zipper was coming down.
Her hips did a really-fucking-cute wiggle as she pushed the denim down, leaving her in purple lace panties. Kicking her clothes to the side, she stepped toward the bed.
“Wait,” I said, the command coming out harsher than I’d meant to. But I needed her to stay right where she was so I could look my fill. “Let me see you for a minute.”
“Okay,” she whispered. The slight shake in her voice was the only indication she was nervous.
Letting her arms fall to her sides, she boldly allowed me to study every inch of her. Toned thighs led down to slender calves and delicate ankles. The teal nail polish on her toes was chipped, and I found it endearing. Kayla had never been much of a girly-girl. Not a tomboy either. Somewhere in between.
But the place I wanted to see most was hidden. “Your panties need to come off, too.”
Nodding, she hooked her thumbs under the sides and let them drop.
“Holy shit,” I whispered, my dick jumping at the sight before me.
The trimmed patch of hair at the apex of her thighs was the same color as the curls on her head. I’d thought about that particular area of her body so many times, it was surreal seeing it in person, mere feet away from my face.
My erection throbbed, and I palmed the front of my jeans, silently willing it to calm the fuck down.
“Come here.” I reached for her waist as she stepped between my legs.
Resting my forehead between her breasts, I nuzzled her soft belly with my nose. The sugary scent she always carried with her drove me crazy.
Trailing my lips over the swell of her right tit, I latched onto her stiffened peak and gave it a firm suck.
Kayla moaned, threading her fingers through my hair. “Ezra, I need you. I can’t wait anymore.”
released her nipple with a pop, then patted the bed behind me. “Lie down for me.”
As her knees landed on the mattress, I stood up to watch her eagerly crawl to the middle and get on her back. My dark blue sheets and comforter were wrinkled and rumpled from being slept in the night before. I’d never been one to make my bed in the mornings, but I was too turned on to be self-conscious about the tidiness of my place.
Kayla Reynolds was in my bed.
“Spread your legs,” I ordered, and she obeyed. Her smooth thighs parted, knees bent and feet planted wide. Her slick pussy was glistening in the low light coming from the hallway.
“Get naked.” She hitched her chin at me. “This is so unfair.”
I chuckled. She didn’t have to tell me twice.
Stripping in record time, I added my shirt and pants to Kayla’s pile. I slowly dragged my boxer briefs down and my cock bobbed out. Kayla’s eyes were wide as they roamed my length, and I could see a hint of fear there.
Clearly, she’d been both afraid and impressed by my size. I knew I wasn’t small down there. It wasn’t something I ever flaunted, because my dick wasn’t anyone’s business. Except Kayla’s. It could be her business anytime she wanted it to be.
After chucking the last article of clothing to the floor, I had an idea.
“You should get on top first.” I gave my dick a tug as I edged toward the bed.
“Why?” she responded, unable to take her gaze off my erection.
“I don’t want to hurt you. This way, you can go at your own pace.”
Nodding, Kayla moved over and I took her place, lying back until my head hit the pillows. Then she threw a leg over me, her pussy hovering above my knees.
She was too far away.
“Gotta get closer.” Grabbing her knees, I hauled her toward me and the tip of my cock nudged her mound.
She gasped. “I like you like this.”
“Like what?”
“Bossy. Demanding.” Her hands fell to the mattress on either side of my waist as she leaned forward, putting her face just inches from mine. “This honesty thing is really working for you.”
“You can be that way, too. Tell me what you want. What you’re thinking. Let me know what feels good.”
Taking a moment to consider my words, she sat back. Her fingertips roamed my upper body, gliding over my shoulders and down my pecs.
Self-conscious, I stiffened a little. I’d lost a lot of weight and gained muscle, but I knew my abs weren’t made of steel. I was completely exposed to her, and her opinion mattered to me.
“Hey,” she said softly, drawing my eyes up to hers. “Before the summer… I loved the way you looked then. And I love you now. I love every version of you.”
It was exactly what I needed to hear, but like the greedy bastard I was, I wanted more.
I wanted forever. “How long will you love me?”
That one whispered word sealed the deal. Cupping the back of her neck, I pulled her down to me. Our mouths met in a frenzy and my tongue pushed past the seam of her lips.
While we made out, Kayla’s hips began moving, her hot entrance seeking friction and contact. Smooth wet skin dragged over my shaft, and I could feel a bead of precum gathering at my tip.
“Hang on a sec.” Sitting up, I leaned toward the nightstand and grabbed a condom from the drawer.
I was just about to tear it open when Kayla stopped me, putting her hand over mine.
“Is it bad if I don’t want you to use it? I’m on birth control.”
Stunned, I remained silent and stared at the square package. Being inside her bare hadn’t even been an option in my mind, but now that she’d presented it as a possibility I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.
Taking my silence as a bad thing, she looked away. “Sorry. I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable. It’s just that I’m responsible about taking my pill and I really want to feel you. All of you.”
I barked out a laugh at her shyness and tossed the condom back into the drawer. “You should know by now that I’ll give you anything you want.”
“I want this.” She gripped my dick and pressed the head against her entrance.
Falling back against the pillows, I was completely at her mercy.
“Are you sure you’re ready?” It was my last attempt at giving her an easy out.
“I’ve been ready,” she said impatiently through gritted teeth.
And then she began to sink down on me. She was so wet that I slid right in, but soon there was a resistance. Lifting up a little, she came back down.
As my cock inched in further, a pained grunt flew from her lips while a gasp of pure pleasure left mine. My hands gently gripped her thighs as she worked to fit me inside of her.
After she rocked a few more times, I was all the way in, her ass cheeks resting against my heavy balls.
Kayla’s top half came down, pressing our chests together.
I kissed her forehead and caressed her back with feather-light touches while her body adjusted to the intrusion.
Holding my eyes shut, I tried not to think about how good it felt. It didn’t seem fair that I would get to enjoy this part when it was painful for Kayla.
But fuuuck.
Having her impossibly tight warmth wrapped around my cock, being connected to her in the most intimate way possible… It was the best experience of my life.
My rapid heartbeat pumped blood to my lower half, my pulse throbbing inside her. When I placed my hand at her neck, I could feel her heart beating in time with mine.
“Don’t move yet,” I whispered, not wanting to blow my load before we’d barely gotten started. “I need a minute.”
“It’s okay. I need a minute, too.” Her voice shook, and that’s when I realized she was trembling all over.
And so was I.
So much that our bodies were vibrating together.
“Hey.” I brushed a hand over her hair, moving her head back so I could look at her face. Pain was something I was well acquainted with, and I recognized it in the tight press of her lips. “Are you okay? We can stop if you want.”
She shook her head, taking a deep breath to compose herself.
Concerned, I started stroking her anywhere I could reach—her face, her neck, her shoulder—like somehow my touch could take her pain away.
“It’s not that bad. I’m just feeling emotional.” She swiped at her eyes. “Shit. I’m ruining it, aren’t I?”
“Kayla, you couldn’t ruin it if you tried.” I gave her a rakish grin. “I’m having a pretty good fucking time right now.”
That made her laugh. And that also made her snug walls flutter around me as her inner muscles flexed.
“Fuck, baby,” I groaned and wrapped my arms around her waist, causing her tits to push up against my chest.
She made a sound of satisfaction. “Call me baby again.”
“Baby,” I murmured against her neck, nipping at the sensitive skin over her pulse point.
I could actually feel her tight walls spasm around my dick as she got wetter. Hotter. It turned her on when I called her that.
“Baby,” I rasped again, moving to the other side of her throat.
Her answering moan vibrated on my lips as I kissed her caramel skin. I rubbed my nose along her jawline, inhaling her sweet scent, thinking about how I could’ve been content to stay just like this all night
Then she moved, lifting her hips up and sinking back down, and I knew I was wrong. After feeling her slide over me like that, staying still was no longer an option.
I told my body to stay still, but it didn’t listen. Holding onto her thighs I rocked slightly, pushing myself deeper.
She gasped.
Closing my eyes, I forced myself to stop.
I grunted out an incoherent response.
“Can you do that again?”
This time I opened my eyes, locked my gaze with hers, and braced a h
and on her waist as I drove up into her.
Her plump lips fell open, but no sound came out. I wanted those sounds. Every gasp, moan, and whimper belonged to me.
In a smooth move that even had me impressed, I flipped our bodies over, staying inside her while I settled on top.
Bracing my hand on the edge of the mattress above her head, I began rocking into her with slow shallow thrusts. Every slick sweep into her body made me shudder.
Damn it, I wasn’t going to last long. I wanted to make it good for her, but the way her slick walls gripped my dick like a vise had me getting way too close to the finish line. I needed to concentrate on something other than that.
“Talk to me,” I panted. “Tell me what you like.”
“I—I guess I don’t know what I like yet.”
Fair enough. I was determined to figure it out, so I watched her, focusing on every little clue her body gave me.
When I ground my pelvis against hers, she whimpered. When I raised her knees up, she gasped. When I went slower, she sighed.
“Oh my God,” she breathed out. “I love this. I never want to stop.”
I groaned, her words bringing me closer to coming. “Keep talking like that and it’s gonna be over really soon.”
Lacing our fingers, I pinned her hands to the mattress above her head. I forced myself to take my time, the drag of my cock leisurely and lazy as I kissed her with the same painfully slow pace.
Arching, she squeezed my hands. Sweat beaded on our foreheads. Our bodies pushed and pulled at each other like magnets.
We were both lost in each other, and I was shocked at how easy sex was. It wasn’t a complicated act. But maybe that’s just how it went when you were with the right person.
Being with Kayla was as natural as breathing.
“You’re perfect,” I told her between kisses. “Everything about you is perfect.”
She responded by digging her heels into my ass, demanding that I go faster. I almost laughed. So impatient.
“What do you want?” I asked her, needing the words.
“More,” she moaned. “Faster. Make me come.”
I could do that.
When I let go of Kayla’s hand, her arm immediately snaked between our bodies and she rubbed at her clit, intent on getting off.
“What are you doing?” I whispered harshly, even though I knew the answer.
OUTCAST: A Good Guys Novel Page 14