Love & Rum

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Love & Rum Page 8

by Dani McLean

  My pulse kicked up a notch.

  I tried to scan the room for Audrey, but there were too many people, and I couldn’t get a good look behind the bar. I’d have to get closer.

  “Are you looking for someone, or am I boring you?”


  Here I was with one of the leading directors in show business, and he thought that I was ignoring him.

  Terry was going to kill me.

  “Of course not, Mr. Michaels.” I scrambled to apologize. “Sorry, I thought I saw something. It’s not important.”

  “I’m not so sure,” he said, now looking in the same direction. And was that amusement I could hear in his voice? “Someone seems to be trying very hard to get your attention.”

  I followed his line of sight to where Tiffany was now motioning very tersely.

  Addison chuckled, “A friend of yours?”

  “More like a mutual acquaintance,” I needed to get over there before Tiffany made a scene, but I didn’t want to offend Addison by running off. Tiffany made a giving-up gesture while shaking her head and turned back to the bar. I made a decision.

  Hopefully, Addison was a romantic.

  “I, uh, there’s a woman. Amazing, smart, beautiful. And a friend of my acquaintance over there. She’s helping me fix a mistake I made, which it’s hopefully not too late to make up for. But unfortunately, it means I’ll have to cut our conversation short.”

  He considered me, and I wondered what exactly he thought of me at that moment.

  “Love is a fool’s game, and we are all fools for it.“ Addison’s lips had quirked into a smile, so I didn’t think I’d horrified the man beyond ever hiring me, but he was so hard to read it was impossible to tell.

  “I wish you luck with your friend,” he added.

  “Thank you again. It’s been great meeting you. I really hope we can talk again about Parker. It’s a fantastic role.”

  He shook my outstretched hand, “It’s been interesting, to say the least, Mr. Ward.” Then he was off, presumably to talk to someone who wasn’t too distracted to talk to him.

  It was fine. Terry would no doubt kick my ass, but at least he didn’t seem offended.

  Fighting my way over to the bar, I sat. Tiffany appeared out of nowhere. “Time’s up, pretty boy. She just walked in.”

  Adrenaline buzzed through me. I wasn’t even bothered by the stupid nickname she refused to stop calling me. It was growing on me, not that I’d let Tiffany know.

  Meanwhile, she’d already returned to the other end of the bar and begun talking animatedly to someone as she kept an eye on the servers.

  No, not someone. Audrey.

  Her hair was tied up, bringing sharp focus to her bright eyes and soft lips, which she’d painted a shade of red that sent my blood rushing south. She was as beautiful as I’d remembered.

  Fuck, I’d really been an idiot to leave that morning. I needed not to mess this up.

  Audrey’s laugh cut through the noise in the room, a familiar sound I’d been replaying to myself since I’d last seen her, and I swear to God, my heart skipped.

  It was the moment her eyes met mine across the bar that I felt my confidence restoring itself. Recognition, surprise, then thankfully, joy and lust played over her features, and I knew that no matter how this ended, I wasn’t the only one who had been remembering our night together.

  “Fancy running into you again.” She shot an incredulous look over her shoulder at Tiffany. “Can I get you a drink?”

  “Thanks. I have it on good authority that the drinks are pretty good here.” What the hell. One wouldn’t hurt. “What would you recommend?”

  She hummed, making a show of thinking it over while smiling at me. “There’s a rum-based one topped up with sparkling wine. It’s one of my favorites.”

  “In that case, how could I refuse?”

  I watched as she made it, enjoying having a moment to re-familiarize myself with the little details of her. That plush lower lip that I knew felt so good between my teeth. Nimble fingers that could be equally gentle and rough. That careful concentration that she appeared to give everything she did.

  Damn, it was good to see her again.

  When she passed the finished drink to me, I brought it up to my lips slowly and sniffed, but there wasn’t anything discerning coming off the drink. Taking a sip, I tasted lemon and thyme, lightened by the bubbles and a tangy alcoholic twist.

  “Good?” She asked hesitantly.

  “Amazing,” I said, taking another sip. “It’s good to see you again.”

  Her smile widened. “You, too. I didn’t think I would, after …”

  “But you hoped.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Still as cocky as before, I see.”

  “You wouldn’t want me to change. You like me like this.”

  “Is that what you think?” She said playfully.

  “It’s what I remember. Among other things.” I didn’t miss the flush of her cheeks at that.

  She moved to serve some others before Tiffany shooed her back in my direction.

  “So what brings you back here?” She asked, leaning comfortably on the counter between us.

  I gestured to the crowd. “Work does. The agency I’m managed by wanted to get a few people together.”

  “This is a few people?” The bar was entirely too packed.

  “One or two.” Her hands rested on the bar near mine, and I reached out to brush her knuckles. “What about you? Did you decide you needed a side hustle? Not making enough selling booze during the day, so you have to do it at night, too?”

  Her head titled back as she laughed, sharp and light. “Shows how much you remember. I don’t sell booze during the day. I market and distribute, thank you very much. Besides, I’m only here to meet cute guys.”

  “Oh, really? Any luck?”

  She slumped down, playing up a resigned shake of her head. “Sadly, no.”

  We were interrupted as Wes arrived at my side, asking Audrey for a beer. He turned to me. “Oh, man, I’m going to split soon. Think anyone will notice?”

  I shrugged noncommittally. “Probably not. Do you have somewhere better to be?”

  “Yeah, if I can get out of here soon enough, I can get between two sexy numbers.”

  “Six and nine?” Audrey asked. She was back with Wes’ beer, and we both looked confused for long enough that she clarified, “Two sexy numbers?”

  Wes cracked up, laying an extra bill on the bar as a tip. He motioned towards her. “I like this one. Nice work.”

  I shoved him away with one hand, “Yeah, yeah. Get out of here.”

  After another hour, Tiffany finally managed to convince Audrey that she wasn’t actually needed, and she joined me on the other side of the bar so we could talk without getting interrupted.

  So, of course, Terry appeared. “There’s the next McConaughey.” He turned to Audrey, studying her. “You’re cute, do you act?”

  She shook her head. “No, I market alcohol.”

  “Pity, I could find you some really steady ad work.” He stuck his hand out, “I’m Terry, his agent.”

  “Audrey Adams,” Audrey said, shaking his hand with an open smile. “Can I ask why McConaughey? I mean, I guess I can kind of see a resemblance, the sandy hair, the blue eyes …” Even though she was referring to me, her attention never left him, her tone warm and friendly.

  “He’s a great actor, don’t you agree? Largely made a career out of his looks until he was only really being cast as the romantic lead, not unlike our J here. But then he surprised everyone with a series of smaller serious roles that he knocked out of the park. Took his career in a whole new direction. Proved pretty isn’t always all there is.”

  “Wow.” Yeah, wow. How had I never heard this before? Probably because I’d never bothered to ask Terry why he was always using that comparison.

  “Jackson is lucky to have an agent who believes in him so much.” Audrey smiled, and I could see Terry was a little under her spell. Not th
at I could blame him. She must be a killer saleswoman.

  “It’s easy to be. There’s a lot of potential there.” Terry picked up a drink offered by a waitperson walking by, then pointedly added while looking at me, “He just needs to pick his next project so I can do my job and get him to the next stage of his career.”

  “Well, hopefully, some good news comes after tonight.”

  He hummed, hopeful. “Hey, I need to talk to Wes. Have you seen him?”

  “Uh, yeah, he should be around. Somewhere.” I said nonchalantly.

  “I think I saw him in the corner booth,” Audrey added.

  Terry went off in the direction we’d mentioned, leaving Audrey and me alone again. Or as alone as we could be in a sea of a hundred people.

  I normally hated these events, but it was surprisingly fun with Audrey there.

  “So …” Audrey bit her lip, and I fought the urge to lean in and kiss her. “It’s kind of loud in here.”

  I nodded. “Crowded, too.”

  “Yeah. I know somewhere nearby where we could go. Somewhere more intimate.” A small dimple appeared in her cheek when her smile widened enough. I wanted to lick it.

  “Lead the way.”



  This time, my lips were on his before we reached my door.

  Seeing him again had felt a little surreal, although far from a coincidence if I knew Tiff. My heart had damn near stopped when I’d spotted him at the bar, looking like a three-course meal in those tight jeans and button-down.

  I may not have thought I'd ever see Jackson again, but that hadn't stopped me from fantasizing about what I wanted to do with him. And now that I had the chance, I was going to go for it.

  His body was a warm, hard wall against my back as I unlocked the door, and my own body buzzed with energy, my veins filling with a mix of excitement and nerves.

  With my hair tied back, he had ample access to my neck, which he took advantage of, his kisses practically searing my skin. Need coursed through me, stronger than last time. I didn’t have to worry if this would be good. I knew it would be.

  I moved us quickly to my bedroom, and once there, I turned and pulled him close; my hand bunched in his shirt as his slipped around my waist, gripping tight. My senses were overwhelmed, everything in my body firing under his touch.

  His eyes had darkened to a stormy blue as he dipped down to kiss me, and I lost myself to the incessant crash of his lips on mine, his breath hot against my cheek. When his tongue slid across my bottom lip, asking for entry, I granted it, gripping his shirt tighter when my knees weakened beneath me.

  I wanted and needed more. My other hand moved to his waist, and I tugged roughly on his belt, bringing him closer. There was little space between us as it was, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted to feel his skin. I wanted to be enveloped in his strong hard warmth, driven to pleasure by his hands and mouth. I wanted too much at once, and I wanted it all right now.

  I felt him smile against my mouth as I took charge and shuffled out of my pants, all the while steering us toward the bed. One pant leg briefly got stuck around my ankle, making me giggle between breathless kisses.

  Once my knees hit the bed, I laid down and drank in the sight of him before me. Damn, he was sexy. His chest rose with rapid breaths; his pants strained where his erection made itself known. I licked my lips. I couldn't wait to get my mouth on him.

  There was hunger burning in his eyes as they raked over me, studying my body before returning to my face. The corner of his lip quirked.

  Slowly, as if he knew how crazy it made me, he stripped his shirt off, and I waited for him to remove his pants, but instead, he leaned in and buried his face in my neck while his hands gripped my waist, pushing my shirt higher. I pushed against his chest. “Wait, let me.” Then I rolled us over so I could straddle his waist.

  I pulled off my top in a move that was much smoother than I'd planned, exposing my—thankfully—matching navy underwear. They weren't as sexy as the black lace pair I'd worn last time, but I hadn't known I was going to be getting laid when I'd left the house earlier, and honestly, I was about ready to throw out every unsexy bit of lingerie I owned and replace it all if it meant getting a reaction from the gorgeous man under me.

  But I was getting ahead of myself. Just because I wanted there to be a next time didn't mean there would be, so I needed to make the most of right now.

  I dropped my hands to his chest, caressing the smooth skin before venturing lower to outline the contours of his abs with my fingertips. He was a work of art. I may never be able to look at a Greek statue again.

  His grip on me was firm as he kneaded my thighs and ass while I explored. He was allowing me to lead, giving me control of what happened next. I wanted to tell him how much that meant to me, but I didn’t want to ruin the moment, so instead, I showed him.

  I took my time as I continued to map out his body with my hands, enjoying his stomach muscles quiver under my light touch.

  He was solid, his skin intoxicatingly soft, and I wanted to taste it. I leaned down and closed my mouth over one nipple, sucking and smoothing over the peaked bud with my tongue, grounded by how real he felt, smelt, tasted.

  He groaned, rough and raw, and his hands gripped my thighs and ass harder, driving my desire up. We weren’t even naked, and yet I felt myself flushing from head to toe.

  He tried to maneuver me back onto my back, but I clenched my thighs around his hips and held us steady. “Not just yet. There’s something I want to do.”

  He smiled, but I wanted to make sure he was on board. “That ok?”

  “Baby, that’s more than ok.”

  I flushed, thrilled at the pet name. Definitely adding that to the list.

  Unlike the past, where taking care of my partner's needs was the rule and an obligation, with Jackson, I wanted to do it because I knew it was reciprocated and not demanded.

  When I was with him, I wanted to stop thinking. Just … act on instinct, trust my gut at the moment.

  I trailed a series of bites and kisses down his neck, chest, stomach, touching and tasting everywhere I could as I shuffled backward. As I undid his belt, I looked up at him, feeling a rush at being in this position. At having him under my spell.

  He lifted his hips and stepped off the bed to help me pull off his clothes. He stood before me, completely exposed, while I admired his incredible body.

  The absurdity of the situation hit me, and there was a beat where I could practically feel my body fighting off my nervousness.

  As the moment stretched out, I waited for the inevitable complaint. Or command. Brad would have told me to hurry up by now, thoroughly ruining the mood with his tense impatience.

  But Jackson simply licked his lips, eyes raking over me, hungry like he wanted to devour me.

  When his cock twitched in anticipation, I was startled out of my thoughts and huffed a short, embarrassed laugh, but Jackson’s focus was still fixed on me with that hungry smile, and that was what finally set me back in motion.

  I was driven by the need to see him undone. To break that calm exterior and see if I couldn’t make him half as lightheaded as I felt right now.

  Crawling onto the bed, I was of singular focus. My hands brushed along the fine hairs of his thighs, feeling how the thick muscles beneath twitched in anticipation. His cock stood strong, thick, against his belly, the tip shining.

  I was continually humbled by his patience. The inherent power of feeling like I could have my way with him. The kindness in his patience made me want to be bold. To tease.

  Following this desire, I kept my grip loose as I wrapped a hand around the base, just enough pressure that he would feel it. But not enough.

  He cut off a moan, keeping still. The only sign I had of how affected he was, was the curling and unfurling of his toes. I was impressed with his willpower.

  When I made no further movements, his eyes opened, and I waited until our eyes locked before slowly licking him from root to tip. Hi
s jaw clenched, eyes fluttering briefly before pining me with a hungry stare. Still, he remained silent.

  A game, then.

  Maintaining his gaze, I continued to lavish him with my tongue. Then, because I needed to get a reaction from him, needed to hear him, I sucked his tip into my mouth, enjoying the rich, salty taste as it burst across my tongue.

  His groan was guttural, a rumble in the darkness. His body seemed to hum with it, and I felt myself getting wet.

  I doubled my efforts, tightening my grip and taking him deeper into my mouth. My nose brushed against the damp curls at his base, just long enough to hear the grunted “Fuck” fall from Jackson’s lips before I pulled back. My breath was ragged, and my lips were slick with spit, but I’d never felt more powerful, more in control.

  “I fucking love your mouth,” he said, and I knew he felt me smile around his cock. I moaned around him as I picked up the pace, loving the way he responded with a loud moan and a hitch of his hips.

  His hand cradled my head, not grabbing, just holding there, caressing. His thighs trembled, a series of continual flexes that told me he was getting close.

  And I loved how vocal he was about what he liked. Groans, grunts, curses … the lot.

  The way his head fell back in a mix of pleasure and disbelief filled me with a unique kind of pride. Not to mention how fucking hot it was. I just knew I’d be replaying this moment in my fantasies later.

  I lost myself to the pleasure of him. The heat against my tongue. The smell of sweat and sex. The wet sound as I pulled off away, panting against his thigh. The tender feel of his throbbing vein beneath my lips as I trailed kisses along it. The pure euphoria and delight when I brought my lips to his balls, discovering how much he enjoyed it.

  From there, it was only a matter of time before he was coming in my mouth, and I lapped up what I could, wiping my mouth against his leg when it spilled from my lips.

  Despite not finding my own release, I felt as boneless as he was. I crawled up his body and couldn’t help myself from kissing his cheek and whispering, “I’ve wanted to do that since last time.”


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