In Bed with the Devil: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance

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In Bed with the Devil: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance Page 1

by Tia Siren

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Personal Note

  In Bed with the Devil


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39


  First Everything

  Protected by My Boss

  Sleeping with Beauty

  Sneak Peak: The Daddy Dilemma

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  Personal Note

  Hey bad girl,

  Do you remember your first love? I do. I don’t think I’ve ever loved so intensely as I did him. But he broke my heart.

  Mason and Ava will have the most beautiful HEA to make up for all of our broken hearts. I promise!

  And once you finish, you’ll just want to continue reading!

  So I’ve included 3 bonus novels for you: First Everything, a never-before-published story, Protected by my Boss, and Sleeping with Beauty. So much romance in one book!

  So go on. Spoil yourself.




  Copyright © 2018 by Tia Siren; All Rights Reserved.


  In Bed with the Devil

  She loved me once. She hates me now.

  I’ll make her mine again with my devilish charms.

  A gorgeous model is lying on a bed in a luxury furniture store.

  I’m drawn to her curvy silhouette under the sheets.

  Our eyes meet and I’m lost for words.


  I want to do something crazy.

  Lie down next to her – and kiss those lips that were once mine.

  But it’s clear she still hates my guts.

  Blames me for whatever my family did so long ago.

  This sh*t has to stop.

  I’m going to make her mine again.

  Take her to heaven and back.

  Love her like an angel.

  But she thinks I’m the devil.

  So first, I’ll get her right where I want her… in my bed.



  10 Years Ago


  I didn’t used to be the devil.

  I was eighteen and I knew Ava was the one. If anything was ever going to happen between the two of us, that day was going to be the day. We had known each other our whole lives, and I had always been in love with her. Maybe it was young love, the reckless kind, or so my parents liked to refer to it as, but it didn’t feel reckless; it felt heavenly.

  Ava was curvy, had big hips, was still going through the young juggling of our hormones. She was self-conscious with everyone else, especially since most of our friends were rich and perfect and constantly talked about it. With me, though, she let down her guard, let me see her for who she really was. And I loved everything about her.

  I had asked her over under the premise that we would just relax together, watch movies like we always did on Friday nights, but I wanted something more. From the look in her eyes when I started to kiss her, she wanted more too.

  Normally, we would mess around a little, kissing, light touching over our clothes, but this time she was more aggressive. There weren’t any pullbacks, no stopping to think about where the night was going. She threw herself into my arms full speed ahead. We had talked about it a couple times, but she’d always shied away, saying she wasn’t ready yet, and I respected that. I respected her. It was hard, though. I wanted her so badly, and the light kissing and touching had only expounded on that fact. I tried to show her how hot I thought she was, tried to get her away from her inner thoughts, but until that night, it had always ended with her stopping it and me fighting blue balls through an entire chick flick. This night was different, and I was so excited, I had to slow myself down.

  We were all over each other, our hands exploring every inch of one another. I pulled her into my lap, running my hands down her sides as our mouths passionately pressed together. She shivered, and it made me even more excited. I cupped the back of her head and kissed her deeply, wanting to show her this was more than just s*x to me.

  We had been friends, dating—whatever you wanted to call it—behind our parents’ backs for quite a while. It was more my parents who had an issue with it. Even though they were friends with Ava’s parents, they didn’t think she was the “ideal” girl for me, whatever that meant. I had different theories, and part of what always stopped us from going all the way beyond just her nervousness was that one or both sets of our parents were always somewhere close by, leaving us little time to be alone, much less to make out.

  This time was different, though. My parents were out of town on business, my older brother was at college, and my younger brother had gone to a friend’s house for the night. We had the whole place to ourselves, and there was no way anyone was going to catch us. I had made sure the place looked nice, cleaned up my room, and made it extra romantic before she came over. There were candles, music, and I even changed the sheets and sprayed linen spray on them so everything was nice and inviting.

  I pulled Ava off me and laid her down on the bed beside me before turning and kissing her again. I slowly ran my hand up her shirt and over her soft skin, careful with every move, not wanting to spook her, wanting her to enjoy every stroke of my hand and every roll of my finger. She was so s*xy, and I couldn’t wait to get her clothes off.

  She opened her eyes and pulled herself up to a sitting position, smiling at me as she seductively pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it to the side. She reached behind herself and unclasped her bra, tossing that too. Her breasts bounced out, and I stared at them for a moment, my mouth hanging slightly open. She giggled, bringing me back to reality, and I wasn’t sure exactly what to do next. All that planning and her tits had left me speechless.

  I snapped myself out of it and pulled my shirt over my head, sitting face to face with her, and leaned forward and softly kissed her. Her touch was incredible, and I had wanted it for so damn long. The music changed to something a bit more seductive as I pulled myself on top of her. She spread her legs and wrapped them around my waist before lying gently down on the pillow. Her warm skin touched mine, the softness of her body smoothing over me like a blanket. It was sensual how I could feel every inch of her skin, how I paid attention to every sensation between the two of us – after all, it was my first time and I wanted to remember that moment forever.

  Ava twirled her
fingers through the hair in my beard and moved up, combing through my long hair. I loved the feeling of having her beneath me, her body pushing upward, almost begging for more. Neither of us knew exactly what we were doing. We obviously knew the logistics, but everything else was just happening. Whatever felt right in the moment was what we both did.

  When I was growing up, my parents never really talked about s*x. They talked about relationships and choosing the right girl to date. My mother was kinder about it, telling me to go with my heart, though she still expected it to be someone at our family’s level. My father, on the other hand, talked about dating like it was a business proposition. He said I had to pick the woman who had the family background and social clout to help push the next generation of our family toward success. I didn’t think of Ava as anything but the sweet, s*xy girl I could laugh with, and I wanted to be with her more than anything – forever.

  “Are you sure you are okay with this? I want you to be sure,” I whispered.

  “I’ve never been surer about anything,” she said.

  I smiled and leaned down, pressing my lips against her. She sighed. That kiss was different than the million we had shared before. It was lustful and needy. Her legs wrapped tighter around my waist, and I groaned softly, feeling her push her hips upward against mine.

  My hands shook slightly as I pulled Ava’s jeans all the way off and laid them gently to the side. She watched nervously as I unzipped my jeans and stood up on the bed, pulling them down and off. I dropped back to my knees and kissed her belly, forcing a giggle from her. I smiled, looking up at her, knowing she was as comfortable as I was. I ran my fingers down her body and hooked my thumbs in the sides of her little black panties. Slowly, I pulled them down her body and off, the view before me making my heart race. I pulled my boxers off, feeling confident of my endowment even at eighteen.

  It was time. I lay on top of her and looked into her eyes as I guided myself towards her entry. I slowly pushed in, stopping when she grimaced slightly. I leaned down and kissed her lips for a moment before continuing forward until I was all the way inside her. I held myself still, staring into her eyes, barely able to move a muscle. She felt so good, and as her body relaxed from the small bit of pain from her first time, I pulled her legs up to my sides and began to move.

  Chapter 1

  10 Years Later


  My alarm had been going off for about three hours, and I just kept hitting snooze. It was Saturday, so there was no reason for me to get up early. I stretched my arms over my head and yawned, then relaxed back into the comforter. I stared up at the penthouse ceiling fan, watching it circle round and round above my head. The sun was shining through the edges of the blinds, casting strange shadows across the ceiling. They moved with the blades of the fan, and I smiled, thinking about how lucky I was to have such an amazing place.

  My father owned the York Hotel chain, one of the most luxurious hotel conglomerates in the world. I lived in the penthouse suite in his Manhattan building. It was huge, with all the amenities, and I had housekeepers and maintenance at my fingertips. Of course, I’d had to make it my own, though. I had stocked the place with the latest in surround sound, the newest and biggest flat-screens, and all the latest gadgets. I had a system to control everything from the temperature of the suite to the temperature of the water coming out of the faucets. I loved technology. I always had. If I weren’t being forced into the family business, I would own a tech company in a heartbeat.

  I had tried to talk my dad into starting one up a while back, having had ideas that would blow the current cell phone business out of the water, but he thought they were stupid and had turned me down. It was par for the course with my father. He and I had never been close. He was such an asshole and always had been. I had just decided that was who he was and there was no fighting him on it.

  I pulled myself up and over to the edge of the bed, groaning. I rubbed my back at the ache that shuddered up my spine. The hotel had replaced the mattress twice, but it was obvious I was going to have to buy one myself. I couldn’t keep sleeping like that, so I made a mental note to stop by the mattress store the next time I had the chance. I stood up and stretched, but it wasn’t helping, so I changed into my bathing suit and headed out to my private pool. It was a warm day in New York, so I didn’t have to heat the water. I jumped in and started my laps, the water rushing over my body. I did several laps and then got out and headed to the kitchen to make my usual green smoothie. I ate as healthy as I could on a daily basis and did at least twelve laps in the pool a day. It was important to me to take care of myself.

  I took my smoothie out onto the balcony and sat looking over the city. It was a gorgeous day, and I was going to have to waste it by being around my father. I shook the thought from my head and tried to enjoy the rest of my morning. I finished my smoothie and walked back inside, stopping as I passed the hallway mirror. I didn’t have a shirt on, and I flexed my muscles and watched droplets of water shimmer on my tanned skin. It looked like I was doing something right with my workout and eating regimen. I hadn’t been a vain person when I was younger, and I tried not to think of myself that way as an adult, but I appreciated my hard work. I had a perfectly sculpted body. My muscles were shaped exactly how I wanted them. I wasn’t too big or too small, just the perfect size. I didn’t want to be a giant meathead, but I wanted women to look at me naked and think how lucky they were to have a man like me in their bed.

  I leaned forward and brushed at a small spot on my cheek. It was just a piece of lint. I had grown into my face nicely through the years, and I had to say my chiseled chin and perfect smile were all that much more becoming when paired with my body. I looked clean-shaven and well-groomed, not at all how I had been when I was younger. I used to have a beard and hair down to my shoulders. I wasn’t sure what I had been thinking, but it may have had something to do with my father hating it, and I loved anything my father hated. It took me a long time to let go of that look, but staring at my smooth skin in the mirror, I was glad I had. I couldn’t imagine living the life I led now but with a ponytail and beard—though I’d heard beards were back in style. I smiled at myself in the mirror and walked into the bathroom so I could hop into the shower.

  I flipped on the water and let it run to get to the perfect temperature. I took off my shorts and washed my face, looking down at my junk as I dried my skin. I was well-endowed, something I had always known but didn’t think about until I moved out of my parents’ house and started my own life. I was pretty lucky since that was a special treat for a girl when I got her home. I was good looking, physically fit, and structured perfectly to please any woman I wanted. I went out all the time and picked up women, though I usually went back to their place instead of mine so that not everyone knew who my father was. I didn’t need to use my money to pick up chicks.

  I looked up into the mirror, and my mind flashed back to the first time I’d had sex. It had been in my bedroom while my parents were out of town, and it had been with Ava, my childhood sweetheart. I had to say, for all the horror stories I had heard about a guy’s first time, that one was still on my list of hot rolls in the hay. I groaned and pulled on my cock, getting hard just thinking about fucking Ava Spencer. Of course, that was impossible now, but still, it was obvious that though my mind might rarely think about it, my cock was all for it. Ava was the perfect girl in my eyes: sweet, innocent, and really hot. She had curves in all the right places, and though she was a little plumper than the girls I usually slept with now, her thickness had been one of the biggest turn-ons for me when I was that age. It was like she was a real woman made perfectly to fit with my body.

  I chuckled to myself, not believing that after all these years, Ava had popped into my head. I kind of wondered what she had been doing and if she was in New York anymore. It would be interesting to see her after so long. I took a deep breath and hopped in the shower, realizing I was running late. There was no time to reminisce about the past, and looking bac
kward only inhibited the future—at least that was what my father always told me. He had all sorts of little useless tidbits to give me on a regular basis, none of which I really listened to. I did use that one, though, when it came to women, never treading where I had already been. It made everything too complicated, and no matter how much my parents begged me to find a woman I could settle down with, I was not having it. I was having a good time, and I was young. Why did I need to settle down and be miserable like most of the married people I knew?

  Regardless, the time to reminisce had passed, and I needed to kick my ass into gear. I had to get ready for the day and the dreaded regular Saturday lunch I was expected to show up at with my parents. They always went to the same restaurant, where they were surrounded by the same rich assholes, and complained about the same thing on the menu. You would think after twenty or more years of complaining, they would stop ordering that specific item, but I’d learned really young that they liked to complain. It made them feel important. My mom wasn’t as bad as my father, of course. She was sweet most of the time, but he was a tyrant.

  In the shower, I did my normal routine, exfoliating, scrubbing, and making sure I was trimmed and ready for anything I might fall into that night. When I was done, I got out of the shower and dried off, wrapping my towel around my waist and grabbing my phone. I scrolled to John’s number and waited for him to answer.

  “Hey, dude,” my best friend said. “You caught me at the perfect time.”

  “Good,” I said. “I don’t want another instance of you answering your phone while you’re balls deep in some chick.”

  “Hey, you called twice in a row. I figured it was important.” He laughed. “And she didn’t care.”

  “I figured as much since she said hello in the background. How was last night?”

  “Oh, man, so I picked up my date, and she was looking super hot,” he said. “We went out, ate dinner, and she was totally flirting with me. Then she excused herself to the bathroom and came back looking white as a ghost. She got sick out of nowhere, man. I sent her home after that.”


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