Jethro 3: No Place Like Home

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Jethro 3: No Place Like Home Page 34

by Chris Hechtl

  The next evening Jethro took the suit off and then stretched. He curled up on the bed. He sighed when he felt something moving. He kept his eyes closed though, even when he felt something cuddle up to him. When he felt the real cold touch of metal on his flank he opened his eyes a slit to see the head of the suit cuddling up to him. He sighed but accepted it as a compromise. After a few moments he stopped caring as Morpheus claimed him once more.

  When he woke in the morning he stretched, and then slipped out from under the suit. It curled up into a ball. He realized Bast was asleep; her eyes were still closed. He stretched; then took a shower. He checked; she was still asleep so he padded off to breakfast.

  Just after he finished his steak and eggs he noted Bast's eyes flutter. He got up, policed his tray and then moved out. “Good to see you naked Gunny,” Hart teased.

  “Letch,” PFC Kiara said. She was on Valenko's squad. “I thought you were off duty, Hart?” she asked as Jethro passed them.

  “I am, just got off. Boss wanted me to look at some recordings. It took longer than I thought,” the human said, rolling his eyes.


  “No, not really. It takes time he said. But we have to be familiar with the players and how they act he said,” he sighed.

  “Right,” Kiara said, thrashing her tail. Jethro moved to the lift and entered.

  When the lift doors opened his suit was there sitting on the other side. He couldn't help it; he chuckled. “Impatient?” he asked. The suit cocked its head at him. “Come on then,” Jethro said. The suit moved as he passed it. “Can you move the suit on your own like that? Of course you can. I mean for a while?” Jethro asked. Bast blinked on his HUD. “Well?”

  She meowed. He looked at the suit, but it just cocked its head at him. He felt a touch and noted the tail was wrapping itself around his left thigh. “Come on, let's go for a run shall we?” Jethro said. He dropped to all fours and then stretched. “Ready? Set? Go!” he said and moved off at a sprint. He looked back when the suit didn't move. It was sitting there still. “Well? Coming?” he asked, still moving. The suit started to move slowly. When he rounded the corner Bast's eyes on his HUD flared. He heard the clatter as the suit picked up speed, then the sound quieted.

  He turned back to his path just in time to see something coming at him from the side. He curled around it as it impacted, bowling him over. He gasped, then laughed as the suit wrapped him in a hug. “Okay, okay, you caught me. Good girl,” he said as the suit and AI purred.

  “Okay, you can let go now,” he said, struggling to get free. She kept her grip, purring. “Seriously Bast, behave. we...come on now, we need to get to our quarters and suit up I suppose,” he said. She relented enough to let him up. He waved and she moved on all fours, loping beside him. That damn tail though was firmly wrapped around his waist.

  He was glad no one saw them the rest of the way back to his quarters. He entered and then turned to see the suit standing and opening like a flower. “Impatient aren't we?” he asked. He sighed and suited up.

  That little side adventure had a side effect he found out later. After he got Bast to let him out of the suit that evening, the AI took off with the suit. He followed just to be sure she didn't get into trouble. She explored a little, just around their quarters before returning to them. She moved about on all fours though, very much a cat and not ashamed of it. He yawned and entered with her.

  Over the course of the next week Jethro found that after he'd exited from the suit Bast tended to prowl when he wanted to sleep. She was going further and further out. It took him a bit to realize she was using the sensors to avoid people in her adventures.

  He was amused when she was spooked while exploring. She opened a janitor's closet and the mops within fell out startling her. The suit reared back and then rushed back to him. He'd had to reassure her as she rubbed up against him for several minutes.

  When he had time he caught up with Ox. The Tauren was busy, working twenty hours a day in engineering, moving from one station to another or one repair site to another. Fortunately, Jethro caught him in the dining hall making repairs to one of the food replicators when the panther went in for a meal.

  “So, busy?” Jethro asked, getting a tray and MRE.

  “You'd know,” the Tauren said, eying Jethro. “I saw you on the security vids. Scuttlebutt said you've got a ghost in the machine?”

  “You've known about that before,” Jethro said. “But yes, Bast is well, in the suit and in me. I'm not sure how much of which though,” he shrugged.

  “I see.”

  “It's...complicated. She's young.”

  “So, you're the first of us to become a parent. Other than Valenko,” the Tauren amended, teasing Jethro.

  Jethro shook his head. “Chirby was a dad too,” he said softly.

  The Tauren nodded, tugging on his ear. “Yeah, I forgot that.”

  “Well, you've been busy.”

  “And you've been a new parent with a newborn baby. One you can't touch.”

  “Yeah, it's...complicated. She can touch me, but I can't touch her.”

  “Did you come by for suit maintenance? I'd think you'd be able to handle it, Gunny?” Ox said, checking his tablet. He scratched his shoulder and then set it down. “Right?”

  “Yeah, no, just...wanted to catch up.”

  The Tauren eyed him for a moment and then shrugged. “Knocked up, pregnant, and then having a kid all without anyone the wiser for how long?” Ox asked. “Should we have given you a baby shower?”

  Jethro snorted. “You're not going to let that go are you? Are you jealous?”

  “No, very curious about what you are going through,” the Tauren said with what appeared to be utter sincerity. He indicated the tablet. “And since that thing is running slow on the diagnostic, I've got time.”

  Jethro scratched at his right ear in embarrassment. “Yeah, it's like having a cub I suppose. She sleeps at odd hours, wants attention when you are exhausted,” he said. “And yeah, the why why why can be exasperating,” he said, nodding to Valenko as the bear came into the dining room. The two nodded to the bear.

  “What'd I miss?” the bear asked.

  “Just catching up. Ox is quizzing me about being a parent. I think he's hoping to be a dad soon, if he isn't one already. What was that lady's name? Gwen?” Jethro teased, poking the Tauren.

  “Oh quit, now you're making me blush,” the big guy laughed.

  “Funny,” the bear said.

  “He should be looking for parenting advice from you, sir,” Jethro said, now teasing the bear. “Or at least I should. I'm having an interesting time,” the panther admitted.

  “I never got a chance to be a parent,” Valenko rumbled, eyes sad. He shrugged as the others got quiet. “But, I do admit to having an interest. What is going on?”

  “Bast is...well, she's finally letting me out of the suit, though she does like to cuddle. She seems to um...need it or something?”

  “Okay,” the bear drawled, grabbing a pair of MREs. He needed the extra fuel for his large mass. “Babies do that. Perfectly natural, even if she's artificial.”

  “She's also getting into exploring now, which I think is a good thing. Though she does want me right there with her,” Jethro said.

  “I see,” the bear said absently.

  “It's...I'm glad she likes it. I do wish she'd take a more vocal role. Maybe help the crew.”

  “She needs time to grow into a person. Let her have a childhood,” the bear said. “I will admit, having an AI, even a baby one helps out would be nice though. I'd like to actually talk with her sometime,” he said flicking his ears.


  “I could tell her stories,” the bear said with a shrug.

  “That's all we need, your version of goldilocks,” the panther laughed. He noted Bast's interest in the bear. He shrugged mentally. He wasn't certain if he should encourage it or not. At least she was showing an interest, that was a step forward out of her shell. />
  “So, um, to change the subject a little, I was wondering about the others? And since you're more connected than I am...”

  “What, you didn't look them up before coming here?” Valenko teased.

  Jethro shrugged and spread his hands.

  “I see. Yes, you were asleep on the job for a bit. Rip Van Winkle,” the bear snorted. “Let's see, a certain pain in the neck Tauren you know about already.” He nodded his muzzle to the Tauren who snorted.

  “Sergei is still a lance, the Major and I agreed he needed a bit more time in grade for seasoning. Oh he's got the stuff down, but he lets his lazy cat nature get the better of him too often. He's on Xavier I believe.”

  “Pa'nash is a full lance now, she's on Gypsy Rose with her squad.”

  “Why? They don't need guards there do they?” Jethro asked.

  “No, but some of her people have engineering experience and training. So, they are doing double duty like we are here.”


  “Besides, she was injured in the boarding actions. Lost a leg. She's recovering there. It's light duty.”

  “Oh. Damn.”

  “Well, the good news is bugs can regenerate unlike us. She doesn't need cloned parts, though they'd speed things up.”

  “True,” Ox said.

  “Where was I, oh yeah...” the bear said taking a bite and then setting the MRE down. “Cold.”

  “Microwave over there,” Ox said pointing to a box he'd set up.

  “Good,” the bear said, getting up. He zapped his meal and then came back. “Let's see, Harley was also injured, but fortunately it was a light wound. She's um, on the Minerva Alabama.”

  “Betty, Zebo, Jill, M'mbeki, and Lars all got transferred to the Admiral's force. They'll have their hands full there. Pongo and Ebensher went as well. Ufda was supposed to, but he requested to remain behind. Since he's also a tech weany, he's on Jumping Jack helping them keep that ship together.”

  “I wish him the best of luck,” Ox said shaking his massive head.

  “Let's see, Gusterson landed on his feet on the reefer. He's keeping a close eye on Mirilax, Wade, Nahele, Troughtman, N'tra'di, and the others.”

  Jethro grimaced. He'd known there had been quite a few casualties in the boarding action.

  “Spitterman is on Firefly with the Major; he's got his hands full with 250 raw recruits.”

  “Yeah, that's just great. He'll frack them up,” Ox muttered.

  Jethro felt a dark flicker of agreement. He nodded.

  “Something tells me whatever temporary damage Spitterman does will be set to right when Gunny Schultz gets his hands on them when they get to Agnosta,” Valenko said with a shrug.

  “Riley's still on Firefly. He threatened to resign if they moved him away from his precious armory,” Ox said with a snort.

  “He'd be a pretty good engineer on one of the ships if he'd put his mind to it.”

  “I think he's too set in his ways. He's been an armorer his entire life, it's all he wants to do. Narrow minded I know but I can't blame him.”

  “Most of the rest scattered through the two fleets. You can look them up when we get back,” Valenko said with a hand wave.

  Jethro felt relief that his people, people he'd served with or gone through boot together, had largely survived and in some cases thrived. “Are we going to have a face-to-face meeting, sir?” Jethro asked. The bear raised a shaggy brow. “I mean a staff meeting?”

  “Sometime. I'm not sure when. I'm guessing you want to present your case about the drills?”

  “I'd like your permission to hold a few mock drills with the Marines. Get them thinking about things and not just coasting.”

  “I don't know Jethro. Let me think about it. We've got people scattered all over the ship. And this volunteer work party...” the bear waved a hand. “I wish they wouldn't poke their heads into places that are dark. I heard you've been doing much the same. At least you are in armor.”

  “I thought the ship was secure?” Jethro said. He felt a pang, like a spark of concern.

  “It is, but you never know. I don't want some idiot cutting a data line to say, the reactor or the computers or the hyperdrive,” Ox said dryly.

  “True,” the bear said with a nod as he looked at the Tauren.

  “But they are doing some good,” the panther said, indicating the hall and missing Horathian banners. Someone had put up the flag of the Federation on the third tier. They'd even re-arranged the lights to keep a spot on it at all times. Jethro appreciated the gesture and keeping with tradition.

  “Looks a lot better,” the bear said looking around. “And hey, I'm all for the volunteers wanting to clean things up. As long as they don't get too carried away with it. I believe command wants the media to get a good look at this ship. Possibly with guided tours.”

  “Oh,” Ox said frowning. “That will give people nightmares. It's...there are parts of this ship I don't even want to go near.”

  “Even you?” The panther asked, surprised. The Tauren shrugged.

  “I can't blame him. It's bad.'s not just the smells. It's the miasma, the feelings you get, like your skin is crawling. Fight or flight kicks in bad.”

  “Yeah, I...I've seen a couple spaces,” Jethro said. He'd had to explain a few to Bast. He hoped it didn't mess her up. Or mess her up any more than she already was messed up.

  “I know, like I said, I knew you prowled your first day here. Getting to know the ship and checking her from stem to stern. I approve. And you prowling with your suit after hours. Just do keep the noise down if you go into occupied territory and keep her away from the prisoners.”

  “Aye aye, Sir,” Jethro said as the lieutenant finished his last MRE and then tossed the tray to the trash. It hit hard enough to move the lid inward to allow it to fall in.

  “Point. Good shot, sir,” Ox said.

  “I shouldn't. Now the others will be doing it,” the bear said wearily as he got to his feet. “Well, nice chatting with you. We'll have to do it again sometime. Jethro, I'll see if we can have a face to face like you've requested. Just don't get your hopes up for too much.”

  “Aye aye, Sir,” Jethro said, getting to his feet. Ox did as well. The bear nodded and left.

  ---( | ) --- ( | )---

  Jethro finally got his face-to-face meeting, but it didn't go as he'd planned. He realized the grizzly had been right; he'd expected too much. He resented that. After all, they were Marines and naval personnel, professionals. They should be drilling constantly. Unfortunately, the Captain didn't see it that way.

  “I heard about your little pop quizzes and pop inspections, Gunnery Sergeant. Such nonsense needs to stop,” the Veraxin chittered.

  “Sir, it's good discipline to keep our people on their toes. And to make certain they are doing their jobs,” Jethro said stubbornly, not happy about the direction this was going. He felt mood swings, knowing not all were his own. He tried to keep a lid on it but his resentment, and Bast's resentment in his favor wasn't helping.

  “You will do as you are told as will they. I believe we can trust them with their tasks, not treat them like children,” the Veraxin said with finality. “Or do I need to make a formal reprimand?” the Captain asked.

  “Sir, what you are doing could be construed as prejudicial to good discipline. The gunny is within his rights to check on the Marines and make certain they are attending to their duties,” Valenko said politely but firmly. “I approved it when he came on board.”

  The Veraxin froze, and then all four eye stalks swiveled to contemplate the bear. “You did?”

  “Yes. We do not need to be lax with the prisoners.”

  Esh'z signaled agreement. “True,” the Veraxin admitted looking at the other officers and noncoms in the room. Ox nodded his big head to the panther. All seemed in favor of the panther. “Fine. Contain your zeal panther; there is a time and place for drills and rigid discipline. We need to remain flexible now.”

  “Aye aye, sir,” Jethro sai
d through tight teeth.

  “Loose the armor. You don't need to wear it.”

  “Sir, my orders from Admiral Irons require me to continue wearing it, for my health as well,” the panther said.

  “And the last order of an officer takes precedence,” the Veraxin said. “So, put the suit up. That's an order.”

  “I'm not certain he can, sir,” Ox rumbled. The others looked to him. The Tauren indicated the suit. “The suit has its own AI with a mind of her own. She is apparently bonded to the Gunny and refuses to leave his side. He's attempted to wean her but it is...slow.”

  “I have my orders regarding the suit and Gunny,” Valenko rumbled.

  “And you don't want to get into a pissing contest here, despite your grade ahead of me; I am the Captain,” the Veraxin warned.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I want you out of the suit when on duty as much as possible then,” the Veraxin said. “At least in public areas. Around the prisoners...” he tapered off.

  “It would be wise to limit their exposure, but he has already been seen in the armor,” Esh'z supplied.

  “I'll do my best, sir, but Bast is still young. I can't say if she'll follow along or not.”

  “See that she does.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Valenko signaled Jethro to remain after the meeting broke up and the crew went their separate ways. The grizzly eyed the big cat as he paced.

  “It's natural for people to relax after what we've been through. And he doesn't want to push too hard when we're spread too thin. If someone gets hurt then we're spread even thinner with people who resent the stupid accident. Morale plummets, and I'm betting he's very aware of any paperwork or investigations that would be in the future,” Valenko reminded him when they were alone.

  “Yes, sir, I understand that,” Jethro said through gritted teeth. “I just don't like the idea of lowering our guard. Not with our cargo. That's what I'd think would be a bad thing.”

  The bear eyed him. “You really are on a tizzy about this aren't you?” he asked.

  “Not...yes and no. I want it, I see the reasoning for both sides but...” Jethro shrugged uncomfortably.


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