Abandoned but Not Alone

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Abandoned but Not Alone Page 2

by Theresa L. Henry

  Without taking his eyes from the driveway although the car was now out of sight, Jason asked Steve, now standing beside him, “Who was that with your fiancé?”

  Laughing Steve, who had witnessed the whole hilarious episode from the balcony, slapped him on his shoulder and replied, “That my friend was Aviva, and that was just breakfast. Just wait for lunch and dinner!”

  “I’m not sure if I’ll be able to wait for dinner – and I don’t even think I’m going to try.”

  Chapter 2

  As the little convertible awaited the opening of the gates, Aviva turned around in her seat, reached for her seatbelt engaging it before seeking information about the stranger she had just encountered. “Who was that?” Hope laughed while driving through the gates that had electronically opened to allow them to pass through.

  “Hope, who was that man?” Aviva asked again as Hope maneuvered her car.

  Briefly glancing at her best friend for the last twelve years, Hope shook her head, having witnessed the exchanges that had passed between them. “That my dear was Jason King. Steve and I refer to him as King Midas. In other words everything he touches turns to gold.”

  “I’ve never seen so many delicious muscles on a guy. He even gives your Steve a run for his money.”

  Hope carried on speaking as though Aviva’s statement hadn’t registered with her. “…and all the women he dates are golden, if you get my drift.” With that said, Aviva put Jason to the back of her mind, at least she tried to, but Jason King was not a man easily overlooked, he cried out alpha male, what woman didn’t love an alpha male.

  “Enough said my sister.”

  “Yeah, now you mention it, my man is fine ain’t he!” Hope laughed at her own good fortune, giving Aviva a grin that said she was a very lucky girl indeed.

  Rolling her eyes Aviva decided to change the subject before Hope started in on all the wonders of Steve. “So how long am I expected to stay in the torture chamber you’re taking me to?”

  “As long as it takes to get rid of that uni-brow you got going on, and to do something about that stuff on top of your head, which by the way, only you would call a hairstyle.”

  “Whatever, you wished your hair could look this good.”

  “Girl please, when I want to look like a scarecrow on a bad hair day, I’ll come to you and you can show me how to get the look.”

  “Whatever, you peel-head,” Aviva said looking over at her friend’s shorn locks.

  “What the hell is a peel-head?” Hope asked, baffled. “Is that another one of your Jamaican sayings?”

  Laughing Aviva got ready to educate her American friend. “It’s time for another lesson in all things Jamaican my dear. A 'peel-head' is someone without hair, and that my dear friend, is the perfect description of you.”

  Aviva took a good look at Hope who was sporting a cut so close to her head she was practically bald. Without a doubt, the girl could work it, but…

  Surprised by the new haircut; Aviva had nearly walked past her when Hope had met her at the airport; the change had been so drastic. For as long as she had known Hope she had worn her hair cascading down her back. In-fact, the last time she had seen her friend, her hair had been just as long as always, but she had dyed it blonde. She hadn’t understood that look, but hey, whatever floats your boat. But Hope pulled it off, she was one of the world’s most famous supermodels and could get away with most things. She was five-feet-eleven, most of which comprised of long shapely legs, a slim body and skin that looked as though she had been dipped in dark rich honey. She was also one of the most beautiful women Aviva had ever seen. At thirty, Hope should by now be considered over-the-hill for most modeling jobs, but she was still in high demand, sought after to grace the cover of magazines and to walk the runway of long established fashion houses around the world.

  Aviva wondered if Hope's haircut wouldn’t affect the jobs she would be offered. Asking Hope that very question on their drive from the airport, Hope had shrugged her shoulders, saying it had been time for a change and in her industry, wigs and hair extensions were king. Aviva accepted her friends answer, but something didn’t feel right, it was just too drastic a change. After her somewhat blasé response, Hope had changed the subject, clearly denoting a subject close. Aviva continuing to give Hope speculative looks for a few more seconds before deciding she had better let well enough alone. Although she could tell something was going on, nothing would be gained by pursuing the subject.

  Both women continued the drive in a companionable silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Hope pulled into a driveway and came to a stop before what looked like a British country manor house. Their car doors were opened by two smiling young men dressed in white shirts and trousers. Each young man held out his hand and assisted the women from the car. As they alighted, Hope moved around the car to join Aviva at the foot of the stairway that led to their final destination, the Spa. They were greeted by another smiling young man holding a silver tray which contained two glasses of champagne bubbling effervescently. Aviva took a glass and smiled at the waiter, who completely ignored her. His eyes locked on Hope, mouth hanging open in stupefaction.

  Aviva had seen it all before, rolling her eyes she used one finger of her free hand to push his jaw up which made an audible snap as it closed. Both women looked at each other doing their best to suppress laughter. Only just managing to hold in their hilarity, they didn’t want to be unkind even though the young man had by now turned a very interesting shade of red. Coming to his senses he cleared his throat, preparing himself to give his welcome spiel.

  “Ms Richards, Ms Johnson, welcome to the Hyde. My name is Todd and I hope you both enjoy your stay with us today. If you would both follow me, I will be delighted to escort you to bed – Bev – I mean Bev – I mean Beverly who will assist you throughout the day.”

  Aviva didn’t think it was possible; Tod’s blush had increased, beads of sweat peppering his brow. The situation was so ludicrously funny there was no way she could look at Hope, if she did, it would take only one glance for her to break down in laughter. So she fixed her eyes on the stairs that led to the main building. Todd too turned towards the stairs and tripped on the first step, by this point Aviva had to hold on to her side it was hurting so much. The laughter had nowhere to go; it needed a release – badly. She didn’t know what to do. She fought back the tears in her eyes but it was no good, they kept coming. Deciding the best course of action was to cough, Aviva, placed her hand over her mouth and coughed hard in a very unladylike manner.

  Hope who was bent over, pretending to look for something in her purse, abruptly turned to face Aviva who was still at the bottom of the steps, Hope a few runs above. They made eye contact. Hope’s higher position essentially blocked Tod’s view of their faces; they both opened their eyes as wide as they could and roared in silent laughter; mouthing “escort you to bed.” Hope came back down the steps and patted Aviva on the back pretending to give her aid in her coughing fit; giving them the vital moments needed to compose themselves before once again facing a still perspiring Todd.

  Given the circumstances, Aviva wiped her face of amusement as best she could, informed Hope she was fully recovered and they shouldn’t keep Todd waiting any further. Under a façade of composure the women walked up the stairs and into the spa.

  Once inside, Aviva stood with her eyes bugging out of her face. The Hyde was like nothing she had ever seen before at any of the many spas Hope had dragged her to. The interior of the Hyde had been designed to look like a rain forest; there were large trees whose branches were covered in the greenest leaves she had ever seen as they extended upwards towards the glass domed ceiling, exposed to the beauty of a clear blue sky. She wondered for a moment if the trees were real, and dismissed the thought immediately, she knew this place had to cost a packet for just one visit, otherwise Hope wouldn’t be here. They were real, and someone maintained them to a very high degree so their splendor was contained within the structure of the building.
  Giant ferns surrounded ponds, hosting majestic koi in varying shades from gold to white, swimming gracefully through the flow of rippling water. Cascading waterfalls gently rolled over smooth stones, resplendent in their different hues of brown, green and white, each delicately placed so as to best complement each other. As the water flowed over the rocks, they sparkled, caught in the light of discreetly placed illuminations lending itself to the authenticity of transporting one to a place of tranquility. Drawing in a deep breath, Aviva detected an aroma filling the air, encompassing her, the scent seemed to speak to the senses and wrapped around her whole body. Gone was the feeling of amusement present only moments before, replaced by a wanting to partake in what this place had to offer. Aviva hadn’t realized she had closed her eyes to better appreciate the ambiance, reopening them she looked over at Hope, stunned.

  “Oh my God, Hope I love this place!”


  “Thanks Hope, I think that was probably one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I didn’t know places like that existed. Those places you dragged me to before…” Aviva shook her head and rolled her eyes leaving Hope with no doubt as to her negativity. “…Girl, that place was the bomb! When can we go again?” She asked with a cheeky smile. Hope didn’t comment, only laughed indulgently, glad that her friend had enjoyed the experience.

  Hope was getting married the next day and Aviva has flown in to stand with her as her maid of honor. She couldn’t think of anyone she would rather have beside her. Over the last year or so Aviva seemed to be involved in so many projects that made it impossible for them to synchronize their schedules to a point where they could actually meet. However, they made sure they stayed in contact via telephone, video calls and email. It was through these email messages that Hope learned Aviva had started having a great deal of success selling her songs. Hope knew Aviva had been writing music since she was a little girl. She also knew she had had some minor success selling some of her songs. In fact Hope and Steve had introduced her to a friend, a well-known R & B singer who had included one of her songs on his last album.

  “You all set for the song tonight?” Hope asked breaking the silence which surrounded them as she steered the car forward.

  Aviva, who had been sitting with her eyes closed enjoying the cool breeze wafting over her skin, maintained her repose and mumbled a relaxed, “yeah, I’m good to go. I sent the sheet music over to the band two weeks ago. They said that was more than enough time for them to learn the track.”

  “So what are you gonna sing?”

  “I’m not telling you, you’re just going to have to wait like everyone else. It’s something I wrote especially for you and Steve, so even if I told you what it was called, you still wouldn’t know the song.”

  “Okay… well sing me some of it.”




  “Girl, if you come to my party and sing some broke down song I’ma have to hurt you – you understand that right?”

  “Whatever, you know you fight like a girl a foot smaller than your lanky ass self.”

  “I do not, you take that back right now Aviva Johnson.”

  “Do I need to bring up the pillow fights of yesteryear? Do you really want to be reminded of how I made you bawl for your mama to save your long behind from the licking I always put on you?”

  “Girl shut up. You know I can’t take any beatings to my face. My face is my fortune. Do you think I would be where I am in my career today if I had allowed you to mess up my face?”

  “It was a pillow you nut case, which teenage girl is afraid of a pillow fight?”


  “You!” They both said at the same time, grinning at each other.

  Hope came to a stop at the gates that led to the entrance of the estate at which they were staying. She looked over at Aviva who still emitted an aura of serenity from their visit to the spa. “I’m so glad you’re here sister-friend. You being here means the world to me,” Hope whispered looking over at Aviva with tears in her eyes.

  “I’m so happy for you. I wouldn’t have missed your wedding for anything in the world. I love you and I will always be here to support you no matter what.”

  Hope nodded her head as she gave Aviva’s thigh a gentle squeeze. “I know.”

  “Then say it with me,” Aviva yelled lifting her hands above her head looking over at Hope who did the same. “Sister-friends forever!” They both shouted at the top of their voices as the majestic golden gates slid back to allow them entrance.


  The women were greeted at the front door by the butler Drake, who had white hair and a scar running from his hairline to the corner of his right eye. He wasn’t a very tall or well-built man but he gave Aviva the impression of someone who could take care of himself in a fight. She was unsure why she thought this, he had blue eyes that seemed to flicker with a secret that others were not privy to. He always wore a polite smile. It just seemed to her that the way he walked and carried himself spoke of another life where being a butler was an occupation far removed from his everyday life. The white hair also seemed out of place, somehow not matching the age denoted on his face.

  “Good afternoon ladies, Miss Johnson, a parcel arrived for you while you were out.” Extending his hand Drake indicated the parcel sitting on a table close to where they were standing. Picking it up Aviva smiled her thanks. Bowing his head in acknowledgment, Drake inquired if the women required anything else. Both declined. Inclining his head, Drake made his way towards the back of the large foyer, disappearing around the corner that led to the kitchen.

  Aviva waited until Drake disappeared from sight before she began ripping at the package that awaited her attention. When the contents were revealed she screamed and clutched it to her chest in a loving embrace.

  “What is it?” Hope asked, picking up on her friends’ excitement. Aviva looked at Hope from under her eyelashes and whispered, “Shoes.”


  “Shoes, yes ma’am, but not just any shoes, these are just about the most fantastically, wonderful shoes you are ever going to see in this life or the next and you need – I mean need to see them. Come with me... now! I’ve got to try them on. Oh-my-God, oh-my-God I think I’m hyperventilating,” Aviva sighed rushing into the sitting room with Hope following closely behind.

  Coming to a sudden stop, Hope bumped into Aviva’s back. She soon started moving again, looking around the room in search of a place on which to place the box she still clenched to her chest. Finally spotting a chair near the large patio doors at the back of the room, she hurried towards it, while pulling the remaining wrapping paper from her precious package. Hope made a sound as though preparing to speak. Aviva shushed her with a finger to her lips and slowly, reverently, opened the box removing its content and placing it gently on the upholstered chair.

  Aviva slowly raised her hands to cover her mouth; while Hope crossed her hands over her chest in wonder. They stayed in their respective stances for a full minute gazing with admiration at the shoes. Hope turned her head slowly and looked at Aviva who also turned at the same time. They rushed at each other, throwing their arms around the other, jumping up and down, spinning around and screaming at the top of their lungs.

  Jason and Steve, who were standing on the balcony, heard the women’s screams and sprinted in the direction of the commotion. Tearing the patio doors open Jason, followed closely by Steve, charged into the room already in fighting mode. Coming to a halt they saw the two women holding onto each other, spinning around in circles, screaming at the top of their voices.

  “What is it?” Jason roared, scanning of the room for danger. Steve who was behind him followed the direction of the women’s gaze and saw the shoes resting on the chair. Coming to a stop adjacent to the chair Steve braced his legs and folded his arms across his chest; rolling his eyes he stared down at them a smile lurking on his lips. Shaking his head Steve remained quiet as h
e awaited Jason’s reaction when realization finally set in. Switching his eyes to Jason, Steve watched his reaction as he finished scanning the room, his eyes finally landing on the shoes resting on the chair. For a full six seconds Jason’s eyes moved from the chair to the women and back again in confusion. His expression changing when realization finally dawned. “Are you two going to tell me you're carrying on this way, over a pair of shoes?!”

  Aviva and Hope stopped screaming at Jason’s roar. They still held onto each other but now their mouths were hanging open, their eyes wide with astonishment at the picture Jason presented. He looked as though he were ready to do battle, his legs wide and arms extended and fisted in a fighting stance.

  Aviva thought; 'he’s going to fight the shoe’ immediately clamping her hand over her mouth, suppressing her laughter as she met Jason’s gaze. Jason raised one eyebrow as though awaiting confirmation of their behavior. His confirmation was silence. He narrowed his eyes at Aviva, who was frantically trying to think of a way to defuse his obvious annoyance. Breaking eye contact with him, she looked at Hope for help. Hope shrugged; she was on her own.

  Looking back at the irritated man, Aviva decided the best way to defuse the situation was to engage him in conversation. “Aren’t they the most beautiful shoes you have ever seen?”

  Jason blinked twice in disbelief, uncertain of what he was being asked; it sounded like, ‘blah, blah, blah, blah in the world’. He looked even more confused than he had moments before, if that was even possible. Aviva took the few steps that brought her to Jason; gripping him by the forearm, she spoke to him in a soothing voice.

  “It’s okay, we’re all friends here, you can admit that you love the shoes, no-one will think any less of you.”

  At her comment, Steve's eyes bugged and he spun around to face the patio doors; his shoulders rising up and down in silent laughter. Hope maintained her original position but was now looking backwards and forwards between Jason and Aviva with wide eyed wonder.


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