Alpha Husbands and Obedient Wives (Christian Domestic Discipline Romance): 3 Complete Series in 1

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Alpha Husbands and Obedient Wives (Christian Domestic Discipline Romance): 3 Complete Series in 1 Page 10

by Eden Greenwood

  There was only one thing to do, and that was dive right in. Erica got started calling the candidates and getting their preliminary statements. One candidate was already hosting a rally that night, and granted Erica press privileges.

  Over the next few weeks, Erica was so busy her excitement about trying for a baby was pushed to the side. When the items she’d ordered online arrived, she opened the boxes, rifled through the contents, then left them on the dining room table where she promptly forgot about them.

  One afternoon, Erica was combing through a campaign speech, double-checking every small detail to make sure it was accurate. It was slow, tedious work, but a large part of her job. Erica squinted at the computer screen until her vision started growing fuzzy.

  “Hey, honey,” Chase called to her. “What about all this stuff?”

  He walked into her office carrying the box of fertility items she’d ordered online. Erica looked at it and groaned.

  “I haven’t gotten around to even thinking about that,” she admitted.

  Chase drummed his fingers against the top of the box. “But you still want a baby, right?”

  “Yes,” Erica gushed. “I do. I hate that I’ve been putting it off for so long.” Nervous tingles developed in Erica’s stomach and her palms started to sweat. It was her dream to be a mother.

  Chase, ever in tune with his wife’s emotions, placed a soothing hand between her shoulder blades. “It’s okay,” he said. “You’ve been under a lot of pressure. Give yourself a break.”

  “But I’m always under a lot of pressure,” Erica said. “What if I keep putting it off until it’s too late?”

  Chase looked to the side, his face scrunched in thought. “Tell you what, since I’m your head of household, and have the authority granted by God to make decisions for you, why don’t you let me take this off your shoulders?”

  “You would do that?” Erica said, hopefully.

  “Of course,” Chase said. “The season hasn’t started yet, so I have some time.” He rifled through the contents of the box, studying the instructions of the ovulation tests. “I’ll be in charge of this. You don’t have to worry about a thing.”

  Erica was flooded with relief. She was so lucky to have a husband strong enough to remove burdens from her shoulders. She knew she could trust Chase completely, and he would do his very best to make sure she got pregnant.

  Chase lifted the box, then leaned down and kissed her head. “Let me do a little bit of research.” He whispered in her ear. “I’ll have you pregnant in no time.”

  The hairs on Erica’s neck stood up, and she shivered from excitement.

  The next morning, Chase woke her up to take her temperature. Erica obediently opened her mouth and let him place the thermometer under her tongue. After a few moments, Chase studied the results.

  “Your temp’s not elevated,” Chase said. “You must not be ovulating.”

  Erica sunk back into her pillow with disappointment. She’d only finished her last period a few days ago, and she probably wouldn’t ovulate for two more weeks. That felt like an eternity.

  “That’s actually a good thing,” Chase said. “Now we have a chance to get your body in shape for pregnancy.”

  Erica clutched at her comforter. She’d intended to make lifestyle changes after she was pregnant. She should’ve known Chase would go above and beyond to ensure success.

  “What does that mean, exactly?” Erica asked.

  “No caffeine, no alcohol, no junk foods,” Chase started. “You’ll exercise for thirty minutes each day, get plenty of sleep, and drink plenty of water. Do you think you can do that?”

  Erica gave him a tentative smile. “I think so.”

  “Good,” Chase said. “Now get out of bed. It’s best to do your exercises first thing in the morning before you get too busy.”

  Erica sat up in bed, stretching her arms to the ceiling. “Can’t we have coffee first?”

  Chase narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

  “That’s right,” Erica said. “No caffeine.”

  “I’ll make you some herbal tea,” Chase said.

  In the living room, Chase moved the coffee table out of the way so they’d have room to exercise. Chase led Erica through reps of sit-ups, push-ups, jogging in place, leg lifts, and stretches. Erica hadn’t expected it to be so strenuous, and by the end, she was sweating and breathing heavily. Before she got into the shower, Chase insisted she drink a glass of water.

  “Good girl,” Chase said when she drank the last of it.

  For the next few days, it was the same routine. Wake up, take temperature, exercise, hydrate, shower, then get to work. Chase even took over the meal preparations, and served lots of lean meats and veggies.

  With Chase’s guidance, Erica was free to worry only about work, and obeying him. It didn’t take long for her to start seeing the benefits of this healthier lifestyle. She felt better, slept better, and even shed a pound or two.

  And her concentration had improved. She could work for hours without feeling fatigued, and stayed on top of her reporting without issue.

  One morning, Erica was working in her office when Chase walked in. He was wearing his white, collared coach’s shirt, and his whistled dangled around his neck. He carried a large thermos of water, and a cup of chamomile tea, and set them both on her desk.

  “You need to finish this water by the time I get back,” Chase said.

  Erica picked up the thermos and took a big swig. “No problem.” She turned back to her computer, but Chase stayed by her side.

  Chase slid his arm across her shoulder, swiveling her chair around so she was facing him. He pressed his forehead against hers and stroked her cheek. “I can’t wait to impregnate you,” he said in a low tone.

  Erica took a shuddering breath, thinking about Chase emptying his seed inside of her, and his sperm swimming up to fertilize her. It was like she was giving him ultimate control of her body. Chase kissed her softly on the lips, then went off to work.

  Erica turned slowly back to the computer, shaking her head to get rid of her lustful thoughts. She had the minutes of a city council meeting to comb through, which was dull, dry work. After taking a moment to collect herself, Erica regained her concentration.

  Hours went by before Erica even raised her head. She rubbed her temples, and sat up straight, stretching her back. It was then she saw the thermos on her desk, still filled to the brim. She’d neglected to take so much as a sip. Picking up the thermos, she drank from it deeply, but still barely made a dent. She took another small sip, then placed the thermos back on her desk.

  Chase’s regimen was starting to get to her. She craved something more than water, chicken breasts, and vegetables.

  Soda would be good right now, she thought.

  Erica could almost feel the fizzy, cold sweetness on her tongue. But what was she thinking? Chase would never allow that.

  But what harm could just one do? Erica thought, wickedly.

  She drank some more water and tried to get back to work, but she couldn’t forget her craving. It consumed her thoughts, and she couldn’t find her focus. On a whim, she grabbed her purse, drove to the store, and purchased a soda.

  Back at her desk, she removed the can from a paper bag. Her nerves were so raw, it felt like she was doing something illegal. Quickly, before she changed her mind, Erica cracked open the soda and took a first sip.

  “Ahhh,” she said as it fizzled on her tongue.

  She hadn’t had something so sweet in what felt like ages, and it was utterly satisfying. Raising the can to her lips, she drank heavily with her eyes closed. Before she knew it, the can was empty. She threw it away in the kitchen trash can, making sure to stuff it deep inside so Chase wouldn’t see it.

  Sitting back at her desk, she felt a bit guilty, but her craving had been satisfied. The thermos was still mostly full of water. She had a couple of hours before Chase was due back, so she figured she’d get to it eventually.

  But eventuall
y never came. Erica became swept up in her work, and was only focused on finishing. She didn’t look up from her screen until she heard a car pull up in the driveway. Panicking, she peeked out of the window. It was Chase. He was home early.

  Erica looked to the thermos with wide eyes. If Chase found out she’d barely drank any water, she’d definitely be punished. He would spank her, or worse, make her do more leg lifts. Erica shuddered at the thought. She picked the thermos up so quickly some sloshed into her lap. Watching through the window as Chase walked up the front steps, she started chugging. She drank and drank until she was out of breath. The thermos was still half full, and it seemed like there was an ocean of water to finish. There was no way she’d finish it in time.

  The front door creaked open, and Chase stepped into the house. Erica was desperate, and without thinking clearly, dumped the contents of the thermos into the small trashcan beside her desk. Crumpled pieces of paper floated to the top. Erica stared at the water, regretfully, but there was nothing she could do now. She heard Chase’s footsteps approach her office door.

  “Hello, darling,” Chase said.

  Erica stood up to meet him and gave him a kiss. Chase wrapped his arms around her waist and nipped at her neck.

  “Are you feeling fertile today?” Chase whispered in her ear. His warm breath made her shudder.

  “I am now.” Erica snuggled close to him.

  Chase looked past her to the desk. He walked over and picked up her thermos and glanced inside.

  “Good job,” Chase said. He approached her again, and slung his arms low around her waist. “Now, where were we?”

  Erica rubbed her face against the stubble on his cheek. His muscular chest pressed against her breasts. He slipped a hand underneath her thigh, raising her leg.

  “I’m not ovulating,” Erica said.

  Chase smiled. “That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t practice.”

  The water slipped completely from Erica’s mind as she ran her hands through Chase’s hair. She closed her eyes, parted her lips, and Chase’s mouth fell against hers. Chase’s breath was heavy as he kissed her passionately. Erica could tell he wanted her so badly he could barely contain himself. Chase dipped his hands between her legs and started unbuttoning her pants.

  Erica was lost in the moment, so it came as a surprise when Chase pulled away abruptly. He gave her a confused look.

  The water, Erica remembered with the dread. I spilled it in my lap.

  “What is that?” Chase asked. He studied her face suspiciously.

  “It’s, it’s just-“ Erica frantically tried to think of an excuse for her wet lap. When nothing came to mind, she exhaled, heavily. “It’s water.”

  “Water? So, you spilled some.” Chase scrunched his face with realization. “If you spilled it, then how much did you drink?”

  Erica bit her lip, making her eyes soft and innocent. “A good amount.”

  “There’s a good amount on your pants.”

  Chase released his arms from around her. He picked up the thermos again, studying it more closely. Erica watched helplessly as he searched the desk. It was only a matter of time before he noticed the water in the trashcan. When he did, he set his mouth in a hard line. His entire demeanor changed, and so did the air in the room. Chase shook his head, the disappointment showing on his face.

  “You disobeyed me, Erica,” he said.

  “I know.”

  “And then you tried to cover it up.”

  Erica swung her gaze to the ground.

  “I was trying to help you, to help us have a child,” Chase said. “And all you needed to do was obey.”

  “I just got distracted,” Erica said. “The water slipped my mind.”

  “So you decided to pour it into the trashcan?”

  Erica blushed, feeling foolish. “I panicked when I saw you drive up.” She shrugged. “I don’t know what else to say.”

  Chase took a breath, softening his stance. “You should’ve just told me that you forgot to drink your water. I would’ve understood.” He stepped closer to her and wrapped her in an embrace. “This is just water we’re talking about. What’s more important is that I want you to always be honest with me, even if you think you’re going to get in trouble. We’re partners. I want you to tell me everything.”

  Erica clenched her eyes shut, knowing what she needed to do. “Chase, there’s something else. It’s silly, really.”

  “What?” Chase said, pulling away.

  “I, um, drank a soda today,” she said like it wasn’t a big deal. “I shoved the can deep into the kitchen trash so you wouldn’t see it.” Erica laughed, trying to lighten the mood. Chase’s expression tightened.

  “Another lie? You deliberately tried to deceive me,” Chase said.

  Erica cowered away from him.

  “So you went to the store, bought a soda, drank it, then hid the evidence,” Chase said. “That was a well thought out plan. Again, if you’d just told me you were craving a soda, I probably would’ve let you have one.”

  “Sorry, I should’ve asked. But I wanted one right then, and I thought you might say no.”

  “I am your husband,” Chase said slowly. “You are under my authority. You can’t do something without my permission just because you’re impatient.”

  “You’re right,” Erica said.

  Chase huffed. “I was going to let the water go, but now, you’re going to be punished.”

  Erica began to sniffle. She felt so ashamed. “What are you going to do?”

  Chase’s face hardened. He stepped towards her, then placed his mouth against her ear.

  “Since you’re being punished for lying, you can start by taking off your clothes,” he growled. “I want you naked, so you can’t hide anything.”

  Erica gulped, then began unbuttoning her blouse. Chase’s gaze was laser focused on her, watching her every move. She peeled away the layers of clothing, and threw them in a small pile on the floor. She stood naked in front of him, wearing nothing but her gold cross necklace. Clasping her hands behind her back, she shifted on her feet as Chase studied every inch of her.

  “To the corner,” Chase said.

  Erica turned on her heels, then walked to her punishment corner in the living room. She inserted herself between the two walls and stared straight ahead.

  “Spread your legs,” Chase demanded. “Wider.”

  Her feet were so far apart, the muscles in her thighs contracted to keep her from falling over, and the soft lips between her legs parted.

  “Lead forward, arms stretched out, palms flat on the walls,” Chase ordered.

  Erica leaned forward, supporting herself against the wall. In this humiliating position, her entire body was exposed, every crevice opened. She took a deep breath. Chase was her husband, and she shouldn’t be ashamed around him. Her body was his to control.

  “Very good.” There was an edge to Chase’s voice. “Now hold that position for as long as I say.”

  Erica groaned silently. How long would she have to stay here? All she could think about was the work she had left to do.

  This is what you get for disobeying him, Erica told herself. There’s always a price to pay.

  Chase walked away, leaving Erica naked, legs spread, bent forward against the walls. He went about his normal routine, milling around the house as if she wasn’t even there. Once the shame subsided, Erica found peace in her obedience. She was at his complete mercy, not even able to move unless he gave her permission. Losing her power to him was almost a relief. She didn’t have to think, just be.

  After a couple of hours, Chase approached her in the corner. He laid a warm hand across her cold back, causing Erica to sigh.

  “Straighten up,” Chase said.

  Erica stood, taking the pressure off of her thighs. Her muscles trembled and her legs felt weak. She turned to Chase, and saw he was holding her robe. He slipped it over her shoulders, and Erica quickly closed it in front, trying to warm up. Chase tangled his fingers in he
r hair, then made a fist, pulling slightly on her scalp. Erica’s lips fell open and she gasped.

  “You can’t hide anything from me, even if you try,” Chase whispered forcefully. “I will always find out.”

  Erica nodded quickly.

  “You will follow my rules and this new regimen without question,” Chase said. He released her hair, and Erica stumbled back. “You’re behind on your water intake for today. Come with me.”

  Erica followed him to the kitchen. There, on the table, was the thermos. It had been refilled with water. Chase sat down, and told Erica to sit as well.

  “We’re going to sit here until you finish all of it,” Chase said.

  Erica couldn’t help but scrunch her face and groan. This was going to take forever.

  “Watch your attitude,” Chase said. “You should be happy to obey.”

  “I am,” Erica said, quickly, correcting herself. She picked up the thermos and took a sip.

  “That’s it,” Chase encouraged. “You can do it.”

  Erica nodded with resolve, then took another sip.

  It took the better part of an hour to finish the water. Chase cheered her on as she downed the last drops. With her belly full, Erica was reminded of her place, and of Chase’s authority over her. The punishment finally over, so Chase dismissed her from the table. Erica sat back down at her desk. She ended up having to work well into the evening, which was something, she knew, she’d brought on herself.


  Chase woke Erica up the next morning to take her temperature. Erica sat up straight in bed, opened her mouth, and allowed him to slip the cold thermometer under her tongue. As Chase studied the results, he lifted an eyebrow.

  “It’s up a bit,” Chase said with a smile. “We should be there soon.”

  Erica was thrilled. She jumped out of bed and hugged Chase. He kissed the side of her neck, breathing in her scent.

  “They say when a woman is close to ovulating, she lets off a scent that men can’t resist,” Chase said. He nipped at her neck. “I can attest to that.”

  Erica giggled as Chase pressed his body closer to hers.


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