Imperfect Heart

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Imperfect Heart Page 18

by Tarina Deaton

  Toast, ibuprofen, and water. Lots and lots of water. Dropping bread into the toaster, she filled the electric kettle so she could make some mint tea to help settle her stomach. A little bit of peanut butter on the toast would help as well.

  The pity party was over. She’d needed to drown her sorrows and not think about her goals and dreams crashing in a literal fiery ball of flame. Now it was time to figure out what she was going to do. She needed a list.

  Taking her plate and mug with her, she went to her office and stared at the poster board-sized pad that still had a checklist for the bookstore opening. She set the plate down and brushed off her hands.

  Tearing the top sheet off, she started to crumple it but stopped and smoothed it out on her desk. She ran a hand down the list. She might need it again.


  Whatever the future held, she still needed to deal with the immediate problems. She drew a small box, one she could put a check mark in, and wrote Clean house next to it.

  Get copy of police/fire report

  Call insurance company

  Call bank

  Her hand hovered over the page and she bit the inside of her mouth.

  Apologize to Tim

  She drew stars on either side of those three words with an arrow up the page, pointing above Clean house. Stepping back, she pursed her lips.

  Tim was worth putting on a to-do list and he needed to be first.

  Part of the reason she’d drunk so hard was because she kept seeing the hurt in his eyes when she’d lashed out at him. He’d only been trying to help. Deep down she’d known that, but when he’d made the offer so soon after the fire, all she heard was he didn’t think she could handle it on her own. It had echoed all the doubts her family had spouted at her when she’d initially told them about her decision. She’d let her fear and her anger drive her reaction and it had hurt him.

  “You’re such an idiot,” she whispered.

  Hopefully it wasn’t too late.

  Returning her plate to the kitchen, she finished her tea and poured a large glass of cold water to take upstairs with her. Before she went anywhere, she needed a shower.

  Thirty minutes later, feeling somewhat human, she pulled open the front door and scared the crap out of herself and Bree.

  “Holy shit!” Bree flinched back a step and grabbed her chest. “Jesus. Sorry. That was unexpected.”

  “Just a little.” Zoe’s heart pounded in her chest. “I wasn’t expecting anyone on the other side of the door.”

  “I wasn’t either.” She pointed inside. “Can I come in?”

  “Um, I was actually—”

  “It’ll only take a few minutes.”

  Zoe sighed. “Sure.” What was five more minutes before she had to grovel?

  “Thanks.” Bree followed her down the short hall into the living room. “Wow. Okay. Uh, do you need help cleaning up?”

  “No. I wasn’t in the mood to clean the last few days. I’ll take care of it in a little while.”

  Bree turned around. “I heard about the fire. I’m so sorry. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”

  “Thank you for the offer. I’m not sure there’s really anything anyone can do. Unless you happen to have a spare hundred and fifty grand lying around.” Her laugh wasn’t exactly humorous.

  Bree cocked her head. “Why a hundred and fifty thousand?”

  “That’s about what it would take to refurbish a new location, purchase new inventory, and have enough solvency to operate for the first year.” She pressed the palms of her hands into her brows and rubbed out. It made her head hurt just thinking about it. And her chest and her stomach. Her entire body rebelled at the idea of having to ask the bank for another loan.

  She dropped her hands and caught the odd expression on Bree’s face. She shouldn’t have brought up money. It was one of those social norms she’d never understood.

  “Anyway, that’s probably not what you came by to talk about.”

  “Right.” Bree shifted her weight and stood a little straighter. “It’s about Tim.”

  Ooh. “Bree—”

  “I know it’s probably none of my business, but Tim is going to be family and he’s a really good guy. He’s one of the best.”


  “I think you should give him another chance. He may come off as kind of controlling, but that’s just him trying to take care of everyone. He’s a protector. It’s in his blood. Jase joined the Army and Tim joined the police force because he wants to protect those he—”

  “Bree! I know. I was leaving to go apologize to him.”

  “Oh.” Bree’s shoulders sagged as if all the hot air had been let out of her.

  “I didn’t handle the situation well after the fire. I wanted to be alone and lick my wounds for a while and I kind of lashed out at Tim in the process. I know he meant well, but I— I just hope it’s not too late.”

  Bree shook her head and gave her a lopsided smile. “I wouldn’t be here if I thought it was too late.”

  “That’s good to know,” Zoe said. “So I’m going to go…” She raised her eyebrows and pointed at the door.

  “Right! Sorry.” Bree walked to the foyer and paused with her hand on the doorknob. “Listen, something else that probably isn’t any of my business, but I have a couple of friends that work at the bank. If you want an introduction, I’m happy to help.”

  Zoe inhaled and exhaled some of her pride. She was going to need help. She couldn’t do it all on her own this time and she needed to admit that, at least to herself. “Thank you. I may take you up on that offer. I need to make some calls first.”

  “I understand. Let me know. I don’t want to lose the opportunity for a friends and family discount at a bookstore.” She winked and let herself out the door.

  Zoe waved as she got in her car, then looked over at Tim’s house. His truck was in the drive which meant he was home. Which meant letting go of even more of her pride. More than help, she needed someone in her corner who believed in her.

  And Tim did.

  Zoe knocked on the door and folded her arms. She uncrossed them and put her hands in her pockets. Her stomach rolled and she didn’t know if it was residual alcohol or the fear that he wouldn’t answer the door.

  The handle turned and her stomach rolled again. Fear and nervousness then.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “I’m sorry. About the other day. I was…I was a lot of things, but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. You were trying to help and I—”

  His mouth on hers cut her off. His arms banded around her and lifted her onto her toes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he picked her up and backed into his house.

  The door slammed behind them as he set her back on her feet. His hands cradled her head and he eased off the kiss, dropping his forehead to hers.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  “Why are you sorry?”

  “For assuming you needed taking care of. For trying to swoop in and make everything better. I have a bad habit of thinking I know what’s best for the people I care about.” He lifted his head and stared into her eyes. “And I care about you very, very much, Zoe.”

  Jesus, her stomach. It didn’t flip this much when she rode rollercoasters.

  “I love you,” he said. “I know it’s only been a couple of months, but I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. And I do want to take care of you. I want to protect you and support you.”

  He took a shaky breath. “I also know you’re more than capable of accomplishing everything you set your mind to on your own, but I hope you’ll let me help you.”

  She blinked several times. All she’d hoped for was of course I forgive you. This morning’s hangover had brought more than a little clarity with it. In addition to the checklist of things to do for the bookstore, she had the knowledge that the reason missing Tim had hurt so much was because she loved him.

  His returning the feeling was the last thing she’d h
oped for.

  “I know it may be too soon for you,” he said. “You don’t have to say it back. I’m good with you being here and giving me another chance.”

  “Euteamo.” It came out in one quick breath, forced out by her desire for him to know she felt the same way.

  “Eu te amo?” he repeated.

  “I said it in Portuguese?”

  He grinned, displaying his dimples to their full effect. “You did.”

  “It means I love you,” she said.

  “Thank God.” He dropped his mouth to hers, his tongue sweeping in to stroke.

  She didn’t know it was possible to sigh and gasp at the same time, but she was fairly certain she did.

  He spoke between kisses. “I promise…I’ll try not to interfere. I’ll wait…for you…to ask…before I offer help.”

  “I want your help, Tim. But you’re right—I don’t want you to take care of things for me. Just be there.” She kissed him the same way he’d kissed her. “As a sounding board. Listen to my problems without trying to solve them for me.”

  He smiled against her mouth. “That’s almost exactly what Bree said.”

  She pulled her head back and frowned. “Bree?”

  “Yeah. She came by for Mitzy and ended up giving me a kick in the ass. I was trying to figure out how to get you to talk to me when you showed up.”

  That interfering matchmaker. She smiled. She might have already made the decision to apologize to Tim on her own, but she appreciated Bree’s dedication. “I hope she gave you some good advice.”

  “The best.” His hands traveled down her neck and shoulders, his thumbs brushing against the outside of her breasts.

  A trail of goosebumps followed in the wake of his hands, down her torso to her waist, before ending up at her hips.

  “I don’t know if you have plans,” he said. “But if you’re free, I have some ideas for how to spend the rest of the day.”

  “Does it involve exploring the width of your bed?”

  “You’re very perceptive, Ms. Acevedo.”

  She checked her watch. The bank closed at two o’clock on Saturdays. Screw it. They’d be open first thing on Monday. “Turns out I have the weekend free.”

  “Funny. I feel a fever coming on. I might have to call in sick tomorrow.”

  She loved his affinity for elastic-waisted gym shorts. She ran her thumbs between the waistband and his skin. “I do know some basic first aid. I should probably stick around and make sure it’s not too serious.”

  He smirked. “That sounds like a good plan to me.”

  “The best.”

  Chapter 29

  Summer had finally given way to fall, just in time for Jase and Bree’s wedding. Red and gold leaves created the perfect backdrop for the ceremony and reception, as if special ordered from the florist. Bree had been nonchalant about the entire thing. Tim had spent the last couple of weeks reining in Jase as he turned into groomzilla, demanding everything be perfect for Bree, even though she only cared that it didn’t rain and there was plenty of wine and beer.

  Thankfully, autumn turned up full force ten days before the big day, as if knowing to do otherwise was inviting Jase’s wrath.

  Now Tim stood next to him under a canopy of fall colors, listening to his brother choke out his vows. He was going to give him so much shit later. He glanced at Zoe sitting in the second row and winked. She grinned back at him.

  The last two months had been hard for him, watching Zoe struggle as she fought with the insurance company and the bank…and her family. He’d wanted to jump in and knock over every obstacle that presented itself. His restraint had been rewarded when Zoe had asked for his advice on how to address certain issues and he found he enjoyed discussing possible ways of resolving problems. Zoe looked at things from an entirely different perspective. She didn’t always agree with his suggestions but was always willing to talk through them with him. He learned he didn’t always have the best answer.

  Almost a month after the fire Zoe, Elba, and Laura were notified that the building had a new owner. One who was willing to not only rebuild but also renovate to their individual specifications. The salon owner had chosen not to re-sign a lease and Elba had decided to incorporate the extra storefront into her restaurant. The lease offer had been more than generous. Everything was handled through a lawyer and the owner remained anonymous.

  Tim glanced at Bree as she repeated her vows. He had his suspicions, but unless she wanted to come clean, he’d keep her secret.

  A cheer went up when Bree and Jase exchanged their first kiss as bride and groom. Tim laughed and clapped when Jase pumped a fist in the air, still kissing Bree. They finally broke apart and Bree took her flowers from Denise. She kicked up one gold-clad foot and raised her bouquet in the air before Jase tucked her hand into the crook his arm and led her down the aisle right as the sun dipped below the horizon. It might have been timed better if Jase hadn’t been so busy mauling his new bride.

  Tim stepped forward and offered his arm to Denise and they followed Bree and Jase. He gave Chris a head nod as they passed and Denise blew him a kiss. They’d already planned for Chris to escort Zoe to the reception while they took care of signing the marriage certificate and taking photos.

  “Are you going to ask her today?” Jase asked.

  Tim glanced away from Bree and Denise, holding on to each other while they laughed hysterically as the photographer tried to take photos of them together.

  “Ask who what?”

  Jase gave him a look like he was an idiot. “Ask Zoe to marry you.”

  “If I was going to ask Zoe to marry me, and I’m not saying we’re at that point, it sure as hell wouldn’t be at your wedding.”

  “Why not?”

  “Bro, seriously? How long have you lived with Bree? You don’t steal the limelight from the bride.”

  “Bree’s not going to care.”

  “Regardless, I’m not to ask Zoe to marry me today. I kind of need to work on getting on her family’s good side before I pop the question. They weren’t too happy when I told them they weren’t welcome in my house if they were going to continue yelling at Zoe and making her miserable.”

  Jase grinned at him. “Seriously?”

  “Hell, yes. Her sister made her angry cry. I’d had enough. Told them to get out and not come back until they could support her decisions.”

  “How’d that go over with Zoe?”

  “Eh. She yelled at me in Portuguese, so not all that great.”

  Jase laughed and slapped him on the shoulder. The ladies finished with their pictures and joined them and Jase took the opportunity to kiss his new bride.

  “Well, this is awkward,” Denise said.

  “Right? You’d think they’d have gotten over this by now.”

  Jase flipped them off but didn’t stop kissing Bree.

  “Aren’t you guys supposed to make a grand entrance or something?” Denise asked.

  The happy couple finally broke apart. Bree sighed. “If we have to.”

  “Told you Vegas was a better idea,” Denise said. “But noooo, you wanted a big wedding. Forgot about the big reception that goes along with it, didn’t you?”

  “Why do I keep you around?” Bree asked.

  Denise grinned at her. “You love me.”

  Bree frowned. “I should have made you wear an ugly dress.”

  “Whatever. Let’s go. The sooner you make your entrance, the sooner you can go find the honeymoon suite.”

  Tim shook his head and followed her as she walked around to the where the caterer had set up a large tent for the outdoor reception. “Not an image I needed in my head.”

  “Hey, at least I kept it PG.”

  He only had time to give Zoe a quick kiss on the way to the reception. Between dinner, greeting family and friends, and the toasts, it wasn’t until the music started that he finally had a more than a minute to spend any time quality with her.

  Pulling her in close, his hand drifted down her bar
e back to her waist. “Have I told you how much I like this dress?”

  She grinned up at him. “A couple of times when I was trying to get you out of the house on time.”

  He smirked. “There’s a reason they call it a quickie, you know.”

  “I think your definition of a quickie differs from everyone else’s since I always end up at least thirty minutes late whenever I let you talk me into one.”

  “If you gave in faster, we’d have more time.”

  “If we moved in together maybe we wouldn’t need them as often,” she said.

  He stopped dancing. “What?”

  “Mom and Dad want to buy a condo in Fort Lauderdale. Selling the house will let them buy the condo without incurring a new mortgage.” She shrugged and dropped her gaze. “Unless it’s too soon.”

  Tilting her head back, he kissed her. “It’s definitely not too soon. It’s damn near perfect.”

  Her smile was blinding. “I think you’re perfect,” she whispered.

  He shook his head. “I’m only perfect with you.”


  Zoe closed her eyes and rested her hands on her stomach, feeling her breaths as she inhaled and exhaled. It was happening. Again. Hopefully it would stick this time.

  No more fires. No more crazy landlords—although she didn’t actually know who her landlord was, so there was always the possibility that he or she could be crazy. She took it as a good sign that a company was handling everything, though.

  “Zoe. You okay?”

  She opened her eyes and smiled. Tim stood in front of her with an arm resting on one of the bookshelves while he looked at her with concern.

  “Yes. Just trying to keep from having an anxiety attack.”

  He pulled her into his arms, wrapping them around her. “You want me to cause a commotion while run you out the back?”

  She pressed her temple into the pocket of his shoulder and chuckled. “No. I only needed a few minutes to take a deep breath. I feel like I’ve been going non-stop for the past six months.”

  “That’s because you have been.” He rested his head on top of hers. “It’s going to be great. You’ve got this.”


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