Snark's Quest

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Snark's Quest Page 16

by Timothy Ellis

  "Prrinks," she said.

  He stepped forward.

  "I award you with the medal of Honour."

  She hung the ribbon and medal around his neck.

  She followed with all of the other heroes of the defence of the planet.

  "All charges against Snark have hereby been quashed. He is cleared of all previous matters being held against him."

  There were cheers.

  At the following reception, she found Snark in a corner on his own.

  "Snark? Not boasting about your achievements?"

  He shook his head.

  "Just contemplating how we survived."

  "You know we owe you all a debt which cannot be repaid."

  He nodded. She continued on.

  "Snark," she began. "I would like to make you a proposition. I’d like you to take on my role. To be Grand Father. After a vote of course," she added quickly.

  Snark hesitated. He'd thought something like this might happen. Not the Grand Father position, but something which would make him stay on the Cat Homeworld. He could see there was a lot to do, and part of him wanted to be part of it. But he was torn. He’d seen Queen Jane defeat the Owls. It was if he belonged 'out there', discovering new things, and species, and… He didn’t really know what it was. A kind of wanderlust, a kind of curiosity about the universe.

  He knew he would be bored if he stayed. Politics was not his strong suit. He called a shovel a bleeding spade after all. The Grand Mother read his face well.

  "I understand," was all she said.

  Forty Three

  "Bloody mop heads!"

  Snark was particularly pissed off. Jamie and Anna had started to make some key changes to the layout of the bridge of the Seasprite.

  "Where’s a cat supposed to sit?"

  Anna placated him.

  "It’s OK. We’ve thought of how to make it better for both us and you."

  She pushed a button, and the chair became a cat bed.


  She pushed another button, and the console moved forward within reach of short cat arms and paws.


  She pushed another button, and a screen popped up showing a room with a complete wall of stairs, shelves, and cat boxes.


  "And the piece de resistance!" she added with a flourish.

  The view on the same screen changed to show another part of the room, where a circular stair, and fluffy carpeted cat scratching pole extended to the ceiling.

  "Nice," he admitted reluctantly.

  "How did you do all this?"

  "The newly active parts of the console contained options for bridge configurations which included a human child setup. Must have been added in the shipyard before we left, after the ship was sold to me. Presumably Jane thought we might be having children someday, and would be wanting to train them on the bridge at a young age."

  Jamie looked sceptical, but said nothing.

  "The rest was easy. The command computer was able to give your repair droids instructions for building what you’d need as a crew member. We changed the first officer's cabin to suit you."

  "So what about the repairs?" he grumped. "What have you been doing? We need them as soon as possible."

  Anna laughed.

  "Glad to see you back to your old self."

  Snark humphed and grumped, but he was secretly chuffed.

  Jamie showed him the progress made so far. The shield generators were fully operational again. The engines had been given a complete going over by the same repair droids. But the external damage was too much for them to be able to fix, and the station wasn’t able to as well.

  Forty Four

  The Wild Ones were having their own conference, and had gathered at a room in their accommodations.

  Felderspath, the leader of the Panthers, was first to talk.

  "It’s time for the Wild Ones to join with the Cats in the Plains in governance of this world," he stated.

  There was general nodding and agreement.

  "For too long, we've accepted their bigotry, and avoided our own responsibilities."

  There was a bit of growling, hissing, and general unrest at this.

  "It’s true. We’ve left them to it, and retreated into our wilderness areas, to live how we wanted to. And in the meantime, the Cats of the Plains have represented us at the Sector Council, and with trading partners such as the Owls. Do we really want this to continue?"

  Shakings of heads, growling, shifting of bodies.

  "Then we need to step up."

  A voice came from the back of the room.

  "We agree. But how can we contribute, when they don’t want us there?"

  Felderspath sighed and continued.

  "I understand they are biased and bigoted. It has always been the way. But to get change, we also need to change. We need to be there to dispute their behaviour. We need to be involved. Then they can’t ignore us, and make up stories about us."

  Several cats snarled, several cried agreement, several licked their paws as a distraction. Felderspath continued again.

  "We are diverse, and spread across the world. But we must be united as one!"

  "Many of us compete for territory."

  This from a lioness at the front. There was a shuffling of feet, and various hisses.

  "Only for hunting grounds." Felderspath looked from cat to cat. "We have only wanted and taken what our prides and our families needed. This is the old way."

  "Felderspath is right," said the lioness. "We need to start to challenge the Cats of the Plains."

  "Not challenge, cooperate. We need them to see our worth. Like Patters here."

  He indicated the Cheetah who had been with the humans and Snark on the Seasprite.

  "We have a valuable part to play when the humans come."

  Several voices started making suggestions of how to be more involved, and how to overcome the Cats of the Plains’ sense of entitlement. Felderspath was pleased. It had been easier than he'd thought. But he knew once they were back in their familiar fastness's and wildernesses, they would forget what they'd promised. How to keep it going?

  Patters had stayed back at the end of the meeting. Felderspath was typing on his tablet. She approached him.

  "You made good points," she said, a bit lamely.

  "And you’re a hero," he said, as he smiled at her.

  She smiled back shyly.

  "I would like to suggest something."

  "You’d like to travel with the humans and Snark?"

  She started. How did he know?

  "Was it that obvious?"

  "A little." He took pity on her. "Your leader has praised your hunting ability to me. Evidently your favourite weapon is the bow and arrows?"

  "Yes." She was immediately excited. "On the grass plains, and in the forest, they work so well. Silent, but deadly."

  She looked a bit downcast though with the next thought.

  "But not in space?"

  "No, I suppose not."

  "What does your leader think?"

  "He is in agreement with my wishes."

  "Then I think we can arrange something. It would be good to have a Wild One who meets the humans on their own terms, and represents our interests in the galaxy."

  They talked for a moment, and then she left.

  She was elated. The whole of the galaxy was opening up to her. Her ex had talked of the wonders, and also of the pitfalls, but she wanted to see for herself. And she would.

  Felderspath smiled to himself and purred. It was all falling into place.

  Forty Five

  Seasprite was ready to leave. The hull had been patched enough for basic integrity, and life support restored everywhere, but she still looked a little singed around the edges.

  It was time to make decisions about next steps.

  Fitzy had a little more intelligence about Bhatet and the Brotherhood.

  "He seems to have an interest in you and the Seasprite," he said l
ooking at his notes.

  Jamie, Anna, and Snark all looked at each other.

  "Intelligence gathered here indicates there was a conspiracy to overthrow the Cats of the Plains legitimate government, and set up a puppet regime, really controlled by Bhatet. But there is some interesting information about a quest for some kind of Stone?"

  He looked up. He was hoping to get more from them.

  There was silence. Anna looked at her fingernails, and Jamie whistled to himself. Snark sharpened his claws on a convenient piece of furniture.

  "Come on guys," he said. "Help me, and I can help you!"

  Anna looked at the others and sighed. She could trust him if anyone.

  "It’s my quest. I’m Seeking a stone. The Destiny Stone. It’s a family thing. We’ve been doing it for centuries since it was lost. It has great power, and that’s why I believe Bhatet is interested in it. He seems to have his finger in a lot of pies related to information about it, and gathering that information."

  She thought of Sissness, but continued.

  "It’s important to me, and I’ll keep searching for it. Jamie here is along for the ride on behalf of the Scots, and Snark, well, I’ve promised him a return from his investment in time. We have some information to keep up the search, but if Bhatet and the Brotherhood are still interested, we’ll have to take that into account. If there’s anything you can tell us, I’d be very grateful."

  "Nothing specific," said Fitzy. "But plenty to speculate about. I’ll make up a report. It’s the least I can do. And don’t worry, your secret is safe with me."

  Snark had made an appointment with Grandmother to bid her farewell. In the end, he knew he’d continue on with Anna and Jamie in the Seasprite, ostensibly for the Destiny Stone. He just couldn’t put his finger on why. He had the right to pull out, and do his own thing. He just couldn’t bring himself to do it.

  Grandmother sat on a comfy cat bed, on the usual seat which was her throne.

  "It’s so uncomfortable and cold," she said. "I need a bit of comfort in my old age and infirmity."

  She laughed with gusto.

  "So Snark," she smiled wickedly. "What can I do for you?"

  Snark told her he was leaving with the Seasprite. She looked a bit downcast, but got out of her cat bed, and offered one arm to him.

  "Help me over to the more comfortable seats."

  He obliged. Once they were settled, she turned to look him directly in the eye.

  "Grandson," she started seriously. "There is a terrible, dark, sinister force approaching us. It will affect everyone, including the Cats of the Plains." She shook her head and shivered. "It is evil. But I don’t have much detail about what it is, or when it will come."

  Snark didn’t ask how she knew. He knew about her abilities, and believed her without question.

  "It's not the humans, although they will bring their own problems."

  She gestured to a minion, and he stepped forward with a tray. She took a glass of water and a pill, swallowed the pill with water, and waved him away.

  "I’m too old," she said with a tear in her eye, then brushed it away angrily. "Just when I need to be focussed, I’m at the end of my faculties."

  "It’s not your fault, grandmother."

  "No, you’re right. It just is." She sipped at the water. "I just wish I had a proper successor. No, not just for the Grand Parent role. For the Seeing, the Searching, and the Finding. The Inner Sight."

  She flapped her hand, and the minion reappeared. He gave her some papers. She waved him away again to a distance where he couldn’t hear.

  "I’ve made some notes. Not on one of those pesky tablets. Good old fashioned paper. Something I can trust." She sniffled a bit. "It’s all I know. Read it. Keep it safe."

  She looked into his blue eyes, and took his paw.

  "I entrust you now with a mission. A Quest. To find the evil, and protect the Cat World at all costs."

  He was astounded. This was…too much…it…

  "I know it's a lot to ask. I was wrong to think of you as the Grand Father. At least yet. You have so much more to offer our kind. And there’s something else."

  She hung on to his paw as he tried to withdraw it from her grip.

  "I know you think I’m burdening you, but it is your Destiny."

  He started at the mention of the word. It was too much of a coincidence.

  "I’ve had a dream. A vision if you will. A strange place with a waterfall…"

  She seemed to be in another place. Snark waited.

  "I saw…."

  She wilted a bit, then drew herself up with resolve.

  "I saw Anna and Jamie. At the waterfall. They disappeared into it. There is something about a Stone."

  Snark started again. He hadn’t told her about the Destiny Stone.

  She seemed to have gone into a sleep sitting up.

  Snark leaned closer, and she came to with a start herself.

  "There is great danger. It's linked to the Quest I've given you. You must find out what it is, and protect not only the cats, but all of us."

  She waved again, and the minion stepped forward again into hearing distance. Snark clutched the papers.

  "That’s all for now. I’ll see you when you go. I think a cat nap is in order."

  He watched as the minion supported her to the door, and through. She didn’t look back.

  Forty Six

  Sissness was frustrated. She couldn’t find any other references to the god like figure, or the Talisman. It was infuriating. She’d been testing all references, references about references, and all other sources she could possibly think of. Nothing.

  But what if?

  She thought hard. If she cross-referenced human history, and her records with theirs! She needed a source. She was sure it would be on the Seasprite.

  Just think! A rich new source of history from a completely different perspective!

  She pulled her tablet to her again and contacted Anna.

  Mac was disturbed. Since the Seasprite had left, there had been no other intruders to their system. But his Mother. He sighed. Every minute she was in his ear about cold evil this, and cold evil that. It was getting tedious.

  He wondered how the Seasprite crew were getting on. He was waiting for a communication from Jamie. Damn the lad, but he’d received nothing. He might be busy, but he could spare a moment to keep Mac up to date.

  He’d made an appointment with Queen Jane. It was time for the Scots to become active members of the Kingdom. Jane had allowed them their independence and isolationism. But it was time for his people to step up.

  He’d had further intelligence about Bhatet and the Brotherhood, as he expanded his networks out into the sector. Isolated as they'd been, there was now a steady stream of traders going through their system, and he'd been sending people out on them, as they headed to all parts of the sector. It was early days, but information was flowing back to him. The fact the Brotherhood had infiltrated the Scots families on their world was alarming. And Bhatet, he’d heard some news which suggested he’d set his eyes on Puss's Cat planet, and various systems near there. Bhatet was expanding his Empire, and it was getting a bit too close for comfort.

  One of the perks of being Duke, was his own private Lightning courier. In any other ship he could lay his hands on, the trip to see Jane would take eight days. But he could do it in a fraction of the time.

  Bhatet lay on a golden throne-like couch. Slaves of all kinds of species fed him delicacies, as he listened to the entreaties from his petitioners.

  "Bah!" he spat.

  "Your graciousness, highness most mighty," a minion fawned at his feet.

  "Just something went down the wrong way," he drawled, and spat again.

  The glob narrowly missed a dancing hippo in a slinky see through floaty dress, as she whirled by.

  Bhatet was bored. He needed something amusing to distract him. He’d thought this Stone thingy would do it for him, but it'd become more of a problem than a welcome distraction.
The Cat planet was the same. Bit of a waste of time really.

  Bhatet hated to lose though. It was particularly galling he’d lost a dozen ships of his fleet in a pointless battle for something as paltry as the Cat planet. But the reports of the Ship which had fought them off, now there was something worth having.

  He tuned back in. Something about a miscarriage of justice?

  "Off with his head!" he cried, and the unfortunate petitioner was dragged outside.

  He could see his decision had been a focussing effect on the others. Several left without presenting their cases. Just as well.

  Bhatet was a hybrid. A bulky, going to fat combination of several different life-forms, he was a grossly ugly individual. Mixed heritage often resulted in being outcast from various societies, but Bhatet had overcome the inconvenience through brute force, a psychotic lack of empathy for anything living, and a weird sort of charm. While some hybrids were unusually attractive, he had seemed to inherit none of his forebears' best features.

  A cross between a lizard, a hyena, and a giant octopus, Bhatet dwarfed the beings around him. When standing, his hyena misshapen body and short legs propped up tentacles as well as functional arms, and a lizard head with lolling tongue. The lizard head sported a massive array of sharp teeth, and while his legs were short, his speed could be deadly. The tentacles enabled him to have a finger, so called, in every pie, while his functional arms enabled tool using.

  He’d made his career variously as a gun runner, narcotics dealer, and slave trader. You name the nefarious dealings, and he’d been part of it. So grew an empire of wickedness, which he translated to an Empire in fact, with control of a dozen systems, as well as his 'business' dealings.

  His physical features mimicked his creative genius and skills on the ground. He had tentacles in every industry, business, and trade deal in every sector from seven to twelve. He was a scavenger, feeding off the demise, defeat, and distress, of others. And he was a cold-blooded killer, giving even the cantankerous lizards a bad name.

  He was feared as a Warlord with an impressive space force, with which he’d conquered many planets and systems, as well as ground forces and security forces to rival the Owls and Bats. They'd not had much of a presence on his side of sector nine, and so Bhatet had flourished. With the demise of the Owls, he was busy extending into their territories, although he was getting some resistance from the Bats, who were quietly doing the same thing.


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