Predestined: Nathan McCoy's Story (Hell Yeah! Book 37)

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Predestined: Nathan McCoy's Story (Hell Yeah! Book 37) Page 36

by Sable Hunter

  “I do.”

  “Clare, do you take this man, Nathan McCoy, to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  “Very well, let’s repeat your vows. Nathan, do you promise to love and cherish this woman, for better for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.” Nathan took Clare’s hand. “Romy, my love for you isn’t confined to this world, but to all the worlds beyond. My love for you won’t stop when this life is over, my love for you is eternal.”

  Aron nodded. “Clare, do you promise to love and cherish this man, for better for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.” She looked up into Nathan’s face. “I’ve loved you for so long. Becoming your wife is the epitome of everything I’ve ever longed for. You mean everything to me.”

  Nathan bent his head to steal a kiss.

  “Hey, hold up. You’re getting ahead of the game.”

  “Sorry,” Nathan said, but he didn’t look sorry.

  A titter ran through the crowd.

  “By the power vested in me by God and the internet, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Nathan, you may kiss your bride.”

  “At last.” Nathan swept her up into his arms and kissed her passionately. Deeply. Thoroughly.

  Applause and catcalls sounded from the crowd.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to introduce, for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan McCoy!”

  …A few hours later the happy bride and groom were heading east in Nathan’s black Mustang. “Are you happy, Mrs. McCoy?”

  “Thrilled. How about you, Mr. McCoy?”

  “Elated, my love.” He picked up her hand and brought it to rest over his heart. “How do you feel, baby?”

  “I’m fine.” She laid her head back and sighed in contentment. “I always feel better when I’m with you.”

  “Good.” Momentarily, Nathan recalled the conversation he’d had with Cady at the reception.

  “So, tell me what you see, Cady. Tell me everything will be okay.”

  “I wish I could tell you that your troubles are behind you. I wish I could assure you that Clare will live to be a hundred. But I can’t. Not because I see anything bad, I just can’t see anything at all. Your destiny is predetermined, Nathan. This is true for all of us, but we change the path to that future everyday with the decisions we make and the actions we take. Like the poem Invictus says, we truly are the captains of our soul.”

  “I’ll give anything, do anything to spare her a moment of fear or pain.”

  “I know that…” Cady stepped around in front of Nathan, taking him by the arms. “Let me remind you of something. The day I arrived on Tebow, we met outside. Remember?”

  “Yea, I saw your wings.” He smiled at the memory. “I knew you were an angel from the beginning.”

  “I saw you too, Nathan. The real you. There was no doubt you were special. Your whole being was surrounded by this amazing golden aura. Romy has one too, not golden like yours but the most sparkling white. She’s a crystal soul, one who can transcend the boundaries of this life to embrace the energies of those she’s drawn too. I think this ability explains her way with her animals…and with you. She and I spent some time together when I first arrived, and she shared with me how the two of you died on the same day. You both returned to this life, not only inextricably linked, but changed.”

  “I know I have these gifts – if you can call them that – but what good are they if I can’t help her?”

  “Maybe you already are.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Cady took his hands in hers. “A person’s aura reflects the state of their health. The energy surrounding Romy is not deteriorating, its growing stronger. Even today, I can see these vibrant sparkles of life vibrating around her.”

  “She’s happy, Cady. At least I can make her happy.”

  “Yes. And I don’t know to what extent, but I suspect you have a healing touch. I’m not saying you’re an empath, I don’t think you can take her problem into yourself. What I’m saying is that you can impart strength, your love can give her the will and the means to survive.”

  “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

  “That’s okay, you don’t have to do anything special. Just love her.”

  “I do. More than my own life.”

  “I know. And who knows? The healing process may have already begun.”

  “So, where are we going, husband?”

  “On our honeymoon, where else?”

  “Is that all you can tell me?” Clare was only mildly interested in their destination, the important thing for her was not where they ended up – but that they were together. What she was concerned about was what they would be doing on their honeymoon. For the past two nights, they’d slept together…but only slept. Nathan hadn’t made a move to make love to her since he’d learned the truth about her heart.

  “No, I’ve booked a room for us in Santa Fe. We’ll have a wonderful meal, do a little light sightseeing. How does that sound?”

  “Lovely.” She did her best to keep the disappointment from her voice. Their becoming husband and wife wasn’t the only change in their relationship. A distance was growing between them, not one of love but one of passion. Clare did not intend for that distance to remain – not if she had any say in the matter. “I can’t wait.”

  “And then…well, you’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “Ah, I love a mystery.”

  “I have to keep you guessing, Romy. I don’t want you to get bored with me too fast.”

  Love for him welled up in her soul. “I’ll never grow tired of you or anything about you. You’re my dream guy, Nathan.”

  “More than that, I’m your husband, Romy. And you’re my wife.” When they stopped at a red light, he wrapped his hand in her veil and pulled her close for a kiss. “We’re one now. I plan on spending the rest of my life proving to you how much I love you.”

  “I look forward to it.” She gave him a wink. “Our wedding night will be a good place to start.”

  Nathan thought only brides were supposed to be nervous on their wedding night, but he was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. He was so afraid of hurting her. Of doing something to put her in danger. Even more than that, he was terrified of disappointing her.

  So far, the evening had been perfect. Their meal was fantastic. They’d dined in style at Terra, the highly renowned restaurant located at the Four Seasons Resort. Romy chose low sodium versions of the Spicy Green Chili Corn Chowder, the Chimayo Duck Pappardelle with grilled peppers, maple leaf duck confit, and garrotxa cheese while Nathan went with the New Mexico Steak ‘Oscar’ style, featuring huitlacoche and crab, chipotle hollandaise, grilled asparagus, green chile mashed potatoes, and smoked queso fresco. They were both stuffed.

  Once they returned to their hotel, Clare asked to walk off a bit of dinner.

  “Are you sure you’re up for it?”

  “This part of Santa Fe looks like a park, I’ve seen benches everywhere.” When he hesitated, she gave him a light punch. “Come on, we’ll take it slow. I’m not an invalid, you know.” Not yet anyway.

  “Okay, let’s go.” He took her hand. “But if you get tired, you let me know. I’ll carry you.”

  “I think I’ll be fine.”

  Hand in hand, they strolled a few blocks north to the beautiful Loretto Chapel. As she’d predicted there were several benches, and she took advantage of them. “I need to keep up my strength for later when my husband makes love to me.”

  Her teasing comment didn’t help Nathan’s nerves. He wanted to make love to her more than anything – he just didn’t want to hurt her.

  When they came to the Loretto Chapel, they entered the sacred place slowly and with reverence. “Have you been here before?” she asked him.

  “Once, a long time ago. Have you?”

No, I haven’t. Tell me about it.” She held onto his arm feeling safer than she’d ever been.

  “Well, the tale that’s told is that in 1873 the nuns at the Loretto Academy needed a new chapel.” He pointed around him. “This beautiful place was the result, but the man who was building it died before it was completed. While this was sad, the worst part was that he hadn’t built the staircase to the choir loft some twenty feet above the ground floor. Other builders proposed a standard staircase, but if you look around this area is very small and so is the choir loft. A standard staircase would take up too much room and render both spaces practically unusable. The nuns decided they would pray for an answer. They directed their novenas to the patron saint of carpenters, the earthly father of Jesus, Saint Joseph himself. By the ninth day, they’d almost given up hope when a knock came on the door – help had arrived.

  “The man revealed himself to be a carpenter. He came with his mule and a few tools. After examining the problem, the old man said he could help them, but he needed to work in complete privacy. The only time the nuns were allowed in the chapel was when the carpenter would leave for the night. They never saw him work, but they did see tubs of water where he soaked the wood he used in the construction.

  “When the staircase was completed, it was spiral. The sisters were so delighted they wanted to hold a banquet in the builder’s honor. When they looked for him, however, he was nowhere to be found. He hadn’t waited for thanks or payment. Even more mysterious was the staircase itself. When other carpenters came to view it, they were amazed that there was no visible means of support. The staircase rose in a double helix with no central post or support beams. Also, there were no nails or glue to hold the pieces together. Wooden pegs were used to secure the steps. There were no railings, only 33 smooth steps rising straight up in the air. Thirty-three, a number many people associate with Christ. The significance of all of those things wasn’t lost on the nuns, they became convinced they’d been given their own miracle and the builder of their staircase was none other than Saint Joseph himself.”

  “Oh, I love it.” She kissed him softly on the cheek. “That’s a beautiful story, Nathan. It gives me hope for a miracle of our own.”

  Her soft whisper almost brought Nathan to his knees. Yes, he was hoping for a miracle also.

  “Ready to go to the hotel?”

  “Yea, I am.” He drew her close and they began the walk to their room. For nearly a block, they walked in companionable silence. Unable to avoid the topic any longer, Nathan just blurted out what he was dreading to say. “You know, this has been a difficult couple of days. If you’re tired…we can just sleep tonight.”

  Clare stiffened beside him. “Nathan McCoy, this is my wedding night. I’m sorry this has been a difficult time for you, but you married me, and I expect to be treated like a bride.”

  “Romy, you aren’t well.”

  “I wasn’t well before but that didn’t stop us.”

  “Yea, but I didn’t know then – not what I know now.”

  Clare didn’t like what she was hearing. She felt hurt and confused. “Fine.” She pulled her arm from his grasp. “If you don’t want me, that’s just fine.”

  Uh-oh. Even Nathan knew Romy’s use of the word ‘fine’ didn’t mean that anything was remotely ‘fine.’ Hurrying to catch up with her, Nathan caught her arm once more. “Now, wait a minute. You know I love you more than anything and I want you with every fiber of my being. I just don’t want to do anything that would…” His voice faded away to nothing.

  “You’re afraid you’ll excite me so much my heart will stop.”

  Her teasing tone caused him to jerk his head up and stare at her. “Well, yea. That about sums it up.”

  Clare didn’t reply right away. Another couple walked up behind them, and she didn’t say anything until they came to the place where they were staying. The Inn of the Five Graces.

  “Is the room we’re staying in the honeymoon suite?”

  “Yes. Of course it is.” Nathan placed a hand on her lower back as he steered her to the elevator.

  “If we weren’t going to make love, why did you waste the money? We could’ve stayed in an ordinary room with twin beds.”

  “Romy…” Again they had to pause their conversation when two ladies got on the elevator with them. They all exited at the next floor and neither said anything until they were behind closed doors.

  “This is a beautiful room.” Clare couldn’t help but admire the opulence, the elegance, and the huge king-size bed. “At least there’s a large couch. I’ll sleep there.”

  The idea offended Nathan completely. “No, you won’t.”

  “What? Are we going to resort to the bundling board?”

  “No. I want to hold you. Kiss you. Sleep with you.”

  “Sorry, I want those things too – but I also want more. I want my husband to make love to me.”

  Nathan bit the inside of his jaw hard when Romy came on to him. Walking slowly, her hips swaying one sexy step at a time, she began to remove her clothes. Leaving each piece on the floor in a seductive trail.

  “Cat got your tongue?”

  “No. What are you doing to me?” He didn’t have to ask, she was turning him inside out. His cock was rock hard and ready.

  “I’m tempting you. Is it working?” Romy dropped the last of her garments, leaving her standing before him naked as the day she was born.

  “Spectacularly.” He dropped to his knees at her feet, his arms going around her waist, his lips coming to rest over her heart. “I want you so much. Please don’t let me hurt you.”

  “You won’t.” She wrapped her arms around his head and shoulders. “The only way you could hurt me is if you don’t love me.”

  “I do love you.” He rose to his feet and ripped his clothes off in three or four economical moves. “I adore you.” Nathan picked her up in his arms. “I cherish you.” He crashed his mouth to hers as he carried her to bed, placing her gently on the covers. “You are the most precious thing in the world to me. I’d do anything for you, Romy. Anything.”

  “Then make love to me, Nathan. Just love me.”

  Unable to resist a moment longer, he stretched out next to her. “We’re staying at the Inn of the Five Graces.”

  “Yes, I’m aware.” Her skin was tingling with awareness of her handsome husband.

  “Do you know what graces they’re referring to?”

  “No, but I have a feeling you’re about to tell me, Mr. I’ve-Read-and-Retained-Every-Trivial-Fact-Under-The-Sun.”

  Nathan smiled. “Ah, you sound a bit impatient.”

  “Can you tell?”

  “I can but bear with me.” He took her left hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the tip of each finger. “The five graces are the five senses, the ways we give and receive pleasure. Shall I demonstrate?”

  “As long as it ends up with you buried deep inside of me, then yes. Please do.”

  A happy laugh escaped Nathan’s lips. “I didn’t realize I’d married such a demanding little minx.”

  “Surprise. Surprise.” She gave him a teasing smirk. “Now…you were about to demonstrate?”

  “Ah, yes.” Nathan was determined to take his time. To love her slowly, gently, deliciously. “First there’s sight.” He let his eyes slowly rove over her. “I receive great pleasure from just looking at you. You’re exquisite. So feminine. Soft. Delicate curves. I worship every inch of your beautiful body.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself, cowboy.” She raised a hand to touch him, but he brought it to his mouth instead. “Looking is great, but I want more.”

  “Patience. Patience.” He placed one finger on her lips. “Second is sound. I especially love those sexy little noises you make when I do something you like.” He kissed her softly and smiled when she whimpered. “Yea, that’s what I’m talking about.”

  “Third is smell.” He rubbed his face against her neck. “You have the sweetest scent.”

  “It’s my body wash.”<
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  “No, it’s you. From this delicate little spot behind your ear where you dab your perfume.” He kissed her there. “To the sexy valley between your breasts.” He nuzzled her there. “To the delectable, sweet cream between your legs.”

  Clare groaned with arousal as desire speared through her so strong that she raised her hips in supplication. “You’re killing me – pun intended.”

  “Don’t want to do that.” He trailed a finger from her knee to her upper thigh, smiling when she opened her legs to tempt him. “The fourth grace is taste.”

  “Oh, God…”

  “Yea, taste.” Nathan placed his lips over hers, then spread a trail of burning kisses down her throat.

  Clare turned her head to give him greater access. “Tell me more.”

  “I’m not through tasting.” He swirled his tongue around one nipple, taking it between his lips to suck long and hard.

  “And number five?” She rasped out the question, arching her back to push her breast deeper into his mouth.

  He soothed his lips from one breast to the other. “Number five is touch.” Nathan looked at her as he ran his hands over her golden skin. You’re so beautiful.” He gathered her close, reveling in the feel of her body close to his. “The most beautiful girl in the world and you’re all mine.”

  “Show me, Nathan,” she whispered into his ear. “It feels like it’s been forever. Make me yours.”

  Nathan did, rising over her, joining his body to hers. He made love to Romy tenderly, rocking against her, every thrust of his hips a reminder that she belonged to him. Mine. Mine. Mine.

  Clinging to him, Clare swooned in ecstasy. “Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

  Nathan gladly gave her what they both craved, losing himself in the heated passion. When she gasped and begged him to come with her, he obeyed. His body and soul hers for the asking. “I love you, I love you,” he chanted as his body throbbed helplessly, his heart pounding like a drum.

  Clare clutched Nathan to her, her breathing almost as hard as his.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, rolling to one side, and bringing her with him.


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