Holt: A Wolf's Hunger Alpha Shifter Romance

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Holt: A Wolf's Hunger Alpha Shifter Romance Page 3

by Desiree A. Cox

  “I fucking paid attention. Now, come on.”

  We left the house and locked up. My stomach wouldn’t calm down until I shifted and locked my jaws on a delicious deer. I devoured it, taking a break only when Dolph stepped too close. I lifted my head, my eyes focused, holding him in his place and then I growled a warning for him not to touch my meal. He had his rabbit.

  We cleaned up and continued on our way until we reached our destination.

  The meeting didn’t take as long as I thought it might. I honestly had no idea what I was walking into, but Trey stood by my side and helped me answer many of the initial questions about the Pack, the land, and what happened that day in the park.

  When it came time to discuss in more detail the situation that landed many of our Pack in captivity, and my father being murdered, the Council members were very upset, and could see why I wanted to take action, but they asked Trey to oversee me. My jaw clenched and my fists balled up. I was furious. I felt like a child all over again.

  Finally, the topic of Pack Alpha was discussed. Evidently the comments Trey had made in the past made their way to Council ears. Fucking great, I thought. When his comment that I couldn’t lead a Pack to pick up sticks was repeated, followed up immediately that a She-wolf would make a better Alpha, I was mortified. Trey cleared his throat and said he’d made those comments when I was younger, and that now he stood before them and vouched for me, as my father’s Beta.

  Luckily for me they didn’t say no, but they didn’t say yes, either. I was put on a sixty-day trial-run as Alpha to see how I handled the responsibility. After that time lapsed I was to return, and they would have a final hearing. The bottom line - I was named ‘acting-Alpha.’

  “Just fucking great,” I mumbled as we walked outside.

  “Shut up, kid. The walls have ears, and it could be worse. At least they’re willing to give you a chance to prove yourself,” Trey said.

  Lucky me, I thought.

  Chapter 5


  I lay on the couch, waiting for my mother to return. I couldn’t believe she wasn’t home yet.

  I was starving despite the handful of rabbits and squirrels I’d hunted on the way home. Surely any perishable items mom bought were on the verge of spoiling.

  I flipped on the television to watch the rest of the four o’clock news. The stories were status quo for North Jersey – murders, drug problems, sports, and weather. I was close to nodding off when the four-thirty news came on with a breaking story. I sat up straight when I saw the mangled truck. It was just like the truck from the park.

  I turned the volume up and I heard that three men from the Wolf preserve had been killed in a freak one-vehicle accident. I’ll admit, I was elated. My Wolf was jumping around clicking his heels. The justice I’d hoped for had been delivered. My mother would be happy to know I didn’t have to get involved and that the men were dead. With three men gone from the preserve, I felt the odds had once again tipped in my favor to be able to free the Pack.

  I jumped up and down, thinking the only thing that would have been better than their truck wrapping around that tree would have been to have their throats ripped out and watch their blood drain into the ground.

  I knew after everything that had unfolded no more men would be scouring the woods, hunting wolves and coyotes into captivity so they could feed their profiteering greed-lust by using us as tourist attractions anytime soon. They probably didn’t have the manpower to hunt us right now.

  I’d waited for mother to come home so I could share the news and for her to cook for us. When she didn’t show up I reluctantly decided to thaw something in the freezer, then cooked our dinner. While I sat in the house eating alone, wondering what could possibly be taking her so long, I heard on the six o’clock news that a witness saw a large animal run in front of the truck driven by the men from the preserve. The driver swerved, then ran off the road and wrapped the truck around the tree going full speed. The witness thought the animal may have been hit.

  The men searched the wooded area, figuring an injured animal wouldn’t get too far. Then there she was. My mother’s Wolf was in the woods -- dead.

  My tortured howl shook the walls of the house. I tossed my head back and looked up.

  “Goddess, why do you hate me so much? Why take my mother? Why not just take me, too?” I screamed.

  Tears flooded down my cheeks. I rubbed my hands across my face and swiped at the tears that didn’t stop falling.

  I shoved my plate across the table, crashing it against the wall, the plate shattering into a million tiny pieces. I slammed my fists on the table top and howled my grief again. I was heart-broken.

  I made my way into my parents’ room and laid across their bed, taking in my mother’s scent. Now I knew how she felt when she said she wanted to die. I wanted to die right now. I held her pillow tight and let the grief take me under.

  When I woke, I was quickly yanked back into the reality that I had my father to cremate the next day, and I needed to go retrieve my mom’s Wolf before animal control was sent out.

  Dolph and Trey burst through the front door, nearly simultaneously offering their sorrowful condolences. I couldn’t talk. My throat was so dry and swollen, I couldn’t get any words out.

  I sat in my mom’s favorite chair and rocked back and forth, shaking my head. I had no idea how I could survive this much devastation. Both of my parents were gone. I fought to keep my tears at bay, tears I didn’t think I could possibly have. My eye sockets ached from all the crying.

  Without warning, my Wolf howled. The sound tore through me and erupted from my mouth. Dolph and Trey both howled with me. My whole being felt ruined.

  My only solace was that both services would be incredibly small. But I knew, eventually, once the Pack was all back on the land, I’d have to relive these horrible memories as they all offered their condolences.

  “I need to be alone,” I whispered.

  “We understand,” Trey replied.

  “Can we do anything for you?” Dolph asked.

  Through tears, I told them I had to go get my Mom’s Wolf and bring her home. I couldn’t leave her in the woods. The thought made my chest tighten. They assured me they would do that for me.

  “We’ll stop by tomorrow morning to check on you.”

  I nodded, and they left.

  I retreated to my parents’ room and flopped across the bed. As I looked around the room at their belongings, I noticed an envelope on her dresser addressed to me. I quickly jumped up and ripped it open.

  My Dearest Barry,

  If you’re reading this note, I never made it back home. Either that or you’re a very nosey child and were snooping in my room.

  I love you so much, son, and there’s absolutely no way I could have allowed you to risk getting yourself captured, or risk you losing your life to get revenge. You have far too much to live for. You are the next Pack Alpha. And although we aren’t all in one place right now, your father and I will always be with you. And I’m where I’m supposed to be; with my soul mate.

  When you stop being stubborn, you’ll come to realize I did the only thing I could do. No one wanted to see these men dead more than me. I just didn’t say it out loud like you did. They killed my soul mate, my one and only true love. And they were a threat to you and the rest of the Pack when everyone returns to the area. It was not your place to do this, it was mine.

  Your mission now is to become the best Alpha you can possibly be. I trust you will be able to get everyone back together very soon.

  Your soul mate is out there, it’s up to you to find her and create a strong bond like your father and I had. Your soul mate will be at your side always, and you’ll become a better man with her. May you have many pups and live the wonderful life I always hoped you’d have.

  Your father and I will always be in your heart, and you will always be in ours. Make us proud.

  With all my love,


  After crying and hunting
for food most of the night, the following day I cleaned up before I carried out the awful task I knew I had to. With Trey and Dolph by my side, my father was cremated, and I buried my mother with my father’s ashes alongside her.

  I had several conversations with Dolph and Trey throughout the day, trying to convince them that I was okay and that I wasn’t wavering on freeing the Pack. I don’t think they believed that I was okay. I wasn’t sure I believed it myself, but I knew I had to pick up the pieces. With the burials behind me, and my grief fresh in my heart, I knew I needed to somehow move on. I was determined to make my parents proud of me.

  I knew the remaining Pack members would be easier to set free with fewer men guarding them, and I wanted Dolph and Trey to take care of that.

  No matter how hard I tried to ignore it, my Hunger was out of control. No matter what or how much I ate, it didn’t satisfy me. Nothing seemed to satisfy me.

  I didn’t have any choice but to acknowledge my mom was right: It was time. I needed to find my soul mate.

  Chapter 6


  I had been running for miles. My leg muscles were burning with fatigue and my throat was drier than the Sahara Desert.

  I rarely went anywhere by myself in human form or as Coy-wolf. I felt exposed when I was out by myself, and I hated not having someone to talk to. Sometimes a silly conversation was enough to keep my ridiculous fears at bay. My sidekick, Veronica, was with me nearly all the time, but we’d gotten separated somehow when we ran out of the park, and now I was all alone.

  I always felt like I should be looking over my shoulder after that day Barry yowled his warning for us to run. It was a day I’d never forget, no matter how much time passed.

  I had been admiring him from afar. He was gorgeous. He didn’t look anything like I remembered when we were in school together. He used to have a chubby, non-athletic body and a goofy hairdo, but that day he was all man. His chest, back, and arms all looked like he’d been chiseled out of stone to represent any one of the magnificent Greek gods. My heart fluttered, and my lower extremities quivered at the image I’d committed to memory.

  I had a weird bond with Barry since we were pups. He was so much fun to run and play with. We’d learned to hunt in the woods together, catching nothing but small animals. As the years went by, I never forgot him and didn’t understand what was between us that he always seemed to be on my mind. My grandmother told me about the Hunger wolves go through. She said it was an old legend passed down from generation to generation, but that it seemed to be true to this day.

  I don’t know, maybe that was what I’d felt so many years ago. One thing I knew for sure after seeing him before we all scattered in the woods; he was my soul mate. As soon as my eyes found him standing guard, looking ravishing, yet a little awkward, I knew he was the one the Goddess had put on this earth for me. But now, we were miles apart. And we’d probably never see each other again, unless I could figure out how to get back home.

  My Coy-wolf was tired of maneuvering between the branches and bushes. My fur had small twigs and sticker burrs embedded in it, and dried blood splotches across my otherwise-beautiful coat. I could feel areas of my skin that had been scratched and cut from crawling under barbed wire and other fences. I’d never felt so gross.

  I was so hungry, too. I’d hoped to be able to hunt and keep my belly full, but all I was able to find were a couple of field mice. I was burning way too many calories to replenish on such a measly meal.

  I saw one family barbequing in their backyard. I plotted how to steal the meat off the grill, but before I got halfway to the patio I was spotted by one of the kids, who screamed so loud I thought my ears were going to start bleeding.

  I needed to change back to human, but I had no clothes. I needed clothes. The thought of walking the street naked would be hilarious if I knew I wouldn’t get arrested, accosted, or worse.

  When I saw the homes that backed up to the woods, I knew it would only be a matter of time before I would come upon some family’s laundry so I could change back to human. I stayed about twenty feet into the woods so I’d remain out of sight.

  I needed water, too, and I needed someone to tell me where I was. I had no idea how far I’d run, or where I’d run to.

  Each house I passed had nothing I could borrow. I’d seen tarps and tents, but no clothing. As nightfall approached, I was ready to give up. It was then that I saw an old-fashioned clothesline full of garments hanging out to dry. Just a few more minutes, I thought. Once the sun set, I was ready to safely sneak through the dark yard and help myself.

  Chapter 7


  My mom called it the Hunger. Dolph had researched it a couple of years ago and found symptoms, causes, and how it could be satiated. Before I left, he retrieved the information on his laptop and read to me from the sources he’d found, confirming everything my mother had told me. A mate was the answer. Not just any mate, but my soul mate. How the hell was I supposed to find a soul mate?

  I had been running for miles. I had no idea if I was heading in the right direction, and if I was, where would this crazy journey take me?

  “Goddess, please, I’m begging for you to show me a sign that I’m on the right path.”

  I waited and waited, but nothing happened.

  I had no idea who I was looking for, but I did remember my mother saying I’d know my soul mate on sight. That seemed strange to me. No dating, no nose rubbing, no anything. Just mating. She said I’d love her more than life, too. We’ll see about that, I thought.

  Once I made it through the thickness of the forest and to a clear patch of land, I sat under a tree on the perimeter, in the shade, to catch my breath. My Hunger wasn’t going away no matter how much I ate. If I was being honest, it seemed like it was getting worse.

  I closed my eyes for a few minutes and saw what looked like a blurry screen. It was pixilating with tiny black and white dots everywhere. Then, unexpectedly, a face appeared for a brief nanosecond. It startled me and my eyes snapped open. What was that?

  Once my heart stopped racing, I closed my eyes again with the hope I’d be able to see the screen again. Within seconds I was quickly presented with the same image. I couldn’t see it clearly or long enough to know what or who it was. I kept my eyes closed and saw it again. I couldn’t make out who the picture was, but I thought it might have been a female.

  Twice more, the image flashed on the screen. And then the screen disappeared. I never was able to make out who the picture was that kept flashing.


  I dropped my head on my paws and closed my eyes. I knew I needed to continue my search, but decided a quick nap would help me refocus.

  “Come on, Barry,” Daci hollered over her shoulder.

  “I’m coming.” I was panting and gasping for my next breath. “You’re too fast.”

  “You can catch me. Come on before this rabbit gets away!”

  I was running as fast as I could but Daci was moving so much faster than me. She had always been one of the fastest kids.

  “Daci, I need to stop.”

  “No, Barry, don’t stop. Keep running. Catch me.”

  My heart was racing. I lowered my head while resting my hands on my knees. My breaths were labored and the pain in my chest was excruciating. Several minutes passed before the pain subsided and I was able to breathe normally. But when I raised my head, Daci was nowhere in sight.

  “Daci!” I screamed. My heart thundered as panic set in. “Daci!” I was told to make sure not to let her out of my sight. Geez, I was going to be in so much trouble. I had to find her. I ran from bush to bush, searched behind every tree and kept screaming her name. Tears welled in my eyes at the thought of something happening to her. She was just a girl.

  I tried to convince myself that there was no way someone would hurt a thirteen-year-old, but I knew that was a lie. There were perverts who would steal pretty young girls. And Daci was gorgeous. Of course someone would take her.

!” I cried out.

  After hearing no reply, I screamed again at the top of my lungs. “Daci!”

  Seconds went by and then I heard the sweetest sound ever.

  “Yes, Barry? Are you looking for me?”

  I spun around so fast I felt dizzy. “Daci! What the hell? Where have you been? You had me crazy worried about you.”

  “I climbed up that tree and was watching you. You really were worried, weren’t you?”

  “Of course I was! You’re my friend. I didn’t want anything to happen to you. I was so scared.”

  “Aw, that’s so sweet.” She walked over to me and wrapped her tan arms around me and pulled me close to her. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered and flapped uncontrollably at her touch. She didn’t touch me often, except when we’d play tag, but my reaction was always the same.

  “Don’t ever do that again.” I stood eye-to-eye with her. Her eyes were hooded as she stared back.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  “Promise me.” Our eyes were fixed on each other and she continued to hold me in her arms. I wanted to hug her back, but I was too scared to.


  “Promise me you’ll never scare me like that again. Say it.”

  “Okay. I promise I’ll never scare you like that again.” Her warm breath on my skin made my own breath hitch. She had the most beautiful lips, and eyes, and nose, and ears, and hair, and everything.

  Without warning, Daci released me, then pushed me back a couple of feet before leaning in and touching my shoulder. “Tag, you’re it!” she squealed, and ran away.

  The chase was on again.

  I stirred from my slumber and realized I had an erection. Awkward!

  Chapter 8


  I was desperate, and starving. My Coy-wolf paced, begging to be freed to hunt, but I couldn’t risk getting caught.


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