Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set) Page 21

by Rachel Wilson

  He lifted me up, and lowered me back onto him repeatedly. Sweat forming on his brow from the strain of holding me for so long. But, he would not give in to the pressure. I would not let him.

  “Don’t stop.” I pleaded. Taking a handful of his grown out hair as I bounced up and down.

  His hips were in perfect rhythm with his arms. He raised me up, dropped me back down, and pushed himself further into me. Up, down, thrust. Up, down, thrust.

  I could feel the familiar tingling ripple through my body as the craving was finally being cured. I had been starving so long for him to do me right. To make love to me the way I knew he could. To remind me why I fell in love with him.

  I finally came and he collapsed to his knees from exhaustion. I kissed him on the forehead and casually walked to the bathroom to clean up. After a long hot shower, I returned to the bedroom in a towel to see him fast asleep in our bed. The TV was blaring ESPN. They were talking about how he was the biggest disappointment that the NFL had ever seen.

  “How do you go to sleep to this crap?” A rhetorical question. Thinking out loud.

  I changed into my favorite jeans and a comfortable t-shirt of his that I had long ago commandeered as my own. Pulling a crack through the curtain, I caught a beautiful glimpse of the stars. It reminded me of the first night we spent in this place, and how promising our future had looked back then.

  I snuck a glance back at Latrelle, tangled in the sheets. I could not help but wonder what he dreamed about. What went on in that head of his?

  With a serene aura, I took three silent steps toward him and kissed him on the cheek.

  “I love you, Latrelle McKay.”

  A single tear cascaded down my cheek, and fell onto the bed to create one single circle of moisture. As if one lowly raindrop had magically fell from the sky, and landed right next to Latrelle’s head. I found a good pair of socks, and put them on, and then slipped into my tennis shoes without even untying them.

  My hand reached under the bed to grip the handle of a pre-prepared suitcase that had been sitting idle and full of my necessities for weeks. I took one last look at Latrelle before I shut the bedroom door and walked out into the world alone.

  The ignition revved the car to life with a turn of the key. My hand fumbled through my suitcase to locate my phone, and a manila folder.

  First class

  Seat 2, Row B

  Depart: Orlando – 1 a.m.

  Arrive: Los Angeles – 5:36 a.m.

  I picked up my phone and dialed an old friend. It had been too long.

  “Hey. You said to call when I wanted something more. I guess I’ll take you up on that offer.”

  To Be Continued…

  Loving A Star - Complete Box Set

  Erotic Heroics: Nerves Of Steel

  Chapter One

  Terri Totts knocked on the door of what she assumed to be Nick Furry's office. She'd just made her way back to S.H.A.F.T. headquarters from Russia, after successfully seducing several prominent superheroes and female teammates- Iron Rod, Captain Erotica, The Insatiable Hunk, Quicksliver, and the Black Sado- to join the ranks of the organization. She still had one name left on her list of names to recruit, however, and she had no means of ascertaining how she was to go about finding the individual in question. It was thus that she'd made her way back to S.H.A.F.T. headquarters to speak to her boss in person about the matter, and see what it was he wanted her to do.

  “Come in,” she heard Nick say, and she entered the room, immediately wishing that she hadn't.

  “Holy hell!” she shrieked, knowing she should avert her gaze, but unable to tear her eyes away from what she saw.

  Nick was lying in bed with the covers pulled up over his waist, the familiar erection of his big black cock protruding prominently through the sheets, the fuzzy green limbs of his furry costume scattered across the room. Lying next to him, smoking a cigar in what she assumed to be the afterglow, was a large, person-sized, anthropomorphic duck.

  Terri was stunned.

  “Oh my God, sir, I'm... I'm so sorry, I... I thought this was your office, not your bedroom...”

  “It's both!” smiled Furry. “Terri, say hello to our newest recruit, Howie the Mallard.”

  “Oh God...” said Terri, blinking hard. “That is just a guy in a costume, right? Just another furry like you?”

  “Why don't you come join us and find out, toots?” said Howie, blowing cigar smoke at her.

  Terri started coughing uncontrollably, and Nick kindly intervened for her. “Not right now, Howie. Terri's got some work to do. I'm assuming you're here because you're down to the final name on the list, and you don't know how the hell you're going to get to him?”

  Terri nodded dumbly. “It just says Whor... No alter-ego or location or anything...”

  “Use this,” said Nick, tossing something over to her. She caught it, and instantly perceived that, of course, it was a dildo.


  “It's called the Rainboner,” explained Nick, as Terri examined its multicolored shaft. “Just strap it on you, jerk it off to climax, and you'll instantly be transported to the alternate realm where Whor and his fellow gods all dwell, the amazing world of Assgard.”

  Terri opened her mouth to object, thought better of it at this point after having gone through so much comparable shit to this already without any sort of explanation, and strapped the silly thing around her waist.

  Something odd came over her, and she shuddered heavily at the sudden feeling of sensation spreading out from between her legs. She touched a finger to the bizarre shaft of the thing, and waves of feeling went coursing through her every nerve, forcing her eyes to open wide.

  “Oh God...” she whimpered, as she realized that every sensation experienced by this artificial penis would be felt by her as well. For the first time in her life she knew what it was like to have a penis, and she was filled with the sudden and ferocious urge to go around cramming her new cock into things.

  “Feels pretty good, doesn't it?” said Furry, but Terri didn't reply. Instantly she'd begun abusing the damn thing, pounding her fist against her waist as she jerked herself off, her wrist dribbling like a blur with her excitement, the new cock throbbing on her waist as she filled up with pleasure.

  “Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!” she cried, forgetting about what she was doing, and basking in the wonder of this new and powerful thing. She found herself arriving at orgasm at a remarkably fast speed, and she felt suddenly jealous of all the men she'd ever slept with for being able to cum so quickly in comparison to women.

  Soon she exploded, the cock bursting with orgasm, and from its tip there emitted a thick, blinding stream of multicolored lights, stripping away the room around her, and sending her spinning away into a whole other realm.

  Chapter Two

  She awoke lying on the ground of an unfamiliar new planet, and sat up to the realization that the downside of being able to cum so quickly was that it was a lot messier to do so when you were a man. “Ugh,” she said staring down at her ruffled blouse and an exposed section of midriff, that were covered with a hot, sticky pool of what was basically rainbow-colored semen. She attempted to wipe it off of herself, but just ended up transferring it to her fingers instead, not to mention her abdomen was still slick with the stuff. Shrugging, she decided that she'd swallowed plenty of loads in her lifetime, and proceeded to lick the goopy stuff from her fingers, disposing of it orally, to some depraved degree of success.

  “Hello,” said a greasy voice nearby, and Terri practically had a heart attack.

  Standing there was a man with long black hair, pale skin, and long golden horns protruding from a headdress he wore, staring at the foreign intruder with unsettling, suspicious eyes. Terri decided to take the Rainboner off of herself lest she accidentally stimulate the thing during the upcoming course of events and send herself cumming back to Earth, and then responded to the stranger standing over her.

  “Um, hi, hello... I'm not from here..
. This is Assgard, right? And are you Whor?”

  The man sighed with exasperation, rolling his eyes, and began to speak, his voice fast and punctuated with a slight lisp, giving Terri some possible clue as to his sexual orientation. “It's always about Whor with you people isn't it? I know what you're here for, you know, and I doubt his answer has changed... Nick Furry wasn't able to seduce him into giving him what he wanted, so I doubt whether some Earth floozy with her tater tots hanging out's going to get him to change his mind. Your precious little Whor is a god, you see, and he can get all the canoodling he wants with that massive hammer of his... And the whole time he leaves his poor adopted brother Nooki all alone by himself... I have needs too, you know! Both emotional and physical! But does Whor care? Noooooooo, you better believe he doesn't... He just goes around wielding that ridiculous tool of his and expects me not to get jealous... Well, I've got news for you sweetie! The only reason he has that long, hard, voluptuous hammer of his is because he had it given to him by his father Onan, and guess where he got it? My mother gave it to him at a swingers party right before she died and he took me in, and the damn thing should be mine! But that doesn't really matter to anybody, now, does it? Because all the depraved gods and goddesses of Assgard ever go around talking about it Whor's Hammer, Whor's Hammer, Whor's Hammer, when it should be goddamn Nooki's Hammer! When I think of how many asses he's defiled with that thing, and not one of them mine, it makes me just want to die with jealousy...”

  At last the man, whose name she'd gleaned to be Nooki, had to stop for a moment and catch his breath, his muscular chest heaving wildly, and Terri struggled to sort through this instantaneous dump of family history in order to pick out what she'd thought had been said that was actually halfway useful.

  “Okay, so wait a minute here... Forget all of the sibling rivalry and butt stuff for a second... You said Nick Furry was looking for something from Whor, other than just trying to recruit him? And, you know, wanting him to pummel him with his hammer?”

  “Oh, sweetie, he pummeled him, alright,” said Nooki, looking at her with a twisted grin on his face. “I've got to admit I was a bit jealous, but I stared though the keyhole through the entire thing. Goddddd, what I wish that man would do to me...”

  “Yes, yes, but the item!”

  “Oh, that,” said Nooki, sounding bored about it. “Didn't Nick tell you about the Tesserection?”

  Terri thought about it, then said, “No, I'm getting pretty used to these sex puns at this point, but I'm still pretty sure I would have remembered if something called the Tesserection had been brought up at any time.”

  “Oh. Well, that's what he was here looking for. He thought Whor might have had it. It's one of the six Depravity Gems that Phallos has been looking for to help him activate his secret weapon, the Chastity Gauntlet, and eliminate all human sexuality. It's generally believed that he has the other five already- the Dick of Diamonds, the Golden Gash, the Quartz Cunt, the Ruby-Studded Breasts of Time, and the Opal of Orgasm.”

  “Oh dear...” said Terri, looking worried. “No, Nick didn't mention anything about that...”

  “That's probably because we don't have it, like we told him last time. If he sent you here, it must be because he wants the precious Whor and his hammer to join that little S.H.A.F.T. organization of his, and of course he didn't even think of asking me to persuade him... God, everybody thinks I'm soooo useless!”

  “Well, he did ask me to come here and get him for that... But, if you can help me find him... Maybe I could use my feminine wiles to persuade Whor to engage in a little ménage à trois with the both of us...”

  “Feminine wiles? You mean your tits?”

  “Well, I was trying to be a little more subtle about it, but yes. My tits.”

  “I guuuuuuuuess,” he whined, hanging his head a bit pathetically. “ But if he hasn't noticed I want his d after all these years I'm not sure what you'll be able to do to help me...”

  “Let's just see,” smiled Terri, and with the Rainboner in hand she allowed him to lead her off in the direction of Whor's living chambers.

  Chapter Three

  Nooki stood shaking at Whor's bedroom door, too nervous even to knock on it. Terri rolled her eyes and intervened, knocking on his behalf.

  “Who is it?” asked a jovial, rugged voice from inside.

  “I... Uh... It's, um, Nooki,” said the scrawny little pimp nervously.

  “Ah, Nooki!” she heard him exclaim. “My dear adopted brother and one of my favorite Ass-Gardians! Do, please come in, I'm decent!”

  Nooki just stood there blankly, until at last Terri grew tired of waiting and opened the door for him, and for the second time that day came face to face with an unexpected scene of sexual depravity.

  “Oh, come on!” said Nooki, turning away from Whor and rolling his eyes in exasparation. “This is your concept of decency, is it?”

  Whor looked up at his guests from the bed, covered by a blanket of about twelve naked women of varying skin tones over his body, some pale as snow, some with smooth, warm, tan flesh, some a dark-complected ebony, as real a rainbow of pleasure as Terri had ever seen.

  “What?” Whor shrugged from the bed, his chest exposed and a single brunette cradled in his left arm. “My genitals are covered...”

  “Yeah, and it's not like there are twelve women's vaginas and naked asses staring us in the face...”

  Whor sighed, conceding defeat. “Alright, ladies, time to head out, I'm afraid.” One by one, they all went scampering naked out of the bed, giggling. Their tits bounced with a lovely spryness as they ran, squeezing through Terri and Nooki in the doorway as they hopped out naked into the street, and Whor gave what seemed to be the last dark-skinned beauty a playful slap on the ass as she scooted out of the room.

  When it appeared they were alone, Nooki began, “Whor, we-” but was interrupted by Whor himself almost immediately.

  “Oops! Sorry, forgot one! Come on out, Zorilla!”

  Terri wasn't sure how, exactly, he had forgotten the olive-skinned beauty giving him a blowjob beneath the sheets, but out crawled a thirteenth vixen, jiggling past them out the door, and leaving his unfulfilled erection jutting up from beneath the covers.

  “Now,” said Whor, at last getting down to business. “Who is this this fine female specimen you've brought to my doorway?”

  “My name is Terri Totts, sir. I'm an agent with S.H.A.F.T.”

  “Oooooh, S.H.A.F.T.,” said Whor cordially, nodding with a smile. “So you probably know Nick Furry, correct? Is the poor man able to sit properly yet? I'm afraid I may have gone a little rough on him here during his visit... They don't call this place Assgard for nothing! You've got to protect yourself back there if you want to be able to walk when you get back to your home planet! HA HA HA!”

  His laughter boomed through the room, and Terri could feel her sphincter clenching up behind her.

  “Nick's ass is fine, so far as I know,” she said. “But thank you for asking. I'm actually here on his behalf. He wants me to ask you to join in the fight against Phallos.”

  “Oh, I see,” said Whor, gently stroking his blond goatee, and his eyes roving up and down along Terri's voluptuous body. “Well, I'm sure we can work something out...”

  “And I've got something to say too!” interjected Nooki, and Whor turned toward him, looking surprised.

  “Yes beloved brother of Assgard? Please, do proceed...”

  Nooki cleared his throat, and began. “Whor... For years I've watched you waste your precious seed on so many slutty, deplorable men and women, hammering them away as though it was all you existed for, and all the while I've watched in agony, my own perfect body so long forsaken for the fleeting company of strangers. I've wanted you Whor, more than you can imagine wanting something. My body has burned for the relentless blast of your hammer, and all you seem to care about is these dime store whores who mean nothing to you once the night's over! What about me? Your own adopted brother, who's spent years trying to live
in your well-endowed shadow, wishing for even the faintest taste of what you've distributed so freely to those who will never appreciate it as I would...”

  Whor seemed as stunned by Nooki's tirade as Terri had been when she'd arrived in Assgard, taking it all in for a moment, but then at last standing up from the bed. Terri gasped slightly as the covers slipped off of his body. Attached onto his long, erect penis like a condom was a thick, metal hammer, the one she had heard so much about at this point, presumably. It was as though the head had simply been attached to his own, and the sturdy shaft of his erection acted as the hammer's throbbing handle.

  He slowly edged nearer to his adopted brother, as gradually he managed to compose his response. “Nooki, I... I had no idea you felt this way about me... But now that it is out in the open, I suppose I, too have a confession to make...” He was roving nearer and nearer to his shaking brother, his hammer hovering higher and higher upwards as his erection intensified. “For years, I have had the exact same feelings, only I thought they were only on my end. I thought if I ever so much as hinted at them, you would reject me altogether. You would tell my father Onan about it, and he would ejaculate me from the kingdom for my indiscriminate depravity. And for all these years, I have filled that emptiness in my life with whoring and philandering, all to serve the purpose of fooling myself as to what I really wanted this whole time. And that has always been you, Nooki...”

  His hand glided gently across the soft planes of his brother's stunned face. They stared into one another's eye for quite some time, each at a loss for anything else to say aside from what had already just been revealed. Both hesitated, tilting their heads slightly in before pulling them back again, unsure if it was really real, or whether it was an illusion that would disappear once their skin pressed together. But then they committed, their lips locking, and their tongues thrusting victoriously into one another's mouths. Instantly, they were on each other like animals, groping one another's firm bodies like teenagers, tussling one another's flowing hair, kissing every inch of visible flesh above the shoulders, Whor's erect hammer pressing vertically up against Nooki's tight, sweaty abdomen. Their hands clutched one another's asses as they struggled to pull one another fully into themselves, a sibling reunion if ever there was one.


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