Children of the White Star

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Children of the White Star Page 11

by Linda Thackeray

  “Be serious.” Kalistar laughed.

  Garryn shrugged in defeat. “I'll be here in this room, watching the whole thing from here, with a very tall glass of something strong. At the appointed hour, I'll make my way to the Quorum Hall with Feroz and an entourage of I'm not sure who and then I'll become Prime.”

  “What's after that?” She was fascinated by the subject, even though she was aware Garryn hated every minute of it.

  “I think the street party will continue.” Garryn tried to remember the details as Feroz had explained them. “By then it should spread all the way to the Domicile. Essentially, the entire Hill will be one big party. The Domicile gates will be open and the courtyard will play host to a ball with the entire city in attendance. There will be entertainment, amusing animals and one Prime for all to see.”

  He didn't mean to sound bitter, but it came out that way nevertheless. Garryn dropped his fork on his plate, suddenly feeling in no mood to eat. “I just wish I could get it over with quickly. I want it done so I can get on with the rest of my life or at least start making the proper adjustments.”

  “You have too much time on your hands, Garryn,” Kalistar said, leaning closer towards him across the table. Reaching for his hand, she gave it a gentle squeeze. “You've spent too much time thinking about how awful being Prime would be. It also hasn't helped they treat you like the temple sacrifice while dragging you from one place to another. Maybe what you need is to do the things you want until then. Forget Feroz and those courtiers, what are they to you?”

  “I do know as Prime I have a painful death planned for him. Probably something involving suffocation by cheap clothes.”

  “That's the spirit. Live for revenge if nothing else will do,” she winked.



  “How do I look father?”

  Edwen looked up from the console at his desk as Kalistar glided into his study unannounced, wearing a sweeping blue gown. As he let his eyes run up the length of her, he felt exceptionally old. Was it really a decade since she used to sit on that small table in the corner of his study doing her lessons while he worked?

  “Uncommonly civilised,” he answered with genuine pride.

  “Thank you,” she beamed, knowing him well enough to take that as quite a compliment. “I shall be joining Garryn after the ceremony, father. He's a bit overwhelmed by all the attention and I think he could use the company.”

  Today was the day, wasn't it? Edwen sighed, feeling his age again. Garryn would officially become Prime and successor to the Imperator. Glancing out the window of his home a short distance from Quorum Hill, he saw that the streets were already filling up with people. One could only imagine the crowds clamouring to see the Prime on his historical ascension.

  “He will do fine, I am sure. That young man has a streak of granite in him. If I know Garryn, it's the festivities he dislikes, not the title or the power he will be gaining.”

  “Garryn is not like that, father,” she protested, trying to keep the annoyance out of her voice. The remark stung, though she did not know why. “He's given great thought to what he'll do when he becomes Prime, but I don't think he means to shake the halls of the establishment.”

  “Star,” he eased back into his chair and looked at her critically. As much as he loved her, he had to remind himself that she was, after all, female, highly emotional and incapable of thinking clearly when it came to matters of the heart.

  “Think what you may like of Garryn when he's your lover or your husband, but never deceive yourself to what he is. He is not Iran's son. He has not inherited Iran's weaknesses. Like me, he is not a man who craves bloodshed or war, but he is a predator. Make no mistake of that. When he has the power, he will use it accordingly. Only the Lords can help those who get in his way.”

  “I think you are wrong,” she declared hotly, letting her feelings get the better of her. “Garryn is a good and kind person. He cares about people. Even now, he's organising a research trip to Cathomira, because he wants to help studies about New Citizens.”

  Edwen's eyes flashed. “A research trip?”

  Kalistar swore inwardly, realising she might have inadvertently revealed some information purposely kept away from her father. While Garryn did not tell her to keep it a secret, she was certain he did not mean for her to tell everyone either. Still, what possible harm could come from telling her father? The expedition was going to happen, whether he liked it or not.

  “Yes,” she answered, the bluster gone from her voice. “Garryn tells me he's endorsed a trip to Cathomira for scientific research.”

  “Very admirable.” Edwen's face betraying nothing. “Perhaps I was wrong about him.”

  Her surprise at his concession made Kalistar even more nervous but, like him, she knew how to hide what she thought.

  “Maybe you were,” she replied softly and retreated from the room.

  Even though he'd conceded the point, there was no satisfaction in the victory. The General rarely conceded the point on anything unless it served his purpose and there was something very disturbing about this.

  Departing the room, she left her father to contemplate the news she had unwittingly delivered into his hands.

  * * *

  For the hundredth time, Garryn paced the floor of his suite, like a caged cat.

  Outside the balcony, the roar of the crowd was deafening and he considered if closing the doors would make any difference. He suspected it wouldn't and so kept them open, because crowds were something he was going to have to get used before the day's end. In the streets below, they were already jockeying for the best view when the ceremony began.

  Not for the first time that day, he wished he could escape all this.

  A sudden knock against the door to his suite startled him and Garryn regarded it with puzzlement. He didn't think anyone would have time to visit him today. The atmosphere inside the Domicile was utterly frantic today. Everyone was racing to complete the final preparations for the ceremony and the banquet that followed.

  It isn't Feroz, Garryn thought with certainty. Feroz was rarely courteous enough to knock. Garryn just hoped it was not another courtier asking him if he needed any help getting dressed. The blessed event was four hours away and no one would be coming to collect him for at least three.

  It couldn't be either Elisha or his father either. At the moment, the Imperator was playing host to the Chancellor of Jyne, who was attending the ceremony as further affirmation of their new alliance. His sister, on the other hand, was down in the courtyard, running the household like a general preparing for war. She wanted everything to be perfect for her big brother's day.

  When the door opened, Garryn found himself genuinely pleased to see Kalistar standing with Feroz in the corridor.

  “Kal!” he exclaimed, grateful to see a friendly face. “What are you doing here?”

  “The young lady felt you might need the company, Sire,” Feroz spoke before Kalistar could. “Don't worry Prime, I will be happy to see the young lady escorted to the Hall when you leave for the ceremony.”

  “That would be fine, Feroz,” Garryn answered, surprised by the magnanimity of the Head Courtier. “Thank you very much. I truly appreciate it.”

  “Prime,” Feroz said with some genuine feeling, “I know we have not always agreed, but I am most proud today to be honoured as your courtier on this occasion.”

  His words were so exaggerated it was almost comical, but there was genuine sentiment in the statement. He did not doubt the pride he detected in Feroz's voice and was touched by it.

  “The honour is mine, Feroz,” Garryn returned graciously. “I apologise for giving you so much trouble.”

  “Oh,” Feroz's eyes lit up by the unexpected apology. “You are no more difficult than your father, Prime. My predecessor was similarly challenged, but thank you. I shall always remember this.”

  With a slight bow, he turned on his heels and hurried away. Within seconds, Feroz disappeared down the corrido
r and Garryn looked up at Kalistar, who was smiling at him.

  “Please come in,” he gestured her into the room.

  “Yes,” she said sweeping in with her gown. “I am so proud of you! You've made his career, you know.”

  “Well, I have put him through quite a bit. I've never had much patience for royal protocol and I was never very good at hiding my dislike.”

  The rumble outside made it difficult to hear him, so Kalistar took it upon herself to shut the balcony doors. Once closed, the roar dropped to a low drone, permitting them to hear each other clearly. She noticed he wore only a robe, even though his full dress uniform was laid out for him on his bed.

  “I take it you've been shut up here all day.” She took a seat on the sofa.

  “Like a hermit.” Garryn joined her. “Although I'm not sorry. It sounds crazy out there.”

  “I know. I had to get through all that.”

  She did not elaborate that she had arrived in her father's skimmer with its Security Elite designations emblazoned across its hull. Had she tried to gain entrance without it, she would have been turned away by the Domicile guards. Her intention to surprise Garryn with her visit meant he wasn't able to leave word at the sentry stations to permit her entry.

  Garryn grimaced at the thought of wading through the crowd before forcing the thought out of his mind. Paying more attention, he noticed her gown for the banquet after the ceremony and had to admire how much it flattered her.

  “Not that I'm complaining, but you really didn't have to do this,” Garryn said, even though he was glad to see her.

  “Well,” she reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. “I knew how crazy things would get before the ceremony and that you'd be here all alone. I thought I'd keep you company until you had to go.”

  “Thank you,” he said gratefully.

  Meeting her gaze, there was an unfathomable expression in her eyes he couldn't quite read. Then, without giving him any warning, she leaned over and pressed her lips gently against his. Her mouth felt warm and inviting and Garryn felt himself react to her immediately. So far, their relationship had been mildly flirtatious, but Garryn's head had been filled with so many things, he'd never acted on it. Furthermore, as Prime, he no longer had the freedom to be so carefree with his dalliances. Any relationship he began with anyone had lasting implications for both parties.

  Despite his reservation, he allowed himself to enjoy the taste of her lips against his. Right now, this was the best distraction to the day ahead, even if he was uncertain how far this was going to go. As she continued to kiss him, baser instincts took over and lust won over sense. He'd been with enough women to know she was urging him to take control and that she was happy to oblige the need she had provoked.

  They explored each other tentatively until lust escalated things to the point of no return. With gentle consideration, he slid into her body, enjoying the intimacy. While the pleasure was exquisite, he wondered if there were other lovers before him. He hoped he was not the first. Such an occasion deserved better than a hasty coupling meant to distract him from the day's ordeal.

  Nevertheless, their lovemaking was a tender, pleasured affair and they moved like dancers to a sweet song only they could hear. It drowned out the world and for that moment, they were alone in a universe made for two.

  When it was over, they lay in each other's embrace, basking in the heat of flesh against flesh and a sense of intimacy that was more than just physical.

  “I hope that made you relax a little,” she teased.

  Garryn smiled, even though he did not look up at her. “It did, but I hope this wasn't just because of that.”

  “Of course not,” she scoffed. “I care about you and if we can't take comfort in each other when we need it, then we're not very good friends.”

  Was it just friendship she felt? Garryn didn't think so but he didn't press the issue. The truth was, he did care for her a great deal but, in retrospect, he wondered if he shouldn't have tried harder to resist her.

  “Kal, I care about you,” he spoke, aware he needed to tread carefully. “This was amazing and you're amazing…”

  “Garryn,” she stopped him from speaking. “I didn't do this because I want to snare a husband or because I took pity on you. I care about you and if this leads to something so be it, and if does not, then we will remain friends. This is a beautiful moment. Don't spoil it by over thinking.”

  Still uncertain if he was being unfair to her, Garryn nodded and accepted her words, even though he couldn't help but think the moment might have already been spoiled.



  The doors to the Avatar would open today.

  Iran was seventeen years old the last time any light entered the sacred room. He was escorted by his father and the Master of the Records as they entered the small, seldom visited room inside the Quorum Hall. Twenty-six years ago, Iran was convinced there would never be another Ceremony of Ascension, because of the Scourge.

  Yet here he was, about to take the historic walk with his son.

  As he thought of Garryn's ascendancy, he felt as if his life had finally come full circle. Today, he had fulfilled the oath made to his people inside these walls. Iran led the Empire through its worst years, married and produced an heir for the next generation of Brysdynians. If he wished, he could make himself ready for retirement. Once Garryn became comfortable with ruling in his place, he might consider it. Iran knew Garryn had no such expectations. His son was raised to be neither ambitious nor greedy. He would wait until his father was ready to step down.

  It warmed Iran to no end knowing Garryn loved him more than he wanted to be Prime.

  Adopted or not, he was his mother's son and she left the best of herself in him. She had seen to it that his education was an amalgam of two worlds. Gone was the brute strength and savagery of the old ways. Garryn's education was tempered by logic and compassion. It was an exceptional combination, but then the boy had always stood out.

  From the very first.

  * * *

  The Imperator remembered the day he laid eyes on the child who would be his son.

  At the time, there were no exact figures on the number of children being brought back from Cathomira, because not all the ships had returned. Three Security Elite ships conducted the rescue and no one expected them to return with children who would become the hope of the Empire.

  The first batches of children were held in quarantine by the Healer's Circle. All manner of tests were conducted on the refugees to ensure the virus responsible for the decimation of Cathomira did not survive the trip to Brysdyn. Only after they were satisfied the children carried no hidden pathogens were potential parents finally allowed to see them.

  Iran had thought it was no way to get a child as he walked through the sterile rooms of the building and spied healers tending to frightened young. The process was obscenely clinical.

  They adopted Elisha first. She was barely a year old and Aisha took one look at the smiling baby in the cot with her dark curls and bright eyes and was utterly lost. She was named Elisha after Aisha's mother and she enchanted both of them with her first gurgle of a smile.

  Finding Garryn was a little more complicated.

  After the documentation was processed and they were preparing to return to the Domicile with their new daughter, a little boy ran out in front of them. Somehow, he managed to escape his minders and make his way to the main exit of the building. The Healer in pursuit was unamused. The boy paused in the middle of the white corridor for a moment before turning to run. His three-year-old legs were still quite uncoordinated and he took no more than a few steps before tripping clumsily over his feet, hitting the floor hard.

  He didn't cry. If anything, he looked annoyed at the clumsiness allowing the Healer to catch up with him. The expression of complete irritation on his cherubic face made Iran smile. Before he could be wrestled away, he caught sight of the Imperator and his eyes lit up like the sunrise. Before Iran kne
w it, the boy's arms were outstretched towards him.

  The child spoke and, even though Iran did not recognise the word, it transcended language. It was one word, but there was so much behind it Iran was completely won over.


  * * *

  Garryn's arrival brought the roar of the crowd to feverish pitch and returned Iran to the present.

  As soon as he appeared, cheers and applause broke out and, amidst this furore, some chanted his name. The atmosphere cackled with the electricity of anticipation and a feeling of hope. Iran did not remember his Ascension being so jubilant, but then a great deal had changed for Brysdyn since those carefree times. Twenty-six years ago, the population never thought there would be another Prime to take his place.

  Iran shared the feeling of exhilaration with his people and the guests at the podium with him as they watched Garryn ascend the large steps. Garryn's gaze met his before continuing across the rest of the assembled guests, pausing momentarily when he sighted Kalistar seated next to her father, Edwen.

  The Imperator was not deaf to the rumours making the rounds at court, although he didn't think the relationship was as passionate as many believed. Not that he minded if it were otherwise. Kalistar was a young lady of good standing and intelligence, a suitable wife for the next Imperator, if Garryn chose her. Aisha would have approved.

  Thinking of Aisha, Iran glanced quickly at Chancellor Garin of the Jyne behind him. The older man was beaming in pride at his grandson and namesake. Garryn was his oldest grandchild and the Chancellor had made a special effort to be present today. Aisha was Garin's only daughter in a household full of sons, and his favourite. Her death was just as hard on him as it was for Iran.

  Among the guests were the elite of the Brysdynian aristocracy, as well as leaders from numerous aligned worlds. Ashner, Aisha's old tutor and aide, was also present and instrumental in helping Elisha coordinate the festivities for this momentous occasion. While Iran was dubious about the choice—a new Imperator should really have an aide closer to his age, Ashner was still a good man to have at one's disposal.


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