Into His Command

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by Angel Payne

  Into His Command

  The Cimarron Series

  Book 2

  By Angel Payne

  A hero worshipped.

  Brooke Valen has resigned herself to a life of adoring Samsyn Cimarron from afar. The massive warrior has been her knight in shining armor since the night her family arrived on the island of Arcadia, forced to blend into the strange new land to avoid a terrorist’s bounty. Though Brooke has grown into a woman and devoted herself to earning Syn’s respect, she doubts he’ll ever see her as anything more than a scrawny teen with stars in her eyes.

  A prince scarred.

  To Samsyn Cimarron, true love is a concept best left to story books. Syn likes things he can control better, like the secrets he must keep to ensure his country’s security—and a long string of one-night lovers. But when Brooke is wounded helping to defend the kingdom, all his careful mandates are shattered—and fleeting passion with her doesn’t feel like enough. Brooke affects him like no other lover…

  A fate sealed.

  Suddenly, Arcadia’s security hinges on Samsyn and Brooke uniting as more than “friends with benefits”—much to Syn’s conflict. Can he fight the new sensations that come with having her all to himself? There’s a dark side of his desire—and exposing it may turn Brooke from him forever.

  A love realized?

  Though sharing a bed with the man of her dreams, Brooke has never felt more alone. Is the love in her soul strong enough to reach the beast in Syn’s, or will she have to prove her devotion by confronting Arcadia’s most vile enemy?

  Into His Command

  The Cimarron Series, Book 2

  Copyright © 2016 By Angel Payne Writes, LLC

  All Rights Reserved

  ISBN: 978-0-9962861-3-8

  Nook Edition

  If you have purchased a copy of this eBook, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your copy of this book. This purchase allows you one legal copy for your own personal reading enjoyment on your personal computer or device. You do not have the rights to resell, distribute, print, or transfer this book, in whole or in part, to anyone, in any format, via methods either currently known or yet to be invented, or upload to a file sharing peer to peer program. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. Such action is illegal and in violation of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. If you no longer want this book, you may not give your copy to someone else. Delete it from your computer. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  All characters in this book are fictional, and the product of the author’s imagination.

  Edited By:

  Melisande Scott

  Tracy Roelle

  Beta Team:

  Lisa Simo-Kinzer

  Shannon Poole

  Carey Sabala

  Cover Art:

  Rachel Rivera – Parajunkee

  Final Formatting:

  BB eBooks


  For Thomas…for everything. Always.

  Table of Contents


  Title Page

  About the Book

  Copyright Page



  Praise for Angel Payne


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Author’s Note

  Other Books & Series by Angel Payne

  About the Author


  An “acknowledgement” feels so small, to embody this writer’s humble gratitude to each and every reader who wrote after Into His Dark, supporting our little island and its royals. You have no idea how much it all meant, especially after I’d been advised by a lot of people (a lot!) not to write that book.

  For everyone want the weird, who love the weird:


  And yes, I said our island.

  My friends, Arcadia is just as much yours as mine.

  The magic is inside you. Believe in it. Love it. Escape to it. Be it.

  For the gals (and guys!) in the Facebook. Instagram, and Twitter support-verse:

  Your encouragement has been amazing, and thank you!

  And my writing friends, who have talked me off of so many ledges!

  Victoria Blue…you are there through it all, my true bonami, and I am so, so appreciative. Thank you for your love, your humor, your constant and abiding friendship. I love you.

  Jenna Jacob…your light is incredible. Thank you for the tough love when I needed it the most, and for just being YOU. I cherish you!

  Audrey Carlan…a new friend and already a soul sister. The universe knew what it was doing when it created you, and I’m so glad we’ve met. Thank you for absolutely everything. I really appreciate you!

  Sierra Cartwright, Mari Carr, Red Phoenix: What a ride this year has been already! It’s been so awesome to share the journey with you.

  Melisande: This book is magical because of you. Syn, Brooke, and I cannot be more thankful for your AMAZING help in making their story sing. Your guidance for the story and support of the characters has been precious, priceless, and magnificent. It is an honor to work with you.

  Tracy: Thank you for your wisdom and incredible eye for making the words flow. I appreciate you so much!

  Shannon: For absolutely everything, especially your unflagging friendship and support…even at 3:30 am. Merderim, dear one. Mwah!

  Reviewers and Readers agree:

  “Angel Payne is the queen of emotional, erotic reads!”



  Cimarron Series, Book 1

  “Angel Payne weaves a modern fairytale that steals your heart and seeps deep into your soul.”

  —#1 New York Times Bestseller Audrey Carlan

  “I am a big fan of Ms. Payne’s. It all started with the WILD Boys but she’s cemented herself to my heart with Into His Dark. It has everything you could hope for—passion, love, drama and so much heart.”

  —Sizzling Hot Book Reviews

  “A story of forbidden passion, forbidden lust, forbidden love. Angel Payne singes the pages with seductive words, bringing tingles up my body and warmth to my heart.”

  —Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads

  “Decadence equals novels written by Angel Payne.”

  —Lightning City Book Reviews

  “The imagery and descriptions make this an enthralling read.”

  —Wicked Reads Blog

  “A story about forbidden love that shows sometimes love is written by the fates…Into His Dark will have you wishing the island was real, so you can
experience the beauty firsthand.”

  —My Secret Romance Reviews

  “You. Do. Not. Want. To. Put. This. Down.”

  —Twinsie Talk Book Reviews



  “Keeps you glued to your e-reader!”

  —The Jeep Diva

  “I found this was a book I just couldn’t put down. I got hooked from the beginning and then couldn’t stop reading. Garrett and Zeke are…good dream material.”

  —Love Romance Passion Reviews

  “Angel Payne delivers well-rounded characters, an action-packed storyline that is overflowing with passion, and above all, a love that overcomes and flourishes despite the darkness threatening to destroy the main characters. I cannot wait to meet and fall in love with more of the W.I.L.D. Boys.”

  —RAW Reviews

  “I am never disappointed with what Angel Payne brings to the table. I caught myself a couple of times holding my breath, and trying to read faster and faster. It was a very emotional read…a story of survival, growth, and love.”

  —Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads

  “Well-written…overall, a magnificent book. I am hooked on this series!”

  —Night Owl Reviews

  “Grabbed hold of my heart and never let go. Thick with passion, smoldering looks, and red-hot dominant sex, Angel Payne has created a sequel to rival its sibling. I am anxious for the continuation of her addicting characters!”

  —RomFan Reviews

  “I really loved this book. Both of these characters are complicated, which makes for a great story, and it worked in such a suspenseful erotic romance. This is one hot and steamy read. I’m still waiting for the fog to clear on my Kindle!”

  —Delighted Reader Book Blog

  “Amazing from beginning to end…full of suspense and creativity…I also liked the little details that make the book more ‘real’ for me.”

  —Riverina Romantics

  “Wow! Just Wow! This is a must read. Angel Payne is an amazing author, and I can’t wait to read the rest of this series.”

  —We Love Kink

  “An enjoyable thrill ride with just the right amount of kinky sex…anyone who likes a good action novel, mystery and/or romance will find the story interesting and well-written. The love story is touching, realistic, heart-warming and very hot. With just the right amount of conflict between the two main characters, the story builds tension without overdoing angst.”

  —My Book Addiction Reviews

  “Certain things in life are absolutes: birth, death, taxes, and the fact that any book by Angel Payne will rock my world. The chemistry between these three will blow up your e-reader, but it’ll be worth every sweaty steamy moment!”

  —Sizzling Hot Books

  “Lava-hawt. The sexual heat is delicious. The characters…stand out with their quirky characteristics; their banter is both fun and sexual—lovely to read.”

  —The Romance Reviews

  “So many OMG moments! This book does not disappoint!”

  —Twinsie Talk Reviews

  “5 smoldering, seductive stars. Oh My Gahhh. Even though this is book 7 in the Wild Boys series, it is my first book by Angel Payne, and I see what I’ve been missing! Aside from the excellent writing, excellent editing, ease of reading and all around fabulous story…the characters have me frantic. Dan is such a complex character…and Tess, wow, how she desired him from afar, being nothing more than co-workers, and then coming to bat for him after his “accident” and helping him recuperate in the hospital. This is a tale of desire, a body’s need for Dominance/submission, and how not following your soul’s desire for honesty could mush up a great thing.”

  —Rachel Bound by Books

  “A beautiful story…They complete each other. Their story was definitely worth reading.”

  —Books Eater Blog

  “If you are looking for a hot read and a walk on the darker side of the BDSM world is OK with you, definitely check out A WILDer Kind of Love. The familiar faces from the previous books in the series are present in varying degrees, but this story can absolutely be read as a standalone.”

  —Oh, My Growing TBR Blog

  “5 Stars! A lot of heat…Tess was a real surprise to me. Her strength and drive to change her life are what brings Dan out of his dark world and into the light with her.”

  —Smut & Bonbons

  “OMG, what a book! This author pours her heart and soul into her books. You can just feel it.”

  —Kimmie Sue’s Book Reviews



  “Blue and Payne have a style that is like smooth whiskey…goes down hot and lingers for a while.”

  —The Jeep Diva

  “Completely sigh-worthy…the heat they generated could have caused fissures to erupt in the earth’s core. An enjoyable read that makes us believe fairy tales very well could come true.”

  —The Romance Reviews

  “It’s romantic, it’s beautiful, and Mr. Stone is incredibly swoon-worthy. I devoured this book in one night.”

  —Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads

  “A whopper of a read. There’s everything in this book to keep the reader hooked, And the description of THAT kiss…ohh, la!”

  —Noble Book Reviews

  “Exceeded my expectations. I was surprised at how emotional I became while reading the book. I was able to connect so much to these characters that I was concerned for their welfare. 5 bright and shining stars.”

  —A Thousand Lives Book Blog

  “An OMG page-turner that will blow your mind. I loved every minute!”

  —Paranormaly Yours Reviews

  “Payne and Blue have taken the traditional fairy tale romance and made it perfect for our generation to dream and strive for. Thank you for a Cinderella we can all be proud of and a prince to rival all princes!”

  —The Book Fairy

  “WOW. This book. Part of me doesn’t have words. I really enjoyed this.”

  —Twin Opinions Reviews

  “This book is fantastic! Blue and Payne play off one another so well. The sex is off the charts, the banter is awesome; I couldn’t stop reading.”

  —Niki’s Book Addiction

  “GREAT read!”

  —Book Boyfriend Hangover

  “A MUST READ. Total hotness right from the start. This story had me laughing and crying; prepare your emotions for a ride. Highly recommended.”

  —Radical Reads Book Blog

  “I will be thinking about this story long after I put it down.”

  —Sizzling Hot Books

  “A can’t-put-it-down read…well-written with suspense, humor, and lots of dirty bedroom talk. It won’t let you go!”

  —DRC Blog

  “Very well-written…great chemistry…a book that will leave you wanting more.”

  —Battery-Operated Book Blog

  “Sweet. Funny. Quirky. Angsty. Sexy. A different change of pace…but easy to follow.”

  —Renee Entress’s Blog




  The curvy blonde batted her big brown eyes, curled her full dark lips then opened her purple satin robe.

  She was naked underneath. As he had expected.

  His body responded with cold nothingness. As he had also expected.

  It was almost midnight. He had officially been twenty-one years old for four hours.

  He felt older.

  So much older.

  Officially, the world was now supposed to be his—how did they say it in America, those “crazy kids” who would be his peers, if he lived there?—his bitch. Yes. That was it. The world was now his bitch, ready to be molded to his will, commanded at his whim. The Ferrari, McLaren, and Jaguar in the garage downstairs would help him do it faster. When he was done, he could return to this twelve-room suite, on the top
floor of a palace, with just as many servants to see to his every desire. He could relax on his own terrace, with a view of the Mediterranean arguably better than that of the king’s.

  Best aspect of that? He wasn’t the king. On the island of Arcadia, where the twentieth and twenty-first centuries balanced on an interesting teeter-totter, second in line to the throne meant the best of both worlds. All the fun, none of the responsibility.

  Or so they said.

  Somebody forgot to let fate in on that joke.

  As fate liked reminding him, with floods of glee, during moments like this.

  He eyed the nude beauty over the rim of the scotch she’d brought. From the moment she entered, he’d known the expensive liquor was just the beginning of Father’s “extra” birthday gift. His gut still roiled because of it. He had nearly taken the bottle then tossed out the woman, but what if Father’s minions were watching, ensuring she performed the assignment? He hated how much that made sense.

  The scotch bloomed to a burn throughout his mouth and throat. He yearned for the warmth to seep lower, into the ice between his thighs. By the Creator, how he craved just an hour of turning his mind off for the throes of a good fuck—but tonight, it simply was not to be.

  Tonight, he could take the hypocrisy no more. The sham of a birthday party Father and Mother had thrown for him, with that room full of people—his brothers and sister included—gazing at King Ardent and Queen Xaria like they were the couple who damn near walked on the sea outside the windows. Like they adored each other as much as they did their beautiful children. Like they couldn’t wait to end the party and be in private chambers with each other—instead of Mother summoning the pool boy between her thighs, and Father—

  Well…Father liked to have choices.

  A fact Samsyn should have been more peaceful with by now. He certainly had not discovered the sham yesterday, after all. Three years was a long damn time to live with lies.

  Yes. He was old.

  And angry.

  And tired.

  And needing to forget.

  Praying to forget.

  He took a bigger gulp of the scotch. It loosened him enough to speak to the woman.

  “What is your name?”

  She blushed prettily. “Arista, Your Highness.”


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