Reality of Life (Perception Book 2)

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Reality of Life (Perception Book 2) Page 13

by Shandi Boyes

  Unfortunately, because Noah is in the intensive care unit only his next of kin and direct relatives can visit him. Jacob had lied and told the nurses that he was Noah’s brother Chris so that they would let him in. So that means Slater, Marcus and Nick will have to wait until Noah is transferred before they can have the opportunity of visiting him. Jacob and I made sure that one of us was always sitting with Noah during the intensive care units strict visiting hours. I understand the hospital has set policies, but I think they need to become more lenient for patients in critical condition. The incredible guilt we both feel leaving Noah unattended for hours at a time is overwhelming.

  Noah’s record label is currently in the process of transferring Noah to a private hospital in Ravenshoe. A specialist intensive care ambulance has been organised to transport him the twenty-mile trip tomorrow afternoon. Once he arrives there, he will be assessed by a neurology specialist to see if the bleed has caused Noah’s brain to have any permanent damage. I know that the Noah I love is lying in that hospital bed fighting to wake up. He just needs to give his body time to recover from all of its injuries before he can come back to me.

  By the time Jenni and I arrive at the Ravenshoe Private Hospital the following afternoon, Noah is already set up in his own private wing. He has his own dedicated team of doctors and nurses that are solely there to ensure that all of his medical needs are maintained in a comfortable and secure environment. When I arrive outside of Noah’s wing, Jacob is there waiting for me. He had left Parkwood University Hospital a few hours before Jenni and I to ensure that someone was going to be at Ravenshoe waiting for Noah to arrive. We both don’t want to leave Noah unattended, as we want to ensure someone is by his side when he wakes up.

  “Is he ok, Jacob?” I question while looking into Jacob’s blue eyes that seem more pained today.

  I had originally requested to travel in the ambulance with Noah, but the hospital wouldn’t allow it. There were no spare seats for non-patients in his transport vehicle as this ambulance carried more than your two standard ambulance officers. It was fitted with a whole team of dedicated intensive care transport specialists. So Jenni had offered to drive me to the hospital, since my car has been impounded from being left unattended in the middle of a busy highway.

  “Yeah he is doing ok. The doctors said there were no incidents during transport which is good” he advises as we both walk in towards Noah.

  His room is a lot larger than the cubicle he was in at the intensive care unit in Parkwood. There are several computerised monitors attached to him indicating his heart rate, blood pressure and pulse. He still has a ventilator connected but the equipment in this hospital is more modern, meaning the ventilator machine isn’t as noisy as it aids Noah with his breathing. The walls are all white in colour and the floor is done in a large marble tile. Upon entering, I notice my favourite photo of Noah and I is sitting on his bedside table, proudly on display. There is also a vase of white lilies sitting on the window sill.

  “I brought some of your stuff from your dorm for you, I know that is Noah’s photo favorite of you, so I brought that in to remind him of what he has waiting for him when he decides to wake up. I also have some of your clothes in a bag in my car. I don’t know who the flowers are from.” advises Jacob thoughtfully. I walk over towards the flowers and notice that there is no card attached to the large bouquet.

  “The suits turned up today, I didn’t know what you wanted me to do with them so I hung them on the back of Noah’s bedroom door” he advises quietly.

  My stomach drops the instant Jacob mentions the suits. I had ordered suits for Noah and the guys to wear at our wedding that was supposed to be held tomorrow. They were scheduled to be delivered to Jacob’s house so he could take them with him when he flew to Vegas. I haven’t cancelled any of the arrangements for our wedding because at the moment I have more pressing matters on my mind.

  As I turn back to face Jacob, I notice that today he looks as white as a ghost. His face is etched with distress, causing a large deep crease to form in the middle of his forehead.

  “Are you okay Jacob?” I ask as I gently run my hand down his arm.

  Jacob takes in several long harsh breaths before his gaze turns towards me.

  “This is the same hospital that Michael and Chris were brought too” he replies harshly, as he plops down hard on the dark grey reclining chair next to Noah’s double bed.

  “The little white church they were buried at is only one block over. Being here brings back all those terrible memories. Did you know I was a pallbearer with Noah at Chris’s funeral?” Jacob questions, I slowly shake my head. Noah never liked to talk about how his brothers died, let alone the details of their funerals.

  “I watched over Noah the entire service, while he sat completely still staring at the picture of his brother that was displayed next to his white coffin. Chris was loved by so many that the church was overflowing with attendees who had come to say their final goodbye” Jacob shares with me, as his eyes fill with tears.

  “We walked out the church while they played Sarah McLachlan’s song ‘In the arms of an Angel’. I had to stand behind my best friend knowing that his heart was being torn apart and there was nothing I could do to help ease his pain. I am pretty sure Noah hated me the weeks after Chris’s death. I wouldn’t let him give up and he fought me all the way. I use to throw his drunk ass into the shower everyday just to try and force him to live” Jacob explains hoarsely.

  “I’m sure he didn’t hate you” I reply. Anyone can see the close connection Jacob and Noah have.

  “No, I’m pretty sure he did. After his brother’s had died Noah went into flight mode, he appeared to be living but I could tell he was dead on the inside. You are the only one that has truly made him live again Emily” he replies while rubbing his hand roughly over his face. Jacob glances towards Noah before he quickly stands from the reclining chair and storms out of the room.

  “Jacob?” I question anxiously as I follow after him. His long legs meant I had to run to catch up with him.

  “Jacob wait!” I request. Causing him to stop halfway down the corridor before he turns back to face me.

  “I can’t go back to that fucking church Emily. I won’t go back there and bury Noah” he advises sullenly as a sole tear escapes his eye, before he quickly brushes it off his cheek.

  “You won’t have to Jacob” I reply while staring in to his sad eyes that are staring directly at mine.

  Tears immediately start springing into my eyes and my heart slightly cracks just from the thought of having to bury Noah.

  “You said he would fight, you promised him that you would fight with him” I say to Jacob.

  Jacob had told me after the first time he visited Noah in the intensive care unit that he would be there to support him as he battles through his recovery. He told Noah he wasn’t allowed to leave him and that he needed to live. If he did that for Jacob, Jacob said he would stay by Noah’s side the whole way through his recovery.

  “I just need a minute, just one fucking minute.” Jacob whispers, his eyes pleading with me to give him some privacy.

  I nod my head slowly at Jacob’s request before I quietly return back to Noah’s room.

  Once I enter the wing, I notice a gentleman standing next to Noah’s bed talking to him. It is only once his gaze turns towards me do I recognise the dark intense eyes staring back at me. This must be Noah’s dad; his eyes are identical to Noah’s in every single detail.

  “I hope you don’t mind but when I found out about the accident I had to visit the only son I have left” Noah’s dad says hauntingly as he slowly walks over to me, you can see the torment in his eyes.

  Noah is the only son he has left, and he is lying in a hospital bed fighting for his life. I quickly wrap my arms around his shoulders and offer him my condolences as I hug him tightly. I know that Noah loves his dad, and his dad has already suffered enough in his life without me adding to his guilt. Noah will be glad to know that his d
ad is here supporting him. When I pull back from our embrace, I notice the darkness in Noah’s dad eyes have marginally lessened, they now have a small glimmer of hope settled deep within them.

  “Noah said you still had a few years left on your sentence?” I questioned.

  “I was let out on probation this week” he advises before his gaze turns to behind me.

  “Hello Trevor” greets Jacob firmly from the doorway, offering his stern hand to Trevor to shake.

  Chapter 22

  Looking around at all the people that are gathered in Noah’s room you realise how truly loved Noah is. Noah has always thought that he was in the world fighting his battles alone, but when you see everyone here supporting him you realise that he is loved by so many people. Slater wraps his arms around Noah’s torso gently but doesn’t appear to say a word as he tries to comfort his friend. Marcus replaces Slater’s arms and tells Noah how sorry he is. The guys from the band are finally able to visit Noah now that he is allowed unlimited visitors in his new hospital. His room is full of his family and friends, even his dad sits quietly in the corner of the room.

  I notice as Jenni enters the room, her eyes are full of unshed tears, that start to flow the instant she spots Noah’s bruised and damaged body lying in the hospital bed.

  “Oh Noah” she breathes heavily, before walking over towards him.

  I quietly watch my best friend as she interacts with my fiancé. She leans her head down and gently kisses him on the cheek, before she whispers in hushed murmurs in his ear. You can see how much she loves Noah, like he is also her best friend. Noah doesn’t just have his family and friends supporting him, he also has mine.

  “How are you going Emily?” Lola questions, as she walks over and wraps her arms over the top of my shoulders.

  “I’m okay” I reply quietly.

  I am not the one that is lying in a hospital bed fighting for my life.

  “You never thanked me you know” she whispers softly, causing my eyes to dart up to hers.

  “The night that Jacob came to drop me off from work, I told Noah that the bathroom door was on the left” she advises loudly while giggling.

  “What?” I reply confused, as I notice Maggie glaring her eyes at Lola as she slightly shakes her head.

  My bedroom is on the left, the bathroom is on the right. So Lola had tried to get Noah to accidentally walk into my room? She was trying to set us up? I turn my confused eyes back towards Lola and notice that she is nodding her head while waggling her eyebrows.

  “I knew the instant I saw him, that he was destined to be with you” she whispers into my ear, only loud enough for me to hear.

  I sharply swallow down the bile that is rising from my stomach. The instant I had met Noah; I fell in love with him. I knew my life would never be the same if I didn’t have him in it. But the thought of losing the love of my life causes my stomach to lurch and for my chest to start aching as I struggle to fill my lungs with air.

  I still hadn’t told anyone about the pregnancy as I want to tell Noah first. Jacob only knew after the doctor lectured him when I fainted as he thought Jacob was my partner.

  I try hard to hold in my stomach’s contents that I allow a large sob to escape from my chest, causing everyone in the room to turn their gaze towards me.

  “I’m sorry” I apologize while I fight to fill my lungs with air.

  I feel like I am not getting enough oxygen that I quickly stand up from my seat, causing me to become overwhelmed by another dizzy spell. Jacob quickly runs over to catch me as I stumble from dizziness.

  “Breathe Emily, just breathe” he whispers calmly.

  I try to concentrate on Jacob’s words, as I stare into his ocean blue eyes.

  “Just try to calm down and breathe. You’re okay, Noah is okay” he advises softly before his eyes quickly dart and narrow at Lola. I hear Lola mumble a “what” at Jacob before his eyes turn back towards mine.

  “He isn’t going anywhere Emily. He is strong and he will fight this” Jacob assures confidently.

  Hearing Jacob’s calming words starts to help slow down the erratic beating of my heart. After a few more deep breaths I feel like my heart rate is back within normal levels. Jacob offers me a small smile, but I can see in his eyes that he is panicked, but is trying to remain calm for my benefit.

  “Thank you Jacob” I whisper quietly.

  Peering past Jacob, I can see several pairs of concerned eyes watching me curiously, but my mom seems oblivious to what has just happened as she cuddles in close to Noah. It’s only once she notices the room has been plunged into silence does her gaze move away from him. When she notices my panicked expression she walks over towards me and wraps me in a tight embrace.

  “Emily, darling what is wrong?” Mom questions quietly.

  “I can’t lose him Mom; I wouldn’t be able to live without him” I croak as my tears stream down my face.

  “He loves you Emily, he will fight for you” she whispers into my hair as I cuddle in close.

  After my panicked outburst, Noah’s guests start to slowly filter out of his room, until once again it is just Jacob and I watching over him.

  The next morning, when I exit the bathroom I notice Cormack standing next to the bed glancing over Noah. He doesn’t appear to be saying anything; he just watches him curiously. As I walk towards Cormack, the tapping of my footsteps on the white marble tiled floor announces my arrival and it causes Cormack to turn and face me.

  “Hi Emily” he greets softly. I offer him a small smile as my stomach has been playing havoc with me the last few hours and I am fearful if I attempt to open my mouth I may end up vomiting again.

  “I have some forms I need you to look over” he tells me sullenly, before opening his briefcase on the side table near Noah’s bed and pulling out some white papers.

  I look over and notice that Slater, Marcus and Nick are all watching Cormack curiously.

  “Noah had asked the record company’s lawyer to write his will last week” advises Cormack, as he hands me a piece of paper.

  “But he’s not dead” I whisper out angrily. Why would Cormack need to do this now?

  “I know that Emily. I am not saying that, but Noah made sure that you were legally the one in charge of any medical or legal decision in regards to his estate if he did not have the capacity to make the decision himself. This includes him being on a life support machine and in a coma” Cormack advises, as Marcus moves over and takes the paper out of my hand.

  “Are you kidding me?” Marcus questions angrily, as his gaze turns from the paper to Cormack.

  “What?” Slater questions, his eyebrows pulled together tightly.

  “They want compensation for us not fulfilling our contract we signed to be a supporting act for the O’Reilly Brother’s” Marcus informs Slater.

  My eyes quickly dart towards Marcus, unsure if I had just heard him right.

  “Can’t you get us out of it?” Slater asks Cormack, as he stands up from the chair he was sitting in and walks near us all gathered at the end of Noah’s bed.

  “No, I’m sorry, the contract you signed has a financial clause attached to it as they wanted to ensure they were not going to held liable for any loss in revenue in an event of an accident” advises Cormack.

  “What?” I whisper confused.

  This can’t be true, Noah is lying on hospital bed on a life support machine fighting for his life and they are trying to sue him for compensation. Jacob enters the room, so I quickly snatch the paper out of Marcus’s hand and take it over to Jacob.

  “They are trying to sue Noah” I advise Jacob while thrusting the paper into his chest.

  He takes the paper and quickly darts his eyes over the document.

  “You don’t need to worry about this Noah, we can handle this” advises Jacob before he signals for everyone to join him in the corridor.

  I quickly glance at Noah, silently telling him that I love him, before I follow the rest of the boys out of the room.
r />   “You think this is fucking appropriate right now?” Jacob yells angrily at Cormack

  “He’s on a life support machine and you bring this shit into his fucking hospital room. He needs to be concentrating on getting better not worrying about the fucking band!” he continues yelling as he gets right up close to Cormack that their chests are touching.


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