BJARNI: Elementals MC (book 2)

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BJARNI: Elementals MC (book 2) Page 12

by Alexi Ferreira

  I’m still crying after what feels like hours, when I hear a knock on my door and Jasmine asks to come in. Sitting up in bed, I call for her to enter, wiping the tears from my face as she enters.

  “Oh Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” she calls as she comes to sit next to me on the bed.

  “He’s upset with me. Can you believe it? After all, he’s the one that has had sex with half of Nature Valley’s women population. When I told him, he could have caught some kind of STD and passed it on to me, he flipped and walked out.” At the end of my tirade a sob breaks through, I really don’t like being upset with him and knowing that he’s upset with me. ‘What if he wants to break up?’

  “Gabriela it’s going to be okay, Sweetheart, let me explain something to you because it seems like that fool hasn’t. Our men aren’t like normal men. They don’t catch STD’s, but most importantly Bjarni would never put you in danger. You see the moment you two bonded you became one. If you ever get hurt or die, he will follow you. We cannot carry on without our men and the same goes for them. You are now the most important part of his life; more important even than the club.” At my confused look, she reaches out and strokes my hair. “But the best part I think is that no woman will ever be able to entice them, because from the moment that we came into their lives they only have eyes for us.”

  “Are you sure about that? Because it seems like mine was a real man whore. What if he gets bored?” At my words she giggles, shaking her head.

  “Trust me it is the same for all Elemental men, they are physically incapable of touching another woman once they are bonded. And to be honest why worry about what has happened in the past you are with him now and you are his future. Besides, do you want him to be upset with you about any boyfriend you might have had, and talking about that don’t ever tell him the name of any boyfriend because he will most probably kill him.” She snickers at that smiling. “Now I think it’s time you go and put him out of his misery, before he destroys the training room.”

  At my uncertain look, she pulls at my arms. “Come on girl, let’s wash that face; trust me, your man just wants you, and I love that fool of a man too much to see him suffering. He’s like the brother I never had. I had to learn that the hard way, when I first came here I was also upset about the women and an ex that appeared, but Wulf is better at expressing himself then Bjarni is.”

  After freshening up, Jasmine and I make our way to the training area. As we’re about to walk in Wulf steps out stopping when he sees us. Inclining his head towards the door he says, “He’s all yours,” and starts walking away pulling Jasmine along with him.

  I open the door and walk in. The first thing I see are weights lying around everywhere as if they’ve been thrown around. Bjarni is sitting on a press bench. His head is bent. His hoodie is covering his face while he’s holding two weights but he isn’t doing anything except breathing raggedly. I can feel the pain radiating from him, his shoulders are drooped in dejection.

  “Bjarni?” I see him tense as he hears my voice, but he doesn’t lift his head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” At that he lifts his head, I can see his eyes shining through the hoodie but I can’t make out his features.

  “I would never hurt you!” his voice is gruff, angry.

  “I know, I was angry,” I whisper. I’m looking down as I’m too scared to see his reaction. What if he doesn’t want me anymore? I hear him moving and the noise of the weights being put on the floor.

  “Come here!” He growls. I walk towards him but when I’m about two feet away I stop undecided on what to do next. “I’m waiting!” he grumbles. His hands take hold of my waist pulling me towards him. Lifting me up, my legs straddle his waist while he sits. I put my hands between his head and the hoodie pulling it back so I can see his face.

  “I don’t like it when we argue.” I tell him, rubbing my nose against his. I feel his hand fist my hair, pulling my head back, the next instant his lips are crashing down on mine, owning me. I bite his lip pulling gently, hearing him growl.

  “You are mine, no one including me will hurt you. About my past …” he kisses me again, then he pulls away reluctantly. “It’s in my past I don’t want anyone else but you. You are the only one I have ever made love to, you are the only one that owns me.” His words are gruff but I see the vulnerability in his eyes as he looks into my soul.

  I know that we will have more arguments in the future, but I feel a connection with this man like I have never felt before in my life and I’m sure that no matter how upset we get with each other we will always find peace in the other’s arms.

  Chapter 14

  Fuck, we have been looking for this woman of Brandr’s for a week now, most of that time we have had him sedated because his rage is taking over. Brandr didn’t want to find his mate, after what happened with his brother he is completely against relationships and now that they have forced it on him, he wants to go out on a killing spree on all the Keres MC, not that we don’t want the same thing but we must find his woman first before retaliating.

  As if that isn’t enough Gabriela, has been getting angrier with each day that passes when she’s not able to go into the bakery. This morning when I was walking away from her and Jasmine, I heard her complaining about how long it’s been and how she needs to go in and check on what’s happening. I know I won’t be able to hold her off for much longer, but I don’t have the time now to go with her and I’m not letting her go anywhere without me.

  Since the week before we had our argument Gabriela has relaxed around everyone and has accepted the club as her family. She still doesn’t like the idea of having the Jezebels around, but after showing her various times how much I worship her I think she is relaxing about them too. We are having a club party next week with different chapters coming up. Before the party I want to have her wear my kutte so everyone knows who she belongs to.

  I’m working in the garage today; a client wants specific artwork on his bike. After agreeing with him on the placement I am nearly finished and he should be here to collect tomorrow. It’s not as if we need the money, the transportation of guns we have going for the Russian mafia more than keeps our pockets lined. The work I do on the bikes is more like a hobby.

  “Bjarni!” Looking around I see Gabriela rushing over towards me with an angry look on her face, Celmund right behind her.

  “I have to go to the bakery!” she calls out before she has even reached me.

  “I thought we had agreed that we would go in tomorrow after delivery of this bike? And only for you to check on everything and then we’re coming back?” Before I’ve even finished she is shaking her head, damn woman she can be so stubborn.

  “I have to go in now. Jenny just called, the health inspector is there threatening her with a whole lot of stuff. He said he needs to speak to me.” I can hear the nervousness in her voice. Looking over at Celmund I see he’s scrolling through his iPad.

  “I checked the inspector out, he’s legit but he’s also been having financial issues. The interesting thing is that a substantial amount has been deposited into his account yesterday. It looks like this could be a setup.” He’s relating this information to us, but continues looking down at what his doing.

  “Fuck, keep me updated if you find anything.” I pull out my phone and send a text. I’m going to need backup, and I need to be prepared for anything just in case. Placing my hand behind my woman’s back I guide her towards the SUV, I can feel the tenseness in her body. I hate that someone is worrying her unnecessarily, this asshole doesn’t know who he is fucking with.

  “I have texted Ceric and Burkhart, to let them know to follow us and what’s going on!” I call out to Celmund as we pull away. Looking at my Baby Girl I see she is staring out the window, her hands clasped in her lap, knuckles white from the tightness of her fist. I place one of my hands over hers, squeezing lightly.

  “Don’t worry Baby Girl, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” At my words, she turns her eyes towar
ds me, I can see the fear in them. The knowledge that that son of a bitch has been able to mess with her again even though we’re protecting her, makes me want to punch something to release some of the rage building up in me.

  “It’s him, isn’t it?” At her words I wish I could lie just to appease her fears but I can’t, so I simply nod.

  “He’s never going to stop,” she says in defeat. I hate hearing that in her voice.

  I’m going to kill the fucker for all the anguish he has placed her in and for thinking he can have my woman. I hear the roar of my brothers’ bikes just as I’m about to pull up to the bakery. He doesn’t know who he has messed with but he’s going to find out.

  As we walk into the bakery I place Gabriela behind me. I know my brothers are behind her and that they’ll keep her safe. I look around and find a bald little man standing in front of Jenny, waving papers around in her face. I must say she doesn’t look like she’s perturbed by him; if anything, she looks furious. One thing I hate is men that try to intimidate women just because they can.

  “Do we have a problem here?” I ask approaching them. I see his eyes widen when he realises I am walking towards him.

  “I … I’m sorry Sir, but this is between this young lady and myself.” The guy responds lifting his nose in the air as if I would ever take this creep seriously.

  “I’m afraid it does concern me! This is my woman’s bakery and you are harassing her employees!” At my growl, I see him pale. I also feel Gabriela’s hand on my back as she looks around me. Damn woman doesn’t know how to listen to instructions, I told her to stay behind me.

  I see the moment he notices her peeping from behind me, his eyes widen and he steps closer towards us. Tensing I prepare myself to disseminate this asshole if he thinks he’s getting anywhere near her. “You must be Gabriela Townsend?” he asks with a calculating look in her direction.

  “Yes,” she responds as she moves to my side, I place an arm around her shoulders stopping her from getting closer to him. “Well Ms. Townsend I’m here from the health and safety department, we have received a complaint regarding your establishment.”

  “What kind of complaint?” she asks looking shocked that such a thing is possible. “As you can see we abide by all the regulations.”

  “Well I’m afraid that is confidential and I will not be able to disclose the gravity of the complaint, but I will have to close your bakery for inspection,” he states, looking over at me with smugness all over his face. As I take a step forward to rearrange his face, I feel one of my brother’s hands on my shoulder restraining me.

  “You are going to close my bakery? For how long?” The stress she is feeling is noticeable in her voice. I am going to kill this son of a bitch for upsetting her. At my murderous look, he takes a step back, but that’s not going to keep me away from him. I pull away from the hand that was holding me back and advance towards him picking him up with one hand by his neck, I hold him against the wall.

  “You son of a bitch, you think you can come in here and upset my woman!” I know his feet are off the floor as I hold him up, he is trying to find a perch to ease the tightness around his neck. His hands are clawing at my hand like a real pussy.

  I hear Gabriela calling to me but I’m not putting this asshole down, no one threatens my woman in any way. Then I feel my brothers pulling me back, one is holding me around the waist the other is trying to bring my hand away from the fucker.

  “Come on my man, he’s turning blue. You know Draco will be pissed if you off this guy,” Ceric is saying in a calm voice, and then I feel my Baby Girl’s hand on my face. Instantly calmness invades my soul. The rage starts to ebb and I loosen the hand I have around his neck, hearing him take a deep breath.

  “Are … you mad? I’m going … to … lay charges!”

  “Dude, you’re the one that must be mad. Do you really want to upset him right now?” Ceric asks in a concerned voice.

  I move back, widening the distance between us. He’s still clutching the papers he had been waving in front of Jenny’s face when we arrived.

  “I’m sorry about that, but you can’t just come into my bakery and tell me that you are going to shut us down and don’t give us an idea of how many day’s it will be or why. It’s not as if we’re very big, the inspection shouldn’t take too long.” Gabriela is confronting the inspector, she looks so damn sexy standing there in front of him with her ass in those tight little jeans and her dark blue T-shirt moulding her perfect breasts.

  I can feel my cock thickening. Fuck this woman will be the death of me! Looking away from that perfect ass I take a deep breath trying to calm my desire, that’s when I notice a man observing us from a blue sedan on the opposite side of the road.

  “Burkhart, we have eyes.” Burkhart is the one standing closer to the door, I see him make his way outside. He’s strolling towards his bike as if he doesn’t know anyone is there, but the son of a bitch must have suspected. He guns his car and accelerates down the road. Burkhart runs to his bike taking off after him.

  “Fuck!” I explode. I was hoping to catch him while he was outside spying on us. Looking back at the inspector I see him swallow in agitation when he realizes he has been made. “What was the plan?” I growl seeing him pale.

  “I … I,” he looks around stuttering, until his eyes land on Gabriela. “I’m sorry.” He lifts his hand placing it on her arm. “I needed the money, my wife is sick and …” Before he can finish I have pushed him away from my Baby Girl. Her eyes are wide with a vacant look in them. I hear Ceric lifting the inspector from where he fell when I pushed him. I will deal with him after I’m sure Gabriela is fine.

  “Baby Girl, look at me.” I stroke her face gently until her eyes focus on me. Then I hug her close to my chest, feeling her slight tremble.

  “I saw him talking to Craig. I have never seen into the past before only the future but with him I did,” she whispers, looking up at me with a confused look on her face. I kiss her forehead to let her know that it’s fine. I’m sure that her gift has developed as Jasmine’s did when she bonded with Wulf. “It was also different, as if I was looking from the outside and not as the person itself going through it,” she expands.

  “It’s going to be okay, your gift might have changed slightly since we bonded.” I try to appease her “Are you feeling okay though?” I can hear the concern in my voice but I don’t like the idea of my Baby Girl being in destress.

  After she confirms that she’s fine, I guide her towards the kitchen where Lucy and Jenny are sitting. I make sure that she is comfortable before I return to the front of the bakery. I see Ceric is at a table with the damn weasel. Before I can approach them I see Burkhart pull up outside. I make my way outside to find out if he has any news.

  “The son of a bitch got away but I have sent his registration to Celmund and he’s on it,” Burkhart confirms.

  “Thanks Brother, this fucker is crafty he’s trying to flush my woman out, but I will be damned if he ever gets close to her again.” My rage at Gabriela being put in danger because of this fucker’s perverse mind is contained now but as soon as I get my hands on him he will wish for a quick death.

  “What do you want to do with this asshole?” Burkhart asks nodding towards the bakery where Ceric and the inspector are sitting.

  “I think we let him go but keep eyes on him. He touched Gabriela earlier on and she saw into his past. Apparently, he was coerced into doing this with the promise of money to help his wife who is sick.” I elaborate so Burkhart knows what is going on.

  “I’m going to go collect my girl, I don’t like her out here exposed. You go and inform Ceric and then we’re out of here.” I don’t wait for an answer as I make my way inside.

  When we arrive at the compound all the brothers are in the garage getting ready to leave, including Brandr who has been sedated often, since he got shot with the dart. “What’s going on?” I ask, guiding Gabriela towards the men.

  “We have a lead, Cassius has been staki
ng out the Keres club and apparently they brought in a girl that could be Brandr’s mate.” Draco responds as he sits on his bike. “We’re going to go blow some stuff up and see what crawls out.” He finishes with a look at Brandr. We both know that the blowing up of the Keres MC club will appease Brandr, even if only for a little while.

  “Where do you want us?” I ask. Ceric was standing next to us. Looking around I find Burkhart talking to Brandr.

  “You and Burkhart come with us, Ceric you stay here with Celmund. Wulf is riding with us and he’s worried about leaving Jasmine only with Celmund.” Ceric throws me a teasing look as he rubs his hands together, then he looks down at Gabriela who is now leaning against me and winks.

  “Come on Sweetheart, let me show you what fun is. And maybe you will pay me back by baking me something.” I hear her giggle as I growl at him and show him the finger.

  She lifts on her tip toes and kisses my lips then starts to draw away but I’m having none of that, placing my hand behind her head I deepen the kiss.

  “Okay Lover Boy let’s get going,” I hear. “That goes for you too Wulf, don’t you think you should lay off that shit for a while now.” Draco teases as he starts his bike. Drawing away from Gabriela I see Wulf pull up both his hands and he shows all of us the finger. Jasmine and Gabriela start giggling as they draw closer together to see us off. Ceric goes to stand behind them and places a hand on each of their shoulders with a wide grin on his face.

  I start to walk towards him when Wulf calls out. “Take your hand off my woman fucker, before I break it!” At that Ceric starts chuckling lifting his hands in the air. Most of the men are chuckling at his silliness; it distracts everyone from what we are on our way to do.

  The Keres MC have always been a thorn in our side, but now they are messing with our women. And that none of us will ever forgive.

  Chapter 15

  The men have left about four hours ago, Bjarni has just phoned me to know if everything is okay on this side. When I told him, I was baking milk tarts he started grumbling about lucky sons of bitches and how they better not have everything or he was going to gut them in their sleep.


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