BJARNI: Elementals MC (book 2)

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BJARNI: Elementals MC (book 2) Page 15

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Celmund, tell Sven to keep an eye on him and not to let him out of his sight until we get there. But I don’t want him to know that we are on to him,” Wulf states. Sven is the prospect at the gates today; from what I have heard, Sven has been in the Marines and is an exceptional sniper.

  “Bjarni, shall we do this?” I hear Wulf call after he had a chat to the two men that are still sitting at the table. Bjarni turns me around then lifts me under my arms and brings his lips against mine, deepening the kiss. When he finally puts me back on the ground I’m breathing heavily, my breasts and my pussy aching with want.

  “Be careful!” I call out to him as he leaves.

  Chapter 18

  This fucker can’t get away again. I can feel the fury running through my body as I strap on my weapons. Wulf is next to me, placing his ear peace on so we can hear Celmund when we go in. Celmund is always our eyes. He will keep us updated on what is going on and which way we should go. It will be tricky to catch this guy with the cops around, but this time I’m not going to let him get away.

  Because of the lockdown we need to go out of the back end of the compound where the vents are connected. Celmund will open that door for us and then we need to hurry as the door faces the back end of the compound on the other side of the mountain. Wulf and I will try to get to the son of a bitch before the cops leave and he disappears again, thinking that he has scared us.

  I cannot let him continue harassing my woman. The thought of this motherfucker still out there, maybe looking at her photos, is driving me crazy; plus the worry that I see in her eyes. I must fix this and reassure her of her safety.

  Wulf says, “Calm yourself, we can’t afford for you to lose your shit with the cops around.” I can feel the slight tremors under my feet, I sure as fuck know the others feel it too. “They need to concentrate on what is going on up there now, not worried about what is going on with you.” I know he’s right but the fury that is coursing through my body knowing that he’s so close yet so far, is driving me crazy. Taking a few deep breaths, I manage to get myself under control.

  “Let’s get this fucker!” I growl, making my way out the door. Wulf and I start making our way towards the front gates of the property where the compound is situated. The compound is surrounded by trees, but we have been living here for centuries and know the terrain like the back of our hands.

  “The cops are getting ready to leave. You guys need to get a move on.” I hear Celmund inform us. As Elementals, we are faster than normal humans, but we are only half way there. We will have to try and cut him off somewhere. Calling out to Wulf, we change direction and head towards the main road. He will have to drive past us and we can stop him then. Or we will carry on up the road until we get to him, if he’s still in the same place.

  After running for about ten minutes I can see the wall that separates the compound property from the road. I hope Celmund has deactivated the electrical fencing on top of the wall or Wulf and I will have charred balls from going over the wall. We approach from one of the areas that we know is easier to get over, as there is quite a high boulder right next to the wall.

  “You first,” Wulf says as we reach the wall. I give him a dirty look that makes his lips kick up. It is still amazing to see any kind of a smile on my brother’s face. Jas has brought laughter and happiness back into his life.

  “Thanks asshole,” I grumble good naturedly. I climb up the bolder, stretching up, I place one hand on the electrical fence, but thankfully Celmund has disconnected it. I jump onto the wall and then over and down on the other side. Two minutes later Wulf is next to me and we are making our way towards where the car is parked.

  “The cops are leaving. They will be heading your way in approximately five minutes. I will let you know when the other vehicle leaves,” Celmund informs us. I know that as soon as the police leave Celmund will let Draco know what we are doing, and he will send brothers to come and back us up. We are about a mile away from the entrance to the compound when we see the lights from the police cars.

  Wulf and I duck behind the trees that are running in line with the road. After four cars drive past us, we start to run again. We both know we are running out of time. He won’t be there for long now. Just then we hear Celmund tell us that he’s making a U turn and is heading our way.

  Fuck! We will have to try and stop the car by shooting out his tyres. Pulling out one of my guns I stand in the middle of the road, I either stop the fucking car or he drives over me, but I am not going to let him get away.

  I see Wulf standing on the side of the road. He has also got a gun in his hand and one of his favourite blades. Wulf is a legend with blades. He would probably hit a tyre with his blade before he would hit it with a bullet. We start to see headlights coming our way in the distance. The asshole is driving so slow it seems like he’s taking a Sunday drive. I sense he has seen us because he starts to accelerate, driving straight for me.

  When he’s just a few metres away I start shooting at his wheels, I know I have hit one as the car swerves but then he straightens it and carries on coming. I carry on shooting and now Wulf is also shooting, we blow out another one but he doesn’t stop.

  “Bjarni, lets lift the road!” I hear Wulf call to me. Wulf, Ceric and I can bend the element earth. Draco is fire but he can also bend air and earth. All the brothers can bend one of the elements one way or another. Wulf is stronger at moving the ground itself than I am, not that I can’t but I’m more in sync with communicating with all living things and tracking.

  I move to the side of the road, in line with Wulf and bend down with my fist on the ground, Wulf has taken the same posture. As the car is nearly upon us we lift our fists and hit them on the ground, immediately the ground around us trembles and a half a metre bump has appeared across the road. I can see the son of a bitch is trying to swerve, but it’s too late; there is no way he can miss it.

  There is a screeching noise as he tries to brake and then he smashes into the lifted area. The car lifts off the ground and lands on top of the protuberance. All four wheels are off the ground and the car is tilting from side to side. Before I can get to the car, I hear a shot and feel my shoulder burn with pain.

  The fucker has shot me. “Motherfucker!” I growl, diving towards the ground, as I hear another shot, Wulf is advancing towards the car as Craig can’t see him from the way the car is standing.

  “You think you have won? I’m going to kill you, Gabriela is mine. I’m not going to leave her in your grubby little hands!” He shouts out at us from the car. He doesn’t even know it but his time is coming to an end. When I get my hands on him he will be sorry he ever laid eyes on my woman.

  Wulf was now right underneath the car, preparing to jump up and pull him out of the car. If the son of a bitch would only stop shooting at me. I roll as he shoots again. Fuck! My shoulder is burning. While he’s concentrating on shooting me, Wulf takes the opportunity and jumps up, smashing the side window and in one swipe pulls him out of the car. I see Wulf pull back his fist and punch him in the face, letting him drop to the ground as he goes limp.

  “Bjarni, how are you doing Brother?” Wulf calls out to me while he’s going through the guy’s pockets. To make sure, he takes his cell and all other weapons he might be carrying.

  “I will survive. Nothing serious, but I think the bullet is still lodged in my shoulder,” I grumble. I hear bikes in the distance and know that my brothers are on their way. We are going to have to fix the road before someone has an accident by driving right into the protrusion.

  Draco and Ceric ride up to us, I’m glad it’s them as I don’t think now I have much energy to bend the earth to fix the road. “Well, well I see you guys had your own party without me. I’m hurt I missed all the fun. Must have been quite a blast, by the look of the road,” Ceric teases, while walking towards Craig who is starting to wake-up.

  “Wulf have you looked in the car?” Draco asks walking towards them. He shakes his head as he moves towards the car to insp
ect it. I see Draco bend down and pick up the phone and the gun that Wulf had placed a few feet away from Craig.

  “There’s a whole lot of shit in here, lets level this ground so we can move the car and see what’s in here!” Wulf calls out. Draco moves to the far side of the road and Wulf towards my side, Ceric takes hold of Craig and drags him towards the bikes.

  “Ceric, let Celmund know we need a car.” Draco calls out as he bends down to place his fisted hand on the ground, Wulf does the same and the ground is level again in a few minutes. I see Craig is starting to sit up. “You are all going to pay for this! What do you think you are doing you dirty biker?” he splutters at Ceric as he pulls him off the floor and holds his arms behind him. I see Ceric shake him as he’s about to open his mouth again.

  “If I were you I would keep your mouth shut, or the first thing you’re going to lose is your tongue,” Ceric threatens him, while turning him around when we hear a car approaching. Burkhart and Bion jump out of the SUV as soon as they park.

  “I heard you guys were missing us?” Bion teases as he walks towards me. “Let’s see what you have done to yourself this time.” He tears the top of my T-shirt, exposing my chest, looking down I see that the bullet entered my shoulder just below the bone but there is so much blood that I can’t tell how bad it is. Then he’s at my back poking and prodding.

  “Fuck! Do you really have to poke so hard, I’m not a piece of steak!” I growl at him.

  “Stop being such a baby, according to your woman you are made of steel. Oh sorry, you’re right, it’s not all of you that’s made of steel,” Ceric teases as he stands in front of us. Wulf grunts and explains to the guys what Ceric means when Draco asks. They all have a laugh at my expense; even Burkhart who is standing beside the SUV with Craig who has now been gagged and tied-up.

  “You’re just jealous because your whopper is made of Jell-O,” I grunt out as Bion puts pressure on my wound.

  “Okay boys let’s get going. You can both carry on this conversation at the compound. For now, I need to take out that bullet. It’s still lodged in your shoulder and I’m afraid it’s going to hurt like a bitch because if I’m right, its wedged in the bone.” Great! That’s all I need, anaesthetic doesn’t always work with me. Most of the time it just makes me sluggish and doesn’t put me out. I can usually still feel whatever is going on.

  We make our way to the compound, going in through the garage so no one at the party sees Craig. As we reach the courtyard, Gabriela is there waiting for me. “You’re hurt!” she gasps, tears appearing in her eyes, as she looks at all the blood on my chest and my blood-soaked T-shirt.

  “It looks worse than it really is Baby Girl,” I console as I take hold of her hand so she can accompany me to the infirmary. Only then does she see Burkhart forcefully pushing Craig towards the cells. I see her go pale as he looks at her and tries to walk towards her. The gag is preventing him from talking so all we can hear are grunts.

  “You got him.” There is relief in her voice and in her eyes when she looks back at me.

  “He will never bug you again. No one messes with my Baby Girl!” I state, looking directly at him while I pull her towards me and start walking away. As we enter the infirmary I see Bion is already preparing the anaesthetic to give me.

  “Bjarni lay down over here. Gabriela, you can stand on that side if you would like, or you can sit over there.” Bion is already advancing towards me as he speaks. Gabriela stays by my side as she’s holding my hand in a death grip. I stroke her hand with my thumb trying to assure her that everything is fine.

  I take my T-shirt off as soon as I got to the infirmary, and Bion gets busy cleaning away all the blood. I see the needle coming towards me. A few minutes later I can feel the sluggishness in my body and feel the heaviness in my eyes.

  “Just relax, it will have more of an effect if you relax.” I feel fingers stroking my face, relaxing the tension between my eyes. A little while later I can feel Bion digging into my shoulder, but it’s not as bad as I know it could be. I can feel what he’s doing but the pain is slight. I know Bion is finished as I feel him bandaging the wound. I won’t need the bandage for long, maybe two or three days, but as soon as I take blood from my woman, I will start to heal.

  I open my eyes, feeling as if I have two weights in each eye. The first thing I see is the worried face of my Baby Girl. I see her looking up and then I hear Bion telling her to give me blood. “No!” I grumble. I don’t want anyone around when we share blood. I know she is still uncomfortable with the whole bonding thing and I’m not going to have her feel under pressure just because I’m hurt.

  “You need blood Brother.”

  “Leave!” I grunt, still looking at her. My mouth is feeling dry and I know that as soon as I take blood from her I will start to feel better. I hear Bion making his way out of the infirmary and then the door closes. I know it’s not as if we have a lot of privacy, as there are windows so anyone walking past can see us from the corridor but it is more comforting to Gabriela without someone watching us.

  She bends down towards me, first kissing my forehead then my cheek. “I was so scared when I saw you were hurt, you promised never to leave me. I’m holding you to it,” she whispers against my ear.

  “Don’t worry, you won’t get rid of me that easily.” I place my hand behind her head turning it slightly until her neck is in line with my lips, I kiss her gently and then I bite down hearing her quiet gasp. Before I pull away, I can already feel the strength flowing through my body. Looking up I see the lust in my woman’s eyes. I make a small cut on the other side of my chest where I wasn’t hurt and I pull her head down to it gently, saying, “Drink Baby Girl.”

  I move over, helping her to lie down next to me, even though the infirmary bed is not very wide, we both fall asleep in each other’s arms.

  A few hours later I wake up to find Gabriela gone. I don’t like the idea of her being anywhere without me while we have Craig in the compound. Not that he will get anywhere near her and if I can help it he won’t be staying for long. I plan on disposing of him today.

  Still feeling a slight burn, and a pulling sensation around my wound when I move, is the only evidence of what happened yesterday. The wound has already knitted together but for a slight distortion of my MC tattoo, which I will have retouched. Getting up, I make my way out of the infirmary. When I get to the courtyard, before I turn towards the area where our bedroom is located, I see Gabriela coming out of the kitchen weighed down with two steaming hot plates of scrambled eggs and bacon. Before she even sees me I can feel myself already smiling.

  My woman already knows me too well, I’m starving and breakfast is just what I need right now with my Baby Girl next to me. Her eyes widen when she sees me and a flush covers her neck and face. “What are you doing out of bed? I’m sure you’re not supposed to be up yet,” she admonishes as she comes to stand in front of me.

  “I was looking for you. I woke up and you weren’t there. I don’t like it when I don’t know where you are.” She shakes her head at my reply, giving me a saucy smile.

  “Well seeing you’re already here, we might as well go and eat this in the kitchen while it’s still hot.” She’s about to turn and walk back to the kitchen when I stop her, taking both plates out of her hand.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?” I ask, drawing closer to her. I see her eyes widen in understanding and then a naughty smile comes across her face as she looks around and then draws closer to me.

  “Do you mean this?” She takes my lips in a gentle kiss, then bites my bottom lip, as her hand moves down my chest until she’s stroking my hard cock. I groan as she tightens her hand around me and pulls gently. Damn the little minx knows what she does to me. As I’m about to drop the plates and toss her over my shoulder, she pulls away smiling slyly.

  Even though she’s smiling I can see the lust in her eyes and her nipples are pebbled in lust, drawing attention to her chest that is covered in a yellow sundress. “Bjarni. You
are tipping the plates,” she teases, then giggles as I grunt and straighten them.

  “Woman, you’re going to pay for this,” I threaten as she turns and rushes towards the kitchen laughing. I’m much slower in making my way there, as my cock feels like it’s about to tear through my jeans. Walking in, I see her sitting at the table innocently, as if she didn’t just feel me off. I growl playfully strolling towards her as we are alone. Placing the plates on the table I pick her up and sit on her chair placing her on my lap.

  “Careful! You shouldn’t be picking up any weight yet, you’re going to hurt yourself.” She cautions with a worried frown.

  “Baby Girl, what weight? You hardly weigh anything.” She’s wearing a short yellow sundress, just perfect for what I have in mind. I pull her against my hardness while I nuzzle her neck. My hand stroking up her thigh, while the other cups her breast. “Feed me!” I command.

  “What … what?” her voice is throaty with lust, as she rubes her core against my cock.

  “Food Baby Girl, feed me. I’m hungry.” She looks at me in surprise, as if I’m saying the most preposterous thing, but she leans forward taking a long piece of bacon in her fingers and placing it in my mouth. My hand is now over her panties cupping and then stroking, I hear her breathlessness when she leans forward again to get more food and pushes down harder against my cock. We both groan in sweet pain. Placing my hand in her panties, I stroke her plump little clit as she leans back into me while my other hand pinches her perky nipple over the dress.

  “Bjarni!” she murmurs. Inserting one of my fingers in her heat I pump gently as my thumb continues to stroke her clit. She is rolling her hips against my hardness, panting. I can feel my pre-cum coating the head of my cock. Fuck if she doesn’t stop I’m going to shoot my load right here. I feel her tightening around my finger, pumping harder I feel her orgasm.


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