The Biker's Religion (Rough Riders MC Book 2)

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The Biker's Religion (Rough Riders MC Book 2) Page 3

by Shelly Morgan

  “Have fun. Be careful. I’ll see you later,” Torq tells Angel, then levels a hard look at the prospect. “If anything happens to either of them, you’ll wish you were never born. You got me?”

  Holy shit, I forgot how scary Torq can be. I’m about ready to piss my pants and he’s not even directed it at me.

  “I’ll protect them with my life,” the prospect says, and I know he’s telling the truth. If someone comes after us, he’ll save us. Or he’ll die trying.

  “I’m gonna hold you to that.”

  Giving Angel one last kiss, Torq turns around and heads into the chapel after Bear and the rest of his brothers. Ice Man hangs back a little while longer, giving me a smile before following after.

  Turning to Angel, I smile. “Ready?” I ask.

  “More than you know,” she says, and for the first time since we got her back, I see the old Angel again. It’s enough to make me want to cry. But I won’t, because I don’t want to ruin this time I have with her by making her upset.

  She follows close beside me outside with the prospect following behind, but at a distance.

  “Hey, do you think we can stop by the house quick? I should probably grab my scooter. I might not need it, but these freakin’ crutches suck when I’m on them for long periods of time,” Angel says with aggravation. I know she can’t wait to be healed so she doesn’t need the assistance of the crutches or her scooter—or have Torq and a few of the other brothers carrying her places, though I know she secretly loves it when her man carries her.

  “Of course, hun. I think that’s probably smart. Even if you don’t need it, you should use it anyway, then when you get home, you won’t hurt as much,” I say, knowing it’ll be best for more than one reason. Not only so she won’t be sore, but I also know Torq will be upset if she gets home that way.

  We don’t tell the prospect our plans, but once we get into the car I bought a few weeks ago and we’re on our way to Angel and Torq’s place, he follows along, not looking the least bit upset. When we stop and get out, he parks his bike, leaning against it while lighting a cigarette before pulling out his phone. If I had to guess, I’d say he’s texting the guys to let them know what we’re doing. This is only confirmed when Angel’s phone goes off once we’re on our way out with her scooter in tow.

  She’s smiling, so I won’t ask. I’m sure her man was just praising her on her decision. And probably telling her that he misses her already. Those two sometimes make me so green with jealousy, but I’m so happy for them at the same time.

  Even though they still haven’t said those three little words to each other, the love in their eyes every time they look at one another is there, so everyone knows the score. They’re it for each other. And even though I’m so happy for my friend, I can’t help but feel a little sad. I feel like I’ll lose her to him. I know that won’t be the case, but that’s how it feels sometimes.

  That part makes me feel sad. The jealousy is a little more difficult to explain. You see, I’ve never wanted a man of my own. Sure, I like to fuck, and if they’re lucky, I may even keep them around for a little while. But I’ll eventually get bored with them. I don’t want a relationship. I never have. I don’t really know the reason why, because I love seeing my friend fall in love and find her match. And I like watching old couples pass on the street or when they showed up at the diner I used to work at. I’d always try to guess their happy story. But I never wanted that for myself. Maybe one day, but maybe not. So I have no idea where the jealousy comes from, but I choose not to linger on it long or try to decipher it. There’s no point. I’m happy for my friend and Torq, and I’m happy with my life right now. At least in the love department. Though I wish Ice Man would give in to me and give me a piece of his candy stick. That man is F-i-n-e, with a capital F.

  Maybe going on this trip with him will help with that. I won’t push myself on him. I’m not sure where he stands with what he wants or doesn’t want when it comes to any type of relationship, but I have a feeling he’s like me on that subject. Neither of us wants something long term, but we could still have a lot of fun jumping down the rabbit hole together. No thoughts or feelings, just desire and lust.

  Getting back into the car, Angel still has that smile plastered on her face, but I still don’t say anything about it. If she wants to inform me about what’s making her so happy, she’ll tell me. I don’t want to push her anymore, on anything. She and Ice Man are right. I need to let her be. Easier said than done though, but I’m going to really try.

  Turning up the radio to one of our favorite stations, the car ride is filled with us both singing along off tune, and in no time, we’re both smiling and laughing. It reminds me of times before she was taken. We always had fun together, no matter if we were chillin’ on one of our couches watching horrible sitcoms or messing around while we rehearsed our routines.

  It takes us an hour to get to the mall. As much as we love our regular store just outside of Reno, I don’t think they will have what I’ll need to go to this wedding. Plus, I’m not sure what Angel will want to buy. Besides, it gives us more time to spend together. I’ve really missed this. And since it’s still early, we could make a full day out of it. Just her and I. Well, I guess the prospect too.

  Getting out of the car, Angel leaves her crutches and replaces them with her scooter. If the reason she had it in the first place wasn’t because she was kidnapped and broke her leg to try and kill herself, I may be inclined to make fun of how funny she looks. But I won’t because that would be wrong and remind us both of horrible times. More so for her.

  “So, what store do you want to start at?” I ask while I look behind us to make sure the prospect is still with us, which he dutifully is.

  “I think we should start with Victoria’s Secret. I need some new bras and maybe a cute teddy.” The way she says the last part, with a frown, I wonder what put it there.

  Looking at me, she sees the question in my eye and decides to have mercy on me. “Torq won’t touch me. Says that going through what I went through, he doesn’t want to push me. If he’d just freaking understand that he’s not, and that I want to, it would make my life so much easier.” Blowing out a big breath, she slows to a stop and faces me. “I know what happened to me, I lived it. And yes, I still relive those hellish moments more than I’d like. But I need to feel loving hands on my body again. I need him to erase their touch and replace it with his.”

  A tear slips down her cheek and I feel my insides shatter. She’s finally opening up, and what she’s saying kills me. But I understand it too.

  “He just doesn’t want to do something that will hurt you, Angel. He cares so much about you, and if something he does makes you hurt or afraid, I don’t think he’s the type of man to get over that.”

  “I know. And I have no idea what would happen when we make it that far. But we’re never going to know until we push through it, ya know? I need to do this, for both of us,” she explains.

  “Have you mentioned any of this to him?” I ask.

  “Yes. Or at least I’ve tried. I don’t know, maybe it’s just not coming out right. I’m just so frustrated, and then when he pushes me away like that, it makes me feel like he’s disgusted with me or that he doesn’t want to touch damaged goods.”

  “Oh, no, Angel! He would never feel that way,” I argue. I may not know much about Torq, or even their relationship, but I do know that much. He could never not want her or think she’s damaged.

  “Maybe not, but that’s the way his actions make me feel.” Another tear drops down her cheek before she hastily swipes it away. I reach out and give her arm a squeeze of support, which she returns with a sad smile. “Thank you.”

  I’m completely flabbergasted by what she’s thanking me for. “For what?”

  “For this; letting me come along and always being there for me. I know I haven’t made things easy on you since I’ve been back. But I promise, I’m getting better. And maybe one day I’ll be ready to tell you what happened.
Just give me time, please,” she explains.

  “You’re welcome, hun. I’m always here for you, for whenever you’re ready to talk, or if you just need to get away. You’re my best friend and I love you.”

  We hug it out before laughing at our mini meltdown. Looking behind us, we can see the prospect keeping his distance and looking uncomfortable with the situation. “Let’s go buy the stores out, give him something to do, shall we?” I ask, to which Angel nods.

  This place didn’t have a Victoria’s Secret, but they did have a store that was almost better. At least in pricing, though their selections weren’t bad, either.

  I was able to find four matching bra and panty sets and got a good deal on some fancy underwear. And I got a strapless bra and a nice push up bra. They are all gorgeous. It’s a shame no one will be able to appreciate them like I will.

  Angel found a few matching sets, got some underwear, and she found a very sexy teddy. There’s no way Torq will be able to deny her in that.

  The prospect took our bags without us asking, though we did tell him we could handle it, but he insisted, so we relented. I have to admit, it’s kind of nice to not have to carry them.

  The next store we went in was a local dress shop. Not name brand, but the dresses in the window were amazing. It looks like they have everything from wedding dresses, prom dresses, and regular formal dresses, to casual dresses. I’ll for sure be able to find something in here to wear to the wedding. And I may just have to get a few others just because they are that beautiful.

  Picking a red strapless dress, a black halter dress, and a white beaded off the shoulder dress, I head toward the dressing rooms.

  I try the black one on first. It fits perfectly, leaving just the right amount of side boob to make it sexy. I especially love the back of it. It’s completely bare, and the body makes a v all the way down to my ass. The length is short, but not slutty short. It’s perfect in every way.

  Stepping out of the dressing room, Angel appraises the dress with a huge smile on her face. Doing a dramatic spin, she waits until I’m facing her again before she claps. “Ooo, I really like that one! You look hot as hell in it,” she comments, making me blush a little.

  “Yeah, I do too! And even if I don’t wear it to the wedding, I’m definitely going to be buying this baby just to have. Every woman needs a little black dress in her closet.”

  Laughing, she scolds, “Don’t you already have like three little black dresses in your closet?”

  “Hey, you can never have too many,” I fire back and then stick my tongue out at her as I turn around and head back into the dressing room to try on the next one.

  I emerge again a few minutes later wearing the white dress. I like it, but I’m just not feeling it completely. And if Angel’s face is anything to go by, she’s not loving it either.

  “I don’t know. It’s okay, I guess, but I’m not sold on it,” I say, to which she nods.

  “I agree. Plus, you’re not supposed to wear white to a wedding unless it’s your wedding. Or at least, that’s what I’ve heard,” she says, shrugging her shoulders.

  Not like I’d care about the rules going to this wedding, but it would have to be the perfect dress, and this, unfortunately, is not that.

  Turning back to the dressing room, I quickly take the white dress off and replace it with the last one; the red strapless. Before I even open the door to show Angel, I know this is the one. It fits like a glove, shows off all of my assets, and makes me feel sexy. It’s perfect.

  As soon as I’m out of the dressing room, Angel’s eyes go wide and a look of awe takes over her face. Feeling a little shy now, I look down and straighten out the already perfect dress. “Do you like?” I ask, not making eye contact. Maybe I had it all wrong before, maybe this isn’t the one.

  “No, I don’t,” she says, shocking the heck out of me. Finally, I look up, I lock eyes with her, and notice the biggest smile on her face. “I love it!”

  Finally, the nerves go away and I smile with her. Now that I know she likes it, or loves it in her words, I don’t feel shy anymore, I feel sexy again.

  “That’s the one. You will be the hottest woman there!”

  “Oh yeah, I’ll show Ice Man he’s not missing out on anything by not marryin’ that bitch,” I say before I can stop myself. I don’t know where that came from, but thankfully, Angel doesn’t comment. She just smiles a knowing smile, but I don’t tell her she’s wrong. Ice Man and I are just friends. Sure, I want to fuck his brains out, and I think he’s the sexiest man alive, but that’s all there is between us. That, and friendship.

  “Okay, go back and change and let’s get out of here. There are a few other stores I want to stop by and then I’m ready to get some food in my belly before heading home. I’m exhausted.”

  Agreeing with her, because shopping always takes its toll on me too, I do as she instructs. Once I pay, the prospect again grabs them out of my hands without comment and we head off to the next store.

  An hour later, we’re heading back to the car as the prospect tags along behind us, carting all of our bags. I’m surprised he can carry them all, but he makes no comment and not once complains. Actually, now that I think of it, he hasn’t spoken at all except to tell us he’ll take our bags. Otherwise, he’s silent.

  When we get all the bags stuffed into the trunk, I turn toward him and give him a hug. He stiffens and seems uncomfortable, but I don’t care. “Thank you for tagging along and carrying our bags. I know this probably wasn’t the job you wanted to do, but we appreciate it all the same,” I tell him.

  Letting him go, I give him a smile, to which he replies awkwardly. “It’s my job. I’m happy to do anything the club asks of me, so no need for thanks.” I don’t give a shit if it’s his job or not. It was nice of him all the same, even if he had no choice in matter. And to prove it, I’m going to do something nice for him.

  “Angel, you said you were hungry. Where would you like to eat?” I ask, turning to her.

  She smiles and nods aggressively. “Hell yes, I am. And I want steak and potatoes!”

  “I agree. Let’s go to the Texas Roadhouse,” I request, before turning toward the prospect. “Is that okay if we stop for food?” I know he won’t have a problem with it, even if he does just want to get back to the clubhouse so he can be rid of us and get a nice cold one. He knows that if the guys find out we were hungry and he denied us, there would be hell to pay. So like the good prospect he is, he nods.

  “I’ll follow you wherever you ladies want to go.”

  We both get in the car as he takes off toward his bike. I send a quick message off to Ice Man to let him know we are eating before heading home, so he doesn’t need to bring me anything.

  Starting the engine, I turn toward Angel. “I’m going to make him eat with us and then I’m going to pay for his meal. I want to show our appreciation and make it up to him for having to follow us around while we shopped.”

  “I like the way you think, girl. Let’s do this.”

  Texas Roadhouse is only about a ten minute drive from the mall. On the way, Angel comments on my car. It’s the first time she’s been in it.

  “What made you decide to get it? I thought you didn’t want to spend the money?”

  I really didn’t, but it was unavoidable. “I don’t know. It’s just easier, I guess. I don’t have to ask for rides anymore, and honestly, I hate walking.” I laugh at my lack of wanting to exercise. I hate working out. I never have before dancing, and even though I still don’t do it much now, my routines give me a heck of a workout. But the extra walking sucked, even though I really didn’t need to. Any of the brothers would have offered to give me a ride anytime I wanted. I just hated to ask all the time.

  Plus, Ice Man hated that I didn’t have a car. He said it left me vulnerable when the brothers couldn’t be there with me.

  “I’m glad you got it. This one is really nice too. You did good.” Even though I don’t need her praise, it’s still nice.

bsp; “Thanks. And now, when you’re ready to go back to work, we can ride together without the cab.” We haven’t talked about her coming back to work, but knowing how much she loves to dance, I can’t imagine her not returning to it.

  Her face falls a little at the mention of work and I feel bad for bringing it up. Before I can take it back or apologize, she says, “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to dance again, Amy. My leg is pretty messed up. And even if I can, it will probably be a long while. But I do miss it, I’m just not sure it’s in the cards for me anymore.”

  “Hey, don’t worry about it right now. You just concentrate on getting better, and then you can figure out if dancing is still something you can do or not. Or even if you want to dance anymore. But when you’re ready, let me know. I’d love to work on a new routine with you where both of us dance at the same time. I think it would be fun,” I mention my idea. I watched a video of a dual performance and since then, I’ve been wanting to do one. But only with Angel. I like the other girls I work with, but Angel is amazing on that stage and I’d love to be up there with her.

  “Oh wow, that would be amazing, Amy. Even if I can’t come back full time, maybe I could at least do a dance with you every night. That would be awesome and mean a lot to me!”

  Knowing she’s happy and the look of sadness has been wiped off her face, I nod once and say, “It’s already done, babe. You just let me know when you’re ready. But for now, let’s go stuff our faces. I’m famished.” It’s after lunch time and I never got the chance to eat breakfast this morning.

  We’re ushered to a booth inside, and we force the prospect to join us at our table. When he says he’s not hungry, I’m not ashamed to say that Angel and I both used the big guns to get him to eat by saying we’d tell the guys it made us unhappy that he didn’t eat with us. After that, he ordered a steak and dug in right along with us, though I think letting me pay the bill will be taking it too far, so I don’t push him when he insists.

  Once the bill is paid and our stomachs full, we head back to Reno. I drop Angel off at the clubhouse before taking off toward my apartment to pack for tomorrow. I’m both nervous and excited, but one thing’s for sure, I have a feeling things between Ice Man and I are about to change. I don’t have any clue if that will be a good thing or bad thing. I guess time will tell.


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