Transformed! Nine Magically Erotic Stories

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Transformed! Nine Magically Erotic Stories Page 21

by Nadia Nightside

  Jealousy, hard and quick, stabbed furiously at Maryse. She didn’t know if she wanted to be fucked, but she definitely wanted to be chosen.

  Suddenly, hands were wrapping around Maryse’s body—Heather’s hands. Her yoga-trained legs locked around Maryse’s waist, keeping her in place, while Heather’s one hand gripped hard on Maryse’s breasts. The other slipped into Maryse’s panties, and began quickly and expertly fingering her clit.

  “Oh my god,” Maryse moaned.

  Instantly, she was close to orgasm. There was no excuse for it—she had just completely turned into a wanton, slutty sexpet in the face of this overpowering beast. She wanted him to know how turned on she was. She wanted Heather to give her a hot, delicious orgasm, to make her smell like a good fuck. The pheromones in the air...she felt high. She couldn’t fight. She felt herself not wanting to fight.

  “Watch him fuck her,” Heather instructed. “Watch Master take his chosen mate. Isn’t it so perfect? He's going to mark her. Don’t you feel so lucky?”

  “Lucky...” Maryse repeated. “...Master...”

  Lauren’s moans increased in intensity as the beast shoved his huge bare cock inside of her pussy. At the same time, Heather shifted her grip, pushing her two front fingers into Maryse’s cunt and then rubbing her thumb hard down on her clit.

  Pleasure rampaged through Maryse’s body as Heather had her way with her. From the sounds of things, the same was happening to Lauren. The beast had practically bent her in half, his enormous hands just barely cupping her incredibly huge tits. He drove her into the floor, hammering his cock into her body with no restraint at all.

  The beast let out a long howl, signaling his climax was near. The significance was not lost on the three women wrapped up in its pleasure.

  “Oh, fuck yeah,” Lauren moaned. “Cum on me! I’m gonna cum too. I’m gonna do it with you, Sir! Yes, please!”

  “Yeah,” Maryse mewled softly. “G-gonna cum. G-gonna cummm with youuuu...”

  Heather, of course, was already on her seventeenth or eighteenth orgasm of the night. There was very little that could stand in the wolf slave’s way when it came to pleasure.

  With another great howl, the alpha stud came inside Lauren's unprotected, fertile womb. After several jerking spurts, he pulled out and sprayed on top of Lauren, all over her belly, coating her in luscious white goo. Spurt after spurt fired out of him, layering down thick ropes of perfection on Lauren's tits. After several seconds, he seemed to be expended, and collapsed down on Lauren's body gently.

  “She’s marked, now,” Heather cooed in Maryse’s ear. “Just like me...just like you’ll be, soon.”

  The beast slowly began to transform—hair receding, muscles dissolving, claws disappearing. Over a period of two minutes, the recognizable form of Caleb appeared in Lauren’s arms. The light from the still-on flashlight let Maryse see his eyes—which appeared heavily dilated, as if he had been on drugs.

  Maryse, at this point, was a bit beyond being shocked.

  “The form of the Master...” Heather moaned, too busy fingering herself now to bother with Maryse. She sank back down on her back, orgasming away, sliding into a blissful sleep.

  Maryse crawled forward, still dazed from her orgasm, trying to understand. Caleb, eyes open, appeared thoroughly out of it. She stroked his forehead lightly—all resentments and anger gone for the moment, and checked on Lauren, stroking her forehead as well. Lauren leaned up, eyes closed, and pulled Maryse in for a long, loving kiss. Maryse, surprising herself, did nothing to stop it.

  When Lauren finally opened her eyes and saw who it was, she let go...slowly. Her hands ran down Maryse’s chest, and the two looked at each other with reinvigorated interest.

  “Sorry,” said Lauren.

  She didn't look very sorry. Maryse shrugged and cocked an eyebrow, biting her lower lip.

  “Are you okay, Lauren?”

  Lauren nodded. “I think so. I...I don’t know. Whatever happened to didn’t happen to me.”

  They both looked at Caleb.

  “What happened?” they asked simultaneously.

  “It’s a long story,” he said, drawing up into himself, hands over his knees. “I...I’m so sorry, Lauren. I don’t know...I don’t know why this happened.”

  “It’s...all right.” She giggled. “I don’t know, I’m not like Heather...but that all felt really, really good. I didn’t know sex was like that.”

  “I don’t think it is like that with anyone else,” said Maryse, smiling.

  Something told her to be angry...but something more primal, more satisfied, just didn't care. It was pretty hot what the werewolf had done. Enslaving women...taking them as his property...

  Just imagine, thought Maryse, the kind of woman who could have such an alpha male stud wrapped around her finger.

  “Tell us,” said Lauren. “We deserve to know.”

  “You’re right,” said Caleb, shaking his head. “I can’t tell you the whole story...I don’t know it. I can only tell you what I know.”

  “Okay,” said Lauren.

  “This...this transformation?” said Caleb. “How I become that thing, that werewolf thing? I don’t know how it started. Just one day, all of a sudden, there I was. Big werewolf guy. I wasn’t bitten or cursed, I just...I don’t know. I wasn’t one day, and the next I was. My sister Felicia, she knows about this sort of thing. This, I don’t know what to call it. This occult sort of stuff. I asked her, and she got together with her friends...there’s a lot of me out there. Werewolves. But, they’re not all like me. Mine is different.

  “That transformation you saw? I didn’t believe it was happening at first, this time around. I got into a lot of trouble at the end of school...almost ruined some people's lives. Luckily, I was able to fix it, Felicia and I. But I thought it was done, now. Otherwise I would have said something. It was supposed to kill me,” he said. “The next time I turned, I was supposed to die. That’s what Felicia said, what all the other people said. I’m uncontrollable, they said. The others, the other werewolves...they know how to manage it. But my inner-wolf, or whatever you want to call it? It burns too brightly—it eats up my whole life force, they said. There was no way I’d survive the next transformation. So...these tattoos? They were there to contain me. To make sure that I never turned again. But something here made me regress...and, I mean.” He took Lauren’s hand. “You made me whole again. You saved me, Lauren.”

  Lauren’s face swelled with gratitude, that she could be the one to make him better. Maryse again tried to fight down that stab of jealousy.

  “But that was you, who took Heather?” Maryse asked.

  “Not me. I mean, yes and no. I don’t know. I did, but I didn’t want to. I never want to. It just...happens. The first thing I remember is seeing Lauren again. That must have been enough to revert me. But this time...I guess I had to make love to you.”

  “It was a little more intense than making love,” Lauren said with a chuckle.

  “What made you change, though, if you weren't supposed to change?”

  Caleb's face clouded over. “I'm not sure. I'm really not. We'd have to ask Felicia, maybe.” He shook his head. “I don’t get it, though. The other girls, when they were around me...they...”

  Lauren remembered now how Heather was so happy to do anything Caleb suggested.

  “They became your slaves.”

  He nodded, embarrassed. “Pretty much.”

  “And I’m not.”

  “Yes. You turned me back. You’re not affected. You’re...special, Lauren. Chosen, by something.”

  “Chosen?” Lauren laughed. “I don’t think so.”

  “I don’t know everything about it. I won’t pretend to. These powers are ancient. But you’re something I haven’t even heard of, if you can resist what I've got. And that worries me, a lot.”


  “Because up until I showed up, for those friends I told you about? I was something
most of them had never heard of either.”

  “Your sister,” said Maryse. “She knows a lot about all of this sort of thing?”

  “Yes. She’s been studying for years. Since she was younger than us.”

  “I’d like to speak with her, then.”

  Caleb looked confused. “Why?”

  “Because I’m involved, now. And now that I know this sort of thing exists...I want some protection. I want assurances.”

  I want power, Maryse thought. And as much as I can possibly get my hands on.

  Caleb shrugged. “That’s fair.”

  “I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” said Lauren. “I'm exhausted. Can we just...would you hold me? Both of you? And we can settle it in the morning?”

  And so they settled in together with each other on the floor, and ended the night in one another’s arms.

  * * * * *

  Lauren woke up on the floor of the complex.

  Her dreams had been indistinct. Runes floating around in her mind—the same sort of ancient runes she saw on Caleb’s body, on Heather’s body. They had been clicking and clacking together, and just almost had began to make sense...

  And now she was awake in the cool late morning, the songs of birds echoing in the complex.

  The first thing she noticed was that Caleb and Maryse were gone. Together, maybe? Maryse had been so insistent on meeting Caleb’s sister, and she was a girl very used to getting her way.

  She...missed them, she realized. Both of them. After having confused feelings for Caleb for so long, something about what happened last night seemed to offer some clarity, even with as bizarre as the events were that unfolded. He still wanted her, after all. That was good to know.

  What was even better to know—or at any rate, a very close second—was knowing that he didn’t hate her. Lauren had spent just the longest time evaluating and re-evaluating everything she had said to him, wondering what she had done to drive him away. And all along the answer had been right under her nose—it had nothing to do with her at all.

  That was something she probably could stand to pay more attention to.

  She stood up, pulling on what remained of her clothes. The complex around her was a wreck, glass shattered everywhere, furniture turned over...but she was fairly certain she could blame all that on the storm, once the inevitable questions started. She didn’t want the authorities to know about Caleb’s trouble, or power, or whatever it was. They would try and hurt him, contain him, and Lauren knew she couldn’t just enable that.

  The camp would have to close, of course. Lauren didn’t know if she was done with Caleb...but she knew he was still dangerous. With Heather the way she was, and the rest of the counselors probably scared witless, there was no way they would be able to prepare for the rest of the summer.

  Oh god, Heather. Lauren hoped Maryse and Caleb had somehow managed to take care of her now that it was morning. The poor lovely woman had gone a little crazy, maybe, but she wasn’t bad.

  Maybe they had taken her with them? Perhaps to see a doctor. Or, maybe Felicia—Caleb's step-sister had helped in the past, after all. That would be good. Although, something told Lauren that neither Maryse nor Caleb would be completely immune to Heather’s constant pining for attention. Hopefully Felicia would help them all with that.

  There was a rustling in the wilderness outside—approaching from the same place that Caleb had come in from last night. Immediately, Lauren searched through the wreckage of the complex for something to hold as a weapon.

  But her search stopped as soon as she saw who it was—Bryce. Lauren's heart pounded still, examining his handsome form.

  “Bryce!” she said. There was no real response. “B-Bryce?”

  He seemed okay on the face of things, though his jeans and shirt were ripped a bit. She had forgotten about him entirely. And she remembered now how ludicrous his situation must have been, stuck on a search party with the very thing they were searching for.

  Not just ludicrous. Dangerous.

  Stepping toward her slowly, Bryce’s eyes were glazed, his face slack. He looked like a zombie.

  “Bryce?” she called again. “Bryce, are you okay?”

  Steps quickening now, he closed in on her—the musk emanating off of him overwhelming to Lauren. Something in her was telling her to run, but just like with Caleb, she didn’t have the will in her anymore. The scent was too strong, the need suddenly too great. All thoughts of resistance slipped away, like vapor, and then Bryce’s hands were on her shoulders. He seemed almost in a trance, pushing her down onto the floor of the complex.

  “I need it,” he groaned.

  For reasons she couldn’t explain, she obediently fell to her knees before him and started tugging at his pants.

  “I need it,” she moaned, just like he had.

  In almost no time, she had his cock out, stroking it up to its full hardness. She could hardly think about what she was doing, though if she could, perhaps she would bask in the glory of the situation—the curvaceous, constantly-ignored girl finally getting her hands around the cock of the town stud. Her pussy was soon soaked, and as she stroked Bryce completely erect, her other hand slipped down to her pussy.

  Bryce continued to push her down, though, and soon had her pinned. His knees on her shoulders, shoving his cock into her willing, needy mouth. It tasted soooo good.

  “Neeed it,” he groaned. “N-neeeed the chosen...”

  With robotic efficiency, he fucked her eager mouth. Lauren did all she could to lick and attend his rod as he thrust into her. Mostly, though, she was simply on the receiving end of some thoroughly hot use.

  Used by Bryce. God. The thought made her stroke her clit even harder, even as he fucked her even harder.

  Bryce let out a long, satisfied, moan. His balls tensed on top of Lauren’s chin—he was going to cum—he was going to cum right down her throat! Moaning eagerly, she stared up at him with her big brown eyes, urging him to do it.

  Right before he climaxed, some clarity seemed to return to his eyes. He seemed to suddenly know where he was, what he was doing, and who with. And knowing he was fucking the mouth of busty Lauren seemed to drive him straight over the edge.

  He exploded into her mouth and down her throat, pushing warm goo into her body. Happily, her own orgasm matched his, that sweet release spiraling out from her pussy and covering the rest of her body in hot, healing rapture. She sucked him down, all that she could, slurping and swallowing every last beautiful drop from her dreamstud.

  With an exhausted groan, Bryce collapsed on top of her, and they slipped into each other’s arms. How many wonderful fuckings was Lauren going to receive this summer? There was no telling, anymore.

  She stroked his broad muscles, terrified to say anything—like it might break the spell. But then she stroked his shoulder, and he winced horribly. Concerned, Lauren took a moment to examine him...and there, on his shoulder, there was a bite mark, glowing orange, with strange, ancient-looking runes healing over the wound.


  He said nothing—confused, stunned, exhausted. Sleep was quickly taking him, and all Lauren could think to do was hold him tighter.

  Lauren recognized the bite mark, of course.

  It was the same kind of mark that Caleb had on his side. The same mark that Caleb had left on Heather.

  She knew already that Bryce was a werewolf now, just like Caleb. And she knew her troubles, just like this summer, were only beginning.

  # # #

  Innocent Before The Shifter

  It was early in the afternoon when they finally made it back to Summerville. Caleb, in an effort not to draw any attention to his passengers, drove rather slow—five miles under the speed limit.

  His shotgun passenger was a natural for drawing attention to herself—even dressed as casually as she was in a tight blue tank top, sandals, and cut-off denim shorts. Outside of his stepsister, Felicia, Maryse was the most beautiful woman that Caleb had ever seen. The gorgeous eighteen
year-old blonde was set to become a model at the end of the summer, and as far as Caleb knew, she spent most of her time preening in front of a mirror and admiring the fullness of her lips, the bright blue color of her eyes, and the luscious deep tan of her skin—and all of this fully justified.

  Just from driving next to her, occasionally catching a glimpse of her amazing thighs or the swell of her plump breasts, Caleb’s manhood was half-ready to explode in bliss. It was veritable agony, being so close to such beauty, knowing that he could own it entirely if he wanted, and still he refused to do anything about it.

  He did his best not to consider this refusal as noble—it wasn't exactly noble not to go around killing people just because you could, after all. Neither then was it noble for him to refuse to enslave a beautiful babe just because he was able.

  Back at camp, he had told the girls—both the lovely Maryse, and also the incredibly busty Lauren—that the odd enslaving power of his lycanthropy was contained. And, aside from the two transformations over the past several hours that he was still eminently confused about, that was true. He wasn't just hopping into his werewolf form willy-nilly, and he found it easier than ever to deny the power from surfacing.

  However, that didn’t mean he didn’t hear the beast inside of him all the time, scratching and roaring, identifying every other gorgeous woman as nothing more than one more beautiful slave for his cock.

  There were many lycans in the world. Caleb was never bitten, never struck, never cursed—one day, he just transformed. Only his sister, Felicia—a young witch—had been able to help him. And unlike any other lycan that anyone had heard of, when he took someone sexually in that form, he made that person his happy, willing, eager slave.

  There was evidence of that from the sleeping beauty in the backseat—Heather Springs. No more than two days ago, she had been a cheery, happy middle-aged yoga instructor and summer camp owner. Now, from all outward appearances, she was little more than a twenty-something dark-haired, superbly and sveltely muscled fuckslave that was absolutely dedicated to everything about Caleb. This had happened because Caleb—in one of those unplanned, inexplicable transformations—had fucked Heather into being his personal toy.


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