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Nykon Page 8

by Maia Starr

  “Oh my god. I can't believe this. Oh my God,” Gina said as she slumped down in her seat.

  I tried to look out to see if I could see what was going on, but the vehicle was too fast, making things a blur. I was impressed with the driving skills of our pilot. In no time at all, we were over the desert area outside of the city heading toward the village. Only then did I breathe. Gina sat up straight.

  “I can't believe it. It was a trap all along. We should've known. They should not have agreed to join the games,” Gina said.

  “Yes, I agree. It is a mess,” I said, trying to fight back tears. Gina looked at me. She looked at the pilot. She squeezed my hand and said.

  “I am sure that the majority of the soldiers will make it back to the village. We do not need to worry,” she said.

  I looked at her. She knew. Of course I had shouted for Nykon in that moment of terror. She obviously heard it. She knew.

  “I hope that you are right. It is very important,” I said squeezing her hand.

  “I know that it is. Stay hopeful, Amber,” she said.

  We stayed silent, squeezing each other's hands as the pilot drove us back to the village. News of the attack had already reached the village through the communication radios. We were the third speeder to land. When we got out, we could see more speeders heading our direction. Many were coming back. I was relieved, but I would not be completely relieved until I saw his face.

  I stood in the courtyard waiting with everyone else, looking at every speeder that opened its doors. Then I saw something that absolutely broke my heart. I saw Keirin standing there with a soldier; by her side was a young child, about five-years-old. It was then that I realize that this was Nykon's son. He clung onto his mother’s hand, squeezing it. He was too young to know what was going on, but she was filled with fright. The soldier at her side comforted her. I realized I wasn't the only one waiting for Nykon's return. It was a gut-wrenching moment. All I could do was wait.

  Chapter 16

  Commander Nykon Reev

  When Evlon ran across the field, I knew I needed to follow him. He was up to something. I knew it from the look on his face. This was a trap, but we were prepared for it. I ran after him. Then I stopped. I looked at the sidelines. I saw a circle of soldiers surrounding the medical team, and I could see Amber among them. She was safe. I continued running after Evlon.

  “Wait for me!” I heard a familiar voice say. I turned to see Rizim running at my side.

  “It's about time. You were moving too slow,” I said teasing him.

  He laughed. “Hey, I went a complete round in the games. I didn't comp out like you did,” he gave me shit back. “Ready for this?”

  “Ready. Remember the strategy,” I said.

  “I remember. Let's do it,” Rizim said.

  Together we ran toward the war game complex tunnel that would lead to the exit.

  “What is she to you?” I heard a voice shout at me. I stopped running. I turned to see Evlon standing there. He still had his ax in his hand.

  “There you are. Too scared to complete in the game so you had to stage all of this just to make sure I did not defeat you?” I said stepping toward him.

  “How do you know her?” he asked.

  “I do not know what you're talking about,” I said, tightening the grip on the weapon.

  “I saw you talking to her. She is my property. I took her from Earth. She is my slave. I will have her back,” he said.

  His words struck rage inside of me. I snarled. There was no way in hell I was going to let him get her.

  “I do not know what you mean. But whatever human you are talking about, you will not have as a slave again. We do not allow it,” I said and then swung at him. Once again, we were in the throes of a fight, only this time it was not regulated by any referee.

  Boom! He nailed me in the ribs with the blunt end of the weapon. It was the exact same spot that I had been hit a month before. I doubled over.

  I heard him growl. Hearing his voice let me know exactly where his head was. I wards with the weapon. The metal of the ax grazed his cheek. It took off skin. He fell backward. He quickly rolled away onto his feet. I stood my ground ready to go another round. But instead, he took off. I couldn't believe it.

  “Coward!” I shouted after him as he ran.

  “Nykon! There you are. I thought you had been shot. I turned behind me, and you were not there. Come! Remember the plan!” Rizim shouted at me as he ran towards me.

  Fuck. I wanted to stay and defeat Evlon. But I knew that the plan was bigger than my revenge. I ran with Rizim, fighting our way out of the stadium. We got into the open air. We knew exactly where we were going. It was one thing that the Waysaw had working against them. We used to live in the city as well, many years ago, and we knew exactly where everything was located. This was an advantage that we had that they did not. We ran straight for the water plant.

  “There! That's the entrance!” Rizim shouted at a round door on the side of a brick wall.

  It took both of us to pull it open. Once we opened it, we were inside. We ran to each critical structure. I planted bombs. This was our plan. Destroying the water structure would put the Waysaw city in a state of emergency for several months, perhaps even a year. It would cripple them. Without their water source, they would not have the time and energy to initiate a raid on us or on Earth. It was a good plan.

  “Done!” Rizim shouted at me.

  I planted the last of my bombs.

  “Done! Go! Go!” I shouted to him. We ran out of the water structure the same way that we came in. We closed the door. We did not want to give anyone a heads up what we were up to. Just then, a speeder landed. It was right on schedule.

  It hovered as the door opened and Rizim and I grabbed onto it and pulled ourselves up into it.

  “Did you do it?” the soldier asked.

  “All is planted. Go!” I shouted.

  “Good,” the soldier said as he sped away. I looked down on the chaos. I could see our soldiers had the upper hand. The plan was working.

  “The package has been delivered,” the soldier said over the radio. “Clear the water plant area. Twenty seconds,” he said. Then he began to count down over the radio as he drove out of the city. Every Grantsions soldier cleared free of the water structure. They knew it was about to blow. Hundreds of speeders joined us at our side as we sped out of the city.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! The sound of explosions went on and on as the bombs were detonated. Rizim and I shouted in victory.

  It was only then that my thoughts turned to Amber. Did they get her out? What could I do at the moment? I wanted to ask over the radio if the medical team had been evacuated, but I know that no one would be able to confirm in the chaos. It would only make me frustrated and angry. I would have to wait and see until I returned to the village.

  I had a good faith that the soldiers guarding her got her out. It was their one and only job, and there were many of them. We had skilled and loyal soldiers and I only hoped that nothing had thrown them from their task.

  Finally, our speeder landed in the village. Many others were landing around us. The courtyard was full of Grantsions cheering in victory.

  “Father!” I heard my son, Neton, shout. He ran to me. I knelt down beside him and pulled him into my arms. I was so happy to see him.

  “Neton. Son,” I said as I pushed his hair back from his forehead.

  “There you are,” he said as he had to me tightly. I was sure that Keirin did not tell him where I was; I made her promise to not tell him. I did not want him to worry. He was too young to understand what was going on. He only knew that I had left and would return. So now he was happy to see me.

  “Victory?” Keirin said as she came to my side.

  “In a sense, yes. It all depends on how many return,” I said looking in the direction of the speeders still coming in.

  “I am glad that you returned unharmed. As usual, the village owes you much,” she said.

��I don't know about that. It was a team mission. I could not have done it alone. It took all of us,” I said.

  “Father, I am thirsty,” Neton said.

  “I am thirsty myself. Let us get something to drink,” I said grabbing his hand and walking him over to the tables that were set up, giving the soldiers water and medical attention. I looked around for Amber. I did not see her. I was starting to get nervous and panicked. But with my son and my ex-wife at my side, I could not say anything. I could only look. It was then that I saw her. She was talking to her human friend. But she was not looking at me. Amber turned her back to me and walked away. I did not know if she had seen me or not. But a large smile came across my face. Tension left my shoulders knowing that she was safe.

  Chapter 18

  Amber Lynne

  My heart jumped for joy the moment that I saw Nykon step out of the speeder. I was so relieved that tears began to flow down my cheeks. Gina hugged me tightly. She knew even though I did not tell her. It was already too obvious.

  As soon as he walked into the courtyard, his son ran to him. I wanted to do the same thing so badly, but I could not. It was forbidden to do anything like that. I watched as he hugged his son. His ex-wife walked to him as well with her new husband standing a couple of feet away. I watch them interact. His son was so sweet, and Nykon held on to him. I knew that he was a good father. He would be a good father to our child as well, if I ever was able to tell him. Would we be banished?

  I watched as he talked to his family. Then his son grabbed his hand and led him toward the water and relief area. I noticed that Nykon did not look around for me. Did he know that I was there? Or did he think I was back in the Waysaw city? Did he even care? I couldn't handle it any longer.

  “I am going to go wash up,” I said to Gina.

  “Are you sure? Don't you want to see if…” she began to say.

  “No, I really need to go,” I said to her and walked away. I walked fast. I just wanted to be in my living quarters once more. I needed to be alone before my face gave away my feelings. I could not have Keirin seeing me in such a way or she would figure it out. Women knew these things, no matter what species.

  I finally made it into my living quarters and walked back-and-forth. I stood at the window looking out over the courtyard areas but could not see Nykon. there were too many blue-skinned Zenkian flooding the area. I washed up, washing the battle off of me. I drank a big jug of water. I knew I should probably eat something. But I had no appetite. But I was taking care of another inside my belly. I grabbed a piece of fruit and bit into it, forcing myself to eat it.

  Knock. Knock. I was annoyed. I knew that it was Gina. She would be wanting me to explain everything to her, and I was not in a mood to do such a thing.

  “Gina, I think I'm going to just take a bath and…” I said as I opened the door.

  Nykon was standing there.

  “Nykon?” I said.

  “You did not wait for me in the courtyard?” he said. He walked inside the living quarters and closed the door behind him.

  “You were busy with your son, and I did not want to…” I could not finish my sentence because he pulled me to him and pressed his lips against mine. My body melted against him. It felt so good to touch him. I thought he was going to die. Having his arms around me made me feel safe for the first time the entire day. His body was large and hot, giving off so much heat that I felt immediately warm. My knees went weak and he scooped me up into his arms, putting his arm underneath my knees caring my body like a baby.

  He pulled his mouth away from mine and finally came up for air.

  “I thought I would never get to do that again. I wanted to make sure that I enjoyed every second of it the next time I did it,” he said.

  “I understand. I felt the same way. Only losing you would have very serious consequences for me. I can't do this without you,” I said to him.

  “What do you mean? Do want?” he asked.

  “I can't go to Earth anymore. I will give up my seat on the next voyage,” I said.

  His face lit up. He smiled, and his dashing grin was beautiful. I touched his blue face. His blue and black hair fell over his forehead. I pushed it back.

  “I am pregnant,” I said.

  His light brown eyes grew wide. He said nothing as he was frozen in shock.

  “Say something, please,” I said.

  “Amber, I can't believe this. How long have you known? You obviously did not find out this information today at the games, or on the journey there,” he said in a stern tone. I knew that tone. He was angry. He set me down on my feet.

  “I have known for a week or so, maybe ten days,” I said.

  “Ten days! Why did you not tell me? I never would have let you go to the games. I would have taken you to a safe place on the other side of the planet if I had to,” he said.

  “I knew that it would distract you. I did not want anything to distract you from the war games. I knew how dangerous it all was going to be. And I was right,” I said.

  He growled at me. But he knew that I was right. Then his face changed from anger to happiness as he smiled.

  "A child. A family. I am blessed and happy,” he said as he planted a deep kiss on me.

  “But, we cannot. It is forbidden. What are we supposed to do?” I asked.

  “That is true. But seeing as I did a lot for the village today, perhaps the leaders can return the favor.

  “Do you think so?” I asked.

  “It is worth a try. If not, we will figure something out. I don't know what that is, but I will find a way, for us,” he said.

  “I believe you,” I said.

  “Good. Now, let us celebrate my victory,” he said with arrogance in his voice.

  Then he scooped me up into his arms again. I laughed. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He carried me to the bed and laid me down.

  “Be careful. Do not put your weight on me,” I said.

  “I will be careful,” he said. Then he kissed my neck. I allowed myself to indulge in this moment of happiness. I did not know what the future would bring. We could be outcasts, and then he would hate me forever for being separated from his son. I could be punished severely, or he could. But for now, I was not going to worry about those things. For now, I was going to allow myself to enjoy the way he felt kissing me. I was going to enjoy moving my hands all over his blue skin and muscular physique.

  I moaned. My heart was pacing at a rapid beat. I moved my arms and pushed my fingers into his blue and black hair as he kissed down my body. Then he placed light kisses on my belly. I enjoyed that he was happy that I was pregnant. It was such a relief. I was glad that the war game chaos was over, even though there would be the aftermath to deal with. Right now, at this moment, I was his, and he was mine, and that was all that mattered.

  Chapter 19

  Commander Nykon Reev

  When Amber told me she carried my child, I was filled with happiness. It was not something that I would plan to happen, it was a very dangerous thing. But I was happy all the same. But now I would need to figure out a way to deal with that. I had broken the law by being with her. If they denied a marriage between us, my course of action would be to run away with her and to have a family of our own, but that was not an option. I had my son, and I would not abandon him, not in one million years. I loved him with all my heart. I would do anything for him. I would die for him. So running away was not an option; I had to figure out a way to make the leaders accept my union with a human female.

  The next day, Rizim and I were summoned to the chamber of the leaders. We stood in front of Leader Hirun, and two other leaders.

  “Commander Nykon Reev, Rizim, you two soldiers are the heroes of the war games battle. Without you, the trap that the Waysaw set for us would not have turned out in our favor. You will be honored with the highest honors and a celebration next week. We want to thank both of you and elevate your positions: a promotion,” Leader Hirun said.

  "Thank you; I humbly acce
pt,” Rizim said with a bow.

  “I humbly do not except,” I said to them. Everyone looked at me with confusion, including my good friend Rizim.

  “Commander, what do you mean by this?” the leader asked.

  “I am grateful for the honor you bestow upon me for the work I did. But I ask for a different honor. I am a criminal. I have broken the law. I should be punished. But instead of punishing me, I hope that instead of honoring me you will forgive my crimes,” I said.

  There was mumbling amongst the leaders as they looked at each other and confusion. Rizim turned to me and looked at me strangely. He crossed his arms over his chest; I could tell that he was amused and trying not to laugh.


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