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Nykon Page 37

by Maia Starr

  “Look at that,” Luka whispered. We all looked at one bridge over from us where a few female Draqua were passing. They looked very much like human females, but they were tall, at almost eight feet. They were not shifted with wings, and I wondered if the females could shift at all. They wore small cloths covering their breasts and loin cloths.

  “Yes, I see,” Phoenix said, amused.

  “Calm down now. You don’t want to get one of these dragon men after you for messing with his woman,” I whispered to him. Luka laughed. Soon we were at the edge of the bridge where there was a large platform built all the way around the tree. It was mid-way up the tree. There were plenty of huts high above us, and the center of the village was below on the beach. The platform had four small huts evenly spaced from each other.

  “Take your pick. These are empty. They are guests’ quarters. If you are going to roam the village, just always return here. Make note of the tree,” Nalox said.

  “We are free to roam around?” Phoenix said surprised.

  “It is an island. Where would you go?” Nalox said as he turned and left us.

  We all looked at each other, confused by this freedom.

  “Well at least we don’t have to fear giant spider creatures,” Luka said.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t separate though,” Phoenix said, looking at the huts on the platform.

  “They’re not separate; we’re in the same tree,” I said playfully. They both laughed. We knew that this was absolutely absurd and we didn’t know what would happen next. But for now, we might as well make ourselves at home.

  “I think I’ll take the one that faces the ocean,” I said as I quickly walked toward it. Luka and Phoenix both went off in the other direction to check out the other huts.

  I opened the thick wooden door to the hut expecting to find very primitive dwellings, but I was wrong.

  “I can’t believe it,” I whispered as I walked in. The vaulted ceiling of the hut met at a point, and it was beautiful. There was a very large bed area with a plush bed and fine, sheer curtains surrounding it. I ran across the room to the view of the ocean outside the window. It was stunning, and the sea breeze caressed my skin. Then I moved to the other side where there was a large tub and a private washroom. I was surprised by how luxurious it was and the fact that there was running water. I grabbed a cup of water and sat on the bed. I could not wait to explore this village and learn all that I could about the race known as the Draqua, but two things stood out in my mind. One was that there were humans somewhere on this island, but I didn’t know where. The other was that Commander Triq wanted me and I didn’t know if I would be able to fight him off.



  Finally, we were home. I always missed Kelon when we went away even though I was always down for a dangerous mission. I was the best damn warrior on this island, and I needed to be out there in danger to keep my skills sharp. But every time we returned home, I always felt proud of my homeland. But this time I had returned with a little treasure called Reena. She was smart, feisty, and she wanted me. I would give her want she wanted in time, but now there was business to attend to.

  “King Hydros wants to see you,” a young warrior messenger said to me as I packed away the artillery I had taken with me on the mission.

  “Now?” I asked.

  “Yes, right now,” he said.

  I stepped away from the artillery and shifted into dragon form. Flight was always the fastest way to the king in his palace high in the trees. I ran off the platform and flew toward the palace. I took in the sights of the village below. Then I turned to the guests’ tree. It was where the guests were kept, and I knew that Reena would be in one of those huts by now. She was probably lounging in a hot tub, naked and delicious. I had to clear my mind from thinking about it as I landed on the wide veranda of the palace.

  “The king has summoned me,” I said to one of the many guards.

  “I will take you,” one of them said as he escorted me through the maze of hallways and finally to the king’s private chambers high in the palace.

  “Dekario Dundra,” the guard said.

  “Let him in,” the king said

  “King Hydros,” I said with a bow as I walked in.

  “Dekario, my best warrior. How was Tiok? Commander Triq says you brought back three humans?” he said smiling.

  “Yes, that is true. Tiok was uneventful. We did not find any traces of the opposition, as usual, as I am sure Commander Triq has reported to you,” I said.

  “Yes, so he has said. But we will keep looking. We cannot afford another civil war like in my time many, many years ago,” he said.

  “Yes, my king,” I said. Long ago there was a battle between hybrids and the elder, full dragons, but that had been squashed in favor of the hybrids, but since then the king had always kept an eye on any remnants of the opposition. So did I, as a warrior of the king.

  “There has been new talk of possible opposition outpost. I want you to check it out for me,” he said.

  “On Tiok?” I asked.

  “No, here on Kelon,” he said.

  “What? That can’t be. It must just be another rumor,” I said.

  “It could be. I want you and Kavik to check it out. If you find something, you do nothing and just report back to me. Do not tell anyone of your mission. Make sure Kavik understands that it is a top-secret scouting mission. No one must know. Is that understood?” he asked.

  “Yes, I understand. I am ready,” I said.

  “There is a small island called Utica.”

  “I know of it. It is uninhabited and way off the island, by fifty miles or more. No one goes there,” I said.

  “Precisely. Our ships do not even fly over it when reentering the planet, so if there has been activity there, we would never know. That is where you and Kavik must go. When you are close, take the waterway so that you are not seen in the air. Understood?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Good. First, bring me the humans. I am ready to see them now. Then you and Kavik be on your way. Remember, it is a secret. Tell no one and do not let anyone see you leave.”

  “I will return with the humans and then be on the mission,” I said as I bowed and turned to run off his open veranda and flew down to the guests’ tree. I was a little concerned that the king was being paranoid. He had us running all over the place all the time searching for this reclusive opposition that did not seem to exist anymore. Now he was so paranoid that he thought they were even stationed here on our own planet. It could not be so. We would have figured it out. But still, he was my king, and I had to follow his orders. At least I was able to see Reena again before I had to go on this mission. I would only be gone a couple of hours, but you could never know for sure with these things.

  I landed on the platform and inhaled the air, smelling her. I could easily pinpoint which hut she was in. Quickly, I flew off the platform and to her window. She was laying on the bed, but she was not asleep.

  “Tired? Or are you just preparing yourself for me,” I said.

  “Ah!” she screamed as she sat up. “Dekario! What the hell are you doing?” she said angrily as she stomped toward me.

  “I came to visit you,” I said as I flew into her hut

  “Don’t you know how to use the door?” she said.

  “No, I do not. I want to see you, and the window is easier,” I said.

  “Don’t do that again,” she scolded me as she came toward me and poked a finger into my chest.

  “Yes, Reena. I will not disobey you again,” I said playfully. “But if I was going to, what would my punishment be?” I said as I grabbed her finger and ran it slowly down my abs. She gasped. She watched her finger slide down the center of my abs over my scales and to the waistline of my loincloth.

  “I… um… well…” she couldn’t speak. I was amused by her stumbling of words, but also by the fact that she had not pulled her hand away from me. Then I pushed her finger into
my loincloth.

  “That’s enough,” she said as she pulled her finger away and stepped back. “Why are you here?”

  “Well, if you must stop our little game then I guess I should take you to the king,” I said.

  “The king?” she said surprised.

  “Yes, he has asked for you, all of you, to come to his chambers. I will take you,” I said.

  “Great! So soon! I thought we were going to have to wait days, not hours. This is so exciting. A dragon king, this is awesome,” she said as she opened the door and went out onto the platform. I was a little disappointed that our private time together was coming to an end.

  “Luka! Phoenix!” she called out to her crewmates. I walked out onto the platform and shifted out of dragon form.

  “Yeah?” the redhead said as she came around, followed by the human male.

  “Dekario is taking us to the king,” Reena said.

  “So soon? Perfect. I thought we were going to have to wait forever,” the human male said.

  “Yeah, let’s go,” Reena said.

  “This way; follow me,” I said as I led them onto the bridge. “There is a series of bridges to get there. They are very safe, just hold on and be steady with your step,” I said as I led the way.

  “How many bridges?” I heard the redhead whisper to herself. I knew that if Kavik were here, he would pull her into his arms and carry her there. I wanted to do the same to Reena, but in this case, walking was best.

  A few bridges later, we were at the palace. “This is it. This is the palace where the king and his family reside and rule over Kelon,” I said looking at Reena. I knew how much she enjoyed knowledge.

  “This is massive. I can’t believe it. It’s wonderful,” she said in awe.

  “I have never seen a palace like this in the trees,” Luka said.

  “This should be interesting,” Phoenix said.

  “The king has requested to see these humans,” I said to the guard as he led us up into the king’s private chambers.

  “King Hydros, may I present to you the humans that we found on Tiok. This is Reena, a scientist. This is Luka, a…”

  “I’m a doctor,” she said filling in the missing information.

  “And Phoenix, the human male,” I said.

  “I’m a soldier,” he said sternly.

  I smiled at his declaration for he obviously wanted to be taken seriously.

  “Good. They are good. Young and youthful. You may leave us now, Dekario, and see to that thing we discussed,” the king said.

  “I will try to return by nightfall,” I said as I nodded and left them. But as I did, I noticed that Reena turned and looked at me when she realized that I was leaving. She looked concerned, and I liked it. She wanted me.

  I left them and shifted into dragon form. My wings unfolded from behind me and spread out. I ran and jumped off the platform in a swan dive and then spread my wings wide to catch the wind. I scanned over the beaches and the village looking for Kavik. I found him in his living quarter hut in a tree that was near my own home.

  “Kavik!” I shouted as I landed on the platform outside his hut. He sleepily came out of his hut.

  “What is it Dekario?”

  “Nothing, I simply came to share a drink with you!” I shouted loudly so that anyone nearby could overhear. I was planting the seeds for our cover up while giving Kavik a look. He knew that I was up to something.

  “Yes! Let’s get drunk! Come inside, my good friend!” he shouted.

  Once inside his hut, he looked at me and said, “What was all that bullshit about?”

  I laughed. “We have a mission.”

  “We? As in just you and I?” he asked as he moved over to his table and pulled out his blaster gun and knives, prepping them.

  “Yes, it is straight from the king himself,” I said.

  “Fancy,” he said with a laugh.

  “But he was adamant that it stay between you and me alone. He has grown increasingly suspicious lately. I do not think he is telling me everything. But he has entrusted us, and he is our king.”

  “Great. Where are we going? What are we doing? And when do we leave?” Kavik asked.

  “That’s my Draqua!” I said.



  The king asked us many questions about how we came to be on Tiok, and we answered honestly. It was very impressive to be in the presence of the dragon king, and I wondered if he could shift into a full dragon like Commander Triq or if he was only a hybrid dragon like Dekario. I was very interested in all things Draqua as the more time I spent with them, the more I found them fascinating from a scientific perspective. But then Phoenix had enough of the questioning, and I could tell he was getting frustrated when he finally blurted out.

  “Are you going to help us get back to Earth or not?”

  The king stopped pacing the room in front of the table where we sat. “You wish to go back?”

  “Yes. We all do,” Luka said.

  “That is a very delicate matter and one that I have to give much thought to. It is not as easy as you think to just get you back to Earth,” he said.

  But I couldn’t hold my tongue anymore either. I needed to know the answer to the question that was burning inside of me. “Where are the other humans?”

  “How do you know there are humans here?” he asked.

  “I put it together. It’s obvious that there are, but I have not seen any so far in the hours that we have been here.”

  “Yes, Dekario said you were smart,” the king said. I suddenly felt very impressed that Dekario had commented on something other than my body.

  “They are here,” the king said. “My wife is human. My mother was human. So was Dekario’s and the other hybrids'.”

  “What the hell?” Phoenix said.

  “How is that possible?” Luka asked.

  “We Draqua came across a problem many years ago. Our females suddenly became barren out of nowhere. We don’t know if it is a phase or not, but so far it has been the same. So we had to find a way to keep our race alive. This is when we started mating with human females. It was successful and created a hybrid dragon, like I am.”

  We sat in shocked silence. So many questions ran through my head, but I couldn’t even figure out how to get the first question out of my mouth. Luka and Phoenix were dumbfounded.

  “So you mean that there are human females here that are married and mating with Draqua and creating offspring?” I asked.

  “Yes, at least a thousand or more of them,” he answered.

  “What? How is that possible? Where did they come from? We never even knew that you existed!” Luka said.

  “Yes, that is the delicate situation that you find yourselves in. We take the human females from your planet. We have for years now, unknown to your species, and that is why it is almost impossible to let you go back. You now know that we exist and that is information that could put the future of the Draqua in jeopardy.”

  “You have been stealing humans from Earth?” Phoenix said angrily.

  “Phoenix…” I said trying to calm him.

  “What makes you think you can just do that?” Phoenix continued.

  “Phoenix,” I said again.

  “I understand you are upset. I would be also, but it is a necessity. Therefore I need time to think about his return to Earth. It all comes down to trust. If you return to Earth, would you not tell anyone about us, or would you tell? It has been done before long ago. A human female was returned to Earth after spending time with us, and she said nothing about it.”

  “What happened to her?” I asked.

  “She chose to return here and be my wife,” the king said.

  I was in complete shock by his answer. I didn’t believe him. “Can I meet her?” I asked.

  “Yes. She is always happy to meet new humans, but she is away on the other side of the island with our son, who is in warrior training. When she returns, I will tell her about you. For now, let me thi
nk about this return to Earth decision. Antaris!” he shouted.

  The door opened, and a beautiful Draqua female with long black hair that fell down her back walked in.

  “This is Antaris; she is born of a human female and an elder Draqua. She is a hybrid like me, but she cannot shift like I can. She is the new generation and hope for the future. She is to be your guide today and take you around the village,” the king said as he nodded to her.

  “It would be my pleasure,” she said as she looked directly at Phoenix. It was then that I noticed that Phoenix’s jaw was practically on the floor as he looked at her. I guess his anger had suddenly left him.


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