Worlds Away

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Worlds Away Page 17

by J. L. Hendricks

  The Zateelians crashed on the outpost as well and are after the humans for something very different than slavery. All the humans and V’Zenians on the planet will make for a smorgasbord of action for them.

  If you enjoy Sci-Fi action adventure along the lines of Star Trek, then you will love Worlds Collide!

  This is a very good series with characters you like and want good things to happen to and an enemy that is horrible and you want them squashed like the cockroach they look like. - Amazon Reviewer

  Chapter 1

  “Natalie, you are with me today. We need to scour the back section of the ship for supplies while we wait for the Star Prime to arrive.” Zelan pointed to me as I sat in the cramped corner of the room I had been staying in since the Zamaya crashed.

  Those of us who were too stupid to get away once the ship crashed had all been corralled and brought to the front of the ship. We were all split up into different rooms and sections. Some even had to sleep in the corridor. I didn’t know many of the women in this section because most of them had been in the other room of abductees. The aliens called that room Beta, and ours was called Alpha. They were so original with their names. However, I was making friends.

  I missed Paris and Sheila, two of the women I met after being abducted by the huge, alpha aliens. They had become my friends. Zelan told me Paris was really busy with her assignment as a medic. I didn’t know she had a medical background. I had thought she was homeless. Maybe living on the streets gave her a quick medical background?

  “Where are we going today? And please tell me you guys have killed all of those giant insects. I don’t think I can take another one touching me, even if you do kill it. That stuff they discharge when you kill them takes forever to come out and stinks something awful!”

  Yesterday, when we were out scavenging the ship, we came across three insectoids inside our ship who were ravaging our supplies. They were stuffing their backpack shaped bags with medical supplies as well as with our food bars. I thought that their ship must have taken a lot of damage for them to come over here during the day. Zelan thought they had been here all night and were waiting for the sun to set before setting off back to their ship.

  The mutant insectoids, the Zateelians, who invaded our ship after shooting it down from space, didn’t like the sunlight. They could stand to be outside for a little while, but not too long. It is thought that the sun hurts their eyes. The rest of their body seems to be very strong. I know this because it took three shots from Zelan to kill one of them who had me pinned down on the ground. It slathered some goo on me, into my face to be precise, and then was backing away. My guess is it knew that the next shot was going to kill it, and it did. This then put more of that slime on my body. I couldn’t win, even when they died. After that, we went straight to the med-bay where the doctor examined me and proclaimed me clean.

  What was that all about?

  I was covered in that disgusting, viscous discharge the bug left all over the top half of my body. I was NOT clean. However, everyone around me seemed to breathe out at once, like they had all been holding their breath. I needed a twenty-minute shower to get all of that slime off but was only given ten minutes. I swear my hair still smelled of mutant cockroach slime.

  Today should have been about me resting and recovering, I still had a bump on my head from when that creature attacked me and caused me to fall back to the hard ground. I couldn’t sleep all night thinking about the creature that almost ate me. Now Zelan wants me to go back out with him again?

  Is he crazy?

  Chapter 2

  “Great! Out of one jail cell and into another. Natalie, I thought that we were done with that? Why can’t the Commander let us stay in rooms instead of forcing us in here?” Betsy asked me as we were herded like cattle into our new “accommodations,” as the new captain called them.

  Accommodations? Yeah right!

  The Star Prime arrived today. We had been sent over to the other ship. While it was damaged in the space battle with the Zateelians, it made its way to the planet mostly unscathed. It was in much better shape than our ship. So it was decided that we all needed to head over there.

  Betsy had wrapped her arms around her middle section, and I could see she was holding back tears. We had spent the past couple of days on Commander Venay’s ship and helped them to round up supplies and even take care of the wounded. Paris was really in her element acting as a medic on the bridge with the Commander watching her every move. We deserved better treatment than this.

  “Betsy, I don’t know. Maybe we can ask Paris when we see her next. If things go back to the way they were, then I bet she will bring us our meals again.” I tried to offer her a smile, but I didn’t think it came out very well.

  “Natalie, these cells are even smaller than the other ones. How are we going to spend 5 months cooped up here while we wait for our abductors to bring in a new ship?” Betsy had been complaining non-stop since we made our way to the new ship.

  But I couldn’t fault her for it, I wasn’t much better.

  The ship we were on originally, had been broken up into three pieces after we crash landed on this alien world.

  "I wish I knew." I huffed out and looked up to the ceiling. My right hand automatically made its way to my forehead while my left one tried to rest on my hip. This was what I did whenever I was nervous or stressed out. We were so tightly squished in here that my elbow hit someone else on their back, "Sorry about that." So I dropped my arms to my sides in silent misery.

  The new male warriors served our evening meal. I didn’t recognize any of them from my time on Commander Venay’s ship. They must be from our new prison ship, the Star Prime. It was that stupid, chalky, jello garbage that we had when we were first abducted. “Hey, why are you feeding us this garbage? Where is Paris? She used to bring us Earth food.” I asked one of the new warriors on guard duty.

  "This is standard fare for slaves. Be happy that you are getting anything at all," he stated with zero emotion in his voice. He sounded more like an android than a person. But then again, this was a regular soldier who was accustomed to fighting and picking out slaves. Not one of the slave trade warriors who made regular trips to Earth, and was comfortable with us.

  Over the past week, we had started to make quasi-friendships with a few of the warriors who guarded us on a regular basis. Somehow, I doubted these new guys would become our friends.

  “Can I ask where Paris is?” If I could talk with her, maybe we could get better food and accommodations.

  “She is spending time with the Commander. They are to be mated tomorrow,” Mr. Personality said.

  “Really? Already? Isn’t it a bit soon?” My jaw dropped as my hands flew in the air and bounced down on my thighs, hitting someone in the process. I mumbled an apology, but she didn’t even register I’d hit her.

  “No, it is not. If this is what they want, then now is the perfect time. Our Captain can take good care of this ship without the Commander.” He sounded like he wasn’t too happy with the Commander taking over.

  “Oh, I see how it is. You don’t like the Commander, do you?” I eyed him up and down as he squirmed before answering me.

  “There is nothing wrong with the Commander. I just do not know him. But it is safer for his mate to go through with the ceremony. Once that happens, no one on this ship will touch her. She will be treated like a queen. You might want to consider your options as well. Spending the next five months in these packed cells will not be pleasant.” He spun on his heels, walked over to the next cell, and ignored my requests to get a message to Paris.

  “Hmph, maybe Sheila or Lisa will come visit us tomorrow, Betsy.” I narrowed my eyes at that guard and decided that he was definitely not going to be the warrior I would mate with, if I ever did.

  The next morning Zelan was part of the group who brought us our breakfast. I never thought I would be happy to see him, but I was. “Zelan, is there any way to get better food on this ship? Seriously, even the rati
on bars would be better than this stuff.” I scooped some up with my spoon and let it drop back onto my plate in white, sticky, globs. I didn’t know how much longer my stomach would allow this as sustenance before it revolted.

  “Natalie, their food replicators do not have recipes for Earth food. This is all the lead warrior will allow us to bring you.” He dropped his head and then looked back up at me. “Unless, would you agree to be my mate? I could protect you better that way, and you could find more palatable food.”

  “Um, thank you, but…I,” I tried to shuffle my feet, but there was very little room while most of the women in my cell sat down. “I am still hoping to go home to my fiancé. I thought that we might somehow make it off this planet and back to Earth.” I couldn’t look him in the eye. I knew he had an attraction for me; he must have since he chose me every day to go out with him and scavenge the old ship.

  "I am sorry, but you will never make it back to Earth. I hope you realize that soon and start thinking about a future with me." He moved off to the next cell of women and gave them their breakfast. All I could hear was soft "ugh's" and "not again" as the warriors fed the rest of my prison mates. Normally they chatted with us. I had guessed that things on this ship were going to be a whole lot different than before. And sadly, I was right.

  There was no way I was going to become a mate to some alien who had abducted me from my perfect life back home. Well, okay it wasn’t perfect. But it was my life! One I wanted so desperately to have back.

  Doesn’t that sound like a blast? Come on over to my website and pick up your copy today! Or, check the online retailer where you picked up Worlds Away to see if they are selling Worlds Collide! Find out what happens on the planet with Natalie and the other human women.

  Worlds Collide!

  Do they exterminate the Insectoids? Or do the insectoids thrive on this planet?

  How will Natalie let go of her past and look to her future?

  Also, don’t miss out on all of the books in this series!

  Worlds Revealed

  Is book 0 and a novella set on Earth during the Roswell incident! Venay’s Grandfather tells us his version of the epic events as no one on Earth really knows what truly happened! (currently only available to those who join my newsletter)

  Worlds Explode

  Is book 2.5 and a novella set on Zeleron 10. It is best read after you finish book 2.

  Worlds Entwined

  Is book 3 and takes us back to Earth! Soooo much is going on in this book! You won’t want to miss what happens!




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