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Conquest Page 2

by Ronica Black

  The strangers continued to paw at her, their hands clingy and determined, sticking to her like an overgrown jungle of Cat’s Claw.

  She turned and caught sight of the door, lit only by a dim Exit sign hanging above it. She wanted to cry out, to yell for help. But she knew she’d seem ridiculous and she was already embarrassed enough.

  “Noooo,” the strangers said, pulling her back. They laughed like evil little devils as they toyed with her. The laughter echoed in Mary’s ears, and she felt like she was caught in a twisted nightmare or a strange Stanley Kubrick film. She couldn’t escape.

  Oh God.


  The voice was low and strong, booming over the music. The laughter of the strangers ceased and their clingy hands fell from her body.

  “But she’s so—” the smaller one tried to say.


  Mary jerked at the power of the voice and felt the two strangers hurry away from her. The air felt empty around her and her skin tingled where their mouths had been. She hugged herself and felt a warm hand settle on her shoulder. She turned, curiously calm and somewhat eager to see who the voice belonged to.

  Her breath caught in her chest.

  She stared for a long moment, taking in the robust form with an angular face and razor sharp cheekbones. A knot of muscle flexed at the base of her jaw as the woman clenched her teeth.

  Wicked gold eyes held Mary’s gaze, flicking like crinkled foil in the sun, offset by a swatch of white-blond hair.

  The woman was dressed like the others—a black leather vest and black leather pants. A hint of cleavage perspired at the opening of the vest. Her muscles were hard and marbled under the tanned, glowing skin of her arms. She was sleek and strong and, dear Jesus Christ, sexy.


  Mary wasn’t sure she heard correctly. The word was said with an accent so heavy it seemed to weigh down the air in the room and press against her crotch. She squeezed her legs together, the rush of blood there sudden and overwhelming.

  Oh fuck. I’m gay. I’m so gay.

  She’d always had her secret crushes and attractions, but she’d never admitted it to herself. Now it was impossible to ignore or shove aside. It was raging in her head and in her body with every quick, cumbersome beat of her heart.


  But the woman silenced Mary with a fingertip pressed firmly to her lips.

  “Come.” She grabbed Mary’s hand and tugged on her to follow. Saying no was not an option. Mary knew it, and it seemed everyone else did as well. The people at the bar turned back to their drinks, and the two strangers that had come at her from the wall were nowhere to be seen.

  Mary stumbled along after the woman, not attempting to argue, not wanting to attempt to argue. She had no idea why she was following her, but a part of her felt safe and shielded, as well as a bit starstruck by her looks. The realization almost made her giggle with nerves.

  They entered a long hallway and hurried past two doors on the right and two doors on the left. One had a window flanking the door, and inside, a man was tied to a large black cross. Two people dressed in leather were flogging him much to his apparent enjoyment.

  Mary stumbled again, more nervous than ever. The woman squeezed her hand as if in reassurance and Mary followed her into the room at the end. The door had a hanging sign and Mary watched as the woman slid a rectangular piece of red into the cardboard frame. Green was on the other side. Stop and go. Her anxiety grew as they entered the room.

  A large, flat bed was lit by two small lamps on end tables burning with blue bulbs. Another standing lamp with a red bulb was hidden behind the door. The red light collided with the dim blue light as the woman closed the door and leaned against it.

  Random observations flooded Mary’s mind. Purple. Blue and red make purple. Technically, the light in the room should now be purple. Again, Mary almost laughed with nerves. She forced herself to swallow, her heart thudding in her throat.

  “What is this place?” she asked. She had to hear it. Had to know for certain what she’d already agreed to thus far by going back with her.

  “I think you know,” the woman said.

  German. The accent was German. Mary was almost certain.

  “No, I really don’t. I was supposed to meet some frie—” She stopped short of calling them friends. “Some colleagues from work. Have you seen them? There should’ve been about six—”

  “Let us talk about you,” the woman interrupted her. “Your friends are not here.”

  “They could be in another room maybe?” Doing what? Having an orgy? “Is there like a party room or something? For groups.”

  The woman’s laughter was throaty and sexy.

  “Your friends are not here.”

  “Oh. Well, maybe I should—”

  “You are here.”

  “Yes. But—”

  “You had the card.”

  Mary blinked. “They gave me the card—”

  “Then you are where you belong.”

  Mary wasn’t sure what to say. The room was cozy and inviting, luring her in. It smelled of something exotic, something she couldn’t place. Whatever it was, it was both stirring and comforting, encouraging her to remain. They were alone, after all. All alone in the blue and red light. No one could see. No one would know. Unless her colleagues planned this. Set her up. Even paid for it. She began to panic again.

  “Did someone tell you about me? Did they pay for this?”

  The woman’s face showed confusion. “Nobody pays. Not with money.”

  Mary laughed nervously. “Did someone tell you about me?”


  Mary thought of the man down the hall. “Are you going to tie me up?” Oh God. The thought nearly made her crumble. It excited her.

  The woman’s response splintered her further. She pushed off from the door and touched Mary’s face with the back of her hand. Her eyes seemed wolf-like. Like danger and power were trying to shine out from behind the raw beauty.

  “I might.”

  “I’m…not sure.”

  The woman smiled. “I know.”

  “What’s your name?” Mary asked.

  “Here I don’t have a name.”

  “No. Your real name.” She stared into her eyes. “Please.”

  “What is yours?” Her hand lowered, tracing down to Mary’s neck, the fingers playing with her hair.


  The woman threw her head back and laughed again, deep and resonant. Sexy. The tendons in her neck moved, and Mary had a sudden urge to trace them with her tongue. The thought must’ve been written on her face because the woman caught her gaze and pulled her closer, her smile eaten up by a look of desire.

  “Mary,” she said like it was the most delicious word in the world. She kissed her hard, pushing into her lips with a painfully wonderful strength. Mary moaned in surprise and then in bliss as the woman held her tightly and began to move her lips more purposefully, capturing Mary’s in wet, hot tugs and pulls. Mary groaned and gripped the woman’s vest for dear life. She was so soft and supple and so damn warm. When she felt her tongue come, a hot current shot through her, weakening her knees, bringing her to her tiptoes. She clung to her helplessly as the tongue teased, lightly pushing just inside her lips, all sweet and slick, a sleek muscle of velvet darting inside her.

  When her tongue came fully, Mary could no longer stand. She hung off her, desperate, helpless, hot. A limp, burning doll, begging to be positioned and played with.

  “You want this,” the woman said, whispering into her ear. “You want me.”

  Mary closed her eyes and swam in the throb of desire rushing through her.

  “Mm hm,” was all Mary could muster.

  The woman lifted her with ease and shoved her against the wall. Mary’s wrists were then pinned above her head.

  “I’m going to make you come,” the woman said.

  Mary stifled a cry as the furnace-like lips found her jaw and an e
xtremely tender part of her neck. Blood pounded between her legs.

  What was happening? Was this happening? Oh yes, it was. And it was really fucking something else. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her toes curled inside her flats.

  “I’m going to make you come,” the woman said, this time stopping to look into Mary’s eyes. “Hard.” Her jaw tensed and Mary yearned for it, wanted to suck on the small straining wad flexing at the base.

  “What’s—” She was losing control. She was in a speeding car going downhill and she could no longer reach the pedals. Faster and faster and faster. Rationality raced by at an unrecognizable speed. She grasped for it, felt it sliding through her fingers. “I don’t know what I’m feeling.”

  The woman released one of Mary’s wrists then trailed her hand slowly down Mary’s blouse to her slacks where she quickly unbuttoned and lowered the zipper. Before Mary could protest, she slid her hand inside and stroked her bare flesh with her long fingers.

  “Uh—oh!” Mary tensed and clung to her with her free hand. It felt so good. So impossibly good.

  “This,” the woman said, “is how you feel.” She leaned in and bit Mary’s neck. Mary cried out, the sensation piercing and then warming. “You feel good. Wet. Excited. Do you feel good, Mary? Does this feel good?”

  Mary nodded and caught her breath. “Mm hm.”

  The fingers stroked up and down, sliding within her flesh. Mary struggled to breathe, completely overwhelmed with pleasure. The woman was staring into her eyes, watching her face contort and crumple in ecstasy. Mary could see herself in her eyes, and for once, she didn’t worry about what she looked like.

  “Tell me what you are thinking,” the woman said, slowing her fingers to a heavier, more intense motion.

  Mary shook with awakening nerves. “I—I’m not sure.”

  “No?” She squeezed her fingers together, holding Mary captive by her most sensitive spot.

  “I mean yeah. I—I feel good.” She was speechless and trapped in the most desirable of confines. It made her feel raw and hypersensitive, like an animal in the wild, in tune with everything. She licked her lips and tried to focus. She felt the cool sweat on her brow and the hot slickness between her legs. Her body was gone, free from her control. And it was at the mercy of a stranger.

  “You feel good?” The woman was serious yet toying with her. Mary could see it in the way her lips turned up on one side.


  “What about now?” The fingers squeezed tighter and moved up and down slowly. Mary bumped her head against the wall and nearly bit her lip it was so good.


  “Does it feel good, Mary?” She moved faster. “Does it? Tell me.”

  “Oh God, it does.” She closed her eyes. “It does.”

  The woman laughed and kissed her way to the other side where she bit some more.

  “Ah, fuck,” Mary whispered.

  “Do you want me to stop?” she asked, lightly kissing her lips.

  “Huh? No.” Mary shook her head.


  “No. Don’t stop.”

  “Do you want to come?”

  “Yes.” More than anything. Mary wanted to come in this woman’s arms, looking into her gorgeous face, pulsing against her powerful fingers. “I do.”

  The woman stared at her for a long, hard moment. Her eyes flicked with her thoughts. And then she stilled her hand and pulled away. Mary nearly sank to the ground, catching herself by pressing her palms back against the wall. They squeaked as she shoved herself into a full stand.

  “What happened? Why—” She swallowed against her dry throat. “Why did you stop?”

  The woman was moving around the room as if Mary weren’t there at all, retrieving some things from a small dresser and tossing them onto the bed. One of them appeared to be a small phallus. And a few of the packets looked like condoms.

  “What’s going on?”

  She tried to move, but her legs were weak. Desire was still pounding through her.

  The woman came toward her again, the same dangerous look in her eyes.

  She stood in front of Mary and unabashedly unzipped her leather vest. Pale, soft flesh began to appear followed by the slight bounce and emergence of full, round breasts.

  Mary felt her mouth water as she focused on the smooth, tan areolas hardening in front of her. They continued to bunch as the woman moved closer, and Mary saw that the nipples were thick and firm and had a pink hue to them. The colliding colors made her think of strength and femininity mixed together as one.

  The woman’s gaze swept over Mary’s face and Mary knew the hunger and excitement she felt could be seen through the heat of her skin and the pulse she felt careening in her neck.

  “You want to stay?” the woman asked, her voice strong and serious.

  Mary forced a “yes.”

  “If you say yes again then you will mean it. If you want me to stop you must say stop. No other word will do. Do you understand this, Mary?”


  “Do you want to stay?”

  This was her chance to run. But even if she had wanted to, she wouldn’t have been able. Her body was melting, her mind rapid-firing with yes yes yes. All that mattered was her. This woman. This Goddamned gorgeous woman.

  She stared into the mysterious eyes and nodded. “Yes.”

  “Then you only touch me where and when I tell you.” Right away, the woman took Mary’s hands and tugged them up to her breasts. She helped Mary massage them as she slinked up next to her.

  “Feel, Mary,” she purred.

  Fire burned beneath Mary’s skin. “I am.” The breasts were warm and buoyant and she was stirred and shy all at once.

  “Like this.” The woman took Mary’s fingers and pinched the nipples. “Do it,” she said.

  Mary began to stutter with nerves but the woman insisted. “Do it. Do it hard.”

  Mary pinched the firm knob and the woman hissed with pleasure. Her reaction sent a wave of pressure to Mary’s center, making her flesh throb.

  “Do both,” the woman demanded. “Now.”

  Mary did and the woman laughed wickedly and shoved into her, biting her neck. “Yes, Mary. Like that. Harder.” The woman nibbled and laughed in her ear. “Do you know what you are doing to me?” She pulled away and stilled Mary’s hands. “Do you?”

  “No.” Mary’s voice sounded meek.

  The woman unfastened her leather pants while holding Mary’s gaze. Then with Mary’s hand in hers, she shoved it down the front to the waiting flesh between her legs.

  At once Mary felt the slick folds, as hot and slippery as liquid sun. The woman shivered with pleasure, an intent grin on her face.

  She pressed hard into Mary’s sternum, shoving her against the wall. A small noise of surprise escaped Mary just as the woman’s mouth attacked hers. The kiss was forceful, powerful, and all-consuming. Moans came from the woman as she conquered with her long, agile tongue. Mary felt her tremble, felt her slick flesh throb beneath her fingers.

  The kiss deepened, the woman nearly eating her alive. When she pulled away, Mary saw the red blooming on her beautiful cheekbones, giving color to her soft grunts and rapid breathing.

  Her golden eyes were slitted with need and her lips kept turning up at the corners, the pleasure obviously hard to control. When it seemed to become too much, or maybe not enough, she wrapped strong fingers around Mary’s wrist and clenched her teeth, showing Mary the motion she wanted.

  The woman grunted again and her eyes went wide with lust and need and hunger. Veins stood out in her neck, and Mary felt the woman’s flesh flood and engorge. She rocked her hips, banging into Mary’s hand. She appeared serious and fierce, and Mary knew at once she’d never seen anything so incredible. Her own groan of pleasure escaped her lips as she pleased her, and just as the woman was about to go insane, she jerked Mary’s hand from her pants, shoved her full on against the wall, and then tore open her blouse.

  Mary tri
ed to speak, completely unsure of what to say, but the woman silenced her with a flash of her hungry eyes and the fastening of her mouth to Mary’s aching breasts, biting and sucking through her bra.

  The sensation was overwhelming one second and not nearly enough the next. Mary wanted to call out for more, hold the woman’s head to her, and demand more. God, she just needed more. But before she could do anything, strong hands tore the blouse from her arms and then tugged at the bra straps, pulling them from her shoulders. Mary clung desperately to the woman’s head, and she called out with a strangled cry when the woman exposed her nipples and took them into her hot mouth.

  Oh Jesus, oh God. It was so incredibly good. She arched her back, shoving more of herself into the woman’s mouth. She went up on her tiptoes again, her head tilting back against the wall. The mouth worked her, somehow touching every sensitive spot on her body just by sucking and licking and enveloping her nipple. And it started all over again when the woman left her and fastened on to her other one.

  Intense waves of pleasure began to pass through her. Her clitoris ached, throbbing along with the waves, riding them into shore again and again. The woman bit her, holding her stiff nipple between her teeth. More deep laughter came just before she released her, her teeth tugging on her in a playful manner.

  Mary swallowed with difficulty and nearly sank to the carpet once more. Her bones were soft and bowing and she could feel her arousal beginning to pool between her legs. Standing was nearly impossible; she was overwhelmed with pleasure and desire. If it hadn’t been so damn good, it would’ve surely terrified her.

  Knowing hands chased the thought away as they pulled her into the woman’s arms. Mary was lost in her eyes for the briefest of seconds before being lifted and placed carefully onto the bed. She watched in a blissfully helpless manner as the woman removed her shoes, slacks, and then panties. The woman’s eyes were still burning with that dangerous look, and they seemed to eat Mary alive as they traveled over her nude body. Mary knew she should feel self-conscious, but under the heat of her hungry stare she felt…wanted.

  The woman met her gaze, and her muscles stiffened beneath her tanned skin as if an incredibly powerful thought had just raced through her. She swallowed and her eyes glinted. With what Mary couldn’t tell. Suddenly, the woman moved and worked hurriedly, slipping into a harness that hugged her ass and pelvic area. Then she attached the phallus and bit into a wrapped condom, tearing off the cover. Mary stared as she slid the condom onto the phallus, rolling it downward with agile fingertips. Then she opened a small bottle and stroked on some clear lubricant.


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