The Spirit Well be-3

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The Spirit Well be-3 Page 17

by Stephen R. Lawhead

  Outside Sotheby’s, Burleigh climbed into the waiting coach. By the time he reached his Belgravia townhouse, the earl had determined his next course of action. “Do not put the carriage away, Dawkin. I will be leaving again within the hour.” He dashed up the steps and burst through the front door, shouting, “Swain, come here at once! I need you.”

  The servant appeared momentarily, the only alteration in his customary nonchalance the lift of one eyebrow. “Was there something, sir?”

  “I’m off to Oxford on the next train. Ready a valise this instanta change of clothes and necessities for one night. Go!” As the senior servant padded off, Burleigh amended the order, “Wait! Better make provision for two or three days in case I run into difficulty.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  Before the clock in the foyer had struck the hour, his lordship’s travelling case was packed and the earl was on his way to Paddington Station to catch the next train to Oxford. A pleasant journey through the rolling countryside brought him to the university city late in the afternoon. He sent his valise along to the Randolph Hotel with instructions for booking a room, then walked from the railway station to the centre of town, taking in the warm glow of the rich Cotswold stone that made up the greater buildings of the town’s architecture. He arrived at Christ Church and, finding the gate open, stopped to inquire at the porter’s lodge.

  “Good day, porter,” he said, “I have come to see my nephew.”

  “Yes, sir,” replied the porter, stepping up to his window. “And who might that be?”

  “Flinders-Petrie,” replied Burleigh. “Charles Flinders-Petrie.”

  The man scanned a ledger book. “I don’t see that anyone is expected.”

  “Surprise visit.” He removed a calling card from his wallet and passed it to the porter, who, upon seeing the title and name engraved upon the card, instantly became obsequious. “Do you think you could tell me where to find him?”

  “Of course, my lord.” The porter put on his black bowler and stepped from the lodge. “I shall take you there myself. Right this way, sir, if you will. Right this way.”

  He led the earl across the wide expanse of the quad, through a warren of corridors, gardens, and hallways, and to a narrow stone staircase. “This way, sir,” said the porter. “Right up these stairs.” The college official started for the door.

  “A moment, my good man,” said Burleigh. He fished out a handful of coins from his pocket and stacked them in his palm. “I have a question or two first.”

  “Of course, sir,” replied the porter, trying not to look directly at the silver in his lordship’s hand. “If I can help in any way… ”

  “I promised Charles’ father I would render a report upon my return. It is late, and I don’t particularly care to go to the trouble of hunting down tutors and whatnot.” He fingered the stack of coins. “I was hoping you could enlighten me.”

  “Well, sir, I can tell you that he is a good lad. Cheerful. Always a smile or a joke for the porters and bulls.”

  “I will accept that for what it is worth,” observed Burleigh dryly. “What about his studies?”

  “I wouldn’t know about those, sir. You would have to ask his tutors about any of that.”

  “And how is Charles regarded about town?” At the porter’s hesitation, he pressed quickly, “The truth, now. I won’t land you in the soup, don’t worry.”

  “I don’t like to speak ill of anyone-”

  “Noted,” said Burleigh. “But?”

  “But… well, sir, there have been occasions when I have had call to fetch the young man from some… shall we say… less than salubrious places.” He laid a finger beside his nose. “If you know what I mean.”

  “I think I can guess. Anything else?”

  “Lately, there have been men calling round to collect debts.”

  “What sort of debts? Food, drink, clothing-the usual things?”

  “Gambling, sir.”

  “I say!” Burleigh feigned surprise. “Are you certain of this?”

  “I fear so, sir. There are several gaming clubs around town. It is difficult to keep the young gentlemen out of them.”

  “And are they very great, these debts?”

  “I’m sure I don’t know, sir. We don’t let them past the gate, you see, and they decline to leave a message.”

  “Well,” harrumphed Burleigh. “We shall certainly have a serious talk about that.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t be too hard on him, sir,” said the porter apologetically. “A young gentleman must sow a few wild oats. That seems to be the way of the world.”

  “No doubt. Is there anything else?” Burleigh became officious. “Come, if I am to have any influence in the matter, I must know all. What else?”

  “There is just the matter of the battles, sir.”

  “You’ve lost me.”

  “The battles-accounts, sir,” repeated the porter. “The bursar can give you the pertinent details, but there is a debt owing for drink and such within the college.”

  “I see.”

  “Would you like me to take you up now?”

  “Thank you, but no. I can find my own way.” Burleigh smiled and dropped the stack of silver coins into the servant’s hand. “Let us keep this a surprise, eh?”

  “Very good, sir.” The porter pocketed the coins. “It’s the first room on the right at the top. Please, feel free to make your way up in your own good time.”

  “Good evening,” replied Burleigh.

  The servant lingered. “I will just mention, sir, he may be in hall at dinner just now-that is, if he’s chosen to eat early. Most of the young men do. If you like, I can send for the gentleman.”

  “I don’t mind waiting,” said Burleigh, waving the servant away. “If Charles is out, I will simply make myself at home until he returns.” He started up the staircase. “Again, my thanks, porter. You’ve been most helpful.”

  When the man had gone, Burleigh made his way up the stairs. At the top of the staircase, he found two doors. On one, a calling card in a neat brass holder indicated that the occupant was indeed one Charles Flinders-Petrie. Burleigh knocked quietly; when there was no answer, he tried the door, found that it was unlocked, and let himself in to a large square room with a window overlooking Christ Church meadow and, beyond it, a willow-lined stretch of the Isis River. There were cows in the meadow and a herder with staff and dog moving them towards a barn for the night.

  Burleigh stood for a moment, studying the interior. Two large overstuffed leather chairs sat on either side of a generous fireplace and, between them, a small round table bearing a silver tray with a crystal port decanter and four glasses. There was a painting on the wall of a country scene, and clothes spilled from an untidy wardrobe. A coat rack beside the wardrobe held a black student gown, a satin waistcoat, a long overcoat, two hats-one black beaver skin, one grey felt-and the distinctive striped scarves of several colleges, none of them Christ Church. One wall was taken up with a floor-to-ceiling bookcase, half full of books; the lower shelves held items of clothing, a pair of shoes, a battered straw hat, a cricket bat, ball, and gloves. He moved closer to scan the shelves; judging by the titles, the subjects were mostly to do with history. The tops of the books were dusty.

  Across the room, the bed had been made, but was rumpled; a small pile of clothing-trousers, a shirt, a waistcoat, a black tie-lay on the floor beside it. A reading table at the window held a dirty plate with a rind of cheese and crumbs of bread, an empty mug with tea stains, a half-eaten apple. A bottle of wine, empty, stood on the floor beneath the table. Hanging from a strap on a peg by the door was a leather satchel.

  In all, it was the room of a fellow who spent little time in it, and less time studying-a more or less typical student, Burleigh decided as, taking in his surroundings one last time, he lowered himself into one of the worn leather chairs at the fireplace.

  Little by little the light grew dimmer as evening settled. A chill crept into the room, and Burleigh was consi
dering whether to light a fire in the grate when he heard voices on the staircase. Presently there was a click at the doorknob, the door opened, and in stepped a sandyhaired youth with his dinner jacket slung carelessly over one shoulder. He was tall, but not gangly; slender, but not gaunt; his features were regular and well-formed and would have been fairly unremarkable if not for his eyes, which were subtly oval-shaped and ever so slightly aslant, giving them an almost Oriental appearance.

  The youth threw his jacket on the bed and began unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Hello, Charles,” said Burleigh.

  The young man jumped and spun around. “Good lord! Who the devil are you?”

  “Forgive me for startling you,” said his visitor, rising slowly to his full, imposing height. “My name is Burleigh-Earl of Sutherland. I think we share a common interest.”

  “Oh?” said Charles warily. He made no move to come nearer. “And what might that be?”


  “Oh, that!” sniffed Charles dismissively.

  “Yes, that,” affirmed his dark visitor. “Why, what did you think I was going to say?”

  “I don’t know-bear baiting, dog fighting, I suppose. Gambling, what have you.”

  “Nothing quite so exciting.” Burleigh turned and poured out two glasses of port from the crystal decanter on the table. “Come,” said Burleigh, and held out one to the young man. “Sit with me a little. Let us talk about artefacts. Ancient artefacts.”

  “I think you have the wrong fellow,” protested Charles. He moved to accept the proffered glass. “I know nothing whatsoever of antiques.” He flopped into the chair. “Not my line at all, don’t you see.”

  “But it is mine,” said Burleigh, seating himself once more. “I am a dealer in such things.”

  “Bully.” Charles raised his glass. “Yum sen!”

  Burleigh drank and then set aside his glass. “I will not impose on you any more than necessary, but as a courtesy I will insist that you attend me in a matter of some importance.” With this, Burleigh reached into his coat pocket and retrieved a black velvet wallet, which he unrolled to reveal the lapis scarab, the Sumerian votive figure, and the carnelian cameo of Augustus. He lined them up on the table beside him.

  Charles glanced at the objects and feigned indifference. “Charming,” he said. “But I feel it only fair to warn you that if you mean to sell me these baubles, it is a rum go from the start.” He took another sip. “Don’t have any dosh, you see. Fresh out. Skint as a lizard.”

  Burleigh regarded the young man with intent: his manner was not what he had expected; clearly, the fellow was playing at something. “You are disingenuous,” observed the earl. “Could it be that you still cling to the mistaken belief that I have not guessed the provenance of these items?”

  The erstwhile scholar put back his head and offered a tepid laugh. “Provenance, sir? Why, how you talk. I’ve never seen the trinkets in my life.”

  “We both know that is a lie,” Burleigh countered, keeping his voice level, his temper cool.

  “How dare you!” Charles began, but the objection lacked force. “I will have you know-”

  “Spare me, please,” interrupted the earl. “I have been dealing with antiquities of this sort longer than you have been alive, and I know whereof I speak.” Burleigh picked up the votive figure of the snake goddess and held it to the light. “These are genuine. What is more, they are in almost perfect condition-untouched by the ravages of time or the grave. In short, they were not dug out of the deserts of Egypt or Babylon, nor recovered from any tomb.” He fixed the young man with a stern gaze. “I will ask you in plain language-how did you come by them?”

  Charles threw back his drink, then poured himself another. He slouched further into his chair and with a forced nonchalance said, “That is none of your business.”

  “I have just told you that it is very much my business.” Burleigh’s voice, though calm, took on a steely note. “Why do you persist in this feeble attempt at dissembling? It is a waste of time.”

  The young man glared at his visitor, but remained silent.

  “Let us begin again.” Burleigh replaced the figurine and picked up the scarab. “I am happy to pay a fair price for this piece-and for the others as well. More than you would have made at auction.”

  At this Charles perked up. “How much more?”

  Burleigh gave him a sour smile. “Enough to give me the right to come here tonight with an offer-and a very handsome offer, I might add.”

  “Well then?”

  “I am prepared to buy all the pieces in your collection, singly or in a job lot-subject to examination, of course-at fair market value plus fifteen percent. No, let us make it twenty percent. An auction house would take at least that much in commission. You might as well have the benefit instead.”

  “Twenty percent above market value?” repeated Charles. “And who, might I ask, determines market value? You, I suppose?”

  “Anyone you like,” Burleigh answered. “But if you want my opinion, Catchmole at Sotheby’s will not steer you far wrong. I trust him.”

  The profligate young man frowned as he mulled over the offer.

  “There are conditions,” Burleigh continued after a moment. “You will tell me how you came by these objects-and any others I acquire through our arrangement. Further, you will agree never to sell any such artefacts to anyone else.”

  “Impudent rascal, see here-!”

  “From now on, I am your sole partner in the antiquities trade.” Burleigh gave him a cold smile. “Fair price plus twenty percent and a ready sale. You will never have to chance the whims of a fickle public.”

  “Don’t want much, do you?” sneered Charles. “Anything else?”

  “Only that you will not breathe a word of our partnership to another living soul.”

  Charles dashed down the rest of his drink. Then, arranging his features in an expression of defiance, he said, “I won’t do it. I refuse.”

  With the grace of a pouncing cat, Burleigh leapt from his chair. He snatched the young scholar by the throat and yanked him to his feet. “Listen to me, you prodigal prig. I know very well what you have been up to. I know about the gambling, the drinking, the whoring. I know the places you’ve been and the company you’ve been keeping.”

  “Unhand me, rogue,” began the frightened Charles in a somewhat strained voice.

  Burleigh tightened his grip and cut off any further protest. “You owe money all over town, and men have been sniffing around to collect your debts. It is only a matter of time before they catch you and you end up dead in a ditch with a broken head or a knife in the back.”

  Charles scrabbled at his attacker’s hand, but Burleigh held firm. “Listen very carefully. You will agree to the terms I have outlined, and you will keep your mouth shut. Nod your head if you understand.”

  Charles, his face growing red, gave a feeble nod.

  Burleigh released him then and threw him back into the leather chair. The young man bent forward, clutching his neck and gasping for air. In a moment his colour and breathing returned to normal.

  “No need to glare at me like that. You aren’t hurt,” Burleigh said, standing over him. “Tell me how you got these pieces.”

  “Private collection,” muttered Charles, still rubbing his neck. “Been in the family for donkey’s years.”

  “Who collected them?”

  “My grandfather-there’s a whole chest full of the stuff.”

  “Where did he get them?”

  “Haven’t the foggiest,” Charles began, then, seeing Burleigh flex his hands, quickly amended his reply. “He travelled a lot-spent most his time on ships to foreign parts. Had an eye for the odd trinket. He collected them.” He thrust out his chin. “Satisfied? Or are you going to choke me again?”

  “His name. This grandfather of yours-what was his name?”

  “Arthur,” answered the young reprobate. “Arthur Flinders-Petrie.”

  “Where can I find

  “You can’t.” Charles shook his head. “Died before I was born. Caught an ague or something on one of his travels. That’s all I know.”

  “And your father? What is his name? What does he say about you selling off the family heirlooms?”

  “My father passed away last year. But I doubt he would approve. He didn’t approve of much, my father-at least where I was concerned. His name was Benedict. Anything else?”

  “Arthur and Benedict Flinders-Petrie,” said Burleigh, making a mental note. “That’s all for now.” He stepped away. “I will contact you if I require anything more.”

  “What about the money?”

  “You will get your money. It has already been arranged through Catchmole at Sotheby’s. All we need do is agree on a price; I will tell him and he will do the rest. He is being paid for his silence and discretion. How much do you owe in gambling debts?”

  Charles frowned. “Fifty pounds, give or take.”

  “And your battles?”

  “Another twenty, perhaps.”

  “We’ll make it an even hundred, then,” decided Burleigh. “And don’t look so disappointed. It is more than any decent labourer earns in a year, and more than you would have made at auction. There, you see? I’ve saved you no end of trouble.”

  The young man frowned. “That’s it, then?”

  “Do cheer up. Think of it this way-you now have a new and supremely influential partner in business, and your pecuniary worries are over.” He moved towards the door. “Still, I wouldn’t go running up any more whacking great debts about town-I may not feel so generous next time.”

  “What if I don’t want a partner?”

  Burleigh put back his head and laughed. “Farewell, Charles.” He opened the door and stepped out onto the landing. “Until we meet again.”

  “How do I contact you?” asked Charles, following him onto the staircase.

  “You don’t. If I should need to see you, I will contact you.”

  “When I want to sell something,” suggested Charles, “how do I reach you?”

  “Whenever you wish to sell”-Burleigh started down the steps- “you will send to Catchmole. He will do the rest.”


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