Walking in the Footsteps of David Wilkerson

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Walking in the Footsteps of David Wilkerson Page 1

by Charles Simpson


  Charles’s relationship with my brother, David Wilkerson, gave him a very privileged opportunity to witness both the man and his ministry. This inspiring story of his spiritual journey tells how, under the teaching and mentoring of, and personal contact with, David Wilkerson, he learned many valuable lessons. I worked with Charles at Times Square Church, as well as at Teen Challenge, and I know firsthand his compassion for the lost, his teaching gifts, and his prayer leadership. I highly recommend this book, especially for young people who desire to be used by God in ministry.


  Co-Founder of Teen Challenge & Times Square Church

  As a seasoned leader who worked closely with Pastor Dave at Times Square Church, Charles takes us behind the scenes, offering great spiritual insight, helping us to grasp what made this giant of the faith so special. This book was a joy for me to read and to recommend to you!


  Host of The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast

  When I first met Charles Simpson at a Times Square Church service, he was leading the congregation in prayer. That prayer touched me so deeply that I immediately knew why David Wilkerson chose him to be one of his leaders. Charles has a burden for the lost and a burning desire to see people embrace their divine destiny. This book will touch your heart, as it did mine. His personal mentorship and ministry with David Wilkerson will inspire your faith and compel you to share God’s love with the hurting. David Wilkerson’s step of faith to share God’s love with hardened gang members has resulted in millions of lives being rescued and restored. Charles captures the very mission of Jesus through this book, and more so through his life as a committed servant-leader at Brooklyn Teen Challenge.


  Freedom Chapel & Long Island Teen Challenge

  From gales of laughter as I read the opening stories, to soul-searching examination as Charles shares some of David Wilkerson’s incredible applications of biblical truth, to tears of joy as his family gathered around his mother’s deathbed, only to see a miracle…I could not put this book down! It is a beautiful reflection of one of David Wilkerson’s most amazing legacies—the spiritual sons into which he poured God’s Word through decades of ministry with Teen Challenge, World Challenge, and Times Square Church; sons who continue to carry his burden for souls long after he went home to be with the Lord.


  Global Evangelism Coordinator for Global Teen Challenge

  Charles Simpson is the perfect person to write this book. Over the many years I have known him, I have seen him personify the lessons he learned from David Wilkerson. Just like his mentor, Charles carries a passion for the broken and a desire to see God’s people abandon all moral compromise. David Wilkerson believed God could change the hearts of even the most hardened sinners and worked tirelessly to see this happen. In the same way, I have seen Charles labor with the same sacrificial spirit as he has laid down his life to see God’s purposes fulfilled in New York City, one soul at a time. Charles’s story not only reflects on the past, but it also challenges the reader to follow the trail blazed by David Wilkerson, paved by heartfelt tears, prevailing prayer, and tenacious faith in Jesus Christ.


  Surpassing Glory Ministry

  Bronx, New York

  David Wilkerson is one of the historic figures in New York City and American Christianity. He embodied bold, redemptive leadership. Charles Simpson has made an important contribution with this work.


  Founder and CEO, The NYC Leadership Center

  This is a fascinating, fresh, and non-idolizing look at the life of David Wilkerson, written from the perspective of a spiritual son. I heard much of what is written here firsthand at FIRE School of Ministry in New York City. Pastor Charles profoundly impacted me while as a pastor, teacher, and mentor, he poured out his heart of fatherly love to all his students. This book challenged and stirred my heart afresh to return to the secret place of seeking the Lord in prayer, being gently reminded this is where everything of eternal significance gets birthed in the Kingdom.


  FIRE School of Ministry Alumnus

  A very moving story about a special relationship between two men of God! While some young leaders would seek to turn themselves into the image of their elders, this account reveals the ingredients of a healthy mentoring relationship: mutual admiration and respect, a deep love for one another, and a burning desire to glorify God rather than self. I highly recommend this book to everyone, especially to young people, as a model of what God seeks to accomplish in us through our spiritual elders.


  Founder and Director of Matthew 19:26 Ministries

  Charles Simpson opens his soul to the reader and reveals the natural, unforced development of spiritual sonship. Through his unique story, we are privileged to participate in his relationship with David Wilkerson. I recommend this intriguing book to those who want to know more about “spiritual fathering” or are interested in the founder of Teen Challenge and Times Square Church.


  Restoration Fellowship & Director of Love of God Project

  This book gives us a delightful view into the life and ministry of David Wilkerson. Charles is a friend who lives and breathes the Gospel message. I’m grateful for the legacy of David Wilkerson and for such a unique perspective on one of God’s generals in the faith. The desperate days we live in require the type of desperate faith and passion for God described in this book!


  The Passion Translation Project

  My friend Charles Simpson experienced a dimension of David Wilkerson’s amazing life that only a few had the honor to know. Once I began reading this manuscript, I couldn’t put it down. Not only did I see into the heart of David Wilkerson and the keys to his successful ministry, but I also saw the profound effect he had on a spiritual son. What an inspiring book!


  Founder of City Streams Network & House of Glory

  This book is powerful, exciting, easy to read, and wisdom-imparting! Like his spiritual father, David Wilkerson, Pastor Charles is a pastor to pastors, a man of integrity, motivated by the compassion of Jesus. A very enjoyable read that will definitely bring you closer to the Lord!


  Pastor, Hope Chapel, Queens Foursquare Church

  This is a great testimony of what God does to honor prayer and a man’s commitment to follow Him through the leaders placed in his life. Pastor Charles reflects the importance of prayer, being obedient to the call of God upon one’s life, and trusting the Lord for all things. This book will richly bless you!


  Director, Albany Teen Challenge

  Within the pages of this book are the secrets of the spiritual success of my mentor and spiritual father, David Wilkerson. While he was not perfect, every fiber of his heart beat with a desire to please the Lord. I was invited by Brother Dave to sing regularly at Times Square Church and will forever cherish those times as the greatest moments in the ministry with which God has entrusted me. His words still echo in my spirit: “Mary Ann, always remember, it is not what you’re doing for Christ that matters as much as what you are becoming for Christ!” This book will encourage you to impact the mission field to which the Lord has called you.


  Worship Singer

  Once I started reading this book, I couldn’t put it down. I have great admiration for the life and ministry of David Wilkerson. Pastor Charles Simpson has captured it and has been captur
ed by it. The mentorship, spiritual sonship, up-close-and-personal life experiences he had with David Wilkerson are evident in his own life and ministry. Pastor Charles’s heart for the hurting, passion for prayer, and fatherly love are all reflections of walking in the footsteps of David Wilkerson. Charles Simpson serves as the Campus Pastor at Brooklyn Teen Challenge, and I was honored to minister alongside him. Without a doubt, the heart of David Wilkerson lives on at Brooklyn Teen Challenge!


  Senior Pastor of Fountain of Life Center

  Burlington, New Jersey

  I highly recommend Pastor Charles Simpson. He has a strong holiness message, but it is balanced with great love, mercy, and compassion. He is truly a man of prayer and he knows how to hear from God. He has been a vital part of our ministry in New York.


  Teen Challenge, World Challenge, Times Square Church

  and the author of The Cross and the Switchblade

  © Copyright 2018 – Charles Simpson

  All rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request. Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®. ESV® Permanent Text Edition® (2016). Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Please note that Destiny Image’s publishing style capitalizes certain pronouns in Scripture that refer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and may differ from some publishers’ styles. Take note that the name satan and related names are not capitalized. We choose not to acknowledge him, even to the point of violating grammatical rules.


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  “Promoting Inspired Lives.”

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  Cover design by Eileen Rockwell

  Interior design by Terry Clifton

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  ISBN 13 TP: 978-0-7684-1750-0

  ISBN 13 EBook: 978-0-7684-1751-7

  ISBN LP: 978-0-7684-1753-1

  ISBN HC: 978-0-7684-1752-4

  For Worldwide Distribution, Printed in the U.S.A.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 / 20 19 18 17

  Dedicated to the love of my life, my dear wife, Lynn.


  Foreword by Dr. Michael Brown


  1. “Every piece will still love you.”

  2. “Because they were sold out to God, they were given supernatural courage!”

  3. “God is raising up believers to follow in our footsteps.”

  4. “Get things right privately, or God will have to do it publicly.”.

  5. “Do you have a daily prayer life?”

  6. “When you have authority, you don’t have to yell.”

  7. “That’s exactly what I would have done!”

  8. “It’s the backbone of Times Square Church.”

  9. “This could destroy the calling on your life.”

  10. “Don’t ever try to be anointed.”

  11. “When you’re willing to serve the servants, that’s when heavenly promotion comes.”

  12. “Don’t ever be a carbon copy of me.”

  13. “I can’t preach tonight until I do something first.”

  14. “Get what Daniel got—the touch of God!”

  15. “Something takes your life, and suddenly you’re in glory!”

  16. A Tribute to Don Wilkerson

  Epilogue: Famous and Not-So-Famous Quotes


  About the Author


  AS A SEASONED LEADER WHO WORKED CLOSELY WITH PASTOR DAVID Wilkerson at Times Square Church, Charles Simpson invites us all to come behind the scenes with him to see what he saw and learn what he learned. From 1991 to 1995, I had the privilege of speaking at Times Square Church between forty and fifty times, often getting to fellowship with Pastor Dave before or after the service. Those were unforgettable times, and my esteem for him only increased as the years went on. I already knew Pastor Dave to be a real man of God, one of the great leaders of our generation. But the more time I spent with him, the more I was impressed with the depth of his spirituality—his prophetic insight, his wisdom, his love for Jesus, his hunger for the Spirit, his generosity, and his compassion.

  Although he welcomed me warmly and treated me graciously, giving me carte blanche to preach from his pulpit, I never felt totally relaxed in his presence. I told some friends that hanging out with Pastor Dave was like fellowshipping with a razor blade! His eyes were so piercing you felt like he was looking right through you. And even though there was no condemnation in his speech, you wanted to be sure you didn’t sit down with him having any unconfessed sin in your life. Somehow, you thought, he would know if you did. When he would bring a prophetic warning from the pulpit, his heart broken in two and his spirit deeply grieved, everything in me exploded with affirmation. His burden was my burden too.

  While ministering at Times Square Church, I met Charles Simpson, who was then serving as the pastor of prayer. And boy, can Charles pray! (Times Square Church was a praying church so you had to be a praying person to be appointed the pastor of prayer.) Charles also has a tremendously sincere love for the Lord that is not hardened by New York City and not stained by professional ministry. He has a humble servant’s heart and an unfeigned love for Jesus and His people. Charles and I quickly became good friends.

  Several years later, when my leadership team opened a branch of FIRE School of Ministry in Manhattan, we asked Charles to be one of the main teachers there, and he helped pastor our small student body. This brought us together even closer, and for good reason, our students fell in love with Charles and his wife, Lynn. Although we had to close our New York branch after a few years, I’ve continued to follow Charles’s ministry, especially his writing ministry. When he told me about this book, I was thrilled. What better way to gain insight into the life of a giant of the faith like David Wilkerson than through the firsthand accounts of one of his spiritual sons? And what better way to learn practical ministry lessons—really, practical life lessons—than from the personal experiences of a devoted servant like Charles Simpson?

  As I was preparing to write this foreword, I found a YouTube video of what was reported to be Pastor Dave’s last recorded message, not long before he died in a tragic car accident at the age of eighty. As I watched that sermon (he had to teach sitting in a chair because of some health issues), I was stirred and challenged again, saying to myself, “We don’t have anyone like him today.” (At least, there is no one I know of personally who carries what he carried.) The good news is that through this book, you can sit at the feet of this departed man of God, hearing things that he never preached in public and learning lessons that he shared only with those who were close to him.

  I’m so glad that Charles has shared his own story here, one that is deeply interwoven with the
life of David Wilkerson. The pages that follow will surely bless and enrich you!


  Host of The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast


  Though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers… (1 Corinthians 4:15).

  …walk in the steps of the faith which our father Abraham had (Romans 4:12).

  I’VE BEEN TOLD THAT WE SHOULD NEVER FOLLOW A MAN, WE SHOULD follow only the Lord. Otherwise, we’ll become disappointed or disillusioned. Perhaps. If anyone other than God becomes our main focus, or if we develop unrealistic expectations, of course we’ll become disappointed. However, the Apostle Paul had some things to say along these lines. Quite often (while under divine inspiration, I might add), he instructed us to follow him:

  Be followers of me… (1 Corinthians 4:16 KJV).

  Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ… (1 Corinthians 11:1 NIV).

  Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you (Philippians 4:9 NLT).

  Abraham is another example of a man whose footsteps we are instructed to follow:

  …walk in the steps of the faith which our father Abraham had… (Romans 4:12).

  From the earliest days of my Christian walk in the 1970s until now, David Wilkerson’s example has been profoundly influential. While working with him on staff at Times Square Church, I saw firsthand how passionate about and dedicated to the Lord he was, and I did my best to learn all I could from him. The lessons I received and our many conversations are more valuable to me than gold. What a wonderful pastor, evangelist, father, and prophet he was!

  Aware that appreciation is only a few steps away from worship, I keep in mind that we all have “feet of clay.”1 If we follow even the best examples with a reckless abandon, we’ll undoubtedly inherit their blind spots and their inevitable areas of weakness. Even so, how many “Davids” do you know (in any generation) who have slain more giants than David Wilkerson? Let me list some of these giants for you:


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